I plant daily, and know that even the 144,000 that ARE God's won't come out of Babylon (confusion) until the day that we are "delivered up" in like manner a Christ was "delivered up" before the counicls of His day. He showed us how to get it done. Not a whimper, not a peep, silent as a sheep before HER sheerers is "silent", but THEN when HE through The Holy Spirit speaks....this is the time when our REAL work is done, and many eyes open reallizing that they were worshipping Satan and COME OUT and partake of the PARDON on this side of The Millenium aka The Lords Day.
But let us not be deceived That THE DAY OF THE LORD shall not come before there is a FALLING AWAY "First". ummmmm Lets see what that means>>>>>>
THE GREAT FALLING AWAY. The Rapture of The Church that will Fall-Away WORSHIPPING Satan in his "office" and The Anti-Christ THINKING HE IS JESUS come back to "redeem" us, or Some Spririt Brother the Vatican may present him as etc. ITS WORSHIPPING SATAN in Jerusalem!
Let me first say that JESUS IS COMING AGAIN. He just is NOT taking us out of this world while singing, "I'll fly away".
Lets look at some key Scripture to bust this false teaching
John 17:15 (JESUS praying to The Father) "I pray NOT that thou shouldest TAKE THEM OUT OF THE WORLD, but that thou should keep them from evil."
erse 20 - Neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word. (That is you and me.)
If JESUS asked NOT to take us OUT, we're NOT going! The Rapture theory has nothing to do with your Salvation. Just make sure you are ready to meet Jesus, no matter how or when you die, or when Jesus returns to the earth to set up His Kingdom.
Religious people are always arguing about WHEN it will happen - PRE - MID - POST tribulation. Believing NO RAPTURE solves all those arguments. Some people prefer NOT to call it THE RAPTURE, but have other names for it.
You hear people quoting Scripture when they say COME QUICKLY, LORD JESUS. They are looking for an ESCAPE from the things of this world instead of an "exodus" FROM BABYLON. When things REALLY get bad, and there is NO RAPTURE, many will turn their back on Jesus because they were not RESCUED. When this happens, they cancel their ticket to Heaven. This is exactly what the devil wanted, when he started the teaching of THE RAPTURE.
Matthew 24:37-41 (Jesus speaking) But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days that were before the flood, THEY (the wicked) were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage with the Fallen Angels), until the day that Noah entered into the ark. And THEY (the wicked) knew not until the flood came and took THEM (the wicked) ALL AWAY; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Now ..please tell me where is a RAPTURE in this scenerio?
THEY and THEM are clearly the WICKED (ungodly unbelievers).
Verse 40 - Then shall two be in the field, the (WICKED) one SHALL BE TAKEN, and the other left.
Two shall be grinding at the mill; the (WICKED) one SHALL BE TAKEN and the other left. So CONTRARY TO THE FALSE TEACHINGS DESIGNED TO DECEIVE YOU AND SCARE YOU TO NOT BE "Left Behind"... and you in effect "become" esnared WITH THE WICKED! There is NO RAPTURE of The Church...WE ARE TO STAND in the gap REPAIRING THE BREACH in our Wall. God is Our Wall, Our Protection, Our Refuge. We must RE-STORE the House of Israel. She was "Re-Formed" in 1776 with a government OF THE PEOPLE , BY The People in Spirit ONE Freely "worshipping", and "laboring".
Luke 17:26, 27 and 34-36 (Jesus speaking) As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the day of the Son of Man. THEY (the WICKED) did eat, THEY (the WICKED) did drink, THEY (the WICKED) married wives, THEY (the WICKED) were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed THEM (the WICKED) all.
I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed,; the (WICKED) one SHALL BE TAKEN (destroyed) and the other left.
Two women shall be grinding together; the (WICKED) one SHALL BE TAKEN (destroyed) and the other left.
Two men shall be in the field; the (WICKED) one SHALL BE TAKEN (destroyed) and the other left.
RAPTURE believers think THEY will be the ONE TAKEN. If you think YOU will be TAKEN, lets see what Jesus says will happen to you.
Luke 17:37, Jesus answers the disciples question of what happens to the TAKEN ONES. Jesus said, WHERE THERE IS A DEAD BODY, THERE THE VULTURES WILL GATHER.
It was also prophesied in the minor prophets where it is recorded basically the whole End of This Age...
Zechariah 14:12King James Version (KJV)
12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.
2 Peter 2:5 (Peter speaking) (God) saved (kept safe) Noah...bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly (WICKED).
Matthew 13:24-30 The parable of the wheat and the tares. Gather together FIRST THE TARES. Jesus continues, The Son of Man shall send forth His angels, and they will gather OUT of His Kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity....
Luke 17:29,30 (Jesus speaking) ...(in) Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from Heaven and destroyed THEM ALL. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. THE WICKED were destroyed, once again.
Matthew 13:47-50 (Jesus speaking) Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea and gathered of every kind, which, when it was full, they drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but THREW THE BAD AWAY. So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and SEVER THE WICKED from among the just, and cast them into the furnace of fire...
Once again the GOOD remain and the BAD are thrown away. THE WICKED TAKEN and destroyed "from among the just," who remain on the earth.
I Thessalonians 5:3 (Paul speaking) For when THEY (THE WICKED) shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction shall come upon THEM...and they shall not escape.
Matthew 24:21,22 and Mark 13:19,20 (Jesus speaking) For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved (survive); but for THE ELECT's sake whom He hath chosen (they didn't volunteer HE CHOSE THEM) , He hath shortened the days.
How can there be THE ELECT during this time IF they went in THE RAPTURE? Come on now THINK and stop singing hymms of rapture "Sing low sweet chairiot coming to take me home".
ELECT is also mentioned in Luke 18:7; Romans 8:33; Colossians 3:12; Titus 1:1
Proverbs 2:21, 22 For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall REMAIN in it, but THE WICKED shall be cut off (taken/destroyed) from the earth and the transgressors shall be rooted OUT of it.
Psalm 145:20 The Lord preserveth ALL that love him; but ALL THE WICKED He will destroy.
Proverbs 10:30 The righteous shall NEVER be REMOVED;
Proverbs 11:31 The righteous shall be recompensed IN the (world) earth...
Psalm 101:8 I (God) will early (first) destroy THE WICKED of the land...
Psalm 119:119 All THE WICKED of the earth you discard (throw away) like dross.
Proverbs 25:4,5 Take AWAY the dross from the silver...Take AWAY THE WICKED from before the King...
Isaiah 5:24 and 29:5 The flame consumeth the chaff (WICKED).
Job 21:18 THEY (THE WICKED) are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth AWAY.
Job 38:13 (Speaking to God) ...take hold of the ends of the earth that THE WICKED might be shaken OUT of it.
Malachi 4:1 For behold the day cometh...and all that do WICKEDLY, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up...
Psalm 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land (earth) and dwell therein FOREVER.
Psalm 37:9-11 For evildoers (WICKED) shall be cut off (destroyed); but those that wait upon the Lord shall inherit the earth.
Isaiah 13:9 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger...and He shall destroy the sinners thereof OUT of it (the earth).
Psalm 104:35 Let the sinners be consumed OUT OF THE EARTH (world), and let the wicked be no more.
Psalm 52:5 God shall likewise destroy THEE (THE WICKED) forever; He shall take THEE AWAY, and pluck THEE OUT of thy dwelling place. (and I might add bunkers underground tunnels you have built to hide and escape).
The above are just some of the Scriptures that make it CLEAR that the righteous STAY, and THE WICKED GO.
Ezekiel 9:4-6 and Revelation 9:3,4 talk about THE WICKED being destroyed in the midst of the RIGHTEOUS.
Was Job raptured out of his time of tribulation (testing)? NO
Was Joseph raptured out of the pit or prison? NO
Was Daniel raptured out of the lion's den? NO
Was King David raptured out of all his tribulation? NO
Exodus 7:18 through 12:30 records the Israelites were IN Egypt for all ten plagues of God's wrath.(those SAME events are going to take place in the very near future when God's Wrath is POURED OUT on The Wicked God being a CONSUMING FIRE will burn them up, and The Just can be standing right next to them and IT WILL ONLY WARM THEIR HEARTS CMFORTING).
Was Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego raptured out of the firery furnace? NO
Was Jesus or any of the Apostles raptured out of their persecution? NO
Was Paul raptured out of all his tribulations (2 Corithians 11:23-27)? NO
1 Thessalonians 4:17 is the SINGLE Scripture used to justify THE RAPTURE by false doctrine. Based on Scripture, you cannot make a doctrine on a SINGLE Scripture. The word RAPTURE does not appear in the text of any translation of the Bible, in any language.
"CAUGHT UP" are the words used by many when referring to THE RAPTURE. King James must have missed this one because the words "CAUGHT UP" are not found in the Young's Concordance for 1 Thessalonians 4:17. However, "CATCH" is listed under that Scripture. That word appears 13 times, and is translated six different ways: catch, catch away, catch (caught) up, pluck and take by force. In the 12 other Scriptures, it has nothing to do with the physical removal of living people from the earth/world to heaven.
Also in THE RAPTURE CHAPTER, 1 Thessalonians 4:17, is to meet the Lord IN THE AIR. According to the Strong's and Young's concordance, "AIR" is the Greek word "AER", as used in the following Scriptures:
Acts 22:23, ...and threw dust into the air (AER).
1 Corinthians 9:26, ...not as one who beateth the air (AER).
1 Corinthians 14:9, ...for ye shall speak in the air (AER).
Another Greek word which is also translated, AIR, in the KJV of the Bible is OURANOS. That translation is found in Matthew 6:26, 8:20, 13:32; Mark 4:4 and 32; Luke 8:5, 9:58, 13:19 and Acts 10:12, 11:6. Each one of these Scriptures refer to "the birds/fowls of the air (ouranos).
Grab a handful of dirt and throw "it" iN THE AIR.. That's about where you would be hanging IF there were to be a RAPTURE, based on the recorded meaning of the word AIR. BY MOST THEOLOGANS AND SO-CALLED PREACHERS. They were "taught" this in Semenaries, and I say to Satan's Credit...he sure worked a great deception through those "schools" with "theie leaven" to puff up the Loaf of Bread full of AIR taught to God's Children. Christ told us to get the leaven out! That is the whole purpose of the Feast of Unleaven Bread. Too many "religions" and "humanists" teachings around The Passover are "geared" toward distracting The Children of Israel with bunny rabbits, easter eggs, and Sunrise Worship and not even realizing THIS IS LIKE SMOKE in God's Nostrils with fertility Tammuz and Queen Isthar PAGANISM "traditions" brought right in The church on the Most HOLY High Sabbath Day!!Its no wonder folks are blind to His beautiful Truths..
Next we have the phrase "with them in the CLOUDS". If you look outside, you can see the clouds WAY UP there. BUT, is that what the Scripture means? No.
In the following Scriptures, the CLOUD came DOWN to earth:
Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:34
In 1Corinthians 10:1,2, they were UNDER the CLOUD, and were baptized IN the CLOUD.
Hebrews 11:36 through 12:2 talks about SO GREAT A CLOUD OF WITNESSES.
(Acts 1:11, Jesus went directly from earth to Heaven and shall return "in like manner" directly from Heaven to earth. No rapture back to heaven for a later third coming!) WITH A SHOUT, WITH THE VOICE OF THE ARCHANGEL, AND THE TRUMP(et) OF GOD: AND THE DEAD IN CHRIST SHALL RISE (Greek word, anistemi: to set up or be resurrected) FIRST: THEN WE WHO ARE ALIVE ("We shall not all die, but shall be changed/transformed/transfigured" (1 Cor 15:51) AND REMAIN (on the earth in the "aer") SHALL BE CAUGHT UP (made one) (harpazo) TOGETHER (at the same time) WITH THEM (the dead in Christ) IN THE CLOUDS TO MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR (the "great cloud of witnesses" that will "be made perfect" with us on earth when Jesus brings their spirits "with Him" to be united with their bodies resurrected out of the ground "first" into the air [aer] with us in the air, on the surface of the earth): AND SO SHALL WE (for) EVER BE WITH THE LORD (in the air [aer] here ON earth forever). WHEREFORE, COMFORT (reassure) ONE ANOTHER WITH THESE WORDS." (Notice, the Lord "descended from Heaven" before we are "caught up" to Him; just as the "New Jerusalem" came down to dwell with us--Rev. 21:2.)
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