I URGE YOU ALL TO READ THIS and get understanding PLEASE.
There’s a lot to discuss here and I have limited time, so allow me to make just a few central points. It will be your job to verify them.
#1: Dollars originate with an accounting trick.
Dollars begin with a process that looks like the attached photo below:
While intricately accounted for, dollars begin as a check that the Fed writes “drawn on itself.” Those are the precise words from Modern Money Mechanics, by the way. Can you and I write checks “drawn on ourselves”? Of course not. We have to back them up with value. The Fed does not.
So, the mighty US dollar is not backed by gold or silver or anything at all; it’s simply an accounting trick.

#2: Every dollar is skimmed from, as it is created.
As shown in the chart, dollars come from a transaction between the Fed and the Treasury. Can you think of any reason why these two institutions would be unable to handle this transaction by themselves? (And in fact, we know they can, because they gave the Chinese an exemption from the middle step a few years back.)
So, what’s the purpose of the primary dealers (simply called “dealers” in Modern Money Mechanics, and biblically they are "gainsayers") that sit between the Fed and the Treasury?)
In fact, there is no purpose, aside from the obvious. The primary dealers take a slice from every dollar as it is made.Again, get Modern Money Mechanics. Study to show yourselves approved to be worthy to be chosen for this "battle". Go through it slowly. Check this for yourself. I know it sounds crazy, but most of it is right there in black and white. And who are these primary dealers/"gainsayers"? The big banks, of course. Who sits on the BOARDS of these "Big Banks? Go Do Your Research and CHECK ME OUT HERE!!!!!
Matthew 17:20 "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. 21"But this kind (The Kenite Nation and USURY) does not go out except by prayer and fasting."
How is that prayer?
ITS :God's Promise and Warning in 2Chronicles 7:14
…13"If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, 14and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and I will heal their land. (America: The Appointed Place. America: The People of God) 15"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.…
How is that fasting?
How do you ABSTAIN FROM FOOD "spiritually"? How does one PUT OUT A RAGING FIRE?????
You STARVE "it" of "oxygen". If you STOP "feeding" the "system" IT FALLS! but in order to prevent CHAOS upon The good children...make sure to "begin feeding" LOCAL "currency" system. (More on that later like Wayne Walton in Canada has begun.)
Our Time is Now To say unto this MOUNTAIN (Kenite Nation) BE YE CAST INTO THE SEA (same ACT as many have before America). Are you WILLLINg "To take up YOUR CROSS and "bear it up"??? come on SAINTS...its time to March 4th!
In Revelations Christ speaks "I will *CAUSE the "gainsayers/moneychangers" to come and worship AT YOUR FEET and to KNOW I have LOVED YOU * effect....." (they have defiantely tried to have us GRAVEL at "theirs" for crumbs...when the LOAF belongs to God's TRUE children not the FAKE IMPOSTERS...aka 1948 for the wise.) Ever 'wonder WHY "they" have been EXPULSED from so many countires and what FOR? READ HERE: http://failedmessiah.typepad.com/failed_messiahcom/2012/12/why-did-jews-get-expelled-from-england-and-parts-of-france-234.html
Be CAREFUL that we SPEAK in LOVE, STATING "facts" whereby things are not USED against US in "hate" speech, or "anti-semitism" etc. ITS about THE THEFT and METHOD OF OPERATION here in America in the SAME MANNERS as what got "them" expelled from NATIONS long before The Reformation of The HOUSE of ISRAEL here in this LAND called America "reformed" on July 4th, 1776. This is a MATTER of PRINCIPLES, not "race".
It is a MATTER of Liberation fro Bondage thus FREEDOM, LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL (not just some 1% Elite) And BEAR this in MIND and HEART..."they" can not do anything that We The People have NOT CONSENTED TO. Now We The People May have been "deceived" and "tricked" and "blind"......BUT "We the People" Take accountability for OUR DECEPTION, and We THANK FATHER in Heaven for the CHASTISEMENT and We begin Under His Grace ALL ANEW! Are you with me? Are You IN the FAMILY of Christ? You IN He , and He IN You, and Thus where they are is The Father also????
It's A Wonderful Life is a fine film, but Jimmy Stewart’s character was entirely wrong when he claimed that he borrowed the savings of one virtuous person to make a home loan to another. When you take a loan from a bank, they do not take Mr. Smith’s money or Mrs. Jones’s money and lend it to you. They make it up on the spot with a bookkeeping entry. Until you take the loan, that money doesn’t exist. You don’t have to take my word on this. Here are the words of Robert B. Anderson, who was secretary of the Treasury under Eisenhower:When a bank makes a loan, it simply adds to the borrower’s deposit account by the amount of the loan. It does not take this money from anyone else’s deposit; it was not previously paid in to the bank by anyone. It’s new money, created by the bank for the use of the borrower.You may have to work overtime to pay those dollars back, but no one worked overtime to get them in the first place. They were simply made up, on the spot.
#4: Money for interest is never created.
Every dollar is created with interest attached:
T-bills yield interest—buy one for $1000, and you will, over time, receive more than $1000.A $1000 loan, as we all know, must eventually be repaid with $1000 plus extra dollars as interest.So, every dollar is birthed with a debt obligation attached.
This creates an interesting problem: Extra dollars will be required to pay back all of that interest. Where will they come from? I can work hard and pay back my $1000. loan with interest, but every dollar I use to pay interest is created with an interest obligation of its own. Where does it end?
In fact, it cannot end—it cannot resolve—unless there are debt-free dollars that can cover the gaps. And there are none.
This means that the dollar system can run effectively in one direction only. It can operate smoothly while creating ever-more currency, but if the system starts to contract, there will be a currency shortage. And that leads to all sorts of troubles.
I Know This Sounds Crazy…I
am reminded of another movie THE WIZARD OF OZ. When a tornado (usury) rips through Kansas (The HOUSE of Israel), Dorothy (Judy Garland) and her dog, Toto, are whisked away in their house "to" the magical land of Oz (Babylon). They follow the Yellow Brick Road toward the Emerald City (NYC/DC) to meet the Wizard (Usury's HEAD), and en route they meet a Scarecrow (Ray Bolger) that needs a brain (wisdom), a Tin Man (Jack Haley) missing a heart,(apathic lack of compassion) and a Cowardly Lion (Bert Lahr) who wants courage.(faithlessly fearful).
If all of this is new to you, you have my sympathies; I know it’s a lot to take in. Go slowly and double check it all. Make up your own mind.
Like I say, the first time I saw this, I couldn’t believe that it could possibly be true. Reading the Fed’s own words, even though I had to plod through them slowly, convinced me. And if you want to read the wild story of how this astonishing system was created, you can find it in The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin, or The Federal Reserve Hoax: The Age of DECEPTION By Wickliffe B. Vennard
Another less well known anti-usury economic reformist was Silvio Gesell (1904), yet the world could learn more from him than from Karl Marx. Gesell, as a successful nineteenth century merchant in Germany and Argentina, CONDEMNED USURY on the basis that his sales were more often related to the ‘price’ of money (i.e. interest) than people's needs or the quality of his products. His proposal of making money a public service subject to a use fee led to widespread experimentation in Austria, France, Germany, Spain Switzerland, and the United States under the banner of the so-called “stamp script movement”, but these initiatives were all squashed when their success began to threaten the national banking monopolies (Kennedy, 1995). Margrit Kennedy (1995), a German professor at the University of Hannover, is one of the most vocal contemporary critics of interest who builds on Gesell’s ideas, believing that “interest ... ACTS LIKE A CANCER in our Christian "social structure”. She TAKES UP THE CAUSE for “interest and inflation-free money” by suggesting a modification of banking practice to incorporate a circulation fee on money, acting somewhat like a negative interest rate mechanism.

Oh House of Israel THIS IS THE TORCH we carry, for USURY can NOT be left to exist in CHRISTIANDOM! It is as greater ABOMINATION far than any "sin' that many want to take up their 'cross" and shame others in sins to the FLESH.....we can stand on the street corners with signs that read in HATRED God hates taggots, We can stand with signs that read " Abortion kills and You are going to Hell", We SHAME people to "change" and Play-Act God in our "judgements" of people not knowing their lives all the while we can not take up the CAUSE of Christ with the ABOMINATION OF USURY. We have played the "long ones", deriviatives, stocks and bonds, and the very games and scams which perpectuate this REAL SHAME on Humanity"usury" which ENSLAVES the innnoent, preys on the poor, and erodes any measure of FREEDOM and JUSTICE for ALL. Not just the Elite, the Rich...but until such measures are taken and I do believe this is at a LOCAL COUNTY LEVEL with a systematic creation by We The People of LOCAL CURRENCIES which cast off The Fed, cast off its PARASITES in our land, until WE step off our "holier than thou" condemnation of our fellow men and women of Earth TRYING to find their way, EARN A LIVING not as "opportunists" but "entrpreneurs" based on REAL needs, and "services" God will contininue to PERMIT this evil which has eroded our ONCE BEAUTIFUL America....THE APPOINTED PLACE of the Reformation Of The House of Israel. Satan is ONLY allowed to come as far as WE "permit" him. This is HOW 1 can put 10,000 to flight (to their gathering place for destruction at the 7th vial)
"If" WE all could "UNITE" in the "labor force" we could CAST OFF the mafia strong-arm of the Fed (the irs) because these OPERATE in USURY money. If we stop FEEDING The Beast it dies, IF WE STOP fighting each other in bickering and FIGHT OUR COMMON ENEMY OF HUMAN-KIND "Usury"....and curtail all these wars of agression in OTHER COUNTRIES where The Fed "system" is overtaking DICTATORSHIPS like in Iraq, and instilling USURIOUS Central Banks in countries where there weren't any....spreading this cancer to THE WORLD is not what Christ died for us to BE or DO.

God's Promise and Warning…
13"If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, 14and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.…
Let us CAST ASIDE "these' individual rights created out of "racial tensions" , political tensions, economic tensions, "hate" and "oppostion" and LET US take up arms "spiritually" STANDING in a "grassroots" type movement COUNTY by COUNTY, then STATE by STATE until The Kenite Nation has been purged from our midst, and then there will be no need for "civil rights", "gay rights", "women rights"...WE RISE UP FOR HUMANITY'S RIGHTS....to LIBERTY, and JUSTICE. IN Christ AS ONE...."that right".
More and MORE everyday do I feel the move of The Holy Spirit IN me and UPON ME.....1776 THE APPOINTED PLACE of "The Sacred Place'...a place where a person can simply experience and bring forth what you are, and what you might be. We must RE-INHABIT that "place".
When we are worried about our health, or the health of a loved one, our CONCENTRATION FOCUSES like a lasor. Suddenly theres a CLARITY about all of life and distractions fade away because we realize suddenly what is IMPORTANT.. Living is IMPORTANT, Every single day is a GIFT and another chance to HEAL and "get it right", and we are suddenly MOVED FROM A PLACE of "apathy" to a PLACE of GRATITUDE.
Satan KNOWS this all too well. If he can have us WORRY ABOUT MONEY, these "worries" then MOCK US. They STEAL THE JOY of living because they follow us around all day like a dark, menacing shadow. At night they hover over us robbing us of precious sleep. Fighting to drown it all out, we reach OUTWARD TO THE WORLD with "varied methods" to stop it...(alcohol, fifty shades of grey, sex,partying, this clique and that clique joined together in bonds just to feel a KINSHIP and not alone. Even THIEVES have a bond") and we throw away precious time 24 hours at a time that come to us each day as an opportunity to "get it right". WE cease to LIVE, and merely "exist". We faile to THRIVE, we merely "survive".
I know this all too well for I myself "worried" a bit for MY OWN income. When I lost my job back in Oct...I too "stuggled". But I WOKE UP about a week ago, and started PRAYING FOR OTHERS who have found themselves through no fault of their own JOBLESS, running low on funds, worried about "money"...and I ask The Father as much as it was possible for me to ASK FORGIVENESS of "behalf" of The House of Israel I ASKED IT. Then I found myself asking for WISDOM "on behalf" of The People.....
Christ moved and showed me OUR BIGGEST SIN "usury" in a way like I never saw it before. WE have the POWER (through Christ we can DO ALL THINGS) to change the "lifestyle" of this FALSE ILLUSION of "lack" which CREATED THE Federal Reserve on the backs of the FEARS of People after the Depression (which by the way the evil greedy Feds manipulated and CASUED IT)....to a feeling of abundance and KNOW God as OUR WALL "is a provider" BUT WE must get in the right position to RECEIVE. Money ebbs and flows in our lives (I have been as Paul ...with MUCH, and then with LITTLE...but all in all remained content NOT COMPLACENT) And that is what should remain CONSTANT is "faith" and the "realization" that ABUNDANCE is OUR SPIRITUAL BIRTHRIGHT. We just need to do the WORK to remove "evil, and mechanisms which THWART Our Christian Heritage and Birthright IN CHRISTIAN-dom.
I will end with this. Mahalia Jackson a gospel singer once said "that it is easy to be independent when you have money. But to be independent when you haven't got a thing-----that's the Lord proving ground".
As we are about to step into Spring soon, I have come through a hard winter both "weather related", and "spiritually", and "money-wise"....as I stare out my window and the snow is melting, and there are no "leaves" on the trees, I am reminded that it is so with God's CHOSEN People here in this "appointed place America" after everything OUTWARDLY in appearance is gone (like the leave on the trees in winter) and each of US has held the "winters son", ROOTED and PLANTED in Christ we shall overcome and hold fast the "springs Son". This is what I have learned, "received" and I share with each of you here today. Most won't even read this...but I share anyway.
I am reminded as I close what is written in Hosea 6:6.(The House) of Israel and (The House) of Judah are UNREPENTANT
…5Therefore I have hewn them in pieces by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of My mouth; And the judgments on you are like the light that goes forth. 6For I delight in MERCY rather than sacrifice, And in the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. 7But like Adam they have transgressed the covenant; There they have dealt treacherously against Me.…
I sit in silence,. Listening attentively. Waiting expectantly.Knowing there is NO OBSTACLE that true grit and Amazing Grace can not overcome. Suddenly I am reminded of a dream a few nights back...so surreal. A MOTHER in God's Name must "disciple" The Children...."they" will mock me..but "they" won't forget. I stood before this "presence" like the Red-haired Princess from the Disney movie BRAVE....a full quiver of arrors, and blessed of God. A WOMAN "born of woman" (innocent0 for Christ paid the PRICE FOR SIN so 1 WITH HIM can put 10,000 to flight (for Yeshua=Yahoveh's Saviour and whereever The Holy Spirit is, there ALSO are the "other two" WITH THE ELECT's Help WILL "pull them back" aka The Church...The Ekklesia THE FAMILY of Christ. We must remind ourselves that there IS "another" family which did not proceed from Our Father. "They" INFILTRATE Our Heritage, ROB US of our Prosperity, and "they" sit in the seat of Moses as "lawmakers" with dual citizenship serving "their" father NOT OURS, "their" OWN agenda NOT of CHRISTIAN-dom. Remember that THE GOVENMENT shall "rest" on His Shoulders. In 1776, We had a REFORMATION of THE HOUSE of Israel. We HAD His Government in the "form" of a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. Our Christian DUTY is to OPPOSE all "forms" which OPPOSE "His Government".
We the People: A Constitutional Republic, Not a Democracy (Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 by Daniel Horowitz in The Madison Project)
It is imperative that we reflect on the importance of our constitution and celebrate the roots of our founding. As our nation comes under attack from the forces of tyranny within, we must reaffirm our commitment to the ideals of our founders and founding documents.
Most people often mistakenly refer to our nation as the greatest democracy on earth. They are mistaken because we are not an absolute democracy; we are a constitutional republic. That is what makes our nation great, for if we were merely a democracy, we would be anything but great. And to the extent that we no longer function as a constitutional republic, that greatness is rapidly ebbing away. Why did we need a constitution? Why are popular elections not a sufficient means of preserving liberty?
A pure unbridled democracy is a political system in which the majority enjoys absolute power by means of democratic elections. In an unvarnished democracy, unrestrained by a constitution, the majority can vote to impose tyranny on themselves and the minority opposition. They can vote to elect those who will infringe upon our inalienable God-given rights. Thomas Jefferson referred to this as elected despotism in Notes on the State of Virginia (also cited in Federalist 48 by Madison):
An ELECTIVE DESPOTISM was not the government we fought for; but one which should not only be founded on free principles, but in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among several bodies of magistracy, as that no one could transcend their legal limits, without being effectually checked and restrained by the others.
Thus, a constitution that limited and divided the power of government was necessary to preclude elected officials from imposing tyranny on the people. This is why they adopted a constitution with limited enumerated power, divided and checked across several branches and levels.
Sadly, we are currently living through the paramount form of elected despotism that our founders so presciently sought to forestall. At some point during the progressive era of the early 1900′s, elected officials began to deviate from the constitution in a dramatic fashion. At present, we find all of our founding principles under assault. Many prominent political leaders in both parties seek to destroy our free markets, infringe upon our personal liberties, and abrogate our social values. Unfortunately, they have accrued a high level of success. Moreover, they have prosecuted this revolution without firing a shot. Instead, they have used the soft edge of the sword of elected despotism.
How have the elected officials been so successful in radically voiding our constitutional republic? The answer is simple. They have cynically manipulated their electoral mandate to create enough dependency for them to enjoy perennial power through democratically held elections.
We have reached the point at which almost every American is involuntarily subservient to the federal government for his or her retirement security and healthcare. Over 47 million people, and one in four children, rely upon government for food stamps. By 2014, under the new Obamacare mandates, an estimated 79 million Americans will be enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP. This circuitous cycle of dependency, perennial electoral power, and breach of constitutional restraints has transformed our nation from a constitutional republic to a majority-rule democracy.
This is the same majority-rule democracy that is being foisted upon the Middle East in the Arab Spring. Democratic elections were held in Gaza and Lebanon, and they elected tyranny. They will be held in Egypt, and they will undoubtedly do the same. In the Middle East, elected despotism will manifest itself in Islamic tyranny, while in America, it has fostered redistributive socialism. The fact that Arab nations are deposing of their dictators is meaningless. As Jefferson observed in Notes on the State of Virginia, “it will be no alleviation that these powers will be exercised by a plurality of hands, and not by a single one. 173 despots would surely be as oppressive as one.”
This form of tyranny can only succeed beyond the confines of a constitution that is preserved with vigilance – a constitution that limits the power of government and preserves our rights as granted by God. As founder John Witherspoon noted, “pure democracy cannot subsist long nor be carried far into the departments of state – it is very subject to caprice and the madness of popular rage.”
Unfortunately, even many political leaders who purport to abide by the constitution are misinterpreting the Tenth Amendment to promote tyranny on a state-level, if not on a national level. In many respects, the hard core blue states exercise even more officious nanny-state power than the federal government. Dependency is so rampant among a broad section of some of these states that nobody but those who purvey socialism can assume power. These states exemplify the worst fears of elected despotism that Jefferson decried in his writings. In fact, he was specifically addressing unbridled power at a state-level in his book.
Yes to: CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC! Elizabeth Dilling witnesses the warning signs of in Communist Russia many years ago. She seen the destruction of the Church there. She wrote a book to warn everyone about the dangers of Communism coming to America.
FOR A BRIEF BIO on Elizabeth Dilling: http://come-and-hear.com/dilling/index.html
FREE PDF of her book here: http://come-and-hear.com/dilling/jriit.pdf
NO to :
Fascism=Socialism= US DEMOCRACY

This will be a LOVE revolution not in "supremacy" rather "humility" , a REVOLUTION in Peace...and we must TEACH LOVE and LIVE LOVE. In Discernment, we TEST THE FRUIT (is it sour grapes?) We REPROVE them...EXPOSE them BUT WE DO NOT "judge" them (God is Judge ALONE...and bear in mind for their to be Moses, there had to be the "hardened heart" of The Pharoah. CALL ATTENTION to whats "happening"...These are The End-Times. Lift UP, GUIDE, Inform in humility under His Grace and "God-Given" wisdom FROM ABOVE, not "down here below". No "College, or insitution of "higher learning" can give What The Lord has given.
Galatians 5:15 teaches us that LOVE can NOT "involve hate" because THAT IS SPIRITUAL CANNIBALISM. Period! God wants US back in The Bosom. Yes Death is coming very soon, But WE KNOW this is not our "real body" THIS FLESH we are in....Remember Family...when the 7th Trumpet sounds, then comes the 7th VIAL and WE are "changed into a different DIMENSION" ...and God is NOT angry with US HIS CHILDREN "the church of Christ". Rather HE IS LIVID with the "other" family "the synogogue of satan" amongst us whom HE ALLOWED to "come against" us to chastise us....BUT THEY HAVE TAKEN MUCH TOO HEAVY A HAND...The VIALS are only poured out on The Enemy.
Acceptance is surrendering to what IS:our circumstances, our destiny, This is simply PART OF THE JOURNEY "homeward" bound. I love you all.
I am reminded of Dorothy
her meaning "in the journey"...
Each yellow brick lined in engaging opportunities, flowers, friends,
confidence growing with each skip
Each step.
The shiny, green City was thought at first to be the "end goal"
The answer to all her problems
The way "home" (heaven)
There was no real magic in the shiny, green City
Her true "prize" was found along the yellow brick path
When she opened her heart to the unlikeliest of "soul mates"
She "rescues" Scarecrow, and he "rescues her right back
"Finding tender Heart under TinMan's rust and wear
Bringing out the Giant inner Roar of the King of the Forest
And always Toto
I don't think Dorothy looked back when she left the Witch under that house
Dorothy took what she needed, no more no less
She took her shoes
And she made sure that no other Witch took those shoes again!
123 is so much more than a measure of distance
Not just miles from here to You
Not just miles from You to Me
Not just a chasm or a great divide
It's more like 1, 2, 3
Forward first steps in a journey
On a road paved in beauty
Peppered with deep, fresh breaths
Powerful Exhales
Mountain views, roadside flowers, hot boiled peanuts
Brilliant conversations about everything, and nothing at all
Lots of laughter
Plenty of time
Sometimes all you need are your heart and your shoes
Ruby Red Heels
Steps 1, 2, 3
Click along the yellow path...

I just finished one on Usury in Christian-dom....and I will go search for the ISIS....basically MOSSAD, and ISIS are Isareli "powers". When America was "pimped" out to Overturn Iraq's government (Husseins Dictatorship) and install yet another USURY "money" banking SYSTEM there....after Hussein (as was Ghadaffi for the same reaasons) was killed...this created a POWER "vacuum" and in rushes these WELL ARMED peeps. How deceived are we with Israeli "citizens" with DUAL CITIZENSHIP sitting in the FAKE AMERICAN govt constantly getting MORE AND MORE money for "military" protection of their borders (just afew days ago 400 million asked for OF OUR US " taxpayer" MONEY to "protect them NOW from Iran. Iran is ACTUALLY seeing The Kenites for WHO THEY ARE, and all the while "The Kenites" keep having The West (We The People) FEAR The Arab peoples etc. After 911, via Bush we went on a Boogie Man hunt for WMD that didn't exist. Now the same PLOY of having us HATE Iran, and SIDE with Israel (under the guide THESE GENOCIDAL MANIACS are God's Chosen" as they basically "ethnically" CLEANSE the Arabs off their land Palestine, and with every other "plot and ploy" in DESTABILIZING the Middle East and "they" then fill the POWER VACUUM as we have now seen in Iraq. Yes, Iraq was a DICTORSHIP...but The People had a good life "basically" but now look at their lives in ruins and THEIR LAND. We have NO RIGHT to go "overturning" others Government. (Well its the infilTRAITORS doing it IN AMERICA's NAME, which might as well be IN CHRIST NAME) and when "they" have DECEPTIVELY and successfully "made the world HATE" America (yet not seeing Israel IN OUR MIDST govt and Republic OVERTHROWN) The World Russia and China and ALLIES will "come against" us as written.....its all playing out right before our eyes.
Elizabeth Dilling witnesses the warning signs of in Communist Russia many years ago. She seen the destruction of the Church there. She wrote a book to warn everyone about the dangers of Communism coming to America. http://come-and-hear.com/dilling/index.html
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