Friday, March 11, 2011

A True Story of Angelic Encounters Passover 1995 Fort Smith, Arkansas

This is a story I haven't shared with anyone except one person up until now. I shared a part of it the other day in my status on the trip out to Ark...but not the RETURN trip. So I felt like sharing it today on my birthday with you all! Its not written in flowery language to move you..simply written as a testimony as to what happened those 2 days. May You be blessed. I had totally forgotten about it until a few days ago when a friend of mine John from high school was talking about picking up hitchhikers and it just came flooding back to me. Enjoy.

Hey John, nothing wrong with picking up may be entertaining angels unawares or even God. Let me explain myself here. I have a true story about 16 years ago I was traveling on Interstate 40 on my way to Fort Smith Arkansas. It was a beautiful sunny day, and yet just up ahead of me was this big black cloud. As I was traveling along, I look up ahead also on the left side of the road was this very old man with a long beard, rolled up type bed-pack, and some sort of bag and as I passed by him of course I was gonna get a good look and SIMULTANEOUSLY he looked INTO my eyes as I passed by him, and I met his eyes and a sort of electricity shot through my body like something I can't actually explain John.

I thought of Abraham immediately. It was April 1 ST...this I can remember. Anyway, as I was continuing on up the road about quarter of a mile a massive rain storm broke out of what seemed no where ...the sky was blue everywhere but in this one area. The winds blew fiercely and as I go through the quick storm and emerged on the other-side, I immediately thought of the elderly man about to come through this storm. He looked exhausted and the last thing he needed was to get drenched. My heart ached!

So, yes Southern gal that I am, I repented my direction and went back for the man. I prayed and asked for protection for myself since the old man needed a break. As I pulled up along side of him, I rolled down my window and asked the man where he was headed? "Graceland.", He replied. I said "umm, I'll be going through Memphis on my way to Arkansas and would gladly give you a ride". I warned him of the storm approaching up ahead, and that if he wouldn't mind I needed him to put his bag in the very back of my Volvo Station Wagon, and before he could get in I needed to pat him down and make sure he wasn't armed. He smiled, and said " being cautious...good".

Afterward, he got in the front passenger seat beside me, and just as he did the bottom fell out and a drenching down pour of rain came. He relied" Just in time to save me, thanks." He was absolutely filthy and smelled horribly. Then off I headed on my journey. And boy did it turn out to be a journey. I remember making small talk with him. He asked me where I was going. I said that I was driving to Arkansas for Passover fellowship. He said, "but you are not Jewish." I said, "being Jewish doesn't have anything to do with Passover as much as when Jesus died on the cross, Christ BECAME our Passover."

He said, "it sounds to me young lady you have been studying". I said, "I am trying desperately to understand The Truth and not all these different denominational "truth with one saying various interpretations.I said " if there is one Church, then there is one Truth...this is what I am chasing...what matters".

Then he turned to look at me in the eyes and he said "don't worry, for God searches the heart and minds of individuals and gives accordingly." Then chills ran through me. I turned to look at him but he wouldn't look at me...but stared ahead. He proceeded to say to me "You are looking for The Truth, and I am looking for Graceland, do you know it" I asked, "Graceland in Memphis? Well, I will be going through there on my way to Arkansas". Then he simply said "okay". A hush was in the car for a while. As I felt like this man was trying to communicate with me on a different level that I was missing something. He asked me "What do you want?" I replied "Justice, Balance and to make things right again, "equality". Then he said, "Unto you is given to know the mysteries."

Okay about this time my goosebumps got goosebumps. He said, "You have asked for the Spirit of Wisdom, now you must ask for the Spirit of Truth, and you must go to your "inner space". Then he reached into his pocket, and pulled out a piece of paper and proceeded to write the following:

April 1, 1995 NOW

"inner space" to make it equal (the balance)

Matt 13 "Unto YOU is given to know the mysteries

(he wrote the word mysteries again and circled it as if for emphasis)

Luke 24 "The HE opened their understanding"

YOU MUST STUDY IN THE SPIRIT. Pray for The Spirit of Truth, for you have already prayed for the Spirit of Wisdom and The Spirit of Understanding.

John 14:18 Jesus said, "I dwell with you but I shall be IN you."


Acts 1 & 2 (KJV)

38 "Repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the REMISSION (removal) of sins.

Acts 17: God said, "I dwell in temples made WITHOUT HANDS."

Hebrews 11 Faith is the substance of things HOPED for

Romans 12

"It pleased God that by the foolishness of preaching"

Proverbs 3 "lean not to you own understanding."

CLOSE of the gospel of Matthew (Great Commission) -THAT- "equates" with the Luke


Acts 2:38

Psalms 139 (God is THERE)

EPISTLES tell ALL (Timothy and 2John)

THEY are forever studying and never come unto the knowledge of the Truth

Jeremiah 28

When he finished writing all this down, he handed it to me to keep for later. I thanked him, and thought to myself WHO IS THIS MAN? What is wrong with this picture?

When I arrived in Memphis, I stopped for gas. He asked me if I needed money for gas, food or anything all I had to do was ask. I said, "no, I have my credit card...but thanks anyway for offering".

Now here is where it gets really STRANGE. I said we were in Memphis now where did he want me to take him. He said, "There" and motioned to a building across the way. He said there would be fine. I looked over and if I can recall I think it was a Kentucky Fried Chicken (not sure)..but when I pulled in. We sat there talking for a few minutes, and he got out and went inside.

I started to pull off and then I realized the man had left his little bag in the back of my car. So I sat there waiting for a while. Then when he didn't come back out. I went inside and the guy behind the counter asked me if I was okay? I said, "sure. I am looking for the man who came in here". He said "What man?" I replied, " the elderly gentleman who came in here about 20 minutes ago, I am worried about him. He went into that bathroom, but He left his bag in my car".

The man behind the counter looked at me strangely and replied "Ma'am, there has been no one come in here since 2 o' clock...which its 4 am right now. I looked at him, and said, " No, I saw him go right in there...can you check for me please?" We both went in and no-one was there. I said, " where did he go?" He said, " ma'am, I saw you when you pulled up, and you sat there talking to yourself. At first I thought you were talking to someone and then I noticed no-one in the car. Then you leaned over and opened the door and then shut it."

I said, "yes, he couldn't get my car door to open so I leaned over to open it for him." The clerk looked at me, and I looked at him, and I said, "I'm not crazy. I have his bag in the back of my car come see." So we both went out to get it. I said, "can I just leave it here for him if he comes back for it". Then the guy opened it, and the only thing inside was a NEW TESTAMENT Bible. I got chills, the man looked at me strangely and then I got back in my car and continued on my silence...wondering what in the world had just happened.

Well at the time I didn't understand, but now years later I know...whether it was an angel or what ...I was "visited" (and I said "visited" not TOUCHED "as in the head". I haven't told many people this story...but something brought it to mind. It just so happens I am working on an article on an article right now called CHRIST OUR PASSOVER...

Interesting thing is there was a Nike commercial that spoke to me often during the Olympics in Atlanta after that "The wolves are here, Feed The Sheep" I so often thought that to be the strangest commercial for Nike. Anyway, between the encounter of the elderly man that year, it changed the course of my life...and I this past year finally surrender to the ministry to teach what I have learned and to "Feed the Sheep, for yes The wolves are Here".

By the time I finally arrived in Fort Smith, Ark for Passover, I was exhausted, and deep in thought at what had taken place on the way there. I was trying to piece it all together. When something like this happens it indescribable. I was feeling like the girl with the weight of The World in my hands.

See I had not "planned" on going to Passover. I was awakened early Saturday Morning from a dream I still can't remember, but I KNEW I had to get to Arkansas. At the time I was literally broke so I made some sandwiches, put them in the cooler with some Sweet Tea (yes I'm southern) and just got in the car and started driving. When I arrived in Arkansas, I called SC and asked where was the meeting. someone told me where it was in Fort Smith so I drove on over there. No ticket, no planning and I walked in. I saw David and gave him a note to give to PM. He came and got me and all I can recall is everyone gathered around me, and began praying over me.

Afterwards, I sat with a lady named Martha and she fed me. Now that I look back I must have looked like something the cat dragged in. I hadn't slept and had been driving straight across country on my Fina Gas Credit Card with $5.00 cash in my pocket for emergency. All I knew was I HAD to be there then. Looking back it all felt crazy...but I know now beyond a shadow of a doubt God's Hand directed my whole way there. I slept in my car that night as I had no money for a hotel. I slept in a rest area next to a trucker. Went to the meeting on Sunday and listened intently absorbing it all.

The RETURN "trip from Passover 1995" Fort Smith, Arkansas...

When Passover Meeting was over, I turned around and headed back to Georgia. Somewhere on the way back along Interstate 40, I stopped in a rest area to use the facilities. It was nighttime around 11pm when I pulled into the rest stop. As I got out, I noticed the parked car beside me. Inside was a couple just sitting. In each of the windows and the windshield of the car that read "We need help, God Bless You". In the middle between the two signs in the front windshield was one of those small Leather bound New Testament Bibles. Odd, I thought.

I proceeded on into the bathroom facilities to wash my face and wake up a little. When I came back to my car, I looked over at them and smiled. I just couldn't get into my car. I went over to the passenger side of the car and asked if there was anything I could do for them. The man sitting in the passengers "seat" said, "We ran out of money and need gas". I said , "I have $5.00 cash in my pocket. You are more than welcome to have it. I am traveling on my gas credit card. If you guys want to follow me, when I stop to put gas in my car, I will fill up your car too."

The man proceeded to introduce me to his wife as such "this is my wife, the driver". Then he said, "you know that a husband really needs his wife. A husband can't make it without his wife. I don't know what I'd do without my wife. Do you see where she is the drivers "seat". then He smiled at me with this all knowing smile...and stared into my eyes so knowingly that it gave me the same chills...those same chills that the elderly man caused in me on the trip out. Then she spoke to me, "We need Payment in Full. No partial payment this time, so we are just going to stay here and rest." And then she smiled "that" same knowing smile which kept giving me the chills...but not in a creepy way...a Spirit moving type of way..

Then the husband said, "but we are kinda afraid to stay here with the murders that happened before in the rest areas." I said, "if you really believe in Father, and you are in His Will and timing, He is not going to let anything happen to you. As a matter of fact, just last night I slept in a rest stop. Now this doesn't mean be stupid. Lock your doors, Pray for protection. Ask to stay in His Will. As long as there is something for you to do here, He is not going to let anything can count on that."

Again the man grinned from ear to ear as if he had something on me. Again it gave me the shivers. He then told me the story of working for so long, and just before retirement he was fired. I said "what a shame." He said this left them without any pension, so they were on their way to see if HER family could help. I asked "Where are you two headed?" She answered,"East." We can work in the Church there. I said, "Oh, what church is that?" They both looked at one another for a moment and smiled. Then she pointed upward, and simply said " HIS Church".

Okay, well you can imagine the chills that ran through me then. I simply stared at them for a moment with my mind going back to the elderly man from the day before. At that moment I didn't know what to say as it was evident I was having "another encounter". Tears welled up in my eyes and I felt one run down the right side of my cheek. As her husband looked me straight in the eyes, he said, "God is in the ship...I know that I am talking funny." I could only voice the words through tears, "I think I am understanding you." The whole time I stared at him I could hear PM saying repeatedly "don't let them see you sweat on your first cruise Honey."

The husband proceeded on to state, "Do you know who my favorite person in the Bible is?" I said, NO, who?" He said , "Job, it didn't matter how much he was persecuted he still loved the Lord." He then said, "do you know anyone like that?" At this moment a gusher started...tears were flooding my face. I couldn't even speak. All I could do was look him straight in the eyes and raise my hand indicating ..."me".

As I stood there shaking, I knew the ball was now in my court. I asked it I could pray with them. I held hand with them, and voiced a small prayer through a stuttering voice that is He could direct the "payment" needed whereby they would be able to get Home to safety, and for Him to lead my paths and never let me forget this day." Then, I told them goodbye, got in my car and proceeded to drive off. As I started driving off, I glanced in my rear view mirror to look back at them, and I slammed on brakes. I turned completely around and looked back over my shoulder through the back window and the car was not there! I whipped the car around and drove through the small rest area...and there was no car to be seen. I was ahead of them and there was no other way out. I sat there for what seemed like hours wondering what in the name of God was going on.Was I going crazy???

When I arrived back to Georgia, I started studying the Bible in depth with the Strong's Concordance. It has been a long journey from that year to maturing today in the Word. I have never shared this story with anyone outside of one person...who looked at me at the time like I was crazy. So, I never shared it until now. Just feeling led to put it out there today. Today, March 3, 2011 I'm 47. This story is my gift back to you all today! At the time I had no clue what they were trying to tell me. Just within the pasts weeks have the depths of this been revealed. I pray you are blessed by this and may whatever you are to receive from it...may you receive with Joy, Inspiration, and exceeding Grace!

I love you all!


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