Its always been a curiosity of mine, how some are quick to say, they're Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, Gay, Straight, White, Black, Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, White Collar, Blue Collar and so on. WE ascribe to groups as if they somehow define who we are. But, what if we courageously just listened to one another? What if we adopt the idea of respect for one another? Would we learn to collectively partake in the one group we're ALL a part of? Humanity. Our CULTURAL IDENTITY= ONE NATION under God.
Its been a long long journey through the fog of spin-doctors and deception...but if folks will only do as I and many others are beginning to do for OURSELVES "read up" on Ron Pauls Gold Standard and His "message" of Liberty and Freedom from The Tyranny of A Group of Private Bankers who have WEASLED themselves into OUR Free Enterprise SYSTEM via their Federal Reserve SYSTEM and in "effect" have STOLEN The Wealth of Our Nation! Until The People truly WAKE UP to the BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION TOOL that is in place to Prevent US from being Rich, and in "effect" Keep The People In Bondage much like it was in the days of Pharoah. If we could STUDY The Soviet Union, and Egypt during The Time "before" God Raised Up Moses to "deliver" The People. . In likemanner so shall it be in these end-times we are living!
Consider The Soviet CASE: to my knowledge no BUSINESS ever "went-under" in The Soviet SYSTEM, but SOCIETY IN GENERAL grew "poorer". Think of THAT Soviet "system" applied to the Banking INDUSTRY in America and you have The Fed. The advent of The Fed basically represented the beginning of the end of laissez-faire. It turned the entire money system over to public management on behalf o POLITICAL "causes"... in the name of Illusionary Prosperity! I say its TIME to lay hold on OUR LAND "in the name of Jesus Christ" and DRIVE OUT THESE MONEYCHANGERS from our Midst! Stay focused on the ISSUE of Freedom, not having your VOTE chopped up and swayed to one of the New World Order Globalization Candidates! This is the DEEP Truth at stake here! America is UNIQUE...E Pluribus Unum, but "they" have so desired to CAUSE the CITIZENS to focus elsewhere on the GLOBAL agenda, not The American Agenda! This is the Great Divide and SOURCE of Confusion and Deception!
Consider Egypt and we have to go back to Genesis 47:15 "So when THE MONEY failed in the LAND of Egypt and in the LAND of Canaan, All the Egyptians came to Joseph and said "Give us Bread, for why should we die in your presense. For The Money has FAILED."
Our grandparents generation were SOLD a bad Bill of Goods in the guise of The Federal System, and took a people and preyed upon their FEAR and arrested the Trust of Our People In God and The Abundance of The Universe, into Trust in a Financial Tower of Babel.
Newt may be eloquent in speech and can do a great debate dance with Obama. But at the end of the day it still ALL boils down to returning the Natural Resourses of This Nation BACK to The People, Returning The Wealth of This Nation BACK to the People, Limited Government, States Rights...and Putting The CITIENS of America FIRST...not The Elite. Our VOTE should be for FREEDOM, and the PRINCIPLES of Our Founding Fathers not the Transformation that erodes our CITIZENSHIP of its Freedom for Bondage of The New World Order!
Look to the track records of Integrity, not just spin-doctored Speeches. Even I at times have a hard time getting across my points eloquently but I keep drilling and shining the Light on THE ISSUES, and conquering DIVIDE in an effort to UNITE our people for the COMMON GOOD. The Politicians mostly seek to have us chose a SIDE of the issue and remain Polarized. I wish that the people would wake up. Watch the Hannity interview again. SARAH DID NOT ENDORSE NEWT. She specifically said that. Remember 08 and how McCain would not vet Obama the way Sarah did. His campaign tried to stifle her and when that didn't work, they went on the attack on her from the bunker, aiding and abetting the Obama (NWO) campaign. This is what made her the star that she is today among conservatives. Do not get lost in this battle. It is a campaign war being picked up after 08'. We need Newt to take down Romney. He is the best debater out there and to lose him now will make Romney the nominee. Newt Gingrich will go down in flames, but he WILL take Romney with him. Wake up America!!! And get "positioned" for A CONSERVATIVE non-establishment New World Order Politician to take the helm. We need a REPRESENTATIVE of The People, The CITIZENS of America! Lies "sharpenedeth" the ears and makes one KEENER to actually HEARING THE TRUTH! Wake Up My People! America is rising, but BABYLON is going down.
Only in a UNITED VOICE declaring SET OUR PEOPLE FREE will The Dream Of MLK, The Mission of Christ come to fruition.
Again, I ask you to consider the Truth and not what "they" say about Ron Paul not having a chance and NOT voting for him....this is once again The Elite and Special Interests who Work for the CAUSE Of The New World Order ONLY, and do not care one iota for We The Citizens of This Great Nation. "They" KNOW the POWER That We The People have and IF WE EXERCISE IT at the Ballot Box....can send then PACKING! But "they" smear with nasty campaigns. The BIG BOX "PARTY" speaks to the "Liberty seeking Americans" to sway their VOTE for "fear" of this or that. They have "confused" The People into doing The Devils Bidding by drawing VOTES away from FREEDOM, and cast onto a candidate who is STILL at "heart" is ANTI America for The Cause of The New World Order working for those BIG BUCKS who have backed them. WE are held accountable To God for His House. America was to be a place of refuge for Those who desired REST (Sabbath) and escape (Exodus) from Tyranny an came To America!In "establishment" Washington I see only Eunicks.
As a Citizen of America, I plant a stake in the American Soil and Ideals for which we identify ourselves, as individuals and a People. IN the absence of rightly dividing the premise to which America is founded upon and the usurping of the White House via varied SEATS who "attempt" to drive this ship in their New World Order Agenda is ignorance to the nth degree.
We as a People must learn to get back to the CORE values of what do we look up to and revere? That larger "community" and IDEALS are we atttached and devoted? FOR WHAT are we willing to fight and sacrifice? For in "forgetting" The masses have been hood-winked and caught being "assimulated" into the LARGEST COMMUNITY (New World Order) in existence "founded" on the Elitist Cause that we The "small minded" People need to be Governed and thusly because we sit quietly, tails tucked between our legs, looking to the Great Master of The New World Order Plantation to set us free, yet shackled us even tighter for in being shackled so long The People have forgotten THE STRENGTH that lies WITHIN us as A People United UNDER God, and have allowed The Left and their "social agendas" to divide us against one another as the Right drives another wedge.
My "battle" is one of Spiritual matters Of America ...on the reigning ideology that welcomes immigrants to our shores YET no longer calls for their assimilation into OUR "melting pot" but instead celebrates their diversity, multiplicity, and cultural distinctiveness" the political "unum" of America is lost amidst THE FOCUS on the multicultural "pluribus".
As I have said recently to the Construction Worker on my house who is Hispanic who took over the job of renovations after I had to fire the White worker for being drunk in the middle of doing the work and making such a mess by weeks end. Our "conversation" was on the recent "immigrants" (and their children) usually KNOW from the "fresh EXPERIENCE" how their LIVES HAVE IMPROVED by coming to the United States of AMERICA, yet the "well-off" children, the NATURAL -BORN children knwoing little of history from A Biblical Perspective truly understand the Political Agendas of "some of The Leadership" taking up residence in the White House, and Congress and The House of Representatives...who by "their" mission attempt to SIMULATE USA "into" their BORG-LIKE NWO and they take for granted the PRIVILEDGE of an American CITIZENSHIP amd prosperity, and lend ear to the Talking Heads, intellectuals without Heart, who tread HEAVILY over the ink of The Constitution, opinionated PROPANGANDA media machine turning out spin-doctered words of infection making SICK the MINDS AND HEARTS of America as politicians TALK of Globalization and the NEED to "regard" America (and The People make up her) as Citizens of The World.
Between such cosmopolitan universalism and ethnic and racial "tribalism", NATIONAL pride and attachment have become disparaged, and in some French Quarters, and rooms filled with the stagnant smoke from overpriced cigars, and select Cognac filled Oval offices and War Rooms....been made OBSOLETE!
But I say to you National Identity and Citizenship in America face deeper and more permanent challenges, some linked to the special CHARACTER of our Liberal democratic republic. While The American REPUBLIC was founded as -----and I might add REMAINS----a Nation not of birth,lineage, or inherited monies and ways, BUT OF IDEAS...the equal rights to life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness; freedom of religion, and religious toleration; majority rule (and thats not taking a poll of 25 people out of a nation and the majority of THAT number sets precedence).No , the MAJORITY RULE with minority rights (not affirmative action either). ANYONE who embraces these IDEAS is in Spirit ...AMERICAN, and to those who make up that number is AMERICA.(And anyone who does not make up those ideals have no ROOM to take up residence in this COUNTRY!)
The time has come for a LOVE REVOLUTION in the spirit of America. Maybe God in His infinate wisdom knows that once a people taste FREEDOM, and something comes along to STEAL it from them, then a PEOPLE of ethics and priniciple WILL RISE UP....that MINORITY rights standing on the ROCK and FOUNDATION of The Church, The Constitution, The Truth, "guiding others" for an INFORMED PEOPLE can and WILL I MIGHT ADD become a supportive people.
Win from WITHIN! For what is IN YOU is how one is baited. If GREED exists, oh the establishment will goad you with a bubble loan so that you may run out and party hard, vacation and play...but when the bubble bursts...who laughs? They are....Just next door to me I bear witness to this. A loan taken out on a paid for home, back when "the bubble" said homes are worth 100,000 in this neighborhood and the banks loaned it. Today, that house has been bought by Fannie Mae, and I talked to a Real-Estate Agent representing Fannie Mae (who for the informed TRULY KNOW THE FEDERAL RESERVE owns Freddie and Fannie)....and today that house is on the Market for a mere $21,000.00 They in all deceitfulness LENT those loans (scientifically created the bubble) and then they turn around and acquire our ASSETS cheaply.
Do not be swayed by the new tactics of DIVISION in statements which illude Ron Paul can NOT win;therefore, swing YOUR VOTE in fear of what "they" say. I will end with a comment from a new friend on Facebook...as I feel she does speak eloquently the FEAR of many of you the readership.
THE READER WRITES... "they" say Ron Paul cannot win ... That by splitting the votes between the 2/3 that don't like Romney, among the remaining candidates - Romney will take it and "seal the deal". I want to vote my heart ... Ron Paul ... but will that be a wasted vote? Santorum may be the only one with a chance to beat Romney .... it feels like the devil you don't know may be worse than the devil you do! I guess that's politics... it's impossible to succeed as our founding fathers hoped and promised without a man like Ron Paul ... but CAN his true message be heard? It's just such a foreign concept from the status-quo... and people fear change ... although the SAY that's what they're voting for :)
Very Well Put! You took the confusion in my head and placed it right at the altar of my heart where love reign.
Truth is Truth...and admittedly when I read this I thought mumble jumble...but actually I could feel the "more" being woven within this post and upon re-reading it the third time GOT IT!
More Divide and Conquer...Ron Paul I feel is a goof ball old man and doesn't stand a chance. But when I look at the Truth here as presented We must SEE with Spritual Eyes and As David said to the Philistine, You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you.
We MUST take up those 5 stones of Grace: The NAME OF THE LORD, The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, The Ballot Box, CITIZENSHIP in America, stand and watch as The Lord Aboves Delivers our country Back into OUR HANDS!
Pray without ceasing! Thanks Teresa for in Justice you plead the Cause of The Poor, and we must get rid of the BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION TOOL of enslavement and poverty!
Good article Teresa..pay attention People and make sure you VOTE
When you don't vote ...YOur giving it away to the wrong guys If you Care get out there and VOTE. I am Canadian but I am very interested for the sake of our sister Country and God Bless America we are of the Isrealite Collection and our God is the Same GOD.
You have a unique way... unraveling the yarn ball of confusion and laying the thread bare before us. We older ones knit and crochet to pass the time for our days are but finished. It is UP to this generation to pull their pants up at stop exposing their OWN cracks and begin to stand up and act like American's, Citizens of Freedom and expose the cracks of all things Anti-Freedom being tightly knit together as ONE Voice, ONE People and in setting THIS PEOPLE free, break the shackles on all Peoples. We can no longer continue to "police" The World for in so doing it is breaking the backs of The Commoner as Those in High Places eat the cake as Marie Antoinette as We The People starve. Starve The Establishment, and Feed The Sheep, and provide good grazing grounds Teresa...take up YOUR Cross, and Go Head this up. We are all waiting and ready to assist...
Words can't really describe how you've made me mature in my christian life. You've taught me so much and I daily eagerly wait for your messages on infinite supply. They are so simple, yet very real and applicable in my life and those around me. Coming from Kenya, where religion has blinded us, we pray that teachers like yourself may come to lead us.Therefore if America could UNITE and put the PURE between that which threatens to divide, then maybe the Gospel may reach to Kenya and we may become one in Christ.
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