Wednesday, March 10, 2010


down the worn path to the lake
their faces grew solemn and sad
Each pulled up a weathered
white Adirondack chair to face her

sipping the southern sweetened ice tea
awaiting them in tall, crystal glasses
With each sip the ice tinkled sounding
like the river tumbling rocks

the old Lady passed them a tray
of her fresh homemade molasses cookies
they noticed her hands were wrinkled
and rough with grass stains from pulling weeds

They said "We must go now"
as their smart phones vibrated and chimed
reminding them of the next appointment
with those "potential clients" back in the city

she followed them slowly to the worn path
waving them goodbye as they scurried along
"She must be so very lonely" they said
as they each listened to their voice-mails

She watched them get into their car
and drive away back to their busyness
Then she crumbled the cookies
on the deck and patiently waited

She saw her wood folk family coming
The squirrels, chipmunks and the colorful birds
"Don't worry little ones they'll be back"
"They must be so very lonely" she said


Anonymous said...

I love how you can express yourself thru the art of writing.Stay encouraged.You are a beacon of light for those wandering around in the dark.

Wade said...

The way you capture the essence of the human experience with the "disconnected" twist is truly ARTFUL! You need to write and put these Musings in a YOUR LEGACY to those who will be left behind when your time comes!

Anonymous said...

Teresa, this is beautiful and so to my hearth! Love, Helga.