Friday, December 9, 2011

What Kind of Drug are you on?

Tonight I was asked what "drug" am I on? I kinda looked at them in a funny way, and gathered my voice and said "none...why do you ask?" They replied "Everytime I see you, you have a million things going on, projects, things you want to do, and right smack in the middle of it is this smile that grins almost as if you have a secret."

After they paid for their Christmas Tree and left, I pondered what was really said.

For me I think of Life as a journey. Life as safari. Life as a pilgrimage. Life as a garden. Life as the highest art.

Pathfinders. Prospectors.Pioneers.Detective​s.Explorers. Archaeologist. Pilgrims. Poets. Gardeners. Artists of the EVERYDAY.

Women of Spirit. Women of Substance. Women with style. Women who have LIVED "the questions". Women READY to embrace the answers. Women who look great in hats. Thats why we wear so many different ones.

Seekers of the Sacred in the ordinary. Real Life. The mystical in the madness,. The Holy Mysteries of the Mundane.

Seekers of Love. Passion. Wholeness.
Where am I headed? Where are we headed?

We're headed HOME.

But before I arrive..WE arrive, there are vast worlds awaiting exploration. Worlds within. Worlds without. Earth. Heaven. Spiritual. Physical.
Heaven on Earth.
Sometimes the terrain is rocky and the slopes steep. Sometimes the jungle is thick and its interior very dark. Sometimes the water is deep and the waves rough.

This is why we need soem variety in our approach. How will I know or we know when we have reached the destination? You'll know.
Its that simple. REAL THINGS are.
Are we there yet?
Not quite.
But it's taking too long.
Often it seems that way. Chronologically we're at the end of the year but the beginning of the journey. Not to worry, We'll have all the time we need to find ourselves.
Someone who loves you unconditionally is at the HELM. Divine Love sustains you, surrounds you, enfolds you, protects you. Go in peace. You are as ready as ever you will be; well equipped for the adventures awaiting. Divine Substance--which is your only Reality--provides abundantly. But you must ASK. Ask For help, supply, guidance, Grace. ASK for the POWER to be switched on. Ask to catch the flow. ASK to soar.


Ask for a respite this season from all your crises. Surrender suffering, sorrow, pain, loss, lack and want. Surrender Expectations. ASK to be surprised by Joy.

Give thanks, WAIT. Watch what happens. Get excited. Open your arms as wide as you can receive all the miracles with your name on them.


Believe. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Believe the One who believes in YOU. All things are possible for those who believe.

Blessings on your courage.

Navigate by the stars. Search the Heavens for yours. Follow it. Keep on the lookout for soulful markers. The souls Awakening is GRATITUDE. The Souls Essence is SIMPLICITY!

Pray your journey is a long one. SAVOR IT. Stop wishing things would speed up. Savor the stops along the way. Those moments in a haste that would otherwise cause us to miss the flowers on the side of the road, the turtle right smack in the middle of it. They are the things which make the search marvelous. Meaningful. Memorable. Find and honor your OWN pace. There are still many harbors to be seen for the first time. YOu are headed for someplace you have never been before. Put down the remote control, and breathe IN spirit, and breathe OUT love.Let your personal PASSIONS stir your mind, body and spirit. Set your course, and keep God at the helm and you the co-pilot. Set sail on a course towards TRUTH and Authenticity...always being approachable. For when you find this sacred isle, you will no longer SEE things as "they" will see things as YOU are.

So, joyful simplicities for this season irregardless of circumstances!
REALLY DECK THE HALLS. Spread Holiday Cheer with seasonal decorations. NO MONEY? Go to your local Lowes and pick up the FREE CLIPPINGS from where they trim trees. Grab a cup of Hot Cocoa, and make garland, door swags...cost nothing, but a little bit of time. Grab the family, turn off the tv, and make it a night of togetherness! Go outside and lob off a few of those Holly Bushes with red Berries, and add them to the FREE greenery for color..come on YOU CAN DO IT.

Dip into the SIMPLE treasury of seasonal stories while together. Don't forget to smile.

Fulfill the holiday dreams of a child who isn't yours.

Find your star. Follow its Light.

Now THIS IS THE DRUG I am on....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poetry in motion! thanks for sharing your insights, your life, your walk, and thinking of so many others as you do! GBY Teresa.