Monday, January 5, 2015

This ISN'T about "acceptance or tolerance" its ALL about LOVE

So many speak "Lord Bless Me". Yet, these same ones do not fully understand HOW or WHERE a "blessing" actually comes.

Your BLESSING is waiting for YOU at "a PLACE that is UNCOMFORTABLE". God in all His Wisdom places "something that you NEED" in someone you "don't like" so that ONLY the COMPASSIONATE will receive it

This morning as I prayed about this and thought back over my OWN life, and my childhood PAIN at the hands of a ruthlessly abusive Mother. I can recall many days I cried out to my Father in heaven why does she hate me and hurt me? At 15, I left home and was FREE of her. But when I returned to Christ in 1994 after many years of sin and unrepentance-- though I possessed a good soul, I had negative "behaviours" as a RESULT of my upbringing (SIN=Cause/Effect)...yet moreso, as a result being absent from The PRESENCE of My Lord. In returning to Him, and sitting in His "Presence" and mind wandered back to My Mother whom I hated for so long! 

In time I came to realize that Hate is merely the LOVE "gone in the negative direction". The PRESENSE of The Lord "changed my Heart" towards her. I went back and in time REBUILT that "relationship". You see "conversation" is THE SEED for "relationship". Many "conversations" later..both With My Father in Heaven, and My Mother on Earth...came forth "new life"RECONCILATION. All sin (the transgression of the Law) is "negative" behaviours/result "stemming from a LACK OF HONOR". As I looked at those 10 commandments which is The Law for The House of Israel...I KNEW I could keep all of them ...but that one HONOR THY MOTHER and Father tripped me up. In "prayer" (one of those many CONVERSATIONS with The Lord) I ASKED How do I HONOR her when she beat me so?

I remember the Day The Lord spoke to my do you "balance your checkbook?" I sat dumb founded for the longest, and in the midst of gardening one spring day the answer HIT me months later. You ADD the "NEGATIVES" to the positives like "reconciling a bank statement". You take all the "negatives" and WEIGH IT against what Jesus accomplished on the Cross, and What The Word states in like manner as "reconciling your checking account". 

Though NEGATIVE "behaviours" have come to visit many in our lives (sin) is ONLY reconciled through the POSITIVES....and HONOR. 
 "protects", Honor "corrects", Honor "submits", Honor "yields". IN so doing (Acts), I returned to my mother, and in time we were close. Within 6 months of our closeness she passed away. But the BLESSING in this testimony IS the pain healed, RELATIONSHIP "restored", and though just before her passing she  slipped into a coma... yet for 7 hours waited for me to walk through the door to her bedside. She waited til I arrived and she passed in my arms. I know the Lord allowed this. No baggage..only healing, and only AUTHENTIC Peace through "knowing" Him, and "knowing & Honoring My Mother"...for at the end of it all it was through her "womb" that I am here "Born Again" (from above here on Earth in the Flesh)  to "Honor" Him and "Work" for Him, and all you reading this now are part of this miracle of Life. 

The point of my sharing this.. is this. SELF-TALK is meditation. It is words muttered outloud under our breaths. It is the result of seeds "planted in our spirits". It controls us. PROTECT YOUR MINDS ALWAYS!  I am reminded of one of my favorite scriptures in Phillipians 4:8.
"Whatsoever things are TRUE, Whatsoever things are HONEST,  Whatsoever things  are PURE, Whatsoever things are LOVELY,

There is an equation to Life. Many know it as SEED = HARVEST. But it is really SEED + "expectation" = HARVEST. 
Within EXPECTATION lies your FAITH.  Jesus taught us this VERY THING with The Barren Fig Tree In Matthew 21:20 forward.

20Seeing this, the disciples were amazed and asked, "How did the fig tree wither all at once?" 21And Jesus answered and said to them, "Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' it will happen.22"And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."

In this scripture we see the very IF and "condition" of blessings. "BELIEVING" implies "EXPECTATION". See God does not RESPOND to Tears, to Pain, to Complaining...BUT TO FAITH ONLY!

Our Lord's PURPOSE being answered, He OPENLY commended her faith. In Matthew 15:28 it is written "Then Jesus answered and said to her, O woman, great is your faith: be it to you even as you will. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour."

Again in Matthew 9:22 IT IS WRITTEN Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.

ALL BLESSINGS come "through CONVERSATION". Through "conversation" A RELATIONSHIP. Through a RELATIONSHIP is KNOWLEDGE. Is it really so hard to understand those so "RELIGIOUS & PIOUS" when Christ Himself says as it is written in Matthew 7:22-23 (KJV)

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never KNEW you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Again,  the EVIDENCE presented implies unlike With Adam and Eve "children" begat THEM were from Adam "knowing" His Wife Eve. We understand that this  "knowing"  is a physical sexual relationship that begat physical Children.
YET, the "knowing" spoken of above by Christ isn't "physical"  at all. When Christ says "I never KNEW you" what is being said here is a "spiritual" relationship.  Remember The PRESENSE of The Lord "changed my Heart" towards my mother. I went back and in time REBUILT that "relationship". You see "conversation" is THE SEED for "relationship". 

In totally understanding this, it is then we see The House of Israel as a SPIRITUAL House, and the Chosen of God "by knowing Him" as premised that the Blessings are to be received ONLY by the "compassionate"..thusly then we SEE Israel as a Family begat "spiritually"The apostle Paul calls Christians “The Israel of God” and “the circumcision.” God gave circumcision to Abraham as a

symbol of belonging to God's people. When Paul refers to all Christians as “The

circumcision,” he reminds us that the Kingdom of God and the covenant promises

associated with it were taken from the ISRALITES and passed on to spiritual

Israel. This "new circumcision" (knowing) is not of the body (physical)

but of the heart (spiritual).

There are many different types of re lationships we can have with one another, from friendship, romantic love to parental or sibling love, or working relationships.  
Whilst love can feel wonderful and bring much joy and happiness, it can also bring much pain.  Yet it is through pain that we learn the most. 

To live without love is to not live at all and shrivels the soul, and we learn nothing. But there are ways to be in relationship with others that is positive and uplifting to yourself and to the other, even if the relationship doesn't last forever.  In love relationships we have much to learn from the other.  The important people in our lives (actually all people in our lives) are really mirrors.  We draw (attract) to us those who will help us learn about ourselves.  Each time we are presented with a challenge in a relationship, we are really being presented with an 'opportunity' to look inside ourselves to see what about us it is that needs working on,  so that we may grow. We are presented with an opportunity to go to 
Christ (to know Him) and "authentically" say HELP ME LORD to 
reconcile this "negative" behaviour into a "positive" for the Kingdoms sake. 

As an example, if a partner behaves in a way that elicits let's say, jealousy, in us, then they are actually triggering an emotion inside us that is incomplete - that is the 'mirror'.  We look at that emotion that has been triggered and so rather than point a finger at the other one (that is us being a 'victim'), we look at our 'jealousy' and see that we have an issue with 'jealousy' and there is our opportunity to change that about ourselves. Jealousy is a fear that we are not good enough, and therefore we can then see that if we worked on our 'not-good- enough' belief, then regardless of the other person's behaviour, we would no longer experience 'jealousy (that is us taking back our power).  

Moreso the the DEEPER Truth, it is really US knowing from Whom our WORTH and VALUE truly comes from and its FOCUS is on Christ and YHVH our Creator from Whom OUR WORTH comes. this is the ROOT of "to Worship Christ" and Christ ALONE. When things present themselves "negatively" in our lives, these are the precious pearls of OPPORTUNITY to see that WE OURSELVES have not fully come to that place of KNOWING Christ in all the fullness of "spiritual" RELATIONS aka relationship. There is still some part IN US that is operating  in the flesh and a"WORLDLY accounting system" as we reconcile our "spirtual bank accounts".
We can't change another, only ourselves. And we can't change ourselves through the world; rather, ONLY through Christ! 
It is also to understand the message presented here enables us to understand 2 Chronicles 7:14
God's Promise and Warning 
13"If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, 14and My people who are called by My name (Christian) shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face (conversation=relationship) and turn from their wicked ways (repentance and a change of heart), then I will hear from heaven, then  will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.
In this place: is not a specific LAND MASS...rather it is "spiritual" Israel covered (by Grace) and who have RETURNED to Him (Christian) on an individual basis on whatever continent one may reside. god is no respector of persons, but responds to an individuals FAITH.

In conclusion: If it is A Truth I share in my message today that THAT "Knowing" someone begins with a CONVERSATION, and MANY conversations "build" a RELATIONSHIP (umm interesting to me Christ was a CARPENTER by trade Prayer IS a CONVERSATION. It would behoove us to deduce from the end of the day it will not be about sins of flesh, it will be ALL a matter of The Heart and how many CONVERSATIONS with Him have you YES YOU had in order to KNOW Him. Not how much scripture you know. But application of IT circumcised in the Heart.

America isn't coming apart because of The Taliban, Islam, Muslims, The Homosexual, The Prostitute, The America is coming apart because of Her Refusal to have conversation with Christ, Repenting and TURNING and Returning, and To HONOR Him alone. I urge you RIGHT NOW to stop right where you are. To have a CONVERSATION with Him laying it all on the line With Him in EXPECTATION of outcome and hold to FAITH. Then ask yourself whom do you need to have "that certain conversation" like mine with My Mother? 

In Whom All that He may have just Hidden your Blessing. 

Luke 21:
22For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.

23But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.

24And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled...

Let's Gather IN PRAYER and PUT the WHITE back "in between" The RED and The Blue and stop all this Bi-Partisan America of Politics...for I am neither Democrat nor a Republican. I am a Constitutionalist! I am an American! I am a Christian! I am a Woman! 


Anonymous said...

Mary M Mchenry Amen !
January 3 at 12:14pm

Anonymous said...

Ti Martin Revelation 21:4King James Version (KJV)

4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Anonymous said...

Marvin Ford I thought that these thoughts were awesome. I don't know anyone else who can explain these things as you do. This is what impressed me about you and your thoughts on these things from the first time I read your words, 3 1/2 yrs ago...

Anonymous said...

Sherri L Cook Love you Teresa D Smith... I've cried my eyes out. Do you know Sister, how much you impress upon us to push on?? may Father bless you immensely!!

Anonymous said...

Carol Tenukas Tee, u know my heart & how much IL love YHVH. U r so spot on, unfortunately for us I really think that America is going to get GODS WRATH big time. We have become nothing but a cesspool of evil. To look at this once so blessed nation which has allowed filth & vile to enter it's open borders & accommodate their demands instead of GODS, we deserve what is coming. Not worried, just anxious to be rid of all the filth. Love u Soooo much.

Teresa D. Smith said...

Marvin Ford I am glad that you found this expression of my heart "impressive". I just share as The Holy Spirit guides me, and I share from the INNER MOST part of me, and oftentimes, SHARE THAT which is uncomfortable. The problem that I found in my early years "attending a brick and mortar" Church building....was everyone inside was so "perfect" and I felt so "blemished"...that I didn't feel ALIVE in Church. It was only after stubling (or being led one day to the scripture I DWELL IN TEMPLES MADE NOT BY HAND...that I realized where I was looking for Him was in the wrong places. Instead of looking for Him, all I needed to do was SIT AND BE STILL AND KNOW THAT IAM and HE "began to dwell IN me". In the dwelling did the "blemished" parts of me begin to "be healed" and LIFE took on meaning...EVEN INALL THE BAD THINGS that happened to me in childhood, I TOO began to see where as it is written ALL THINGS are for the GOOD of those who love The Lord. He took the evil against me and used ME to combat and change those around me and HE IN ME "compassionately" reached out to those who were in bondage to The forgiveness THEY in turn healed and I saw REAL CHANGE and transformation in others. IT IS THIS that gets me out of bed each and every day....THIS IS PURPOSE, to LIVE for Him.....I love you all!

Anonymous said...


Teresa D. Smith said...

Sherri L Cook WOW! Thanks for the kind words. NO, honestly I don't know how much i "impress upon others to push on". But youhaving said this I do recall a certain post one day in my blog that I WAS REALLY TRYING TO. I never know who reads this, or even it they are merely hitting the like button and on to the next post on notifications. But at the end of the day I SHARE not for "me" but for THOSE OUT THERE whom The Lord is still trying to reach,. I bear in mind daily that yes like Carol Tenukas mentions above...AMERICA "collectively and as a WHOLE" is gonna get The Wrath of God (as are many other nations) YET what I bear in mind is that on an INDIVIDUAL BASIS He still "calls out of Babylon" and out of "bondage" daily. We know that THE VERY ELECT aka the Church of Smyrna has an INDIVIDUAL basis a 10 day trail, and the Church of Philadelphia ALSO gets "delivered up", but if we recall that the 144,000 ELECT even when Satan is here are still " a bit confused" alot of MY post NOW are written as seeds to THEM....knowing that those seeds don't fully germinate until the two Churches are "delivered up" and the Holy Spirit Himself speaks through us...THEN THEY COME OUT. But as an avid gardener I KNOW a little about fruit....without the seeds in the ground , there is nothing to I BROADCAST "seeds" as often as I can. What I have found overtime is the posts that TOUCH most are the ones without alot of "preaching and scripture, but TESTIMONY as is in this one...and hearts melt, and sunlight gets to the frozen places in us, and the frozen meliting becomes "water" for those seeds.....and often there is so much water that it leaks OUT OF OUR EYES.....and then it can be said...The Holy Spirit MOVED UPON THE WATERS....aka The People.

Teresa D. Smith said...

Sherri L Cook this is for you......I went to my blog to pu7ll it reminded me of it...

Teresa D. Smith said...

Marvin Ford yes I do recall how The Lord connected us back some 3-1/2 years ago in the Group called The Truth. I was added to that group without my permission and all I found there was a bunch of back and forth The Atheist proving God doesn't exist, and the Christians angry with the Atheists....All I recall is thining what can I add to this groups? I just wanted to hit the delete button immediately. But something was moving inside me to post there. I posted the post as The Lord gave me a vision of "sacred cows" in our lives which prevent us from truly HEARING HIM....and thus getting our WORTH and VALUE from HIM. there are so many "sacred cows" in our lives that become an idol and stubling block. That seed planted there, HARVESTED YOU.....and it has been a pleasure knowing you these years.

Anonymous said...

Carol Tenukas What a gift u have tee. I have always believed that the application of Scripture in our own lives is true faith. Quoting scripture will never change lives until our own hearts r purified thru CHRIST. Only then does the hatred leave & judgment stops. And we let GOD do HIM mighty, wondrous work. We know that revenge belongs only to HIM & no one who is unrepentant will ever get away with causing harm to one of HIS precious children who r the apple of HIS eye. the most sensitive & protected part of the body.

Teresa D. Smith said...

Sherri L more "to impress upon you" I feel led to encourage you even more "whatever is going on in your life presently" THE LORD KNOWS and is WITH you.

Teresa D. Smith said...

My beloved Carol Tenukas I DO understand what you mean. The "gift" is from above, and is merely a SINCERE DESIRE to express what has "changed me", and the WAY to "change" and THAT IT IS TRULY POSSIBLE...and what my eyes has witnessed in youth...some of the most horrid evil 9and bondage) to the setting the captives free...allows me WITH THE COMPASSION granted in my heart to share with others THE POSSIBILITES. I learned early on in my youth the POWER of WORDS...they can indeed OPPRESS YOU, KILL YOUR SPIRIT, and tear you DOWN......but on the other side of the coin WORDS can INSPIRE YOU, LIFT YOU UP, and MOVE people to a new place....IF ONLY we "broadcast" those seeds. I have had many tell me I don't hear anything from you anymore. Are you alright? Honestly, after my facebook Teresa DSmith Mercyministries got hacked and then changed to some FanPage and I lost ALL MY hurt a little and I too a step back thinking I just lost everything. Then The ord showed me its not IN NOTES, its IN me and will be poured out as needed. Then I also returned to school, and at my age (50) the old brain isn't as quick to "digest" material as it was when I was in college in my 20's....So I sort of didn't get online much. But for some reason this past couple of weeks I have posted alot in my blog, and been checking in here for a bit. School will start back Jan 10th and I am sure it will take over lot of my time. Also, I no longer am in Retail Management which was long hours and ARRESTED MY MIND to a point of mental jello (lol). I am applying for a few jobs just to have a little income coming in, don't need alot...but I do NEED to "work" for "works" sake....So prayerfully now that Christmas is over, I will settle in a a good routine, and can balance ALL of my life, school, work, family,friends, and Blogging, and Facebook. I love all of you. If you only KNEW DEEP IN THE RECESS of your souls just how much MY HEART longs for each of us to one day meet...and I look forward to going "home" and meeting so many. I am thankful for you Carol Tenukas that we had that blessed summer to meet. What a genuine friend I call you...even so many miles apart...our Spirits remain one.

Anonymous said...

country life is good said...

The Holy Spirit speaks through you, Woman! Brilliant how you brought the colors of the flag into the division of the 'red' and 'blue'!

Prayer is what will heal this country.. these people and only through faith will they be healed.


~Laura Darst :)