Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I AM An American. I AM not a "hyphen in America". I AM a Citizen of America!

I am an AMERICAN!!!

I am NOT a Paulbot, a Conservative, an Isolationist, a Tea-Partier,An Occupy Wall Streeter, A Constitutionalist, A Libertarian, A Republican, A Democrat, A Independent.


I am NOT "against" the world, I AM FOR AMERICA. I do not HATE "you over there", I LOVE America. I DO NOT DESIRE "you over there" HARM. I DESIRE peace "here". I DO NOT want to POLICE "you over there". I want FREEDOM "here".


I BELIEVE in the celebration of the "collective" group of US known as AMERICA, not just "the individual". THOUGH if "The Family of America" are taken care of , then "the individual Of That Family" is secure, but not at THE EXPENSE of "the whole".

For this reason, attachment to the USA can not easily rely on PATRIOTIC emotions arising from ties of family or religious beliefs, or "traditional bonds" to place. Attachment to America must rely on Patriotic heroism arising from ties to ideals. America should transcend this land going forth into other lands, but by invitation and desired choice not invasion and man-handling! If a "people other there" DESIRE Freedom we must immulate it not castrate it. We must sing it as a cage bird sings...for though the bird may not free, still has a song in her heart! Sing it caged from the rooftops, til the power WITHIN cast-off that without which presses in to steal heart. WIN FROM WITHIN!

Our PATRIOTIC songs sings of the "LAND where our(founding) fathers died". Consider Russia and Germany, we never refer to America as the fatherland (patria) or motherland as did "they". We are a LAND of "ideals" and "values" and the FACT that America embraces people from all over the world, who come with different ways, speak different languages, and practice different religions. We have Never established a National Church or even articulated National Morality. Our tolerance, and even encouragement, of ethnic and religious pluralism is a GREAT NATIONAL STRENGTH.

YET on the "political" RED and BLUE sides of the Great Divide ...therein lies the "Hyphen in America". Which CAUSES you to chose a "side" OF AMERICA to which you belong and in THAT ACT OF CHOSING (cause) We as A People are STILL Divided against One Another "effect".

Oh my People Israel.. have you clung so tightly to despotism and greed, that You have forgotten WHO WE ARE? When tornadoes come and "passover your house" and stikes the neighbor, do you SIT there in self-righteousnous and think "they" got what they had coming? OR... as IS THE SPIRIT of America, you dive in pulling from the wreckage- LIFE...searching desperately throught the rummage IN HOPE of LIFE?

The State "according to our creed" EXISTS tto PROTECT THE RIGHTS "of individuals; the INDIVIDUAL does NOT exist to PROMOTE the "glory of the state". Our INDIVIDUAL rights "encourage" our PRIVATE pursuit of happiness and prosperity--within the limits set by LAW, but not necessarily with a view to WHAT WOULD PROMOTE "the COMMON or PUBLIC good". NO wonder the BIG BOX "cookie cutter" Politicians cut of the same cloth of The Establishment can NOT permit the Big Bad Wolf of The Fed to relinguish the grip of the sheep, and grant The Truth that States have the right to provide good pasture for the Sheep of America!

We jeolously GUARD our freedoms and our privacy, and when "the establishment" of the NWO Preys upon that "jeolousy" baits us with deeply deceptive encroachments upon them...and we lend to "them" our VOICES of FREEDOM saying "YES Master of the Great American Plantation, go forth and Protect US for in YOU we Trust"...Go "over there" and keep it from our shores ALL THE WHILE WE SURRENDER from within with the creations of Homeland Security and Bigger Government and in ignorance and deception do not see "it" IS here mascarading amongst us in "counterfeit" forms of Freedom with "illusionary security and prosperity".

I ask you, I DARE you to SEARCH your soul and being and ask YOURSELF what it IS to truly say I AM AN AMERICAN. When we can "recall" those IDEALS, and STAND IN THEM, then we will be standing in the gap, bridging that Continental DIVIDE between The Red and The Blue, and in that ACT will be showing the WORLD what is is when we put the WHITE back "inbetween" The Red and The Blue. Turn off the BooB Tube, Turn on YOUR HEART. Search it. Listen to IT. and then ACT. I love you so much and until WE UNITE, we shall all be slaves on this Great Plantation irregardless of the color of our skin!

Just sharing Pieces of TEE....

1 comment:

J.A.R. said...

Start upgrading your understanding on WHY the jU.S. is, & has been, in a downward spiral since the 'not really' "Civil War", increasing exponentially thru the (not really) 14th amendment, the unconstitutional origin of 'the fed', WW 1 & the "Balfour Declaration", the pseudo 'jew ' plot, plan, scheme & takeover of Amerika & soon, ..the whole flippin' planet if some more folks don't SOON WAKE the hell UP !

Although it may be accurate 'in theory', the zionist/ commune-ist, AshkeNAZI/ Khazar '(pseudo) 'jooz, etc., are NOT offspring of the 'biblical Abraham/ Isaac/ Jacob (true) 'Israel'. This is where most (hopefully 'temporarily') uneducated persons in the world err. For the sake of 'brevity', I offer the following links & clips. Unraveling this ancient scheme of 'identity theft' will help any sincere individual come closer to understanding that, the problems Amerika & the world are currently confronted by, are neither 'new, exclusive or easily overcome.
Take some time, STUDY & LEARN. "Don't get fooled again."

AshkeNAZI/ Khazar pseudo 'jews'. ( BY a 'jew')

The origin of the "Red" republican party & Abe Lincoln.

The 'Hegelian Dialectical*' 'solution' to the 'civil war'. (* thesis, antithesis, synthesis; i.e. problem, reaction, solution) The never legally ratified (pseudo) 14th amendment.

The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

The 'khazar 'jews' do NOT adhere to the 'biblical' writings, laws, statutes, ordinances, etc., but abide by these demented, anti HUMAN ramblings ! Along with their self appointed 'supremacy' status, they regard ANYone NOT of their 'race' as 'livestock' ( gentile/ goyim)

The 'U.S. Constitution is DEAD & was buried by the "Emergency War Empowerment Act' under FDR on 3/9/33'. When Congress declares an "Emergency", the U.S. Constitution becomes NULL & VOID. This 'congressional decree has NEVER been rescinded !

The "Balfour Declaration", how 'they' got the jU.S. into WW 1 & the current trend of jU.S./ zionist empire expansion ( including "greater israeLIE); the 'origins of WW 2, the holoHOAX, the'khazar/zionist invasion, migration & occupation of Palestine, etc.

An honest summation of the 'khazar problem' & its majority 'attendance at the post WW 1 'Treaty of Versaille', that was largely the preplanned catalyst for WW 2 and the continuing current advance of 'their' 'planned 'jewish utopia' ( NWO). Oh, by the way the writer of this book was a 'jew' !

OK dear ones, I must head off now to pay for the expansion of the jUSA/USraeLIE empire... Hope your donkies can handle this load...See More
WHY Evangelists and khazars hate this video. Part I KHAZARS
Khazars are NOT descendants of Jacob and are therefore NOT Israelites. They hold... NO claim to any part of The Holy Land.
WHY Evangelists and khazars hate this video. Part I KHAZARS
Khazars are NOT descendants of Jacob and are therefore NOT Israelites. They hold NO claim to any part of The Holy Land. -------------------------------------...
WHY Evangelists and khazars hate this video. Part I KHAZARS
Khazars are NOT descendants of Jacob and are therefore NOT Israelites. They hold NO claim to any part of The Holy Land. -----------------------------------