Saturday, July 11, 2009

Time is the New Poverty

I reach out
to let you know
you are not alone.

I am soil, fertile, deep, open.
Tears breaking through me
the way frozen rivers open in Spring.

Rivers of reaching...
Rivers of yearning...

floating to sleep
on a surging tide of loneliness
the River swelling in my heart
as I sit here to write
the River flows out of my fingertips
as they glide over the keys of this keyboard
turning the tears
into words on this monitor screen.

The words become a bridge
across the abyss
between your heart and mine
my heart knocks on the door of my mouth
I want to speak of my pain
I feel so fragile, alone.
my soul needs
replenishing solitude.

My words come
as a slowing arriving letter to you
I need...
days that are sweet and a slow ceremony
hiking a mountain path
where the very air has nourishment-
leaves crunching underfoot
as the Fall season taps on summers window
the voices in the wind whisper
is anybody listening?

Groping to comprehend life
beyond the economic necessities
of being a mind for hire
a body in motion.

I want to walk slowly
as if I am a person free of regrets
free of worries about what might be
or might have been...
Yet, for the world I walk too slow
and speeding along I'm left behind.
Those moments only match
the pace of busyness all again.

I have been living a divided life,
caught too often
unprotected and unprepared
in the face of too much happening
too often.

I sat alone
with the Lord to ask..
Why are you jealous?
He replies:
"I am jealous
because I LOVE you,
and Satan has never shown you
even on tiny tittle
of this love
and yet I have done
because of that love
I have for you...

Yes YOU~
but you chase the love which
lays in wait to ensnare you
and I died to set you free
yet you know not of THAT love.
Will you rest awhile with me
Come sit with me
in the coolness of the morn
and listen to the songbird sing
of Freedom...

Listen for my voice
it speaks to your heart of my love
Observe all around you this crisp day
Watch as the season changes
and the leaves fall to the ground

their covering cast off
to stand naked before me
with roots running deep
waiting for the returning
of Spring..
Return to Me
Sit alone
in Silence with me.

But you would not
for you are so rich
no need for me
who have given my all for you.
This is my jealousy
And I shall send amongst you
The winters son
that you may know my voice
its warmth...
That you might return in time
to Me.

Time is the new poverty.


Anonymous said...

POWERFUL! Reminiscent of "stop and smell the roses" but with a touching twist!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are writing again. Went back and read some of the poems you wrote in are very talented. Maybe if you went back and read those it might prompt you to call me. Hope you are well...miss you. Me

Anonymous said...

Tee, you captured it here, the thoughts/conversation with Father, A Jealous Father that wants us to read His letter(the Bible), follow His instructions, and share with others as one travels this Journey called Life. As Christians in His service there is no looking back, other than to just see how far Father as brought/carried His children, and now just moving forward in the mission field.(Matthew 28:19-20) It is so easy to see Your Personal Relationship you have with our Father, It shows in your writhing, and prayerfully others too will see this. What a positive witness. God Bless!