Saturday, December 8, 2012

Self-talk, Meditation and Our Self-Image. Who you worship is EVIDENCED from the SOURCE of your "self-talk".

“Relentless, repetitive self talk is what changes our self-image.” - Denis Waitley 

ACTUALLY that "self-talk" is in TRUTH called "meditation". Its NOT the "thumb and fore-finger curled touching" while hummmming a Zen "HUUUUUUM". Rather, its a "soft verbal" language of "agreement" with SOURCE. "THAT source" is really where this gets right down to where the rubber meets the road. 

Satan is the SOURCE of darkness and confusion. Christ is the SOURCE of Light and Truth. YOUR MIND is the "seat" upon which each "reigns" and when you meditate THINKING ON A THING...such as when someone comes along and bumps into you and then yells at you "What are you? STUPID? WATCH where you are going!!!!!!". Now lets elaborate on this a moment and seize CHOICE. This is OBVIOUS a "negative" DARK, "tearing DOWN" statement rendered from the mouth of a ILL soul. 

Now YOU are faced with "that still small voice" running around in your head all day that is saying "I can't do anything right". I am so stupid, why did I not watch where I was going cause he yelled at me and now I am embarrassed. Mother was right, I don't have a ounce of sense in me. etc and on and on the voice goes until we find ourselves actually SPEAKING these things OUT. Or, with that SAME statement, I could just SMILE and say "Excuse Me"...and then the rest of the day CONTINUE "meditating" ON THE WORD & Truth "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength". The Word says "ALL things work to the good for those who love The Lord". etc.....I pray my point is made. 

With all the PROPAGANDA and mind-control from the media, threatening to MOVE US OUT OF FAITH and into the "realm" of FEAR...We truly must be on guard...not necessarily "guarded" where love can't FLOW THROUGH US...but "guard" our MINDS.

Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)

The mind is everything. What we think we become. Our happiness, sorrow, victory, defeat, riches, poverty, and everything in the world depends on a single word called mind.

George Bernard Shaw once pointed out that people are always blaming circumstances for what they are. He said, “I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up, look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, they make them.”

YOUR joy or sorrow depends on YOUR mind. YOUR love or hatred on any being also depends on YOUR mind. If your little self is filled with happiness that day, the world seems to be good to you. If the same self is equipped with sorrow or hatred, the whole world seems to be one of sorrow and you tend to hate everyone you come across.

Be cautious of your dangerous mind and control it in order not to cause any disaster. Try to be cool and pleasant in the morning which will make your whole day pleasant. Let your negativity be immersed in love- selfless love for the world. Then everything seems to be perfect in your living world. Everything depends on your MIND. Why do we Christians understand "put on the MIND of Christ" but so many can't. They "intellectually" GET IT, but not quite spiritually DO it.

Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is "CHANGE YOUR MIND". Imagine that to simply "REPENT". So often when we hear the word "Repent" immediately visions of hell fire and brimstone preachers yelling from the pulpits REPENT or Your are going TO HELL "type". I'll Leave the JUDGEMENT of "those types" to The Good LORD above, but do want to say that when make a decision to CHANGE OUR MIND about the way we are doing something...that ACT is a ACT of REPENTANCE. Its admitting to ourselves that WHAT WE ARE DOING ISN"T WORKING. Now, IF we TRULY want things to work and are tired of running in circles chasing our tails...then a WISE PERSON would go to SOURCE with that "changing of the mind"...and ASK Christ to "intercede" (help) guide and make things WORK.  Also, that takes a tad bit of humility and its usually the PRIDEFUL who can't do that "asking",  and all the while don't even realize that ANTI-(instead of) Christ  is whom they are "serving" and holding the very hand of walking out this life.

If you want to achieve something which you feel is impossible, then meditate on that good thought for few minutes. Imagine achieving it and determine to achieve success. Once you set your mind in such a manner, you will succeed. Some times, your mind tends to be upset the moment it hasn’t experienced the results it aspired. At such times, think and realize thus - What is yours will be with you; what is others will be with them. If you haven’t received something it only means it is not meant for you but for some one else.

In "Meditation"... talk to your mind and tame it. Observe the behaviour of your mind in times of happiness and sorrow and then act and react accordingly. As it is well said, mind is like the sand in your palm. The more you try to control or catch hold of it, the more it slips off. So do not force it to follow something. Instead, tame your mind and divert it towards something else that is good so that gradually meditating on something noble becomes a habit to you as well as your mind. Then you will no longer need to tame or divert it. It is then you will realize the power of the mind. It is awesome and inexplicable.

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

Now go out and practice today....PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT LOVE.....Little Children The Devil YOUR adversary runs about LIKE a roaring Lion seeking whom he can devour...kill him softly with LOVE...and he will flee from you!