No More Bullshit and Rainbows...
Luke 21:15 For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.
BABYLON IS FALLING (present tense)...will you be "entangled" with her in "collectivism", or "seperated" in "individualism". It "is" YOUR CHOICE.
A WARNING and a WORD to the wise for 2015 and the US "financial state of affairs":
Reduce Your EXPOSURE to the system.
Reduce Your DEPENDANCE on the system.
Reduce Your DEPENDANCE on the system.
Get OUT OF "Financial system" as much as you can:
Get OUT OF "Financial system" as much as you can:
WITHDRAW CASH for 3 months living expenses.
MINIMIZE CASH in "bank" to whats NEEDED "to live".
SWITCH to LOCAL "community" Bank or LOCAL "credit union".
CONVERT your "assets" to PHYSICAL "silver or gold". (not "options" or "paper assets", or government backed "ira's").
INVEST in an "income producing" ASSET VENTURE.
MINIMIZE CASH in "bank" to whats NEEDED "to live".
SWITCH to LOCAL "community" Bank or LOCAL "credit union".
CONVERT your "assets" to PHYSICAL "silver or gold". (not "options" or "paper assets", or government backed "ira's").
INVEST in an "income producing" ASSET VENTURE.
THE GREAT "EXODUS": Come out of Wall Street games/schemes "aka paper assets" THEY manipulate for "their" GAIN.
Take control of YOUR Future (as an individual) the method is like before in FDR times all your gold was confiscated for the SO-CALLED "good of the country" (Fed looted American Prosperity). they "looted" many folks IRA and Retirement back in 2008 devalued your "savings". Your Future is at STAKE.
Come out of BABYLON NOW, and when "Babylon Falls" you are a BY-STANDER and not caught in the wake,
Take control of YOUR Future (as an individual) the method is like before in FDR times all your gold was confiscated for the SO-CALLED "good of the country" (Fed looted American Prosperity). they "looted" many folks IRA and Retirement back in 2008 devalued your "savings". Your Future is at STAKE.
Come out of BABYLON NOW, and when "Babylon Falls" you are a BY-STANDER and not caught in the wake,
Sending all my love and Blessings to all who heed this warning.
Sending all my prayers to those who don't.
Sending all my prayers to those who don't.
The day is dawning upon when The Lord will make all the MONEY-CHANGERS come to worship at our feet and KNOW He has loved us.
Babylon is Fallen (past tense)
Rev. 18:1 After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illumined with his glory. 2And he cried out with a mighty voice, saying, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird. 3"For all the nations (collectivism/globalization) have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her (spiritual intercourse/international commerce), and the MERCHANTS OF THE EARTH have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality."
SEDUCING AND DECEPTION OF HUMANITY surrendering "sovereignty" (individualism) for "government granted" priviledges…INSTEAD OF DEPENDING ON OUR GOD to be our wall, and abundance! We have allowed "investments in schemes" to be our wall and so-called "abundance") The illusion and deception lies within this...Wealth is not NECESSARILY "prosperity".One of my favorite quotes is "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.” –Abraham LincolnRev. 18:1 After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illumined with his glory. 2And he cried out with a mighty voice, saying, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird. 3"For all the nations (collectivism/globalization) have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her (spiritual intercourse/international commerce), and the MERCHANTS OF THE EARTH have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality."
We are in a major paradigm shift that like a tsunami starts slowly and ends with the landscape wiped clean.The paradigm shift is from paper assets to real tangible assets. This shift happens every generation or so,where one asset class dramatically outperforms the other.
The 40′s and 50′s paper assets like stocks and bonds were the place to be. In the 60′s and 70′s real assets like oil,cattle and precious metals were the best performing assets. In the 80′s and 90′s paper assets once again reigned supreme and were the place to be. Since 2000 and especially after 2008 there has been a real rush from paper assets to real assets once again. This paradigm shift will be much more dramatic than anything we have seen in our life time. This asset shift is going to coincide with a major shifts in demographics,politics,and world power through Globalization.
The collapse of paper assets will not only include stocks and bonds, it will be the collapse of the entire basis of our society: The dollar! The dollar is the nexus of all commerce and is our way of life. The almighty dollar has terminal cancer and it will not recover to live to see the next paradigm.
This shift from "paper assets" and "real assets" is driven by money/debt creation. Since our dollar IS debt, it is necessary for more debt to be created every year in excess of the debt AND interest accrued the year before. The majority of this debt was created during boom times when no one feared debt. When the inevitable slow down came,The Elite created more money/debt to keep the system going. This new money/debt creation,relative to the amount of real goods and services in a slowing economy,produces more inflation which naturally boosts the value of real assets which is a WIN-WIN "if" you have shifted ahead of the "turn of tides".
This cycle has been successfully managed by the Elite in the past with the creation of Bretton Woods, the closing of the gold window,the Petro Dollar, Paul Volker slaying the inflation dragon in the 80′s with 22% interest rates,the banker bailout and QE 1, 2.3, and 4.... this time around there is no EXODUS except for a default. How that default plays out is still up in the air. I believe that we will get another deflationary shock to scare Congress and us into more money creation and then it is off to the hyper inflationary printing presses. Obama is gonna get his way on raising the debt-ceiling and when he does.....STEP ASIDE...for the FALL is coming FAST!
The ONLY way to protect yourself from this mathematically inevitable disaster is to sell all of your paper assets now and buy real tangible assets.
When I speak of "investing" In an INCOME PRODUCING "asset". I am not speaking to just people WITH MONEY TO INVEST. I am speaking of a change OF THOUGHT and "what" and "how" your money flows. If all your money is in "expenses"....and you are DEPENDANT on the "system" or God forbid our Government to aid We The People....there is danger.
BUYING PHYSICAL SILVER IS BY FAR THE GREASTEST ACT OF WISDOM AND REBELLION ANY AMERICAN CAN AND ACTUALLY SHOULD BE DOING RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!It is both a Silver Bullet to rebel against the "vampire" (Elite’s corrupt system) and a Silver Umbrella to protect your family and wealth in a post-dollar world. Buying physical silver is non-violent, non-compliant resistance. (No need to inflame the "powers that be into declaring Martial Law and filling those FEMA CAMPS with angry, distraught Americans.) Most importantly, it works outside of the system and it cannot be stopped.As long as you play by the Elite’s rules, the Elite will rule.
(Wisdom is "calling" you OUT (exodus)...can you "hear her voice?"
Critical thinking is the answer not despotism. People have forgotten that the government has zero power and without our money they can't do anything. It's time to remind the government who is really in charge. Government is not the answer to our problems it is the problem. The problem with America today is that the government no longer fears the people that has to change. They are living high on the hog while we are forced to scrape by because of the increased tax burden being placed on us to pay off political debts that keeps them in power.
So here’s my takeaway – total world silver inventories appear no greater than the one billion ounce level I had long guesstimated and may, in fact, be significantly less. That’s one billion ounces (or less) in a world with almost 7 billion souls. I’ll do the math for you – there is less than 0.15% of one ounce per capita. In dollars, that comes to about $5 worth of silver per capita. Just for comparison purposes, the per capita dollar value of gold bullion (3 billion ounces) comes to $650 per head, or 130 times more than silver. If that doesn’t auger well for silver outperforming gold in the future as far as investing in a TANGIBLE ASSEST, I don’t what does.
Pay attention to the daily changes in recorded silver inventories, but not to the point of losing track of the big picture. The big picture shows there is an incredibly small amount of silver in the world, much less than just about anyone realizes. So "investing" in this ONE "income producing PHYSICAL asset" which by the very standards and variants spoken of above in this comment isn't going to "depreciate" like that $40K you WASTED on a brand new car to tote you around and look so darn pretty doing so. I drive an older vehicle. 1997 Dodge Caravan. I "invest" in good prevention on keeping the good ole girl running smoothly. TO THE WORLDS eyes she ain't worth much but to me HER VALUE IS PRICELESS because I am not in debt paying interest on a car, taxes on a car....all "that" type money now becomes freed up to "invest" in silver. But at the end of the day...its all about HUMILTY, COMPASSION, and FREE-WILL Choices.
If a "group" of friends got together and "took inventory" of what they POSSESS now and could sale and do without and INVEST "together" in buying up some silver andmake it a "fun project"....Look where YOU WILL BE when Babylon falls and the the "ones" and "types" like BERNIE MADDOFF and all the Kenites who "scheme" and even with the PYRAMID SCHEME of THE privately owned The Federal Reserve System....when it comes falling down...the poor will become PROSPEROUS, and the RICH (THROUGH ILL-GOTTEN GAINS) will come to worship at our feet....Rev. 2:9 and Rev 3:9 declares this but we must use some WISDOM now to "prepare" for that successful "transition". Success is when OPPORTUNITY meets PREPARATION.
In conclusion, YOU need to buy gold/silver and to move away from government controlled retirement savings programs (aka "collectivism" and to become more self reliant and independant of the government (aka "individualism".)

If you are so inclined, here is a 3 hour documentary which aided me back years ago to understand more about money, and the "who" behind its CREATION, and whom "that creation" ENSLAVES, and whom become THE SLAVE-MASTER thereof.
Allow me to break this down in simple "laymans" terms in a story of the days of me being a waitress and a tale of two restaurants...
Today I was recalling the days in my 20's when I was a Server and worked off "tips". I always loved the restaurants where as hard as I worked the more tables that were permitted me as long as CARE and SERVICE didn't suffer, and the focus became ALL ABOUT HE MONEY. No, I could EARN AS MUCH as I COULD HANDLE as long as The People didn't "suffer" in the process. There wasn't a CEILING where everybody gets ONLY 3 tables each and thats it. Those were the days I made BANK! Those were the days of INDIVIDUALISM and Performance Based living, America in its inception was like this restaurant I speak of above. Come and be all that you can hard and go after it. Then a change occurred: THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM...
Reminded me of a restaurant where I worked as a teen whose wait staff worked "collectively". Meaning, We all worked "together" and whatever tips the individual customer gave, went into a "kitty" to be divided up at the end of the day amongst the all servers "equally". I HATED THIS JOB because my "work ethic" was strong. I worked very hard, and was very attentive to the customers. I saw many times the tip from a customer I had "personally" waited on be 5-8 dollars and yet it went inot the "kitty". Then, I began observing the "other servers" who weren't as attentive giving miminum service. Their customers "tipped" on a lower scale. Yet it went into the same "kitty" as did mine. Something even as a teenager didn't sit right with me with this whole "concept". Seemed it didn't create an enviroment or atmosphere where people strived for more. Why should they? IN COLLECTIVISM they spread the "kitty" (YOUR WEALTH) around making an "equal opportunity" for all. For the lazy person this is good. For the not so lazy person this is bad.
At a basic level this is what is wrong with America. THE PEOPLE have not been cared for...."their" KITTY is being "spread around" and its politically being called SOCIALISM, Or FACISM.....
Wake up and come out of the "system" as much as possible. 2008 was but a drop in the bucket when the next drop hits....there will be no bucket for the next. Step aside....take precautions. Let the "elite" receive unto them what they PURPOSED unto us.
Don't depend on "dollars" or "paper assets". CONVERT your dollars into TANGIBLE REAL ASSETS as quickly as you pay your bills and the left over convert to silver.
DANGER WILL ROBINSON....DANGER ahead! You have been WARNED. the next step is yours.
Bix Weir recently wrote: I've been saying it for over a decade they are PURPOSELY crashing our US monetary system!
Why? Simple. If they crash the Dollar then they win. Just think about it. The US is the largest debtor nation in the world. Our debt is denominated in US Dollars. If The Federal Reserve crashs the Dollar then "they" are either paying off this debt in cheaper money OR, a more likely scenario, the Global Monetary System crashes and "they" do not have to pay this debt off at all."They" can just go along "their" merry way...although no country that holds our debt will be very happy with America.
The funny thing is that this concept is NOT A SECRET!In the summer of 1971, right before Nixon went off the pseudo Gold Standard, Treasury Secretary John Connally told a group of finance ministers who were complaining about the over sized US debt "The Dollar may be our currency, but it YOUR problem."
Hard to be less blunt than that.
And then there was the 1982 Gold Commission report which concluded:"If reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency are not restored in the years ahead, we believe that those who advocate an immediate return to gold will grow in numbers and political influence."
Hmm. Since 1982 has the US Government tried to promote "reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency"?
Hardly! Just the opposite. We have driven up the National Debt blowing out all the Debt Limit caps, ran massive deficit spending programs, ballooned the future pension, medicare and social security obligations and have done everything but scream...WE WANT TO DESTROY THE DOLLAR!!
Until we wake up and ADMIT to what is happening we will never be able to END this game.
So spread the word that the game is rigged and the End of the Road is the DESTRUCTION of the faith and confidence in the US Dollar. Bix Weir
We The People must protect ourselves and be wiser than the serpent, and allow what they PURPOSED to We The People to befall upon "their" heads. We must not be "tied" to any of their "schemes" longer allowing OUR HARD EARNED "living" to continue to be "drained" and "back" their GREED and NEFARIOUS WAYS. Teresa Smith
Now that PRAYERFULLY I have your "attention span" (get out of the tv, the bickering FB groups, selfies, twitter, and so-called reality shows and STEP FULLY into REALITY)
I am posting a "teaching" by my mentor and Pastor called THE WILDERNESS. May you come out of "the world" and step fully into the "presence of Your God" and HEAR HIM speak to your spirit. He is calling you OUT OF CONFUSION and into The Wilderness....where there an "umbrella" of protection.... I pray you will INVEST YOUR TIME wisely....
THE WILDERNESS: By Pastory Arnold Murray is running things. The world gets turned the right way up. Watch, in the gospels, as the Wonderful Counsellor goes to work, dealing with individuals but also confronting the systems which had enslaved them, and upsetting the slavemasters. But, my friends, it is ‘business as usual’ that has got us into our present mess.
We need to think of different ways of ordering our world,the way of putting the vulnerable and the poor first and working out from there, instead of hoping that if the very rich can only help out the very rich then the poor . . . will somehow benefit in the long run. We need new economic principles, and for and with that we need new social and political principles. Now is the time to be working on them, instead of assuming that we know the answers already and only need to iron out a few accidental glitches. And into that debate we who worship the Christ need to be ready to speak up, and like Jesus himself to speak up out of a context where we are already at work, doing the kingdom on the street, in our families and schools and offices, in local and national government, education, business, administration and, yes, even in church.
‘The government shall be upon his shoulders’: that is the good news of the gospel. But the way Jesus Christ exercises his authority, consistent with the nature of that authority, is always through the healing and renewal of human beings, calling them as he called his first followers to the dangerous, difficult but glorious task of working as his agents, growing the kingdom as we say, making it happen for real people in the real world. Hence the to-and-fro between worship and witness, between what happens here at the altar and what happens down the street. With the story of the Christ-child in our hearts, and the Spirit of Jesus giving us energy and direction, we are called to be kingdom-bringers in whatever sphere we can. We have to think globally and act locally, campaigning for the big issues like debt remission, and working on the local issues like housing, and unemployment, between LOCAL "commerce" instead of inviting IN "local communities" INTERNATIONAL "business". Isaiah spoke of the authority of the child growing continually, spreading justice and peace throughout the world, and it is through the work of Jesus’ followers that this is to come about, upheld and directed by what the prophet calls ‘the zeal of the Lord of hosts’
How does that zeal work in us and through us? Not by just another political dream, with Jesus substituted for Barack Obama or anyone else. It’s a different dream and it works in a different way. The kingdom of the Christ-child gets to work when we stop, and pause, and look in wonder once more at the baby lying in the manger, and like Mary ponder in our hearts what it all means. Only through deep devotion to the child who is born to us, the son who is given to us, can we make sure that the government really is upon his shoulders, and so prevent our good intentions being misdirected to serve our own ends, real or imagined.
‘O hush the noise, ye men of strife, and hear the angels sing’: we come here tonight, aware that the kingdom Jesus came to bring needs to be worked out in the real and tough challenges that lie ahead of us globally, nationally and locally but aware, too, that if it is Jesus’ kingdom we are working out we cannot get enough of Jesus himself, cannot worship him enough, cannot ponder him enough, cannot invoke him enough, cannot love and adore him enough, cannot taste him enough. That’s why we’re here tonight. ‘O come, let us adore him’; yes, and then, with that adoration opening our eyes afresh to his way of doing things, putting into our minds and hearts a new vision of how things could be, let us celebrate the fact that the government is upon his we are led into the wilderness.
Okay, It's 10:00 AM and I'm watching “GI Jane” for the fourth or fifth time, and every time I do, it still inspires me.
Because it’s about a woman who followed her dream though hell and high water, against the hatred of men thinking she didn't "belong' (as I have heard personally from so many males that women need to keep silent and can't teach god's Truth)... She was willing to do whatever it took, and even managed to do so while battling the two-legged male demons and the conflicts she struggled to "rise to to top" in a man's world.
I want you to understand something about me, and from this day forward, I want you to take a long hard look at yourself and decide what it is that you REALLY want out of life because you’ve got to make a choice…
You either do what you need to, or you don’t…
There is no middle ground. No, “have your cake and eat it too”.
You see, I’m not intelligent by "the world's" or society’s STANDARD. Although my highschool grades resulted in an GPA of 4.3 and I was a Honor Graduate...that was HIGH SCHOOL. I didn't finish college. I don't have an IVY LEAGUE "education" (nor do I have ll those student loans either.)
But I was smart enough to know a few things that most people don’t.
I knew there was no, “we’ll do it for you” solution to anything in life. There are no Free Lunches, Free Rides, No special favors that actually grow you, and "exceptionalism" comes as a result of good ole stick-to-it-ness GI JANE style. Through failures, through disappointments, and sometimes getting kicked so hard in the stomach that you can barely stand...BUT YOU GET BACK UP in spite of it!
I knew in life I needed to master a few key skill sets if I was to get eventually what I wanted, which is why I spent most of my educational years, not in class, but at Barnes and Noble reading “real” books, and Amazon ordering books, and spent many many years reading the Most Real Book of ALL: The Bible.
Yes ALL WISDOM does indeed come FROM ABOVE. Yet, there is much wisdom gained from others who have received that same wisdom and passed it on in "books" of Truths for those willing to "seek" .But here’s the one thing I NEVER DID during 20 years of failures that allowed me to go from “Point deceived & bamboozled" , to "Point truth & uprightness” (My point A to Point B) I never complained, I never whined, I never blamed anyone other than myself, and I never gave up because I would have rather spent my life in poverty trying, than to have lived in resignation that I didn’t have what it took. Or believed all the "images" out there of "what I SHOULD BE" according to "the world".
I don’t want to burst your bubble, but here’s God’s Honest Truth…You’ve got to earn the right through blood, sweat, and tears, and there is NO alternative to "receiving EXCEPT IN FAITH" , so don’t ever ask me or anyone else if there’s an “easy way” to do something.
Are you willing to do that?
Then here’s “My List”… The price I paid to get to where I am, found on the bookshelves you’ll see below…
Must Read Books/PDF's:
This is so spot on and have been feeling these pangs for over a year now, I have been telling my hubby to do this for over a year's gonna happen!!
This is so spot on and have been feeling these pangs for over a year now, I have been telling my hubby to do this for over a year's gonna happen!!
I am feeling the leading of the Holy Spirit that this one gets out there.....there are many "unbelievers" ...and this whole post I tried to "MERGE" (spiritual and physical) THE GOVERNMENT "resting" on his shoulder, "economics"...and two studies in the event that Spirit moves upon those as Wisdom is whispering. Thank you for sharing. THE GREATEST TRANSFER OF WEALTH is about to take place....and only the truly HUMBLE and COMPASSIONATE are going to hear....others will not too "caught up" that their IRA's are "paper assets" tied to their CORPORATE JOBS (even wonder why so many get a CORPORATE job and are too scared to leave....ummmm). I have really tried to NOT sound "fear" but "wisdom" and "warning"......I TRULY CARE....
Message to the Church in Philadelphia
8'I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name. 9Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-- I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you. 10Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! The little hairs on the back of my neck stood up and my goosebumps got goosebumps. I normally do not understand politics, or money...but there is definately an air of truth here, and I thank you for all the hard work you put into all you do. I have been following you on facebook for a long time. Sometimes it has come across complex, but this for me was more understandable...outside of the breakdown of silver etc. I will still have to wrap my mind around that. But I do feel a warning out of love, not fear. urgency not haste. Again, thank you.
The Holy Spirit.....makes simple that which is complex, and reaches the poor (in spirit) and the humble (at heart) and Wisdom LEADS OUT (exodus) The Captivity of The Kenite....and allows for that which was PURPOSED upon His People to befall them...ensnare them......I get a climpse day by day. IN COMPASSION I share that vision, not for MY GAIN...but for The People Of God.....whether you claim Him as YOUR Father....YOU ARE STILL HIS CHILD!
This is "representative" of PARTAKING in the "Kingdom" of God....although Salvation is open to WHOMSOEVER WILL
I pray the Holy Spirit (which is Our Fathers INTELLIGENCE) to go forth upon the minds of HIS raise them UP, and "ressurrect" them from "death" (The Devil and his intelligence and scheme).
Sometimes, I find Our family and friends won't listen to "us".
That is what actually began my journey "writing" and "blogging" as an avenue for others to present something NON-confrontationally to those we love and care for, praying The Holy Spirit "touch them"....and then it is REAL and "of God" and NOT "manipulation" "from US" on those WE might desire to see.
At the end of the day, all we can do (and I say even myself) is PLANT..... and PRAY.....and "Let God BE God", for ONLY HE knows the "minds and hearts" of His Children. Many may present a good "front" to us, you know what I mean..."spilling quotes, scripture...but never coming TO KNOW The Lord in a real CONVERSATION and RELATIONSHIP. I actually did a post on this recently....and can see exactly how this lead to todays post......
We are at the same crossroads in my opinion as Noah was.
Genesis 6:12-14
12 "And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth."
13 "And God said unto Noah, the end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth."
14 "Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it with in and without with pitch."
God had had enough, man had absolutely corrupted his way and today we are witnessing the same thing. Noah's flood was of water, our end times flood is of lies and deception. We are knocking on that door my friends...
The ark is not made of Gopher Wood...that ARK is Christ. Are you aboard? It won't be long now that the times of Noah will be upon us in totality. Those times involved the Fallen Angels aka The Nephelium "giving and taking in marriage" with the Daughters of Adam. If you do not understand this.....STUDY! Thanks Brenda for doing a FINE JOB on this work:
Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but genius recognizes talent instantly.
You never cease to amaze me. I am in awe of the gift that the Father has bestowed upon you and the willingness that you FREE OF CHARGE put so much into what you passionately explain in a sincere desire to help us all along this journey of Truth.
I have watched so many "mock" you, and "laugh" at you and I am ashamed to say that I sat off silently in the background seeing, but not wishing to speak up lest that same dispising of all you do became directed at me.
I have to ask forgiveness of my cowardness, and to offer up my sincere tears as I am so moved that you still continue an outsider in a mainstream society where labels and boxes define you. You definately have given me a new look at worship and value and FROM WHOM our value comes. We place so much emphasis on acquiring more and more in this quest to be the best.
I am reminded by your humble expression of your inner most being to usward that true courage isn't moving forward in the absence of fear, but taking it by the hand saying "Hush Fear"....come along now WE are going to do this inspite of it.
Thank you so so so much. I am both honored by the spirit of you, and the grace that The Father has bestowed upon you. for whom he has given much, much is required of them.
You give much. You never demand that any of us agreee with you. Yet, you do provide us with much to think about, much to contemplate and meditate upon. I just wanted to stop by and say thank-you.
Sharon M.
▶ "Be Fruitful"
John 15:1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 6If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. 9As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. 10If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. 11These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
12This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
Cindy C.
YOU remind me of a song:
"Through My Father's Eyes" (Official Music Video) - Christian Singer, Holly Starr - YouTube
"Through My Father’s Eyes" Lyrics [edit]
by Holly Starr | from the album Focus
So many days I listen to the voice inside my head
I never thought that I'd be someone who could be mislead
I wanted the mirror to show me
Something I could not see
I needed explanations for expectations I could never reach
I know I'm not the only one who's ever cried for help
And Jesus did for me what I could not do myself
He changed my life by changing my mind
He healed all that was broken inside
I'm loving what I can see with
His Spirit alive in me
I'm finding beauty for the first time
Looking through my Father's eyes
From what I see it looks like you don't like yourself too much
When I hear you talk it sounds like you just feel like given up
I know it's hard to see through
What this world will tell you
'Cause misconceptions and false reflections will never be the truth
Just know you're not the only one who's ever cried for help
Jesus loves you in ways that you cannot love yourself
He changed my life by changing my mind
He healed all that was broken inside
I'm loving what I can see with
His Spirit alive in me
I'm finding beauty for the first time
Looking through my Father's eyes
I can see your freedom coming
You'll be a slave to nothing
When you see through my Father's eyes
He changed my life by changing my mind
He healed all that was broken inside
I'm loving what I can see with
His Spirit alive in me
I'm finding beauty for the first time
Looking through my Father's eyes>
I support anything u do tee. U r a rock in a garden filled with stones. I admire ur strength but most of all ur resolve. I will read this tomorrow. Love u. The world is in a pivotal moment between good & evil. All that is composed of good is of GOD & all that is evil is not of HIM.
Carol Tenukas
Rabbinical Judaism's utopia is Jewish control of the globe. We are watching the incremental destruction of all human rights -- the two-tiered justice of the Talmud is being imposed right before our eyes.It is no wonder over the course of civlizations and nations they have found themselves exiled. The latest 1492. Every nation they get control over they pervert and destroy. America is no different.
Well people should demonstrate against THE BANKS, PHARMACEUTICALS, NWO and boycott ISRAEL products . .. Will hit them in the pocket BOOK.
Peter Veniez
When the NWO can stop freedom of expression, then servitude is halfway accomplished and the jackals will only increase their fiendish destruction of humanity.
Wow tee, I am overwhelmed. Very good thoughts. Unfortunately many people today love their lives living only paycheck to paycheck. As long as their own lives r not disrupted, they do not care what happens to other people as long as nothing bad happens to them & theirs. The sad part for me & all compasionate people is that as long as we allow lawlessness to rule without any consequences we r all vulnerable to terror & it's ugly tenacles, of which they far surpass just bombs. Some of these terrorists to name a few come in various forms ; irs auditing u, being raped, being robbed, being beheaded, being financially raped by ur own government, having ur children bullied & picked on etc. Collectively we as GODS children have an obligation to stop all terrorist by not accepting their actions as freedom to chose to do such things. Freedom is a choice to do the right thing.
Carol Tenukas
Silver prices have been on vacation for so long it will be a SHOCK to most when they are allowed to go past $20 again. Most silver investors have been lulled to sleep...either by boredom or anger and don't recognize that silver is an absolute GIFT priced under $20. Not to say that "they" can't rig it lower but good luck finding physical if it goes below $15.
Everything is in place for a rapid move upward in silver prices at any moment so be emotionally prepared for it.
Social Security Act of 1935, the final victory of the socialists, replaces constitutional government in the USA.
Here is the United Nations report on GLOBAL Governance
Hey since its Saturday....I want to add to this thread first with a Sat Morning Cartoon about the Rothchilds and America...
We just warn them to the best of our ability and that's about all we can do. I know it's allot for many to take in but if you have a gift to see things happening then you have a responsibility to warm and share that light! I've found much of your works on fb insightful. I'm going to go and check out your wall. I find this stuff interesting!
Sj Conrad
you are always Spot On! And have taught many of us of these evil thugs and the " bottomless pits " they go to to achieve their goal. All the while, as a dear friend says, " keeping True Jacob/ Israel's face in the dirt with a knee in their backs. ". And we really haven't seen Anything Yet, Dear Ones, as many of you know. Gospel Armor.
And Teresa, you were " losing " those " things " for Refinement. To Come Closer to that Glorious Number Seven, my friend and sister. Which we All have Had to Do. And Thankful to Father YHVH, for What HE Replaced " stuff " With! So Thankful....
I'm ashamed to if I think back on what used to be So important. Very Prideful, I was.
Debra thank you. I just attempt to shorten the learning curve for WHOMSOEVER WILL "listen". meaning I have been in those potholes so mnay times...I started standing "guard" in the street wpointing to the "potholes" and saying HEY GO AROUND...ther is a POTHOLE. lol
Ofcourse is implied here. It hurts me so much when I say "pothole" and folks "mock me". It s not the "mocking that HURTS'...its the KNOWING that their fall is gonna HURT...cuase I REMEMBER the pain.
So next time that one comes along I try another "route" of getting them to see the pothole. Maybe instead of my yelling it....I TAKE A GREAT BIG FLASH LIGHT and "SHINE "it" ON THE
Theres a pothole in my street (sidewalk)..
I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost... I am helpless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don't see it.
I fall in again.
I can't believe I am in the same place.
But, it isn't my fault.
It still takes me a long time to get out.
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in. It's a habit.
My eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault. I get out immediately.
walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.
I walk down another street.”
Once we finally "figure it out" COMPASSION warns of the "hole".
HUMILITY says "some will listen",
"some will mock", soem will argue..
But some will hear. Blessed is the one who GIVES WARNING...
even more Blessed is the one who HEARS and "heeds".
Just plowing and planting in The Garden of God, and on a journy homeward bound filled with "potlholes"
here is a good clip to show:
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