Friday, March 11, 2011

“Today, IF you will Hear His voice…” – Psalm 95:7

I remember when I began to learn that many, if not most, Christians that I met could not confidently say that they heard God speaking to them. My conversion was so very radical and my calling to begin Mercyministries was equally defined in clarity to me. I heard God speak. To this day I believe that He speaks constantly to His children but it seems a very elusive thing to many who believe Him to be their Father. When I think about this it breaks my heart in compassion for those who believe in His theological fatherhood but never sense the experience of His direct fatherly guidance. To conclude that God has a theoretical voice would be the ultimate mockery to my faith. No, friends, God speaks even to this very moment.

He is a Communicator and has never sought to hide Himself in indifference to His repentant seeking child. "Repent then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, and times of refreshing may come from the Lord." Acts 3:19"…unless you repent, you too will all perish." Luke 13:3 "Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him and to our God, for He will freely pardon."Isaiah 55:7 "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret." 2 Corinthians 7:10 "Because your heart was responsive and you humbled yourself before the Lord…because you tore your robes and wept in My presence, I have heard you, declares the Lord." 2 Kings 22:19 "So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and He answered our prayer."Ezra 8:23 Life is not a distraction from, life is an occasion for prayer. You don't need a special place or special time to pray. You don't need to be in a special mood to pray. Praying is like breathing, - continuous, essential, life-giving, - praying is the conversation with God you start with birth and continue into old age. Praying is your celebration of God, - everything you do, everything you think, everything you say is another word, another sentence of your prayer.

He speaks truth to you. He’s guiding you into understanding what is true and what is counterfeit. He highlights His own promises through His Word and ordains blessing for your trust in those promises. God speaks warning to you concerning the lies of this generation and He exposes the strategies of Satan so that you will never be among those who fall prey. What exciting times we are living in. Rev. 2 is the stone "cast' (his Truth, His Word, sealed in mind) Look at Jerusalem and all its army meshing into this situation as is written in Luke 21. God through Jeremiah pronounced 70 years captivity upon Jerusalem and "her" people. God ALSO pronounced 7 years upon US (which the wise know was shorten in Revelations to a 5 month period for The Elects Sake ONLY). This is why Christ taught to "forgive" 7 times 70 that is where it comes from! A Perfect example of someone seeing the Truth, Seeing Christ and changing to me is King Nebuchadnezzar because he wrote the entire 4th chapter of Daniel to the whole world "converted" and then "became" a Servant Of God.

God must have people to fulfill the scriptures...EVEN IF HE HAS TO INTERFERE in ones life to CAUSE it to happen.

Many people just can't seem to understand our "work" is to TEACH Prophecy: Meaning Satan as Anti-Christ "looks" to the eye a "man" but isn't "FLESH". He "seduced" Eve "instead" of being "BORN FROM ABOVE" into this "flesh age" thus God sentenced him to death (Ezekiel 28:5) but no-one YET (and not even Satan) has been put to death (hell/lake of fire) until the END of The Millenium (The Lords Day which translates into 1000years or the 7th day). This is THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT and The Second Death (which is the death of the SOUL). Remember during The Millennium we are in "spiritual bodies" YET "some" STILL have "souls" which are MORTAL meaning "liable to die", and "others" have "immortal" SOULS because they overcame in this The FLESH AGE. The mortal souls (liable to STILL die" are one whom Satan will test because he will be "released AGAIN" (from the pit) to test/prove/try the people...and IF they don't overcome during the 1000year "teaching" period THEN they go into the lake of fire ALONG with Satan and the Fallen angels spoken of in Jude which are "NOW" at this moment about to be booted out of Heaven by Michael in order that Heaven is cleansed! Then begins THE STAND (Mark 13, Luke 21, Matt 24)...STAND not "rapture doctrines" as is commonly taught in churches today which inevitable lead people straight to the falsehood of ANTI-Christ "playacting", "imitating" Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christin Jerusalem very soon.

Isaiah 10:13 "for he (Satan) said, by the strength of my hand I have done it, and by me (Satan) wisdom; for I (Satan) am prudent: I have removed the bounds of The People (through The One World Government aka New World Order GLOBALIZATION "system"), and robbed their "treasury" (think of The Federal Reserve system), and I (Satan) have put down (oppressed) the inhabitants LIKE a valiant man. (But hes not valiant because GOD lets him).

Isaiah 10:14 And my (Satan) hand hath found as a nest the riches of The People (through The One World BANKING "system"): and as one gathered eggs that are left, have I (Satan) gathered ALL THE EARTH... (Ezekiel 13 "hunting souls" GATHERED into One Worldism aka New World Order for 5 Months in EFFECT The Captivity of US as taught by Christ HIMSELF)...and NONE "peeped". Wonder Why? Among the DECEIVED they won't PEEP because they "think" it is Christ and that they are doing right!!! But God allows it! At this time all the people will be saying "Praise God, Jesus has returned". This along with SATAN in Jerusalem playacting Christ IS "The Abomination that CAUSES Desolation"as spoken of by Daniel The Prophet. Satan is taking care of the NEGATIVE part of God's "RIGHTEOUS ANGER"....and then this is MY time to "peep"---STAND AGAINST Satan.

If you are of The Elect remember you will only have on an INDIVIDUAL basis a 10day "trial" but the whole CAPTIVITY will be for 5 months.THEN When Revelations 11:8 is READ ALOUD... oh my! Let those in Judea (the county in which Jerusalem is situated) Let them FLEE for Christ will return 3 1/2 days AFTER this "reading aloud" when His Feet (Mark 13) hit the mount of Olives and SPLITS OPEN the mountain and makes a way of escape. Surely embarrassment shall start, but soon after-wards JOY and SINGING of overcoming! For on the 1st Day of The Millenium EVERY KNEE will bow out of UNDERSTANDING...but will it last? No. by The END of The 1000 years, there still shall be those who will whore after Satan...and its so sad. But Fatehr has to give them the "free-will" choice and opportunity to chose to Love Him or The Devil/Satan....just as He allows "free-will" today for Christian to come to the knowledge of Truth and love Him and not worship Satan when he is here ON EARTH for that "hour of temptation"(that hour is a 5 month period) to try the whole world. God interferes in lives to bring forth Truth to those He knows is trying...going to church and "trying" but just aren't being taught THE WHOLE TRUTH.

He speaks love to you. Col 2:2 That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;

Col 2:3 In whom are hid all... the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.We, so unworthy and pitifully ignorant of His lavish love, are made to be objects of its blazing intensity. He tells you that He chose you before the foundations of this age in Jeremiah chapter 4. He ordained that His own would spend eternity as undeniable recipients of redeeming love. He loved us when all we could say of ourselves was that we were enemies for being born into babel we were such UNTIL He reached down and "resurrected" us raising us from the spiritually dead. He loved us when our sin predominantly characterized us in the dark dungeon of self-will, self-rule, and self-centeredness. He brought us up with a mighty hand and cleansed us to the very core of our souls. He has spoken unconditional love to us during our pilgrimage of faith when we have transgressed against Him more times than we could number backsliding when our own will deceived us. Even to the point of out-right running from Him for the conviction of our sin so ashamed us that we fled from Him. He speaks love when we are predisposed to hear only accusation. He speaks love which is co-mingled with incomprehensible delight. When we are prone to hate our sin so greatly that we end up hating ourselves, He will not allow us to proceed any further without reminding us that we are forbidden to hate what He loves. And He loves you therefore I URGE you to love yourself with a repentant heart and then you can love one another in Truth for both we have had from the beginning. 1 Cor. 13 Paul speaking, "I may be able to speak the languages of human beings and even of angels, but if I have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell. I may have the gift of inspired preaching; I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets; I may have the faith needed to move mountains-but if I have no love, I am nothing. I may give away everything I have, and even give up my body to be burned-but if I have no love, this does me no good.

He speaks hope to you in a world that offers none of its own. Amid sickness and war, economic collapse and relational woes, heresy and blasphemy and sinful scandals…God has declared with authority that we must abide in hope. Our hope is affixed to an eternal throne that cannot be tarnished. Its regality has not faded over the ages and the security of Heaven knows no ebb and flow. His voice is a torrent of assurance and He has ordained an impossibly glorious moment when your faith must become sight and you will be finally and forever delivered from that which causes you to spiritually squint while in this flesh. His victory will never be denied even if it seems to us to be too-long delayed. Yes, brothers and sisters, the overcomers must one day overcome! The victors must soon triumph over it all! The end was ordained from the beginning and we are just a vapor away from its fullness. God says so! Life is like photography...You DEVELOP from the negatives. Have you ever experienced a time when circumstances grew so overwhelming that you were at a complete and utter loss? A time when the pain threatened to suffocate you, and you couldn’t make sense of anything anymore? Did you feel that growing sense of a total inability to cope? Faith is exactly what it takes to get through uncertainty. Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out, - that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. Faith is what gives you strength. Faith is that light in your heart that keeps on shining even when it's all darkness outside. Now is the time to keep that faith alive! Salvation is merely the MIRACLE of a "dead man" getting "life"...the transformation of The LIFE of God coming INTO our dead bodies and "raising us" and STANDING us on our feet. Salvation is NOT "rehab". Salvation is The GRACE of God and giving us a brand new life...not by anything WE do...but ALL in His Love for us. Take His "gift"....and LIVE "in Him" and Let Him LIVE "in us".

I could prolong my praise today but you have more than enough to ponder. I tell you that He has never ceased to speak. The danger is that we might leave off with the hearing. The psalmist has told us above in 95:7 that God speaks today and adds in verse 8 that we must not harden our hearts. As a child of the covenant, you hear with your heart. As much as it depends on you, keep it clean, fresh and pulsing. Your Bible is alive and calling you closer. You’ve read it scores of times but it has a fresh word for the eager student today. Your pastor and teachers will stand before you today with a word that they themselves have heard from Him. You can listen to the echo of His voice through them and within that echo will be truth, love and hope. Draw near to Him as He may very choose to whisper that particular word you’ve needed so long.

Children of God, believe with all of your might that He is a communicating God who will never fall silent. God is. God hears. God speaks. What word has He reserved for you this day?

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