Thursday, April 21, 2011

Keeping THE COVENANT, "Thou Shalt NOT Take the Name of The Lord In VAIN" ACCOUNTABILITY and WITNESSING

Back in Deut 5:2, It is written to KEEP THIS "COVENANT".

In the 10 commandments, It is written: "Thou shalt not take the name of The LORD thy God in VAIN: for the LORD will NOT hold him "guiltless" that take His name in VAIN." (umm sounds like to me there is some ACCOUNTABILITY here in "will not hold guiltLESS" meaning without GUILT). Now bear with me, for I take this very serious and may get long, but I want to tie together this specific commandment. In proper "JUDGING", this has nothing to do with the commonly taught "tradition" that this scripture is talking or referencing "cussing". This is a misnomer. Yes, it is fair to say profanity isn't very becoming to a Christian, but we ALL fall short. I am a realist, I have on occasion yelled out in pain a word or two I shouldn't have while gardening in my yard, or hammering a nail missing the nail and hitting my thumb with the hammer. My point here is: It didn't "change" my HEART ATTITUDE toward God. I DIDN'T CHANGE calling God, "GOD" into calling God, "Satan", or vice-versa calling Satan, "God"! THIS IS THE DEEPER MEAT and the mind which has WISDOM to this particular commandment.

It is way past time that we put down "baby bottles" (milk in Christianity) and "potty train" ourselves. Learn to eat the MEAT of The Word and dispose of the "traditional" WASTE PRODUCTS of here say and "traditions" which only serve to make the Living Water murky and cloudy. Lets think back to when Jesus "raised" the little girl from "death", Christ said to GIVE HER MEAT, not "milk".

So here is some meat to this particular scripture and COMMANDMENT: Let's go to the Strongs Concordance for The Word "VAIN" (specifically 5:11) It is the strongs number 7723 in the Hebrew dictionary as follows:
7723 shav, (shawv); or shav, (shav);
from the same as 7722 IN THE SENSE OF "DESOLATING";
'evil" (as destructive), literally (ruin) or mor.(guile); figuratively IDOLATRY (as false) USELESSNESS (as DECEPTIVE) hence in "VAIN": false(ly), lie, lying, vain, vanity.

In The Prime: 7722 show, sho or(fem) show'ah, meaning to rush over, a tempest, by implication DEVASTATION:desolate(ion) "destroy" destruction, wasteness.

Now where am I going with this? Think upon Satans names:
The"Desolator" (Dan 9:27)
coincides with Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14...(When you SEE the Abomination(evil) that CAUSES desolation spoken of by Daniel 8:23-27. Wasteness in the sense of "spoil" in Daniel 11:21-24. So, I hope you get my point here that we are ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT PROFANING the NAME OF THE LORD by "calling HIM, "Satan", Or by calling Satan, "Him".

Now stay with me here: This is VERY IMPORTANT Back in Gen. 4:26 (Enos) "Calling on the Name of The Lord" = "Then BEGAN men to call upon the Name of Jehovah"......MANY "traditions" have taught this to be "Divine Worship" and this is actually a False teaching: for Cain and Abel both began, and the descendants of Cain (as Able had no posterity since he was MURDERED) doubtless followed his example. What was actually BEGUN was the profanation of The Name of Jehovah (YHVH). What happened was they BEGAN to call "SOMETHING" BY The Name of Jehovah (YHVH). Whether it was "themselves" or "their gods", to me personally is irrelevant...the "scholars" can debate this one! THE IMPORTANCE to note is the ERR OF IDOLOTRY (to God this is called ADULTERY: Thou shall not commit Adultery) and began CALLING "them" BY The Name of The Word Of The Lord.

What EXACT "ungodliness" did Enoch, "the 7th from Adam" have to prophecy/teach about in Jude 14,15? If (as "traditions of men" TEACH)..IF "a" PURITY OF WORSHIP was "begun" in the days of Enos, "INSTEAD" (Anti) of profanation in calling on the Name of Lord?

I'm positive this is GRACIOUS EVIDENCE that this specific "Profaning of The Name of The NAME of The Lord" was the reason why Enoch was "raised up" (ressurrected in thought/mind) to TEACH/prophesy AGAINST "it". I am confident that is is ALSO for this same reason there are many strong men and women of Faith, and yes I will include myself here for boldness of "teaching" BUT IT IS ALL FROM LOVE....this is why God has FOREORDAINED His Elect to WARN and TEACH against the soon approaching boot of Satan to this VERY EARTH in his ROLE/OFFICE as "Anti-Christ", just as Jesus already came in His ROLE/OFFICE of "Saviour" (see Isaiah 14, Rev 12:7) along with the FALLEN ANGELS: called The Nephelium! the "sentence" was PASSED on these, ALONG WITH SATAN back in Ezekial 28:18 which shows Satan AS THE SON OF PERDITION meaning to utterly perish.

PRESENTLY(right now) he is the only SOUL sentenced to "utterly perish" at The Great White Throne Judgement at The END of "The Millenium" (which is also CALLED The Lords Day or know as the 1000 years. Remember do not be ignorant as the heathen that ONE DAY WITH THE LORD is "as" 1000 years with mankind hence The Lords Day) in the LAKE OF FIRE (this "lake of fire" is the "Hell" that is commonly taught).

God will utlize "these evil ones" to CORRECT God's Children. Meaning God will not yet EXECUTE those sentences He PASSED back in the 1St Earth Age (true HELL is The Execution of those sentences) BEFORE The Great White Throne JUDGEMENT...upon The Nephelium or The Fallen Angels, and Satan Himself. These are the ONLY ones (souls) that SENTENCE has ALREADY been passed on! This is why it miffs me when I hear Christians pass "judgement" on other peoples "sins of the flesh" saying your going to hell and they don't half the time even understand what they are actually saying or rather doing (sitting in the SEAT OF JUDGEMENT and that belongs to The LORD only).

The "Lake of Fire" BLOTS OUT as if it never even existed (their soul) but this "judgement day" can take place ONLY at THE END of The Millenium (the 1000 years aka as the Lord's Day). God is utilizing THEM "during this 2nd Earth Age" or "the dispensation of the flesh" being "Born Again aka Born "from Above" INTO this current "ion" of HELP each "individual child" (soul) to DECIDE "on their own" (free-will) to CHOOSE to LOVE Our Father or Satan. This is Fathers absolute LOVE and this is Humanities PURPOSE. It is God's WILL that all come to LOVE Him of their "own free-will" generating that LOVE from within their individual hearts without any outside manipulation or trickery merely from Truth, and to WORSHIP HIM (which merely is to gain our "self worth" and "value" from Him for He is Our Father and Creator of our SOULS.)

Now lets get back on track. Also remember that Satan was "CREATED" in Ezekial 28:13 not "BIRTHED" born of woman...Yet, BEAR IN MIND that Satan has a "soul" (a "mortal" soul and an "incorruptible" body "being a spiritual body and not a "flesh body" but with a "soul" sentenced to die hence "mortal" instead of "immortal".)

We (hue-mans) are CREATED in the "image" (a phathom COPY to LOOK LIKE) God and The Angels (The "meat" of Let Us make Man in our "image" as it is written in Genesis but "traditions" of this being taught that this is The Trinity make VOID This Truth and makes murky the water of understanding The Beginning. Yes, we are souls "first", then that souls "spirit" is placed in the embryo BY Our Father at the "moment of conception". Remember John the Baptist lept in the womb of Elizabeth at the approach of Mary. John being 6 months old "in the womb" could sense the PRESENSE Of That Holy Spirit and "soul" of Messiah the VERY SAME DAY "it" entered the "womb of Mary". THINK DEEP HERE: Jesus was that "soul's" IMAGE in the "flesh FORM" in the "office" of Son and Messiah. If you can truly get this understanding, then it is easy to see that Our Father wasn't going to have US His Children take on Flesh Bodies without HIM willing to do it ALSO.

His "counter opposite" is Satan who is also The ANTI-Christ. Christ is the only BEGOTTON Son of The Father, Satan is The only Son of Perdition (meaning sentenced to UTTERLY PERISH. Get this in your is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! In Matthew 10:28, it is written " FEAR NOT THEM WHICH ARE ABLE TO KILL THE SOUL: BUT RATHER FEAR (reverence) HIM (Our Father) WHICH IS ABLE TO DESTROY BOTH SOUL AND BODY IN HELL (The Lake of Fire).

So please understand angels and cherubims have "souls"---and "it" is THAT PART of Satan and The Nephellium (aka fallen angels or the 7000 which die INSTANTLY at the 7th trump) which God PASSED "SENTENCE" on BEFORE GOD brought into "being" THIS FLESH AGE which allowed God's 1/3 children Satan took away from Him to be "born again" BORN OF WOMAN (the womb) in the "state" of INNOCENCY of the evil deeds of following Satan "then" (1st Earth Age) and choose ( of the soul's FREE-WILL right) to "worship" God NOW (this 2nd Earth Age in the Flesh). You see we are here for those 1/3 and God's Love for His Children made a "plan" of SALVATION in the hopes THEY would "return to Him". His only other choice would have been to KILL THEM THEN...but in MERCY The Plan of Salvation was orchestrated IN LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE to be BORN AGAIN "innocent of these DEEDS" and I will go down MYSELF (Father's SOUL) and take on the flesh in the form of Jesus called Emmanuel (umm GOD WITH US) and I will give my life for SIN in the "role/office" of Messiah Saviour Jesus Christ and we all will "pass through the womb" ONCE and it is my Hope they will "overcome".... (Now yes I parphrase here...but a true understanding of The Word allows this for simplication purposes here).

To choose to LOVE Satan is to "receive" the Mark of The Beast IN THE FOREHEAD (place of thought process). Also, "in order to buy or sell" we will HAVE to WORSHIP Satan. And for one of us to WORSHIP Satan "instead of" ANTI The Christ in the "sight of people" who don't know any better (the stupor of Romans)...for "them" with the "stupor" (and ONLY God knows) its not much of a sin (since He placed the stupor upon them in the first place... like hardening Pharoahs heart in order to fulfill scripture of the deliverance of His People for example).

But WE whom God through The Holy Spirit's TOUCH has given the "unction" to KNOW BETTER: this is an AWESOME SIN, in Truth...this is UNFORGIVABLE (Luke 12:10) This is actually the only unforgivable sin...remember Jesus said you may speak against Him in the flesh, but not "in the Spirit".

Now, if I go back to my original analogy of a covenant marriage in the flesh between a husband and a wife, and JEALOUSY, and to drive the nail in the coffin in God's emotions regarding this commandment-----------this is like a "wife" (as we are The "Bride" (2nd age of flesh) or "Wife" (1st age chosen Elect planted here in the end-times to forewarn The Children) CALLING HER "Husband" (Christ and Christianity is our Husband as Father IS Our husband)...its like CALLING her husband by her "lovers" (Satan's) makes Him Jeolous and Angry! It is THIS CUP OF WRATH that Jesus was praying to be removed from Him IF their was another way...NOT THE "tradition" taught the He didn't want to endure the cross! That is hogwash! Its a pretty heavy trip to pour out wrath upon Children that YOU LOVE...and that Day Of Vengence is soon approaching. If anyone is paying attention to the Arab Nations right is "discernable" as to the "locust army" and the times we are in...that is IF You Love The Lord and are "PAYING ATTENTION" and WATCHING and are AWAKE...or else Satan has lulled you to sleep preying upon your desires of the flesh and you are caught "off guard". It is for this reason I post this in order to hopefully WAKE YOU up! Its getting close to that TIME when Satan will be here and once "again" The Children will be faced with "loving Satan" or remaining TRUE and LOYAL to Our Father.

I insist you don't just take my word for this, and I insist even more not to just dismiss me as some lunatic either because maybe you have never been taought his, BUT TO take this information, and let it DRIVE YOU INTO THE WORD OF GOD, praying for the Spirit of Wisdom and Truth to lead you, and check me out for yourselves; whereby , The People (The Grand Jury) can "weight the evidence" (discern) FOR YOUR SELF. It is YOUR "SOUL" which is at stake here. Cussing can't do to your SOUL what the "indepth" MEAT meaning to this commandment can. For tender ears sake, and illustration, I will use the letters GD-if one asks God "to damn" Satan, the devil, if he is bothering you--this isn't really "cussing". But for one who "professes" to be a Christian (worships with their mouth but their HEART if far from Him), and CALLS OUR FATHER "The Destroyer" isn't a good thing and is bearing False Witness and lies because God doesn't destroy anything...He is a CREATOR "not" a Destroyer". It is Satan who CAUSES "destruction" and Christs death on the cross gives Him the RIGHT to pour out WRATH upon those who call Satan, Father.

How does one do this and be a Christian? By believing just the thing that caused me to write this lengthy of an answer "to someone telling another Christian that God isn't going to hold His Children accountable to what they believe because not everyone has the same IQ" and "God isn't going to hold an inidividual accountable...ALL you have to do is believe on what He did for you on the cross".

I DON"T THINK SO....YOU MUST also know the "difference" in the TRUE Christ who died for your "sins" (which is to transgress these laws) and the FAKE Christ in his role/office as ANTI-Christ who will be in Jerusalem soon.

God will utilize NATURE to bring about the downfall of evil, but this is to OUR good in protecting God's Children and His sanctuary:place of learning His Word.

What are we INSTRUCTED to CALL Jesus? The Answer: Emmanuel! Emannuel translated means God WITH us. Soon, and VERY SOON Emmanuel Jesus will be imitated by a playactor named Satan called the devil, dragon (role or office as ANTICHRIST or False Prophet).

So, in studying in a much deeper level---"taking the LORDS NAME IN VAIN" is to call AntiChrist---- (THE ABOMINATION THAT 'CAUSES' DESOLATION "cause/effect" (we're WARNED by Jesus in the New Testament, TAUGHT by Daniel in the Old Testament----to CALL him (Satan) "LORD". Satan wants to BE God so bad, and actually I have tears as I write ths thinking the pleasure he is going to get when he is "allowed" that moment in time (5 months called The Hour of Temptation) to BE GOD. He will actually think "he has done it" due to the pride in his heart, but get this straight...he does it ONLY BECAUSE GOD ALLOWS IT TO CORRECT HIS CHILDREN!

THIS is what this is really "pointing to"! This is ultimately WHY we are even here in the flesh TO OVERCOME (Deut 32 The Overcomers Song). So YOU "on an individual personal basis" are hereby COMMANDED by Our Father THROUGH Moses, and even right now are taught by THIS WRITING indepth by myself to "deliver" your MINDS (the bedchamber) FROM "confusion/deception".

Do not be deceived in DEED by "worshipping Satan" in the very near future as "LORD", or CALLING him (Satan), "LORD". And do not even think I am giving permission here to cuss- I'm NOT! I drawing a line between a SIN to the "soul", and a SIN of the "flesh".

THE ADAM (Christ) DIED to "pay the price" for Our SINS, So repent and then get back into "good standing and relationship" and HELP a SOUL.

And KNOW that there is truth planted here, and that there is MORE to "it" than "just believing"....I ask you WHAT YOU BELEIVE will ultimately lead TO WHO you call Father....and let it NOT be Satan. There are 2 died for YOUR and MINE sin., the "other" one SATAN...just wants YOU to "call" him daddy and LORD.

You Have BEEN WARNED! You now are faced with a choice. Believe it, or dismiss it. Many think there is a RAPTURE and they won't even be here. Well I want to debunk that one with scripture and prepare YOUR MIND to truly allow the above to sink in, and saturate the taste buds of your mind.

‎1Thess 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. At the 7th. trump, we are changed in a spiritual body. The word "air" means breath of life body. Paul spoke colloquial Greek and used figures of speech. The clouds mean gathering of people.

Let's go to I Thessalonians 4:13-18

It is too bad, that more people do not understand the Greek. That when a subject and object is” fixed”, it holds the same theme or values until there is a new subject change. In other words, once you begin... reading something and a subject is brought up, that subject carries in the story, until a new subject is presented.

Example: David has a dog named Buckeye. Andrea likes ice-cream 'run Buckeye run'.

It doesn't make sense does it? But people change “subject” matter and change “objects” by inserting things that are just not there, in the case of (II Thess 2:7) when the topic is something totally different. We are taught how to read in school. I am ever so thankful for Trudy Norris my Southwest high school English Honors teacher. So don't let someone change those rules for you. Stick to the subject.

4:13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

The subject here is: 'Where are the dead'. Paul is saying, I don't want you to be ignorant or unlearned concerning those who are dead. And don't be sad about it. There’s absolutely nothing to be sad about except maybe we loved them and truly miss them being in our lives!

‎4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

Because if we are truly Christian and we believe that Jesus rose, so should we believe that our loved ones have risen also (already changed into that beautiful Spiritual/Celestial Body) and so will we. Notice here that “will God bring with him”…He will bring them with Him back to the Earth AFTER Satan sits in Jerusalem “playacting Christ”. My favorite Uncle Ed just passed away back in Feb. 2010 and he was a fighter pilot during the Vietnam and Korean wars. I can just see him coming back with Christ at the 7th trump “taking names and kicking Dragon in that vehicle spoken of in Ezekial chapter 1 from that dimension! ---this is another subject for another time.

Back to the subject here: dead-- To be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. Our loved ones are not laying in a grave somewhere waiting to have their flesh body raised up when God returns… For the Dust will return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. (Ecclesiastes 12:7) The flesh body RETURNS to the earth as it is nothing but “organic matter” from the “ organic foods” we have take in for food/ nourishment, and the spiritual body returns to God.

4:15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

The word 'prevent' means 'precede'. Why can't we precede those who are dead? Its because they are already gone. They are in another dimension. They are already with the Father. Some Christians even go as far in saying that this verse, along with verse 16, is talking about a ”reunion of flesh and spirit”. They say that on the last day when God comes, he will open up graves and people will come back to their bodies

Now wait a minute! Didn't Paul just get done saying in verse 14 that if we believe Christ rose from the dead, that so are our loved ones? And so shall we when we die? While we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord. (II Corinthians 5:6-8) .So, why would that body leave the Father to come back to the graveside just to “raise up out of the grave” at the rapture or 7th trump? (Just something to think about as you are studying on a deeper level than just sitting in church on Sunday’s.)

Let's continue..

A new subject change just happened. Did you catch it? It's up above in verse 15. It's the 'Coming of the Lord' and those who are alive and remain.

4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voi...ce of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

God is going to descend from heaven with a shout. Who is doing the shouting here? It's the archangel Michael. Now it's not necessarily written that this is Michael the archangel, but it is written that Michael will be doing the casting out of Satan to earth. (Revelation 12:7-9 ) So I think it's safe to assume that this archangel will be Michael. At any case, this is not a big deal who the archangel is.

What about this trump of God. What is this Trump? This is the 7th trump. The last trump that Paul would speak of in ( I Corinthians 15:52 )

Now again, why will the dead in Christ rise first? That's right, they are already with God. We can't 'prevent' them. Which is to say ‘precede’ them?

4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

And there we have the base foundation of the pre-rapture. Those who believe in the pre-rapture, usually site the above verses as their support. Now let me make this perfectly clear. I do not doubt ’rapture’ or 'catching up' will take place. It's the timing of such an event. Thus; this firm stance of a post-tribulation view that is being expressed within this teaching so as to have you not be deceived! Pre-tribbers (as I call them), usually say: "Well, It says right there that those who have not died will be 'raptured' in the clouds to meet God in the sky". Is that what it really says? Are these verses being understood and read correctly?

Paul was educated in the Hebrew language. He studied under the finest scholars of that time. He also spoke colloquial Greek, which is to say he spoke "street Greek" or slang. You might hear to this time, "Figures of speech" - idioms or catch phrases.

For example, have you ever heard of someone saying that there were so many faces in the crowd that it looked like a sea of faces? We know when using this figure of speech, it has nothing to do with the ocean. Paul used these figures of speech because that was the language of the people he preached to. How about this one "There were so many locusts, that they swarmed in clouds?" When used in this context, you get a better understanding of what the person is trying to get across. And may I add that this term or phrase is still being used to this day.

Let's take a look at (Hebrews 12:1) Paul again writing:

HEBREWS 12:1 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

So, is the above verse referring to white puffy clouds? Or a large mass of Christians running a foot race? It doesn't take much for one to know it has nothing to do with white puffy cumulus clouds floating around in our atmosphere like the toilet paper commercials every so soft and safe? So knowing that Paul used this word cloud to express his description of a large group or mass of people, don't you think it is possible that Paul used the same word to describe a mass gathering of people on the Lord's Day?

The word "cloud" here and other places in the Greek and Hebrew will mean exactly what it says. A white puffy cloud drifting in the sky. You can do a Strong’s concordance search on this word all day long and not find a thing different. Well some might say; " Well, air is the sky, because the word cloud is used. There's just one problem with that.

Now lets look at this word "air". This word in the Greek is "Ah-ayr" - This word simply means’ breath’, or to 'blow air'. It is that same breath, or that "Neshamah" (nesh-aw-mah) that God breathed through the nostrils of man, that gave them a living spirit. A soul. It's the breath of life. It's the spirit body that we all have in us. That spirit body we change back into the moment we die. Or at the sound of the last trumpet for those of us that are still around at the Second coming. ( II Corinth 5:1-10 )

If you would, please allow me to read this in the way that I feel Paul was trying to express:

- "Then we which are alive and remain shall be "changed in a twinkling of an eye" together with them in the "masses of fellow Christians", to meet the Lord in the spirit body, and so shall we ever be with the Lord." -

Again, there is no doubt in my mind that we will be "raptured or caught up or changed" and it shall happen in a twinkling of an eye as I Corinthians 15:52 clearly states. Not everybody that is alive will die what we think of as a "natural death" today but we ALL WILL BE CHANGED!

However, when will it occur? It's the 7th trumpet. Antichrist comes at the 6th. This is the GREAT MYSTERY of the 666. Satan, “The” Anti-Christ, aka the Serpent in the Garden of Eden who “deceived Eve” and caused Adam to sin, The Dragon in Revelations, Lucifer (meaning the bright and morning star---only he's THE FAKE!), “The” Son of Perdition or whatever other name…is all in one THE SAME ENTITY SATAN and he WILL (not maybe but will) sit in Jerusalem pretending to be Christ . This “event is the 6th trump” and Christ our Lord and Savior will NOT return until AFTER “this event takes place” to TRY the people on Earth as to their true allegiance. Get this fixed in your mind …our Lord and Savior who died on the cross for our sins returns at the 7th trump.Some Christians may say; "Well, no one knows when, as Christ will come as a thief in the night". This is very true. However, there is a little more that should be expected of us as sober children of the light.


5:1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so commeth as a thief in the night.

We all know that Christ will come to us as a thief in the night. Which is to say, many will be surprised or “caught” off guard when He returns? Ahh, but wait a minute...

5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

It looks as though Paul is giving us some markers or indicators on what to look for before Christ returns. Beloved, they are saying "Peace and Safety" now. Haven't you been watching the news lately?

God is with us. He will see us through. He will be right there walking in the midst, when faced with our own tribulation. Be it in everyday life, or the day of our being delivered up to bear witness AGAINST Satan and The Holy Spirit speaks "through US" like on Pentecost Day and EVERY ear WILL understand "at that moment" and many who are "deceived" at that time will pray for the rocks to fall on them out of their SHAME for having been "deceived by Satan" and they thought they all along were serving God.

Let's get back to where we left off:I Thessalonians 5:9-10


5:9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

5:10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.

Now, why did Paul feel the need to write the 2nd book of Thessalonians? Because he knew there was some confusion as to what was written about “the second coming of Jesus” (just as there exists today in the churches). Paul, under the unction of The Holy Spirit, wrote that 2nd book to let the church know that Christ's return would NOT happen until antichrist's reign was on earth ( which is mentioned above as the 6th trump)

Let us now go to 2nd Thessalonians.


2:1 Now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him,

Paul is saying; I'm here again to get a few things straight with you new Christians, concerning the second coming of Christ and our gathering together to him.

2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by any letter as from us, as that is the day of Christ at hand.

2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away FIRST, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.

Paul is desperately trying to get the point across here…don't be fooled or confused, and don't let my first letter I Thessalonians confuse you. What day is Paul talking about? What is the SUBJECT here? The Lord's Day. Paul is saying that the "gathering back to Him" shall not happen, until there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition. Who is the man of sin? Who is this son of perdition? It's Satan. What does perdition mean? It means sentenced to die or death. There has only been one entity who has been sentenced to die and that is Satan. Some scholars have said this is Judas. But that won't fit. You see, Judas was not sentenced to death. He repented and later died from his wounds. Another subject for another time.

Back to the subject: The Lord’s Day and this “falling away FIRST”.

Now what is this falling away? The word in the Greek manuscript is: 'Apostasia'. Apostasy is: the defection from truth. A turning away, to forsake, give up truth and go after something else. What is it that people will be giving up or turning away from? The Word of God. The Truth of His word. Turning to “seducing spirits and doctrines of devils”, that do nothing but lie and confuse, mislead and trick as many as will be. But , Teresa, its so "politically correct" I say phooey!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful educative site.God bless you Teresa