Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cultivating The Garden Of Your H eart

The seed that will grow must first lose itself as seed. The seeds of life that are in all of us want to expand outward. The shell around each that grows thick to protect it initially MUST CRACK if the seed is to sprout. What is known and familiar must fall away for new life from within to burst forth into the lives of those around us. Its amazing what a day of de-cluttering "stuff" can achieve for the mind:

Yesterday, I was thinking about loss and life's "crisis" moments which oftentimes come to us "uninvited ~ (ie: cancer, death of loved ones, job loss, relationship breakups, car wrecks etc.) which cause us to question life and our direction. If permitted, those moments can become a candle that the soul holds out to us lightening our way in those dancing shadow moments~ almost requesting we find a way to remember what it is to live our life with passion, on purpose.

Some of us have the sense that we're not using ourselves to the utmost. Even at the happiest moments, others feel "something" is missing. I feel fortunate as of late for all the losses that came so fast and close together, although initially "uninvited" it came, now it is "welcomed" as it created an awareness in me to pay attention to my souls need for intimacy, authentic expression, creativity, and replenishing solitude.

These are questions that belong to each of us. Any life crisis brings up issues of the purpose of ones own life and the passion to live. But you don't have to be in a life-threatening situation to want to delve into this kind of inquiry. In the flash of a moment of internal truth, we are called to it by numbness, fatigue, or boredom. We can choose to continue to reach outside of ourselves to fill that emptiness (that "void") or we can sit with it, feel its empty awareness with a kind of spiritual inhalation.

Oddly, there is an actual spaciousness that comes from living from the inside out. It is only in this way can we "cultivate" joy again. Yes, cultivate it like a garden in our hearts by searching for the absolute "preciousness" of small things, the ordinary miracles that strengthen our hearts so we can keep them open to what is difficult. To delight in taking a shower or taking a slow walk with no destination, and noticing that one bird which sings every morning from the top of the pecan tree right above your door stoop. To walking out the door and seeing that tiny baby squirrel greeting me each morning eating from the spillage underneath the bird feeder. This particular morning I took note of the baby brown thrashers hopping around on the ground. Yesterday they were still in their nest. The difference a day can make.

While de-cluttering and donating cherished items which no longer served me in my journey, I realized yesterday the fire in my heart had been reignited. The process of de-cluttering was merely to carve away anything that threatened to snuff it out. I no longer feel at the mercy of life's changes. But now feel as if I am merely more equipped to offer to you my friends the gifts that are mine alone to give. The gift you all give to me is the awareness that I can be true to my own need to be private. At the same time, an exposing of myself here in the Facebook medium choosing to risk my tiny significance~ that reaching from my heart found you.

My journey is not more or less important than yours. It is just "journey" and the only one I can make "authentically". The stories I share are my "truth" only. They merely represent my understanding of what happened at various times in life like a work of art, not a still photograph. If told or observed by anyone else...I am sure they would be different. I share them in hope that what is true for me...the overcoming, the spiritual awareness, the sin, the sin forgiven, the love of Father and his abundant grace can reveal what could be true for you.

I witness and share to encourage you to live "clutter" free (physically and spiritually)...enjoying the journey that is your and yours alone to take. Live it authentically.


Sandra Davis said...

Sandra Davis
I witnessed the beginning of an answer to a long prayed prayer yesterday. Some cleansing began in my soul. It was like a volcano had burst. Now the healing can begin. What looked like a disaster was really the hand of God at work in her life. Praise His majestic ways.

Francis Botha said...

u inspire me Teresa! thank you!

francis Botha said...

by what you're sharing with us, a simple compliment like this...u deserve it and someday i hope i could mean something similar to anyone(or everyone-by Gods grace) Thank you!

Teresa Smith said...

Francois...I really do understand what you are saying in your compliment. Yet, I want to interject something here~~~~ YOU do mean "something similar"...because this feeling you expressed is there FOR YOU because the fact that you love God, and seek Him, and attempt to "know" Him more...this is just how he felt about YOU..."similar enough" to Die ... See MoreFOR YOU...that is how much you already mean to "someone".

Now, sit with THAT feeling for a moment...WOW! The day I sat with it and absorbed it into me...gave me courage to just put "me" out there for others. YOU mean so much to me too! If something I have learned and can pass on and it inspires anyone...then I feel a little closer to living my own life with passion, on purpose! Thanks for witnessing and mirroring back to me you sentiments :)

Teresa Smith said...

Francois...thanks...that is the best compliment anyone could receive.

Mandy Branham said...

Thank You for sharing such a beautiful peace of who you are and who you have become, thank you for the reminder to empty the clutter both in home and mind to make room for the new, gifts from others and the gifts from Father just filled an empty spot in my heart with a piece of your own, now i am more rounded and complete because of you :)

Teresa Smith said...

Aw Mandy! thanks so much for your kind words. I thought of several of you as I was going back through these past months of rapid change since the death of my dad in November in my own life, and then thinking of those of you in your own personal journey. Mandy you have stayed so strong during all this with Mike and I have sat on the side-lines in awe of your spirit!

Susan Harris Creighton said...

WOW! What a blessing Teresa. Not only are you incredibly gifted as a writer, but your own journey and sharing stirs up so much inside of me as your reader...I am sorry to read of your loss of your dad in November...I will keep you in my prayers...It is amazing to me all that the Lord does through our loss as He is the only one who can fill that void..I am touched by your vulnerability and the sharing of your heart...Thank you..Keep sharing! Have a blessed day..I actually feel like doing a spring cleaning now! Bless you.

Susan Harris Creighton said...

WOW! What a blessing Teresa. Not only are you incredibly gifted as a writer, but your own journey and sharing stirs up so much inside of me as your reader...I am sorry to read of your loss of your dad in November...I will keep you in my prayers...It is amazing to me all that the Lord does through our loss as He is the only one who can fill that void..I am touched by your vulnerability and the sharing of your heart...Thank you..Keep sharing! Have a blessed day..I actually feel like doing a spring cleaning now! Bless you.

Elaine Wicks said...

Thank you so much it was beautiful and so inspiring.God bless you.

Joyce Anna Reynolds said...

Wow, Teresa! I can feel your words ! Girl you and Mandy are awesome! I swear .. I would buy every one of your books! This is so heart felt beautiful...that has touched my heart and soul ! Thanks so much for sharing your inner beauty, your heart and soul ! Love you sister !

Helga Baker said...

What spoke to me the most Teresa is what you wrote about living from the inside out. Because I serve my family so much, work besides full time, and help people along the way that I feel numb and fatigue at times. I am never bored dough. Like you said being generous to one self is to tend to our hearts. Much needed seclusion and openness to the truth, which is Jesus Christ, His word, the empty space wells up inside me with joy and makes it possible to deal with difficulties once more.

Teresa, you do have a gift of writing and touching others in that way.

I am sorry for your loss also. Thank you sis…