Monday, July 19, 2010

Changing the "letter" of The Constitution never solves a problem rooted in the "spirit."

This is the 2nd installment of 3 in my 4th of July Series...

The greatest importance of The Constitution was keeping the government AS CLOSE TO THE PEOPLE as possible. This is why our founding Fathers limited the power of the National Government by keeping MOST of the Power in the hands of the States and The People. Today, unfortunately, federalism and a limited or small national government has largely passed away. The pyramid is now inverted. The States have merely "become" in many ways a mere "administrative EXTENSION" of Washington, D.C. How has this happened? The primary cause of the problem is rooted in the 14th Amendment to The Constitution. After the Civil War, Congress desired to prevent the encroachment of such an evil as slavery ever again. Though this was "well-intentioned", the METHOD of solving the problem was flawed~NOT THE CONSTITUTION! It stated in Paragraph 1 that no state shall "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." This was the guilt of we in The South before the war---we refused to recognize and protect the inalienable rights of the blacks. Our state legislatures and state courts were "immoral" because they rebelled against God's Higher Law. But why could the legislatures and courts get away with it? Because of the backslidden, materialistic character of the people who had elected them. Many of the churches had compromised and the minority of those with MORAL INTEGRITY were too apathetic or lazy to try and change their legislatures by political action.

The Radical Reconstruction Congress made a SERIOUS mistake at this point. Instead of listening to the serious objections "TO THE WORDING OF THE AMENDMENT", they instead declared the southern legislatures to be illegal governments due to their involvement in the Civil War and placed them under martial law.

(Now, if they were truly illegal...then lets face it the 13th Amendment ratified by them just 6 months earlier would ALSO be not legal.)

Once new legislatures were elected that would ratify the 14th Amendment, then they would enjoy their freedom once again. The 14th Amendment, then, was passed at the point of a gun and has become a VERY SIGNIFICANT CAUSE in the growth of the National Government today. The courts have increasingly struck down numerous state laws and the powers of the state have been greatly usurped. In almost every amendment that followed this particular one, "problem solving or over-riding powers" have been granted to the national Government. The whole intention of the Bill of Rights, especially Amendment 10, has been COMPLETELY UNDERMINED. The National Government can now over rule ANY law passed by any State and is usually done by the Executive Orders from The President, or by the Federal Courts.

Now, 2 other Amendments have ALSO DESTROYED state powers, and enlarged the national government. The 16th Amendment in 1913 gave Congress power to [collect taxes on incomes...without apportionment among the several States.]Prior to this, the federal budget was entirely provided by IMPORT and FEDERAL SALES TAXES collected by The States and turned over to Congress. NOW, The national government could bypass any accountability to the States as to their spending. History shows that since this was passed the Federal DEFICIT has SOARED and the federal bureaucracy grown to Enormous proportions. Now the states get much of their money from the national government but with STRICT guidelines as to its use, thus BECOMING administrative agents of the national government.

Along with this passing of this particular amendment everyone needs to wake up and REALIZE the entrance and set-up of THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM simultaneously. The Rothschild Clan has manipulated and have in effect STOLEN The Wealth of The People "systematically" from this point forward.

And thus has been the fate of federalism. Thomas Jefferson warned long ago that "the true theory of Our Constitution is surely the wisest and best...[for] when all government...shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render POWERLESS the "checks" provided of one government on another, and will become as...OPPRESSIVE AS THE GOVERNMENT FROM WE SEPARATED."

Unfortunately, the Executive branch has grown in size and power UNCONSTITUTIONALLY in many ways since the 14th Amendment. Now The President makes more laws than Congress through what are know as "Executive Orders". They were originally ONLY "administrative instructions or policies" that affected federal departments and agencies. Over time ( and I personally believe PREMEDITATED by The Kenites), however, the federal courts began to uphold these as legally binding as legislation by Congress. And today THAT COURT no longer limits itself to settling disputes between parties; it strikes down laws in all 50 states, issues restraining orders, and the like that usurps both legislative and executive powers. The Warren Court that struck down prayer and Bible reading in the early 1960's did not have any judges with any prior substantive judicial experience. Today, lawyers and judges who come out of most law schools never really study The Constitution, which is the very document they are supposed to defend!

Law not founded on absolutes is very dangerous.We can't "blame" OBAMA for it all. Honestly, I personally feel responsible in part for not being as eloquent a speaker as he. By not sounding my voice loudly enough. Today, in America, only 50% of registered voters go to the polls, but no more than about 5% participate in the precinct level of politics where the selection or nomination of candidates actually takes place (no more than 1/2 of 1% attend caucuses or conventions). THIS IS REALLY THE ONLY PLACE WHERE THE DIVINE COMMAND FOR SELECTING GODLY LEADERS IF ABLE TO BE DISCHARGED. My fellow Christian Americans THIS is where your vote and participation is 1000 times more significant than on election day. A "political party" is simply an organization through which The People choose their representatives.

Listen, and listen closely here...IF CHRISTIANS WAIT UNTIL NOVEMBER TO MAKE THEIR CHOICES, THEY MORE OFTEN THAN NOT ARE FORCED TO CHOOSE BETWEEN "THE LESSER OF 2 EVILS", of which really NEITHER fulfill the Biblical requirements in rulers. This explains more than any other reason why "our government" has violated the "rights of the blacks in the past", the unborn children of the present, and generally exhibited corruption in every branch over the past 200 years. "THE CONSTITUTION", to repeat John Adams, "was made ONLY for a religious and moral people". In a CHRISTIAN NATION, The People make the laws, but The Church makes The People. When The Church fails to bring the necessary moral influence-- ie: the "Spirit" of The Constitution--then the "letter" of the law will not work.

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