Monday, May 4, 2015

South Africa the FORERUNNER to America: A WARNING to Prepare!

South Africa could be called John the Baptist to Christ, A FORERUNNER announcing what is COMING to America  happening in Great Britain today..
When an Advanced NATION built by European people upon Christian principles IS DECEIVED by the Cultural Marxist "dream of racial egalitarianism" and in the name of justice and liberty surrenders political power to an African majority that had never shown the capacity to "create or sustain" a FREE, JUST, and civilized society.
What we have witnessed since the end of Apartheid is African POLITICAL LEADERS in South Africa dragging that nation down to the same violent, primitive and tribal existence found in every other failed African government, and for the same reasons.
There is NO White Man being "dah man" oppressing anyone there, and THE NATION is in full-scale DECLINE! The Truth is the tables are TURNED and it is the very "ones" who claimed to be "oppressed" are NOW becoming the "genocidal maniacs" against Whites who once occupied THAT Land.
A closer look into South Africa today Washigton Marching Against the Genocide of Whites in South Africa is a TIMELY WARNING of what can happen when "a nation" leaves its CORE PRINCIPLES for the sake of poltical expedience and phony compassion and equality blinded to the "facts" of EXPLOITATION by THE MAN "The Moneylenders".
I won't go into the heart-wrenching descriptions of the savage crimes perpetrated by South African blacks against the few whites that remain in that nation today. I will say the level of cruelty is not analogous to being a human being. It's not human to do what these armed thugs are doing to families, raping women, murdering husbands, fathers and sons, violating infants... They've become worse than animals... savages who have no respect for life, whose hatred for whites has taken over their very core and transformed them into primordial killing machines with no conscience and no heart.
And as these barbarians wander the country, preying on their victims, the South African government has made it nearly impossible for terrorized whites to legally defend their lives and their loved ones against these bloodthirsty troglodytes.
If you stop to contemplate the severity of the threat against you, you could very well watch helpless as armed thugs gang rape your loved ones. If you take action, you could be arrested and charged for defending your life. Additionally, thanks to the Firearms Control Act of 2000, firearms licenses which were previously valid for life, have to be renewed, the renewal involving reams of paperwork, testing, fees and other hoops that could drag on for years. Effectively, the majority of lawful firearms owners in South Africa no longer have the right or the means to protect themselves from armed marauders.
But this is from a woman's perspective... from a gun rights advocate's perspective.

Some facts that may be uncomfortable to those who have forgotten how to discuss race with dispassion and objectivity. Many of you know my feelings on unchecked democracy. It's tyranny of the majority - and no matter how you couch it, it's still tyranny. So what happens when a previously-subservient race takes over a nation, aided by well-meaning governments and celebrities ignorant of the unintended consequences of their actions? Many of you know my thoughts on "this Nation" was founded on the REPUBLICAN "form" of Government...and "high-jacked into a democracy" for above said purposes..TRYANNY!

In the case of South Africa, the ANC made sure that the blacks were properly "compensated" for their years of inequality under the Afrikaners
. ( And Obama is already talking about making Reparations to the black slaves in 2016)
Propped up by the westerners as a successful democracy, the ANC implemented policies of redistribution that allowed the government to take any property - anything from land to livestock - for any reason. (Sound like a familiar
eminent domain policy, America?) South African land is now a "national asset" to be redistributed according to the will of the majority. The majority just happens to be South African blacks, most of whom believe they're entitled to whites' property and livelihoods by virtue of being previously oppressed. Blacks have preference in hiring, preferential treatment in courts and relative ease when stealing (legally) property they covet from whites.
Currently the minority in South Africa lives in terror - victimized by the tyranny of the majority and aided and abetted by the West, where intellectual ELITES sing the praises of "democracy" improving the lives of previously oppressed blacks hogwash! Look today are any black lives in South Africa "better off" or "improved"? A majority that has apparently set out to destroy those whom it perceives to be the enemy - an enemy judged by its skin color - an enemy that they plunder, rape and have set out to destroy.
Don't think it can happen here?
Think affirmative action quotas. Think preferential hiring. Think eminent domain.
A warning to America. I have no doubt that if we allow our government to continue confiscating our land, mandating hiring practices to private companies and violating the basic principles of liberty, we will be heading in the direction of South Africa. If we allow racist regimes to be lauded as just by politicians, regardless of which race wields control, who formulate foreign policy accordingly, we won't be too far behind South Africa when it comes to sheer cruel prejudice and injustice. And if we laud these regimes as moral, ethical and fair, what's stopping us from following in their footsteps?
The imposition of majority-rule democracy, which transferred political power from the "Boers" to black-only rule, has been an unmitigated disaster. Thousands of white farmers, in particular, have been ruthlessly murdered, their family members raped and chopped to pieces, and their property stolen by machete-wiedling gangs of black thugs. The once-prosperous nation has regressed to the traditional African nightmare of warring tribes, who are totally clueless about governing a modern country. Yet, do-gooder European and American leftists continue to revel in the notion that they helped "free" black citizens and gave them political power, blithely ignoring bloodshed and carnage that rival the despicable acts of ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.
Elements that caused the collapse of South Africa is whats occurring in the United States.The United States is on the same path to Hell, thanks to mindless political correctness and blind devotion to the failed socialist tenet of income redistribution—stealing from producers and giving the spoils to nonproducers in the name of "fairness." The facts are indisputable, and predictions inescapable. For confirmation, look no farther than outcomes of the disastrous social engineering experiment that exist in today's "free" South Africa.Political correctness blinds people to the hard facts.
Real wealth is created not by printing paper money, and galvanizing the globe's governments to buy this or that's GOVERNMENT BONDS , but by the "production and consumption of products". I am not an economist by profession in any way, but in all my reading of economic texts this seems like one of the simplest statements of economic reality. Why do most people seem to not understand it?. Printing money from nothing produces something of no value whatsoever. We seem to have reached a point where all of our money or "wealth" is not based on anything of value, like gold, but is based entirely on debt - and nothing good can come from that. Only God can create something from nothing.
Secession is the political complement of the individual right of free association. At its core are individual rights; the soul of secession is liberty - the right to disassociate at will, or not to be forced into associations against one's will this is the essence of liberty and freedom.
Our present government claims it cannot legislate morality but attempts to legislate civility. This is why our "civil rights" laws have little to do with rights and are anything but civil. Our War of Independence from England was more correctly a War of Secession. Furthermore, it seems to me that at this late date secession might possibly be the only way that our nation can be salvaged and the monster that we created in Washington D.C. be stopped.
When the states have seceded into "federations of states" or "regional federations" each with their OWN LOCAL currencies instead of a MONOPOLIZED USURY currency, then they can begin to solve the problems they face at a local level, and then they could approach unification again - just as the 13 colonies approached it in the past.
We Americans have been warned...and time is running out.

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