The big lie that Americans are fed, is that we’re a capitalist nation, so all the faults are blamed on capitalism.
The truth is that since 1933, America has been a SOCIALIST nation. Private property was abolished, by consent, via “voluntary” participation in FICA.
The bigger lie is that capitalists are part of capitalism, which they are not.
Think about it - - -
Absolute ownership of private property by individuals is an endowed right that all American constitutional governments explicitly protect. Qualified ownership of estate (real and personal property) is not constitutionally protected. In fact, it’s subject to taxation.
AND, we all know that interest and dividends are subject to (income) taxation.
When someone claims to be a capitalist, what defines them?
“Capital” invested at usury - for interest - dividends - gain denominated in money.
But usury is a revenue taxable privilege, not an endowed right, such is ownership of private property. And no right is subject to taxation, without our consent.
Capitalism is an endowed right. True capitalism is the absolute ownership of private property, by individuals, and ownership of the profits derived. It excludes group ownership, as well as limited (qualified) ownership. Thus privileged “Capitalists” are not part of capitalism. Usurers and corporations can exist under collectivism, totalitarianism, or democracy, as long as they comply and pay their tribute. Whereas, true capitalism and private property ownership are abolished under socialism, communism, or any other collectivist ideology.
That fact exposes the BIG LIE that “Capitalism is the cause of our problems,” endlessly repeated by the left wing. The fact is SOCIALISM is the real source of our ills. Our troubles won’t be resolved by more socialist slavery.
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