Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Dear Mr President...I couldn't get through the whole news conference I just got sick. 

FIRST OFF with all  your "lip biting" and smirking means of saying CONGRESS should ACT "RESPONSIBLY!!!!" I don't think YOU have an idea of what THAT WORD MEANS! Or at least to the REAL HUMAN BEINGS that aren't in Washington but take up "residence" in America from OUR VIEW POINT not your as I know in Washington's eyes we are not "people" but "chattel", and "collateral" on Debt as The United States as a Corporation not a Republic.

Secondly, this whole thing of EXPLAINING THE DEBT CEILING made me LITERALLY SPEW MY COFFEE as I laughed. Does YOU really esteem the American People in such light as to think we are ACTUALLY THAT IDIOTIC to not understand and I QUOTE "You NEED to understand that RAISING THE DEBT CEILING IS "NOT SPENDING MORE MONEY"....(red flag waving here and the robot from Lost in space YELLING "DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER" voice on!!!!...) please Mr. BRILLIANT PREZ splain to me what it is then like I am a 5 year old okay....

QUOTE : "Its allowing US to PAY OUR BILLS and DO THE RESPONSIBLE THING". smh and duh???? 

Okay Mr. PREZ ELL DUMMY...Let me get this straight You are not SPENDING money just PAYING YOU THE USA"S BILLS?
Okay I got a question for you. 

Will YOU ask THE BANKS on behalf of "We The People" to LOWER the "negative balance" which our Checking Accounts can GO? (that's what your remedy for paying our bills is saying!)

Meaning instead of a ZERO Balance and while we just trying to "pay our bills" and while forgetting to "carry the one" resulting in a NEGATIVE 10 cents balance in our accounts and ON TOP OF THAT the banks slap a OVERDRAFT FEE of $32.00 for TEN CENTS and NOW our "account" is at a NEGATIVE $32.10 "balance". 

This just happened to me! I mean I "promise you" Mr PreZ El DUMMY I won't be SPENDING MORE " I'll just be trying to PAY MY BILLS" so THE BANKS SHOULD DO THE RESPONSIBLE THING..right? Isn't that what you are asking for? RESPONSIBLITY? . I mean I PROMISE I won't be SPENDING on any EXTRAS cause YOU just got ANY "discretionary money" Jan 1st, 2013 with the new taxes that I may have been able to buy simply toilet paper. Gosh, I'm really sorry I did the IRRESPONSIBLE THING and I "CUT SPENDING" LAST WEEK ALONE by $8.00 by "NOT BUYING" toilet paper, and instead using the newspaper with your picture on it. 

I now see the error of my ways with your leadership and this news conference. So "BE RESPONSIBLE"... MR PREZ EL DUMMY...and DO THE RIGHT THING and ask The Banks for us to DO what you are wanting Congress to do for YOU so The United States can "just" pay their bills.. Tell the Congress to pass a bill that tells the "FED EL RIP OFF" private banking cartel that until we The USA, Inc. can get our financial affairs in order... the NEW " negative balance" a customer now can fall below in order to just be responsible and PAY THEIR BILLS is being LOWERED from ZERO to (-) 8.00. We can start there and if needs be and I can't make it then I'll write you agains and ask that it be LOWERED to maybe (-) $20.00 If you will do that I will be able to QUIT WIPING MY BUTT with the news(brainwashing)paper and actually "STIMULATE THE ECONOMY" by putting that $8.00 BACK into circulation (you guys vet on consumer spending right?) That way I promise to do my "Fair Share" helping to keep Charmin or Scott in "business". I look at it like this.... hey that's one "job" STILL LEFT in the economy, and one more "business" still going strong. 

Oh and by the way(respectfully)  Mr PREZ EL DUMMY.... ALSO tell the FED EL RIP OFF BANKS and the financial mafia ..."the private banking cartel bankster gangsters"  that there are no more BONUSES to be made as long as their are OVERDRAFT FEES still being placed on "the consumer" and until the books of the USA are balanced and debt is erased. TELL THEM TO BE RESPONSIBLE. Hey we are all in this SINKING Boat together...right? UNITED WE KEEPS SAILING, divided we sink...

And if my "proposals" won't fly with the banks...then your proposal to RAISE THE DEBT CEILING makes just about as much sense. Will you provide me your thoughts at your next "Media Event?" My name is Teresa Darlene Smith a 48 year old female,  and I am a Natural Born Caucasian American residing in Rome, Georgia. 

And if this isn't feasible? Then I guess I'll be asking the neighbors for their news(butt wiping) papers for back-up... and I'll "cut-back on BUYING" coffee and tea and just drink the rain water. And the longer I "cut back" on Buying/SPENDING...its LESS "stimulation to the economy", and if we all are forced to do this with the way you and Ben Bernanke run the country...then its another one bites the dust as "one more" JOB is lost, "one more" BUSINESS is lost.

Oh,  by the way I am STILL unemployed. I was fired last year from my Job. I was made the mistake of giving back the customer the $100.00 bill they paid me with along with their "real change" while "handling the money as a Cashier". I was "deemed" unable to perform my job, and given a "bill of divorcement" or rather I think they called it a "SEPARATION NOTICE". Unlike you guys who are MISMANAGING We The People's MONEY, I offered to have the $100.00 taken out of my "wages" but NO...I was fired December 26th "for job performance". I know it wasn't because I was really a BAD EMPLOYEE..."business sucked over the holidays" and well THE BUDGET NEEDED "balancing" so cut some LABOR BACK ( I wasn't the only one let go).

My point in saying this....I think its time to clean house in Washington. If you guy are "handling the money for The American People" and can't pay the bills, and don't understand that the REAL ISSUE needs to be "spending cuts", and get rid of a few Washington BIG BOX "DEPTS" (The Dept of Education, The Dept of Revenue, The IRS etc) that are not NEEDED and "balance the budget" then....If I deserved my "severance" do you boys and gals in Washington because you all just by the "standards" of NORMAL BUSINESS and "working class folks" just can't "perform your jobs". Well that is IF YOU ARE REALLY REPRESENTING THE PEOPLE...or is it "special interests" and The FED EVIL RIP OFF MAFIA? 

But I want you to know that I am no DUMMY either. Its all "song and a dance" this so-called balance the budget melody"...cause the cards are rigged AGAINST the USA....with The Federal RESERVE "private banking INSTITUTION" as the Mafia Middle Man...THEY JUST WANT THEIR they can spread the "dividends" around among st THEIR SHAREHOLDERS (which have NOTHING to do with We The People).

In conclusion, After a while one learns that if the House is filled with Manure, you have two choices. Shovel Manure, or remove the COWS to the Pasture where they belong.


Teresa D Smith

P.S. So you remember the Days of The Hebrew Slaves in Egypt? And The PLAGUES that The LORD sent, and how HE "Delivered His People"? Well... just giving a HEADS UP. Set The People FREE...

1 comment:

Roman Gil said...

THE ROOT OF THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS ARE THE ROTHSCHILD CENTRAL BANKS, which create money from nothing as debt to rob, destroy cultures and to enslave nations to keep them in permanent war for the profit of the Jew bankers. Unfortunately, 98% of the population of the U.S. support the two slave political parties owned by the same evil enemy of humanity and they will continue supporting the Rothschild central bankers and their slaves in media, education, government etc. until they become extinct or until we can awaken enough dupes to enable us to terminate the "world citizens" finally and definitely. Only then will it be possible to build real nations that use full human potential to build civilization instead of to destroy like the plague parasite "world citizens" who have destroyed nations, cultures, races and religions and set back all human races and civilizations since the Jew Rothschild took over "The Bank Of England" in 1815 and all other world central banks including the created "Federal Reserve" in 1913.