Usury would soon be recognized and eliminated from Roman society for over six hundred years.
The prohibition of usury didn't occur right away though. The Roman emperor Constantine (306-337 AD) wisely avoided taking on the powerful moneychangers of his time. But, he did make other decrees concerning the Jews in their power and limiting their corruption.
By the fourth century AD, the Church prohibited the taking of interest by the clergy. This was a rule that was extended in the fifth century to the laity as well.
Under Charlemagne in the eighth century, the Church took bolder steps and declared usury to be a general criminal offense. The anti-usury movement continued to gain momentum and perhaps reached its zenith in 1311 when Pope Clement V made the ban on usury absolute and declared all secular legislation in its favour, null and void (Birnie, 1952).
As it was with Lex Genucia, who outlawed usury in 342 BC, soon afterward loopholes were found in the law, in addition to contradictions in the Church's growing legalism, usury was once again rife. The Jews, who lived apart from the Christians, continued acting as the primary moneylenders in Europe (i.e., until around 1300). The resulting stereotype of Jews was immortalized in Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice." Anti-Semitism during this period was rampant and England's King Edward I forbade Jews to exact usury. A unified European recognized the deceit of the Jews and how their usury was directed against them.
In 1592, Pope Clement VIII acknowledged the corrupt influence of usury and charged the benefactors by proclaiming:
"All the world suffers from the usury of the Jews (Kenites), their monopolies and deceit. They have brought many unfortunate people into a state of poverty, especially the farmers, working class people and the very poor. Then as now Jews have to be reminded intermittently anew that they were enjoying rights in any country since they left Palestine and the Arabian desert, and subsequently their ethical and moral doctrines as well as their deeds rightly deserve to be exposed to criticism in whatever country they happen to live."
It was Christianity that put an end to the destructive nature of Jewish usury on its people. Rome's treasury became barren as a result of the moneychangers. It weakened the Roman Empire immeasurably, and thrust untold millions in poverty, debt, and in prison. It was Christianity that halted the influence of the Jews and their destructive trades and practices. And, the Christian faith spread throughout the former Roman Empire. All of the European people eventually became Christianity's vanguard and champion.
Without the strict adherence to the moral ethos, any civilization will devolve into the religion of Nimrod.
Without the strict adherence to the moral ethos, any civilization will devolve into the religion of Nimrod.
On January 1, 2007 the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston posted the comics "Wishes and Rainbows" and "The Road to Roota: A Teachers Guide" on their website. Both of these postings had HUGE RED exclamation points on the side of them. Since then they have removed the red exclamation points but both the comics can still be found on their website here:
I once wrote the following about how these two comics profoundly changed the way I looked at the world...
It was January 2007 when I first discovered the information released by the Federal Reserve Bank, Boston that changed my understanding of the gold &silver markets, the financial markets, the energy markets, the monetary system as well as the true essence of my country, the United States of America. My understanding of the way the world worked was blown to bits and replaced with a more unified theory on all things monetary... all things that lead us down Primrose Lane otherwise known as the Road to the Gold Standard.
If I am correct in my analysis the history, meaning and significance of these two comics may just be the most profound revelation in the history of the United States of America. Go check it out for yourselves.
The money has collapsed, and is worthless. China is backing Russia and no longer using OUR Federal Reserve Notes aka The Dollar "standard". Precious metals should be through the roof. Why not? Because they are manipulated by "The chosen people." (Jews/Kenites who CLAIM to be Jews but do lie!!!!!) Yes, the are God's Chosen... Chosen for perdition.
Very soon we will know the TRUTH! Hold tight my friends...2015 will be nothing like the world has ever experienced.
At the root of the holocaust deception lies the Zionist desire to conquer what was Arab-held Palestine and form a Jewish ‘homeland’ in its place. This nefarious Zionist conspiracy was articulated in plain English by a prominent American-Jewish rabbi named Stephen S. Wise, an influential adviser to numerous U.S. Presidents, including Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1900 — fourteen years before World War One and thirty-nine years before World War Two — rabbi Wise spoke of “6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism,” unveiling the kabbalistic ‘6,000,000’ figure in the context of a Zionist public relations effort to use perceived persecution of Jews as a way of garnering world sympathy for the creation of a Jewish state. (“ZIONISTS’ MASS MEETING: Rabbi Wise’s Address,” New York Times, June 11, 1900.)
The grand exaggerations and fabrications of the holocaust story are indeed a critical component of this whole narrative, but the intricacies of the holocaust fraud is a subject for another book. Considering the vastness of the subject, I will simply mention a few examples of the previous attempts by Jews to submerge unsuspecting non-Jewish populations underneath a tidal wave of Jewish persecution stories, invoking the kabbalistic ‘six million’ figure with an obsessive, religious passion. This was usually done as an attempt to divert the world’s attention away from Jewish-inflicted atrocities, like the heinous murders that were being perpetrated by Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia and elsewhere in Europe. It was also intended to elicit public sympathy and support for Jewish political causes, primarily Zionism.
Here are a few examples:
1) In 1902, the tenth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica references “six million Jews” of Rumania and Russia being “systematically degraded.”
2) In 1905, the New York Times released a report on the social situation of the Jews in Russia, claiming that, “From 1890 to 1902 he [Constantine Petrovich Pobiedonostizeff] caused 6,000,000 Jewish families to be expelled from Russia.” (“POBIEDONOSTIZEFF RESIGNS.,” New York Times, Nov. 1, 1905.)
3) In 1906, a German-Jewish publicist named Dr. Paul Nathan disseminated claims about the mistreatment of “6,000,000 Jews” in Russia, alleging that the Russian government had set in motion a “solution to the Jewish question” which amounted to a policy of “systematic… murderous extermination.” (“Dr. Paul Natan’s View of Russian Massacre,” New York Times, Mar. 25, 1906.)
4) In 1910, the American Jewish Committee’s annual report claimed that since the year 1890 Russia “adopted a deliberate plan to expel or exterminate” 6,000,000 Jews. (“The American Jewish Yearbook,” American Jewish Committee, Sept. 23 1911 to Sept. 11 1912, p. 15.)
5) In 1911, at the tenth Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, the co-founder of the World Zionist Organization Max Nordau made a startling prediction that “6,000,000 Jews” would soon be annihilated by European governments. (Hecht, Ben. Perfidy. New York: Messner, 1961. p. 254.)
6) In 1914, the New York Times made reference to “6,000,000 Jews” in the context of being in danger of becoming consumed in the ensuing world war. (“Appeal For Aid For Jews,” New York Times, Dec. 2, 1914.)
7) In 1915, about a year into World War One, Jewish leader Louis Marshall makes a dire proclamation alleging that the lives of “6,000,000 Jews” are at stake and that they are being “subjected to every manner of suffering and sorrow.” (“Jews’ Indifference to War Aid Rebuked,” New York Times, Jan. 14, 1915.)
8) On the 31st of October 1919, shortly after World War One had ended, the Governor of New York at the time, Martin H. Glynn, published an article in the American Hebrew Magazine entitled “The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop” in which he speaks of the imminent destruction of “six million Jewish men and women,” calling it a “holocaust of human life.”
9) In 1919, the New York Times published a frantic article alleging that 6,000,000 Jews in Ukraine and Poland were being targeted to be “completely exterminated” in pogroms. (“Ukrainian Jews Aim To Stop Pogroms,” New York Times, Sept. 8, 1919.)
10) In 1921, another New York Times article alleges that 6,000,000 Jews in Russia “are facing extermination by massacre.” (“Begs America Save 6,000,000 In Russia,” New York Times, July 20, 1921.)
11) In 1936, Zionist kingpin Chaim Weizmann, in an effort to lobby the British government to permit mass Jewish immigration to Palestine, expressed the view that 6,000,000 Jews had “neither hope nor future” in Europe. (“Before The Royal Commission,” Jewish Western Bulletin, Dec. 11, 1936 / “The Jewish Case: Dr. Weizmann Before Royal Commission,” The London Times, Nov. 26, 1936.)
12) Also in 1936, a desperate appeal for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine appeared in the New York Times. The article spoke of the “sufferings of millions of persecuted Jews” in “the European holocaust.” Zionists yearned for England to “throw open the gates of Palestine and let in the victimized and persecuted Jews escaping from the European holocaust,” asserting that “the restoration of the land of Israel to the children of Israel is the guiding star in this great struggle for a better world.” (“Americans Appeal For Jewish Refuge,” New York Times, May 31, 1936.) World War Two would not begin for another three years.
13) In 1938, seven years before the end of World War Two, Jews claim exactly six million Jews are victims of “governmental anti-Semitism and persecution.” (“Persecuted Jews Seen On Increase,” New York Times, Jan. 9, 1938.)
14) In 1939, a Jewish publication called The Jewish Criterion predicts that “the coming world war would be the annihilation of six million Jews in East and Central Europe.” (“Review of Events,” The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), Oct. 13, 1939.)
15) In 1941, Nahum Goldmann, the president of the World Jewish Congress at the time, makes an ominous prediction that if the National Socialist Germans are to achieve final victory “6,000,000 Jews in Europe are doomed to destruction.” (“Doom of European Jews Seen If Hitler Wins,” The Palm Beach Post, June 25, 1940.)
16) In November and December of 1944, with a full six months left of the war still to be fought, articles began appearing in Jewish publications already alleging that exactly 6,000,000 Jews had been killed. “Six Million Jews Listed Slaughtered” was the heading of an article published in the November 28, 1944, edition of the Pittsburgh Post. On the same day, the Palestine Post ran the heading “Six Millions Murdered”. These stories were all based on the preposterous claims of Ilya Ehrenburg, a Jewish-Soviet communist propagandist who, in March of 1945, several months before fighting would cease, again prematurely announced that “the world now knows that Germany has killed six million Jews.” (Soviet War News, Mar. 15, 1945.)
That is just a small sample of Jewish persecution propaganda, alleging an imminent “holocaust of six million Jews,” emanating from Zionist media sources. What it shows is that Zionist Jews have been promoting the kabbalistic fable of “six million Jews on the brink of extermination” as a foregone conclusion bound to happen for many years before, during and after World War One. This is documented more thoroughly by Don Heddesheimer in his book “The First Holocaust: Jewish Fundraising Campaigns With Holocaust Claims During and After World War One”. Even as far as the official account is concerned, the figure of ‘six million’ Jewish deaths in their claimed ‘holocaust’ during World War Two was laid to rest long ago. Historian Mark Weber has noted that the “Auschwitz story has changed drastically over the years.” In 1990, the Auschwitz state museum officially revised the alleged death toll there from the absurd figure of 4 million — which was uncritically accepted as ‘fact’ for decades — to 1 or 1.5 million. Other prominent historians have said the total amount of deaths in Auschwitz may be as low as 500,000, whereas revisionists calculate that somewhere between 150,000 and 350,000 Jews and non-Jews died in Auschwitz from all causes, mainly disease and starvation. (Mark Weber, “Auschwitz: Myths and Facts,” Institute for Historical Review, Sept. 2009.) Majdanek, a German concentration camp in Poland, was claimed to be the resting place of 1.5 million murdered victims until, in recent years, the official authorities there drastically reduced the number multiple times, now arriving at a modest figure of 79,000, a bare fraction of its former magnitude. Revisionist historians have arrived at an even lower number. (Jürgen Graf, “A Revisionist Analysis of Majdanek Concentration Camp,” Revisionist History) The 1963 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica speaks of “2,000,000 people, mostly Jews” who were allegedly done to death by the Germans in Mauthausen, a concentration camp in Austria. Establishment sources were forced to concede that this figure is yet another grotesque exaggeration, now placing the Jewish death toll at that camp somewhere around 14,000. (“Mauthausen,” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Website)
In a rare display of honesty, the Israeli author Tom Segev revealed that the oft-repeated figure of five million non-Jewish victims of Hitler and National Socialism is a tissue of lies. In his book “Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends,” Segev explained that Simon Wiesenthal, the infamous ‘Nazi Hunter’ whose boisterous penchant for fraudulent and exaggerated claims are legend, conjured this figure out of thin air as a marketing ploy to elicit non-Jewish interest in holocaust lore — it has no basis in reality. (Deborah E. Lipstadt, “Simon Wiesenthal and the Ethics of History,” Jewish Review of Books) When taken together, the official reductions of ‘holocaust’ death figures — including the five million gentile victims invented by Wiesenthal — amounts to over 11,000,000 fabricated victims of the Germans! On top of that, there are millions of Jews who claim to be “survivors” of the holocaust. On page 81 of his book “The Holocaust Industry,” Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein recalled a question that his mother used to ask: “If everyone who claims to be a [holocaust] survivor actually is one, then who did Hitler kill?” Evidently, Hitler did not order the killing of very many Jews at all. His policy all along was never one of extermination, but rather forced deportation.
Yet why, despite these official admissions and astonishing discoveries that have made a gargantuan dent in the sacrosanct “six million dead Jews” figure, are people still being taught in school that this many Jews perished in the Second World War? Why do the media, like trained parrots, endlessly repeat this number? A clue as to why this is was disclosed by the ‘holocaust’ pope Raul Hilberg. Speaking about the Jewish fixation on the ‘six million’ number he said, “call it religious if you like.” (“The war on truth,” The Guardian, Mar. 12, 2001.) Indeed, the holocaust story itself is not a matter of history but a matter of religion — a synthetic mythos designed to pacify the gentiles, paving the way for the creation of Israel and Jewish world dominion. Ian J. Kagedan, a top official of the Jewish-Masonic group B’nai B’rith, let slip the Jewish supremacist agenda underpinning the widespread promotion of the holocaust myth. In 1991, Kagedan said that memorializing the holocaust story “is central to the new world order” and that achieving their “quest of a “new world order” depends on our learning the Holocaust’s lessons.” (Toronto Star, Nov. 26, 1991.) This “New World Order” of global Jewish domination was promised to the leaders of American Jewry by the dedicated Zionist servant Arthur Greenwood, a member of the British War Cabinet during the Second World War. In a vocal pledge of servitude to World Jewry, Greenwood proclaimed that upon Hitler’s defeat in the war Jews everywhere would be given an opportunity to “make a distinctive and constructive contribution in the rebuilding of the world.” (“New World Order Pledged To Jews,” New York Times, Oct. 8, 1940.)
"First of all, we have to understand what Communism is..... Communism is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism." ~ Bobby Fischer [a Jew] Press Conference, September 1 1992
"When the Jews leave Russia, Communism will collapse there. World Jewry is today relocating to America. Thus the real threat of Communism in America has just begun." ~ Arnold Leese a great British expert on the Jewish Problem, 1938
"We come to the nations pretending [to be victims] to escape persecution, we the most deadly persecutors in all the wretched annals of man." ~ (Samuel Roth [a Jew], Jews Must Live) [And this is precisely why ALL JEWS ARE LIARS and complicit in the Rabbis' evil deeds] !!!!!
"Zionism is Judaism, and Judaism is unthinkable without Zionism." (Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History, Vol. X, "Zionists").
"I have noticed over 58 years of research that jews try to make a distinction between Zionism and Judiasm – implying that the Jews are not the problem. The Jews ARE the problem" !!! ~ B C ~
"Some call it Communism, I call it JUDAISM" !!! ~ Rabbi Stephen Wise [a Jew] The American Bulletin, May 5, 1935. [Therefore, Bolshevism, Zionism & Judaism are all disguised, camofluaged Communism] !!!!!
"Communism and Judaism are one and the same" (Hilary Cotter, Cardinal Minszenty, The Truth About His Real "Crime," p. 6).
"The modern term Zionism first appeared at the end of the 19th century, denoting the movement whose goal was the return of the Jewish people to Eretz Israel (Palestine). It was coined by Nathan Birnbaum [a Jew] in his journal Selbstemanzipation (April 1, 1890)." (Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 16 (1971), p. 1032).
"Zionism is the best advertised of all present Jewish activities and has exerted a greater influence upon world events than the average man realizes..... they [non-Jews] have been too well propagandized into believing that Political Zionism and the 'return' promised by the [Jews'] prophets [Rabbis] are the same thing." (The International Jew, Vol. III, p. 114).
It was Christianity that put an end to the destructive nature of Jewish usury on its people. Rome's treasury became barren as a result of the moneychangers. It weakened the Roman Empire immeasurably, and thrust untold millions in poverty, debt, and in prison. It was Christianity that halted the influence of the Jews and their destructive trades and practices. And, the Christian faith spread throughout the former Roman Empire. All of the European people eventually became Christianity's vanguard and champion.
The Withered Fig Tree
…22And Jesus answered saying to them, "Have faith in God.23"Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him. 24"Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.…
At the root of the holocaust deception lies the Zionist desire to conquer what was Arab-held Palestine and form a Jewish ‘homeland’ in its place. This nefarious Zionist conspiracy was articulated in plain English by a prominent American-Jewish rabbi named Stephen S. Wise, an influential adviser to numerous U.S. Presidents, including Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1900 — fourteen years before World War One and thirty-nine years before World War Two — rabbi Wise spoke of “6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism,” unveiling the kabbalistic ‘6,000,000’ figure in the context of a Zionist public relations effort to use perceived persecution of Jews as a way of garnering world sympathy for the creation of a Jewish state. (“ZIONISTS’ MASS MEETING: Rabbi Wise’s Address,” New York Times, June 11, 1900.)
The grand exaggerations and fabrications of the holocaust story are indeed a critical component of this whole narrative, but the intricacies of the holocaust fraud is a subject for another book. Considering the vastness of the subject, I will simply mention a few examples of the previous attempts by Jews to submerge unsuspecting non-Jewish populations underneath a tidal wave of Jewish persecution stories, invoking the kabbalistic ‘six million’ figure with an obsessive, religious passion. This was usually done as an attempt to divert the world’s attention away from Jewish-inflicted atrocities, like the heinous murders that were being perpetrated by Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia and elsewhere in Europe. It was also intended to elicit public sympathy and support for Jewish political causes, primarily Zionism.
Here are a few examples:
1) In 1902, the tenth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica references “six million Jews” of Rumania and Russia being “systematically degraded.”
2) In 1905, the New York Times released a report on the social situation of the Jews in Russia, claiming that, “From 1890 to 1902 he [Constantine Petrovich Pobiedonostizeff] caused 6,000,000 Jewish families to be expelled from Russia.” (“POBIEDONOSTIZEFF RESIGNS.,” New York Times, Nov. 1, 1905.)
3) In 1906, a German-Jewish publicist named Dr. Paul Nathan disseminated claims about the mistreatment of “6,000,000 Jews” in Russia, alleging that the Russian government had set in motion a “solution to the Jewish question” which amounted to a policy of “systematic… murderous extermination.” (“Dr. Paul Natan’s View of Russian Massacre,” New York Times, Mar. 25, 1906.)
4) In 1910, the American Jewish Committee’s annual report claimed that since the year 1890 Russia “adopted a deliberate plan to expel or exterminate” 6,000,000 Jews. (“The American Jewish Yearbook,” American Jewish Committee, Sept. 23 1911 to Sept. 11 1912, p. 15.)
5) In 1911, at the tenth Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, the co-founder of the World Zionist Organization Max Nordau made a startling prediction that “6,000,000 Jews” would soon be annihilated by European governments. (Hecht, Ben. Perfidy. New York: Messner, 1961. p. 254.)
6) In 1914, the New York Times made reference to “6,000,000 Jews” in the context of being in danger of becoming consumed in the ensuing world war. (“Appeal For Aid For Jews,” New York Times, Dec. 2, 1914.)
7) In 1915, about a year into World War One, Jewish leader Louis Marshall makes a dire proclamation alleging that the lives of “6,000,000 Jews” are at stake and that they are being “subjected to every manner of suffering and sorrow.” (“Jews’ Indifference to War Aid Rebuked,” New York Times, Jan. 14, 1915.)
8) On the 31st of October 1919, shortly after World War One had ended, the Governor of New York at the time, Martin H. Glynn, published an article in the American Hebrew Magazine entitled “The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop” in which he speaks of the imminent destruction of “six million Jewish men and women,” calling it a “holocaust of human life.”
9) In 1919, the New York Times published a frantic article alleging that 6,000,000 Jews in Ukraine and Poland were being targeted to be “completely exterminated” in pogroms. (“Ukrainian Jews Aim To Stop Pogroms,” New York Times, Sept. 8, 1919.)
10) In 1921, another New York Times article alleges that 6,000,000 Jews in Russia “are facing extermination by massacre.” (“Begs America Save 6,000,000 In Russia,” New York Times, July 20, 1921.)
11) In 1936, Zionist kingpin Chaim Weizmann, in an effort to lobby the British government to permit mass Jewish immigration to Palestine, expressed the view that 6,000,000 Jews had “neither hope nor future” in Europe. (“Before The Royal Commission,” Jewish Western Bulletin, Dec. 11, 1936 / “The Jewish Case: Dr. Weizmann Before Royal Commission,” The London Times, Nov. 26, 1936.)
12) Also in 1936, a desperate appeal for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine appeared in the New York Times. The article spoke of the “sufferings of millions of persecuted Jews” in “the European holocaust.” Zionists yearned for England to “throw open the gates of Palestine and let in the victimized and persecuted Jews escaping from the European holocaust,” asserting that “the restoration of the land of Israel to the children of Israel is the guiding star in this great struggle for a better world.” (“Americans Appeal For Jewish Refuge,” New York Times, May 31, 1936.) World War Two would not begin for another three years.
13) In 1938, seven years before the end of World War Two, Jews claim exactly six million Jews are victims of “governmental anti-Semitism and persecution.” (“Persecuted Jews Seen On Increase,” New York Times, Jan. 9, 1938.)
14) In 1939, a Jewish publication called The Jewish Criterion predicts that “the coming world war would be the annihilation of six million Jews in East and Central Europe.” (“Review of Events,” The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), Oct. 13, 1939.)
15) In 1941, Nahum Goldmann, the president of the World Jewish Congress at the time, makes an ominous prediction that if the National Socialist Germans are to achieve final victory “6,000,000 Jews in Europe are doomed to destruction.” (“Doom of European Jews Seen If Hitler Wins,” The Palm Beach Post, June 25, 1940.)
16) In November and December of 1944, with a full six months left of the war still to be fought, articles began appearing in Jewish publications already alleging that exactly 6,000,000 Jews had been killed. “Six Million Jews Listed Slaughtered” was the heading of an article published in the November 28, 1944, edition of the Pittsburgh Post. On the same day, the Palestine Post ran the heading “Six Millions Murdered”. These stories were all based on the preposterous claims of Ilya Ehrenburg, a Jewish-Soviet communist propagandist who, in March of 1945, several months before fighting would cease, again prematurely announced that “the world now knows that Germany has killed six million Jews.” (Soviet War News, Mar. 15, 1945.)
That is just a small sample of Jewish persecution propaganda, alleging an imminent “holocaust of six million Jews,” emanating from Zionist media sources. What it shows is that Zionist Jews have been promoting the kabbalistic fable of “six million Jews on the brink of extermination” as a foregone conclusion bound to happen for many years before, during and after World War One. This is documented more thoroughly by Don Heddesheimer in his book “The First Holocaust: Jewish Fundraising Campaigns With Holocaust Claims During and After World War One”. Even as far as the official account is concerned, the figure of ‘six million’ Jewish deaths in their claimed ‘holocaust’ during World War Two was laid to rest long ago. Historian Mark Weber has noted that the “Auschwitz story has changed drastically over the years.” In 1990, the Auschwitz state museum officially revised the alleged death toll there from the absurd figure of 4 million — which was uncritically accepted as ‘fact’ for decades — to 1 or 1.5 million. Other prominent historians have said the total amount of deaths in Auschwitz may be as low as 500,000, whereas revisionists calculate that somewhere between 150,000 and 350,000 Jews and non-Jews died in Auschwitz from all causes, mainly disease and starvation. (Mark Weber, “Auschwitz: Myths and Facts,” Institute for Historical Review, Sept. 2009.) Majdanek, a German concentration camp in Poland, was claimed to be the resting place of 1.5 million murdered victims until, in recent years, the official authorities there drastically reduced the number multiple times, now arriving at a modest figure of 79,000, a bare fraction of its former magnitude. Revisionist historians have arrived at an even lower number. (Jürgen Graf, “A Revisionist Analysis of Majdanek Concentration Camp,” Revisionist History) The 1963 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica speaks of “2,000,000 people, mostly Jews” who were allegedly done to death by the Germans in Mauthausen, a concentration camp in Austria. Establishment sources were forced to concede that this figure is yet another grotesque exaggeration, now placing the Jewish death toll at that camp somewhere around 14,000. (“Mauthausen,” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Website)
In a rare display of honesty, the Israeli author Tom Segev revealed that the oft-repeated figure of five million non-Jewish victims of Hitler and National Socialism is a tissue of lies. In his book “Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends,” Segev explained that Simon Wiesenthal, the infamous ‘Nazi Hunter’ whose boisterous penchant for fraudulent and exaggerated claims are legend, conjured this figure out of thin air as a marketing ploy to elicit non-Jewish interest in holocaust lore — it has no basis in reality. (Deborah E. Lipstadt, “Simon Wiesenthal and the Ethics of History,” Jewish Review of Books) When taken together, the official reductions of ‘holocaust’ death figures — including the five million gentile victims invented by Wiesenthal — amounts to over 11,000,000 fabricated victims of the Germans! On top of that, there are millions of Jews who claim to be “survivors” of the holocaust. On page 81 of his book “The Holocaust Industry,” Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein recalled a question that his mother used to ask: “If everyone who claims to be a [holocaust] survivor actually is one, then who did Hitler kill?” Evidently, Hitler did not order the killing of very many Jews at all. His policy all along was never one of extermination, but rather forced deportation.
Yet why, despite these official admissions and astonishing discoveries that have made a gargantuan dent in the sacrosanct “six million dead Jews” figure, are people still being taught in school that this many Jews perished in the Second World War? Why do the media, like trained parrots, endlessly repeat this number? A clue as to why this is was disclosed by the ‘holocaust’ pope Raul Hilberg. Speaking about the Jewish fixation on the ‘six million’ number he said, “call it religious if you like.” (“The war on truth,” The Guardian, Mar. 12, 2001.) Indeed, the holocaust story itself is not a matter of history but a matter of religion — a synthetic mythos designed to pacify the gentiles, paving the way for the creation of Israel and Jewish world dominion. Ian J. Kagedan, a top official of the Jewish-Masonic group B’nai B’rith, let slip the Jewish supremacist agenda underpinning the widespread promotion of the holocaust myth. In 1991, Kagedan said that memorializing the holocaust story “is central to the new world order” and that achieving their “quest of a “new world order” depends on our learning the Holocaust’s lessons.” (Toronto Star, Nov. 26, 1991.) This “New World Order” of global Jewish domination was promised to the leaders of American Jewry by the dedicated Zionist servant Arthur Greenwood, a member of the British War Cabinet during the Second World War. In a vocal pledge of servitude to World Jewry, Greenwood proclaimed that upon Hitler’s defeat in the war Jews everywhere would be given an opportunity to “make a distinctive and constructive contribution in the rebuilding of the world.” (“New World Order Pledged To Jews,” New York Times, Oct. 8, 1940.)
"First of all, we have to understand what Communism is..... Communism is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism." ~ Bobby Fischer [a Jew] Press Conference, September 1 1992
"When the Jews leave Russia, Communism will collapse there. World Jewry is today relocating to America. Thus the real threat of Communism in America has just begun." ~ Arnold Leese a great British expert on the Jewish Problem, 1938
"We come to the nations pretending [to be victims] to escape persecution, we the most deadly persecutors in all the wretched annals of man." ~ (Samuel Roth [a Jew], Jews Must Live) [And this is precisely why ALL JEWS ARE LIARS and complicit in the Rabbis' evil deeds] !!!!!
"Zionism is Judaism, and Judaism is unthinkable without Zionism." (Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History, Vol. X, "Zionists").
"I have noticed over 58 years of research that jews try to make a distinction between Zionism and Judiasm – implying that the Jews are not the problem. The Jews ARE the problem" !!! ~ B C ~
"Some call it Communism, I call it JUDAISM" !!! ~ Rabbi Stephen Wise [a Jew] The American Bulletin, May 5, 1935. [Therefore, Bolshevism, Zionism & Judaism are all disguised, camofluaged Communism] !!!!!
"Communism and Judaism are one and the same" (Hilary Cotter, Cardinal Minszenty, The Truth About His Real "Crime," p. 6).
"The modern term Zionism first appeared at the end of the 19th century, denoting the movement whose goal was the return of the Jewish people to Eretz Israel (Palestine). It was coined by Nathan Birnbaum [a Jew] in his journal Selbstemanzipation (April 1, 1890)." (Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 16 (1971), p. 1032).
"Zionism is the best advertised of all present Jewish activities and has exerted a greater influence upon world events than the average man realizes..... they [non-Jews] have been too well propagandized into believing that Political Zionism and the 'return' promised by the [Jews'] prophets [Rabbis] are the same thing." (The International Jew, Vol. III, p. 114).
It was Christianity that put an end to the destructive nature of Jewish usury on its people. Rome's treasury became barren as a result of the moneychangers. It weakened the Roman Empire immeasurably, and thrust untold millions in poverty, debt, and in prison. It was Christianity that halted the influence of the Jews and their destructive trades and practices. And, the Christian faith spread throughout the former Roman Empire. All of the European people eventually became Christianity's vanguard and champion.
The Withered Fig Tree
…22And Jesus answered saying to them, "Have faith in God.23"Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him. 24"Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.…
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