Are you AWARE of the times we are end and MORE IMPORTANTLY ARE YOU PREPARING??? GET LESS DEPENDENT on their "system", INVEST in an "income producing venture", (I have with GoSolarGoGreen.NET as THE BALANCE OF POWER SHIFTS from Electric MONOLPOLY you can "gain" and GET OUT OF DEBT NOW!) Big Banks CAN FAIL (and We The People ARE NO LONGER able to "bail them out" with our TAXES!
Have you been PAYING ATTENTION? When Banks are doing well THEY HIRE PEOPLE, but when they are in TROUBLED WATERS "they" FIRE PEOPLE, they "abandon ship" and start "committing suicide" all SIGNS of a PERFECT STORM of "cusp of disaster" or "cusp of economic FREEDOM'.
Come OUT of BIG "anything" especially BIG Banking. You need to "change directions" and "put money in LOCAL BANK or LOCAL CREDIT UNION! START a LOCAL CURRENCY! BE YOUR OWN HERO and stop waiting for someone else to DO IT FOR YOU! Christ gives us POWER over ALL OUR ENEMIES...THINK OUTSIDE "The BOX"
Christ in the Parable of The Talents was SPEAKING TO HIS SERVANTS (not the unbeliever, not the athesist, not the OTHERS) DO NOT BE LIKE THE ONE whom God gave "talents:" to and THEY DID NOT INVEST THEM IN THE KINGDOM!!!!!! Don't sit on the "knowledge" and "merely WAIT on Christ "to RETURN" WAIT ON CHRIST= "SERVE Him" Like a Waiter SERVES Food in a restaurant SERVE Spiritual Food.....Prepare for HIS Return but INVEST in the will pay way better DIVIDENDS that "the Kenite controlled " Wall Street "manipulted "system".
Have you been PAYING ATTENTION? When Banks are doing well THEY HIRE PEOPLE, but when they are in TROUBLED WATERS "they" FIRE PEOPLE, they "abandon ship" and start "committing suicide" all SIGNS of a PERFECT STORM of "cusp of disaster" or "cusp of economic FREEDOM'.
Come OUT of BIG "anything" especially BIG Banking. You need to "change directions" and "put money in LOCAL BANK or LOCAL CREDIT UNION! START a LOCAL CURRENCY! BE YOUR OWN HERO and stop waiting for someone else to DO IT FOR YOU! Christ gives us POWER over ALL OUR ENEMIES...THINK OUTSIDE "The BOX"
Christ in the Parable of The Talents was SPEAKING TO HIS SERVANTS (not the unbeliever, not the athesist, not the OTHERS) DO NOT BE LIKE THE ONE whom God gave "talents:" to and THEY DID NOT INVEST THEM IN THE KINGDOM!!!!!! Don't sit on the "knowledge" and "merely WAIT on Christ "to RETURN" WAIT ON CHRIST= "SERVE Him" Like a Waiter SERVES Food in a restaurant SERVE Spiritual Food.....Prepare for HIS Return but INVEST in the will pay way better DIVIDENDS that "the Kenite controlled " Wall Street "manipulted "system".
Mark 13:3-6 And as a he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew asked Him privately.
Tell us when shall these things be, and what shall be sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?
And Jesus answering them began to say, "Take heed lest any man deceive you,
And Jesus answering them began to say, "Take heed lest any man deceive you,
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ (I am a Holy Christian), and shall deceive many."
The first warning from Jesus is equivalent to the first seal He opened because the first seal He opened is the first warning He gave us!
In the first seal, Satans like are likened to a bow that he shoots into our mind. This is why Eph. 6 tells you to keep (above all) the spiritual armour of faith on detect Satans lies. He bends the truth just as you bend a bow before you let the arrow loose. Likewise, Satans bended tongue shoots lies into your mind.
So we see the first seal opened by Jesus to be deception. We need to be careful who we listen to. Jesus said many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ (Christian) and shall deceive many. Satan and those that serve him LIE, and ROB YOU OF YOUR HERITAGE AND INHERITANCE. Their lies sound so good, so believable, but they are still lies. Lies coming from many places, TV, music, education, PULPITS (with rapture doctrines), lies are everywhere! The ONLY way a Christian can be on guard against all the lies is to study Gods Word, daily. Put the truth in your mind so you can discern good and evil. This will become even more important in the very near future when the antichrist,Satan comes to this earth, with his lies, to lead a world government pretending to be God. 2 Thess. 2. You ask how can he do that? He uses four powerful devices called "hidden dynasties" to manipulate the nations of the world into compliance. And religion is one of the four that Satan uses to deceive. The white horse in Rev. Symbolizes deception, especially the religious deception of Satan claiming to be God Almighty.
So we see the first seal opened by Jesus to be deception. We need to be careful who we listen to. Jesus said many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ (Christian) and shall deceive many. Satan and those that serve him LIE, and ROB YOU OF YOUR HERITAGE AND INHERITANCE. Their lies sound so good, so believable, but they are still lies. Lies coming from many places, TV, music, education, PULPITS (with rapture doctrines), lies are everywhere! The ONLY way a Christian can be on guard against all the lies is to study Gods Word, daily. Put the truth in your mind so you can discern good and evil. This will become even more important in the very near future when the antichrist,Satan comes to this earth, with his lies, to lead a world government pretending to be God. 2 Thess. 2. You ask how can he do that? He uses four powerful devices called "hidden dynasties" to manipulate the nations of the world into compliance. And religion is one of the four that Satan uses to deceive. The white horse in Rev. Symbolizes deception, especially the religious deception of Satan claiming to be God Almighty.
Here are the first four Seal that make up the 4 "hidden dynasties"
1st Seal- White Horse- False Messiah- Religion.
2nd Seal- Red Horse- War- Political
3rd Seal- Black Horse- Famine,Troubles- Economic
4th Seal- Pale Horse- Pestilences- Education
The 4 Seals that make up the 4 Hidden Dynasties and have now been opened and revealed by the only One found worthy in both heaven and earth to open them, The Lamb of God.
These Seals give rise to The Beast of Rev. 13. This "Beast" is Satans decrepit government (New World Order aka ONE WORLD government) filled with his fellow fallen angels and himself as the leader hence as The Leader he "becomes" The Anti-Christ (instead of Christ) but IS The Son Of Perdition, Satan,The Devil, Lucifer, Serpent (just "roles" he play-actors (hypocrite) to SEDUCE YOU and DECEIVE YOU).
Satans government is so evil that God likens it to a beast. So it is that the closer we get to the return of the True Jesus Christ, the more severe and closer together the commotions in this world will get just as the labor pains of a woman gets stronger and closer together before she finally gives birth.
We are waiting for the birth of a new age (the Millenium) but we must go thru the labor pains (no rapture) before we get there. WE WILL BE HERE THRU THE TRIBULATION OF THE ANTICHRIST (2Thess. 2) so don't believe the lies spewed from the pulpits that you don't have to study Gods Word to have your spiritual armour on to withstand Satans lies and deception, cause you gonna be gone!!! Satan works BEST fro "seminaries" educating THE PASOTRS of God's Sheep, and MANY just 'regurgitate" that which THEY WERE TAUGHT versus what The Holy Spirit "reveals" to those who TRULY SEEK GOD'S FACE.
So if you "sprout wings" ready to "fly" you'll be gone alright, right in BED with Satan, because you haven't studied to show thyself approved. In Hosea 4:6-7 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me; seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
As they increased, so they sinned against me, therefore will I change their glory into shame. OUR so-called REPRESENTATIVES have "sinned" against Our Father and HIS WRATH is about to be POURED OUT ON THOSE who oppose Him!
Get in the ARK of Christ and GET SAFE
Get in the ARK of Christ and GET SAFE
....that is the ONLY Safe -Haven there is!
No preacher can SAVE you, NO POPE can save you, No City.County. or Federal AGENCY can SAVE you, no "program" will fix this, "no bail-out" will rescue you, no "system" can provide a "safety net",
No preacher can SAVE you, NO POPE can save you, No City.County. or Federal AGENCY can SAVE you, no "program" will fix this, "no bail-out" will rescue you, no "system" can provide a "safety net",
no monetary system will PROSPER you (the harder you work AS LONG AS WE work for FAKE IOU's FIAT Dollars with interest attached
) YOU ACTUALLY are supporting Satan's MONETARY "system" of GETTING RICH and ROBBING Us of OUR HERITAGE and INHERITANCE. HOW is this? ITS ALL AN ACCOUNTING TRICK....that HE uses through HIS CHILDREN to "cause God's Children to serve MAMMOM and not have time to SERVE God" and in so doing he once again
How is going to work every day, many of you working TWO JOBS just to keep your heads above water AN ACCOUNTING TRICK? Its all written right here in a seperate Blog post: is going to work every day, many of you working TWO JOBS just to keep your heads above water AN ACCOUNTING TRICK? Its all written right here in a seperate Blog post:
Study to WAKE UP, and then WHEN YOU WAKE UP, and are ready to "Make a Stand" then we can RISE FROM THESE ASHES, and "start on a local" basis....bringing forth God's KINGDOM on Earth plucking up USURY Money and PLANTING INSTEAD "USURY-FREE" Local Currency and THEN WE SHALL "truly prosper".
How do we do a USURY-FREE "local" Monetary System? Let my friend Wayne Walton of Breckinridge, Colorado LEAD BY HIS EXAMPLE
Checkl out my friend Tom Kennedy of Canada NAVIGATE YOU through this CANCER in the BODY OF CHRIST!
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