Fruit in the Hebrew word is - פְּרִי, the transliteration is -pĕriy. Its meanings are fruit; produce (of the ground)
fruit, offspring, children, progeny (of the womb)
fruit (of actions) (fig.) In this study we will be looking at this word and believe me, I doubt your church will teach you it's meaning to the fullest so I felt lead to bring it to you. One reason being, the key of David is linked to one of it's meanings and our Father favors only the churches of today that show it or teach it to you. Ref. - Isaiah 22:22 and Revelation 3:7
Genesis 1:11
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
This is the literal "Fruit tree" and every fruit has a "seed" in it, as to drop on the ground and become a new plant of its same bearer of the seed. Flowers have male parts called stamens that produce a sticky powder called pollen. Flowers also have a female part called the pistil. To be pollinated, pollen must be moved from a stamen to the stigma. This leads to the creation of new seeds that grow into new plants.
Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
This "creation" happened on The sixth day!, for the races on earth today. There was another that Christ Jesus would come through made on the 8th day. You can plainly see we are made just like God, with arms and legs and a base or trunk to put our heads on. We call the arms and legs or another word, limbs. Just like a tree. Women and man have seed also. With this we can multiply the earth as He told us to. Therefore, contrary the political correctness that exists today, you must have these two kinds of beings to multiply. MALE & FEMALE ONLY! Therefore this in its very NATURE speaks to the "homosexual" question as to whether its SIN or not. Anything that goes AGAINST the Law of God IS "sin". There is a NATURAL "order" to the CREATION of Life and the "ability" to multiply set forth in the CREATION of male and female bringing forth "fruit".
Genesis 2:9
And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
"The Tree of Life" = This is Christ Jesus as He is the only way to life everlasting. Please read for yourself in Gen. 3:22, "the tree" of THE KNOWLEDGE of "good and evil" = Satan as he knows both his plan for evil and the good planned by God for redemption. What fruit we chose to partake of is up to us. What is this fruit?
Genesis 2:17
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Use your knowledge of God's Word here. To partake of Christ, you know He is The bread of life you eat of. His fruits=works are good for us to live by. You take this fruit = actions of satan, where he and you know good but choose evil, you will "surely die". Ultimately "in the end" we are talking on the "seeds" of evil (spiritually) being The New World Order, and ultimtely leading to worshipping The Anti-Christ. For he "fathered" children "seed" and they do The Devils bidding as we do Our Fathers bidding (John 8:44).
Genesis 3:2-3
And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
This "serpent" isn't a literal snake in reptilian form but the action of something low down and sneaky as a snake would be. It is just another one of Satans names for what he is doing at the time (fruit). Common sense tells you this even when you look at Revelations speaking of the dragon. I know your not looking for a dragon as that animal doesn't exist. Therefore, once again in the future it is speaking of what he satan is doing at that time (fruit).
Genesis 3:6
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
She took the "fruit" - actions of Satan because he was so beautiful to her eyes and called her husband to join with her and they together were fooled into satans tricks. Satan can be "whatever he wants to be" to Deceive God's Children and rob them of their heritage in Christ.
Genesis 3:7
And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
What in the world could they possibly have done too let them see they are "naked" and to have them make something to cover the sexual parts of your body? Also in this I don't think that they were saying their "physical" eyes were opened. Obviously Eve's physical eyes were opened as she SAW how beautiful Satan was to the eyes and "partook". Again, good ole common sense prevails in this that we are speaking here of "spiritual" eyes being open. Up until this point they were "innocent", but Satan having the KNOWLEDGE of Gods Plan of Salvation (good) he "tried to interfer" by mixing in his "seed" (evil).
Genesis 3:13
And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
The word "beguilded" - נָשָׁא - Hebrew word = to beguile, deceive. He – satan, fooled her- Eve and Adam. Look how many today are fooled in what is bad being called good.
Genesis 3:15
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
There is much in this. Stay FOCUSED HERE and read as many times as you want and NEED TO in order to let this sink into the "tastebud of your mind".
Lets go back to the first two verses we posted about "fruit" and "seed". How do we get a "seed"? and in this verse you have the first prophecy of God's word. satan will be crushed and Christ Jesus upon crucifixion had His heels bruised. What is "enmity" - אֵיבָה- Hebrew word, 'eybah = hatred, to divide or separation. Look closely "between THEE = satan and the women" and "between THY=satan seed and her seed> so with this plainly you can see to deferent seeds were planted. What is the next verse? will it relate to this?
Genesis 3:16
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
I will let you decide!
Genesis 3:24
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
Our Father said they take that fruit and they would die. Our Father also had the "Tree of life" still there and with Him you can have life. He sets the way to forgiveness even then. He drove them out, now what happens because of that seed being planted?
Genesis 4:1-2
And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.
And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
Notice the word "again" this is a continuation of the event of birth. You know as well as I the fruits = actions of "Cain" was bad and "Abel’s" is good. This isn't the beginning of The Key of David but was with The Adam and Eve and continues with the birth of Seth.
Genesis 4:25
And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
At this time you know Cain had killed his brother and was sent out to be with out this family. God gave Adam another "seed" = child. Cain was sent to be with another. Yep, there where others. The trees = people in the garden were not the only ones. And there where others outside that garden as the whole world is a garden but just not "The Garden". The word “The” gives a specific meaning to the word. If I ask you to hand me "The" pen and there are 10 laying there, which one do you hand me? Ok, proof there where others. Genesis 4:13-17
Psalm 92:14
They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;
Here we see, you follow Christ and what is right in the sight of our Father, you are producing good fruits and for it you live a long life and you will prosper in doing good works.
Psalm 104:13
He watereth the hills from his chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works.
Our Father does the watering of the peoples of the earth that follow Him in what they do. With water and fruit will grow. His Word and wisdom gives us the path to take in life with which we work for good, not evil.
Proverbs 1:31
Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.
Even the bad produce fruits. The difference is it is a bad fruit. This is saying, you will get what you reap. You do bad and bad will come on you. Yep! There are two kinds of fruit and the outcome is reward or punishment.
Proverbs 10:16
The labour of the righteous tendeth to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin.
What do you produce each day? Do you have good fruits? Are your actions each day for the good or bad? If your not doing what is right, the outcome of which is nothing but death.
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Our words are actions as well. For the good of helping others or for to curse others.
Isaiah 3:10
Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.
Reap Reward!
Isaiah 27:6
He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.
This goes back to that meaning of the seed being birth and furthering of the Key of David in this. See Isaiah 22:22 and Revelation 3:7
Hosea 10:13
Ye have plowed wickedness, ye have reaped iniquity; ye have eaten the fruit of lies: because thou didst trust in thy way, in the multitude of thy mighty men.
What do you do in this life and whom do you walk with everyday is what makes your fruit flourish or wilt. Put your faith in God and once you study His Word, your fruits will become big and sweet.
Matthew 3:8
Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:
Change of heart? Repent and change your actions is what is being said here.
Matthew 3:10
And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Yep, you got it! Same meaning here as in The garden of Edenin Genesis where the trees are people. Evil people are to be done away with. Put to the fire and put out of the minds of the just. Gone! Up in smoke "blotted out of having ever existed".
Matthew 7:16
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Hey, some will say, "you are not to judge" well I tell you, you had better judge accordingly as to not have them destroying the building you are doing in a good life. John 7:24, judge in righteousness.
Matthew 7:17
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
What kind of tree are you? What we do each day determines what kind of tree we are.
Matthew 7:18
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
This is why, when you judge in righteousness you can see who is good by their fruits. What we do in life defines us and shows others what an AUTHENTIC Christian is versus a Nomial Christian.
Matthew 7:19
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
You don't want evil in the garden to come. Heaven is a place for good not bad. Everyone has been given a fare chance. In the end the weeds and trees that didn't produce good fruit is of no use because of infections or disease of the garden.
Matthew 13:23
But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
The seed spoken of in this verse is God's Word. Mathew 13 is a parable of The seed sower and the fruit that comes from a seed to good ground will produce. For those who are open to The words of Christ Jesus, their “soil” will respond to the “seed” or message of the Kingdom.
Luke 1:42
And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
Mary's womb became Christ Jesus, The Fruit = action, of God.
John 15:4
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
Christ Jesus being that vine, you being a branch of Him and you can not help but bear good fruits in life. If not, you will be pruned off and thrown into the fire.
John 15:8
Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.
You don't have to do what it is I do. What you do need to do is be kind, show love and be merciful to those in need. Open a door and give a smile. Study your Fathers letter to you, The Bible. Tell your Father you love Him and show it with your fruits. Gather your clothing you don't use and give it to someone that could use it. Buy a meal and give it to someone standing on a corner begging for money. Use common sense when doing God's work and bless others.
Romans 6:21
What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death.
Truth in you now! Then put away the evil things you had done, because you are born from above and are new. The evil is put away, because it will bring only death. What's next?
Romans 6:22
But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.
Do what is right, because Christ is right. He came to show us the way. He is light and we can see the darkness now. He set a path; we walk it as to not trip in an evil world. How could you not do well when you’re on that path.
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Our Fathers actions are always "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, faith", as he cares for us and wants the best for you and me everyday. Know this though; He is not going to force us to show the same. A child that refuses to obey is on his own. If not you chance corrupting the other children.
Ephesians 5:9
(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
Everything our Father does is right. There is NO wrong in Him. He gave us the way and in Him is truth.
Philippians 1:11
Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.
Thank our Father everyday with actions = your fruits and with words knowing truth is in you.
Philippians 1:22
But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not.
Living for the day or worldly way. Ignoring God, well what can I say? Your dreaming tree has died. Repent and live for God and your tree is made new. Your branch will grow. You will be grafted in, growing from within. Producing fruit for what is good.
Revelation 18:14
And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.
What do you want? Is all you see is the worldly? The time is fast approaching us all and that we will not see time, but will see God. . Your sight was blurred but when this time is over you see clearly. What did you do, caries you through for to receive reward or punishment.
I pray you hear,
Matthew 25:21“His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
"Standing" Repairing the Breach: Plaintiffs vs Obama in Eligibility CASE...whats next?
The establishment media are not reporting this. Help make this news go viral!
Living in the Great State of Georgia, many have emailed me asking for more details on what took place yesterday as it seems very little information is being made PUBLIC. I have spent the morning piecing together an account of Yesterday's Hearing, as well as praying on where this could take us a Citizens of America United for Justice. There is an ACT that took place yesterday reminiscent of David and Goliath.
Something extraordinary and historic happened yesterday in my State of Georgia.
On January 26, 2012, an administrative law judge in Atlanta, Georgia, conducted a hearing into whether a sitting President of the United States of America who’s seeking re-election should be allowed to have his name be placed on the electoral ballot of the state of Georgia this November.
In early January 2012, Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi of the Administrative Court in Georgia, ruled that Obama’s motion to dismiss four eligibility lawsuits is denied. The judge also denied a motion filed by Obama’s attorney, Michael Jablonski, for Obama to not appear at the first hearing yesterday. Mere hours before yesterdays hearing, Obama's attorney Jablonski tried a desperate ploy to avoid the hearingby sending a letter to Georgia’s Secretary of State Brain Kemp, arguing that the trial be taken away from Judge Malihi. Kemp denied Jablonski’s appeal.
So, how was No Show Obama allowed to walk around a free man after snubbing the State court by not attending yesterdays hearing after both the Judge and Secretary of State denied motions to not be in attendance?
In the previous year, the adamant refusal to verify and investigate Obama’s eligibility a grand conspiracy in all appearance — by the Democratic and Republican parties, the Supreme Court, the U.S. Army, the Social Security Administration and, of course, the media has been like sneezing in the wind.Beginning in 2008, a succession of attorneys and citizens brought lawsuit after lawsuit before state courts, challenging Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility to be President. In each case, Obama’s hired guns — at a reported cost of $2 million in attorney fees — filed motions to dismiss. And in case after case, the presiding judge agreed with the defendant, Obama, and dismissed the lawsuits on the grounds that the plaintiffs all lacked “standing.”
In law, “standing” refers to the legal right to initiate a lawsuit. To do so, a person must be sufficiently affected by the matter at hand, and there must be a case or controversy that can be resolved by legal action. Although Obama’s eligibility pertains to nothing less than the integrity of the United States Constitution, and although the eligibility plaintiffs include Alan Keyes (a 2008 presidential candidate), retired and active U.S. military officers, and “ordinary” U.S. citizens, judge after judge nevertheless dismissed the lawsuits on the grounds that the plaintiffs had no “standing."
Obama and his attorney Jablonski's middle finger approach to abiding to the courts mandate bears witness to his Elitist ABOVE We The "ordinary" People of the great State of Georgia attitude. Virtue is best seen in ACTION not theory! Yet, who showed up? VIRTUE! At long last, one judge breaking forth from peers "standing" in the gap in Honor ALLOWING evidence to be presented, and "judging" BASED on "weighing" the EVIDENCE not "silencing" the case.
Therefore, yesterday the hearing would go as planned, beginning at 9:00 am, EST at the Fulton County Superior Court. At 9:03 am, a court clerk came out and summoned the four attorneys to the judge’s chamber. They remained secluded for almost half an hour. At around 9:25 am, the four attorneys returned to their seats in the courtroom. Shortly after, Judge Michael Malihi came into the courtroom and began the hearing.
In The State of Georgia a "No Show" in a hearing becomes "by default" a WIN and this is why the attorneys were summoned to the judge’s chamber . Judge Malihi was prepared to enter a default judgment in favor of the plaintiffs because neither the defendant, Barack Obama, nor his lawyer Michael Jablonski even so much as bothered grace the courtroom with their presense. Imagine that! It's not like they hadn't tried to NOT ATTEND so its obvious the contempt for the law by their actions.
Yet, being wiser than the ole serpent, the attorneys for the plaintiffs persuaded the judge to conduct the hearing any way because they wanted to present their arguments so that those arguments would be entered into the court’s records. That was smart of them. Given the fact that, even before the hearing began, Judge Malihi already was prepared to rule against the defense, I think it’s safe to assume that he will rule in the plaintiffs’ favor in the end.
The following are from TWO WITNESSES on the scene at Hearing:
First account from Dean Haskins and Second Account from Carl Swensson
Update: Obama's Georgia Ballot Hearing: Judge Wanted To Immediately Enter Default Judgment Against Obama
As we are trying to get a quick lunch, and then do some interviews, this is just a very brief synopsis of what happened. Before the hearing started, the judge called the attorneys into his chambers and explained that he was going to enter a default judgment in their favor. Attorneys Hatfield and Irion requested to be able to present abbreviated versions of their arguments so that they would be on the record. At that point, Irion estimated he would need 20 minutes, Hatfield estimated he would need 30 minutes, and Taitz estimated she would need 2 hours.
Van Irion and Mark Hatfield made their arguments, and left. Taitz then presented her argument, calling several witnesses, until the judge asked her to make her closing statement. As her closing statement began, the judge asked if she was testifying, and, in an unconventional move, Taitz took the witness stand to testify. The judge finally asked her just to make her closing statement, which she did.
We believe that the default judgment automatically translates into the judge's recommendation to the Sec. Of State being that Obama should not appear on the ballot in Georgia. Back to work . . . more to come!
UPDATE: From Plaintiff, in one of the Georgia challenges, Carl Swensson: To all my friends in battle,
The Judge pulled the lawyers for the three cases into chambers before it all began and advised them that he would be issuing a default judgment in our favor, since the Defense council failed to show, and wanted to end it there. We argued that all the evidence needed to be entered in to record so the Judge allowed for a speedy hearing where all evidence was entered into the court record. What that means is this… Any appeal, if one is even possible, would be based on the evidence provided by the lawyers in each case. Both Van Irion and My lawyer, Mark Hatfield made certain that our cases and evidence in those two cases would be closed so as not to be affiliated, in any way, with “Birther” Orly Taitz. As expected, she was an embarrassment.
Now we’re merely awaiting the publishing of this Judge’s ruling which, as previously stated, will be a Default Judgment. - Carl
In conclusion of this "account" of what took place in a Courtroom in The State of Georgia on January 26, 2012, I want to touch on the "repairing the breach" and "standing". As LEGALLY defined if your recall, "standing" refers the legal right to initiate a lawsuit. To do so, a person must be sufficiently affected by the matter at hand, and there must be a case or controversy that can be resolved by legal action.Dr. Orly Taitz is one of the valiant attorneys leading the charge. But who are all the cast in this "standing" Declaration?
A judge in Georgia has done what all previous judges refused to. Michael Malihi, Deputy Chief Judge of the Administrative Court in Georgia, just ruled in four eligibility cases that Obama’s motion to dismiss is denied. This means that Obama will have to stand trial and prove his eligibility for office!
The four lawsuits are:
■David Farrar, Leah Lax, Cody Judy, Thomas Malaren, Laurie Roth vs. Barack Obama (Taitz is the counsel representing the plaintiffs David Farrar et al.)
■David P. Welden vs. Barack Obama (Counsel for the plaintiff is another valiant attorney Van R. Irion.)
■Carl Swensson vs. Barack Obama (Counsel for the plaintiff is J. Mark Hatfield.)
■Kevin Richard Powell vs. Barack Obama (Counsel for the plaintiff is J. Mark Hatfield)Representing the defendant, Barack Obama, in all four cases is high-powered attorney Michael Jablonski, who is also the General Counsel for the Democratic Party of Georgia.
This is the ruling of Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi:
On December 15, 2011, Defendant, President Barack Obama, moved for dismissal of Plaintiffs’ challenge to his qualifications for office. The Court has jurisdiction to hear this contested case pursuant to Chapter 13 of Title 50, the “Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.” For the reasons indicated below, Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss is DENIED.
The most important reasons for Judge Malihi’s ruling are Nos. 6-8:
Code Section 21-2-5(a) states that “every candidate for federal and state office” must meet the qualifications for holding that particular office, and this Court has seen no case law limiting this provision, nor found any language that contains an exception for the office of president or stating that the provision does not apply to the presidential preference primary. O.C.G.A. 21-2-5(a) (emphasis added). Although the word “candidate” is not explicitly defined in the Code, Section 21-2-193 states that the political party for the presidential preference primary “shall submit to the Secretary of State a list of the names of the candidates of such party to appear on the presidential preference primary ballot.” O.C.G.A. 21-2-193 (emphasis added). Accordingly, this Court finds that Defendant is a candidate for federal office.
Code Sections 21-2-190 to 21-2-200 set out the procedures of the presidential preference primary and also provide no exception to the Section 21-2-5 qualification requirement. This Court finds no basis under Georgia law why the qualification requirements in Section 21-2-5 would not apply to a candidate for the office of the president in the presidential preference primary.
Accordingly, this Court finds that Defendant is a candidate for federal office who has been certified by the state executive committee of a political party, and therefore must, under Code Section 21-2-5, meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.
Which leads the judge to issue his decision:
II. Decision
Based on the foregoing, the motion to dismiss is DENIED.
SO ORDERED, this the 3rd day of January, 2012.
Let Judge Malihi know you support and are praying for him. Here’s his contact info:
Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi
Georgia Office of State Administrative Hearings
230 Peachtree St. NW, Suite 850
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Email of Judge Malihi’s case management assistant, Valerie Ruff:
Tel: (404) 651-7595
Fax: (404) 818-3751
When we look at this great Nation and upon its founding, I can still hear it ringing out in grievances brought against the King during The Declaration of Independence...when valiant men and women "standing" declaring as a People no longer shall we be called Virginians nor Georgians ...We are AMERICANS. So this move in Georgia is not For GEORGIA, but FOR AMERICA. It "involves" alot MORE THAN 'just' Obama's eligibility. It is "standing" and "repairing the breach" on an initial level.
1. ANY American citizen, NATIVE BORN especially, should have “Standing” to bring suit for verification of eligibility to hold office, and doubly especially that of the President of the United States~!
2. The “Birthers” are hereby vindicated in their pursuit, if somewhat belatedly, no matter whether the issue goes “pro” or “con” ~!
3. Should the imposter be found in conflict of the Constitutional Requirements, ALL the Executive Orders will be invalid, as will any legislation passed by congress and signed into law by his hand,,
4. LTC Terry Lakin will be vindicated and should be restored his rank, with back pay and privileges
5. Motions for continuance should be denied as irrelevant, based on prior discovery and trial motions already accomplished in other venues.
If we The People of The United States of America could UNITE as AMERICANS and put aside "petty" Divisions...we could RESTORE THIS NATION. We are MORE than white or black (skin color ties), rich or poor (monetary ties), Democrat or Republican (political ties), Hindu or Muslim (non-Christian ties) NOR Baptist or Catholic (Christian ties). Separation causes a "breach in the body" of Christ. Every denomination is guilty of causing this breach. Every American is guilty of living this breach. For more on this visit on this subject:
"I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast My name, and hast not denied My faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was slain among you where satan dwelleth." Revelation 2:13
Many churches hold fast to the name of Jesus and have not denied their faith in Him. Nevertheless, satan's seat is in their midst. Satan's gates have prevailed, his power of separation has come into their midst, causing a great breach in Christ's body.
God's true church must stand against these divisions and separations by not allowing satan to get a foothold in their assemblies. The true church must remain faithful to God's Word, teaching the assembly the need to change and repent, and walk into an overcoming life through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is an on-going work in each believer's life to prepare them for God's Kingdom.
The prophet Isaiah recorded:
"Now will I sing to my well-beloved a song of my beloved touching His vineyard. My well-beloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill: And He fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a winepress therein: and He looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes." Isaiah 5:1-2
God revealed His plan for His assembly to Isaiah. He called the assembly His vineyard.
". . . a vineyard in a very fruitful hill. . ."
God planted His vineyard in a fruitful hill. The hill respresents the high place in God.
". . . He fenced it . . ."
God build a Spiritual hedge about His body.
". . . He gathered out the stones. . ."
The stones are the things that offend
". . . He planted it with the choicest vines . . ."
God planted His vineyard with His chosen and elect.
". . . He built a tower in it. . ."
The word tower means "an elevated stage or pulpit"
God supplied a place where His people could be taught.
He also. . . ". . . made a winepress. . ."
God made a winepress in the midst of the assembly. The winepress is where the grapes are brought and placed in vats. The grapes are then crushed to where no grape retains any identity, becoming ONE. Only the grapes who have gone through the winepress will be fit for the King's table.
God desires for His assembly to bring forth His plan and His purpose for the church. He looked that His assembly should bring forth grapes, instead it has brought forth. . . wild grapes. . ." Isaiah 5:2. When we think of wild grapes, we picture a small, bitter grape unable to produce much fruit, and mostly seed. This is not what the phrase wild grapes means. The phrase wild grapes means "stinking, worthless fruit". This is how God views the fruit the organized, religious system of today is producing.
The fruit God desires His choicest vines to produce is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, lowliness, righteousness, and patience. Instead His body has produced the stinking, worthless fruit of division, separation, selfishness, and worldliness.
As Jesus stated:
"Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Mark 7:6-7
Jesus said of His assemblies who are bringing forth stinking, worthless, rotten fruit ". . . in vain do they worship me . . ."
The gates of hell have prevailed against these assemblies. The hedge has been broken down that God placed around His body. Because of this satan has come in like a flood, and has his seat in their very midst.
The All-wise Solomon wrote:
". . . whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him." Ecclesiastes 10:8
The church of today wonders why it has no power and cannot feel the presence of God. It is because they have forgot that light and darkness cannot dwell together.
The prophet Ezekiel proclaimed:
"Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord." Ezekiel 13:5
The Bible tells us our battle is not physical, but spiritual. The hedge God has put around His vineyard is a Spiritual hedge, the Holy Spirit hedge. God's Holy Spirit hedge has been broken down and talked down until the gates of hell have prevailed against God's assemblies.
Ezekiel states...
". . . you have not gone up into the gaps to make up the hedge . . ."
God's true church must take on the responsibility of going into the gaps to make up the hedge. God has already hedged His assembly. He gives His leadership the responsibility, power, and authority in the Holy Spirit to protect His hedge from being broken through. But many leaders in the church today are allowing this hedge to fall down. Many leaders have stood back and watched division and separation enter into their midst through this great breach in God's hedge.
We are in the battle in the day of the Lord. The assemblies have not gone up into the gap, nor repaired the breach in the body of Christ, nor made up the Spiritual hedge to ward off the attacks of satan. Instead many leaders in today's church have come into agreement with satan. This they have deemed to be the easy way. Because of this, their worship before God is vain. This apathy and selfishness is a stink in the nostrils of God. Many in God's leadership have indeed become wild grapes in the sight of God.
Isaiah continued his proclamation of God's vineyard:
"For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are His pleasant plant: and He looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry." Isaiah 5:7
Not only God's leadership, but the whole house of Israel have allowed God's vineyard to be broken. The word Israel means "princes of God". A prince is the son of the King.
The House of Israel is God's house made up of His sons (no gender).
An Psalmist wrote of these last days:
"This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord". Psalm 102:18
God is looking for judgment upon sin to come forth from the tower (the pulpit) which He has set in the midst of His people (the assembly):FOR THESE ARE THE DAYS OF VENGENCE! Instead, God is seeing oppression. He watches as "the denominations" (religion) continue to bring His people under their control by teaching them their precepts and doctrines which cannot produce life. He watches as "the Democrats and the Republicans" (politics) continue to bring His People under their divided control with speeches on "rights" which only lead to bondage. He watches as "The Federal Reserve System" (financial) led His People to poverty instead of wealth. Satan's seat is secure in their midst and the breach is ever widening.
If The Congress won't do anything about The Federal Reserve, I believe the NEXT STEP in "standing" is for an "ordinary" citizen to "initiate the case" and then the long line of Foreclosed home-owners, the inflation WE ALL are "experiencing" is EVIDENCE of "theft by deception and fraud" in this Federal Reserve Instrument of OPRESSION. We need to "stand" FOR CHRIST, FOR AMERICA, FOR FREEDOM, FOR OUR CHILDREN's FUTURE.
Imagine the retro-effect if found unconstitutional, and fraudulent, to take a CITIZENS money and have it sent "elsewhere" is STEALING. The Law Thou Shall not Steal applies. As a CITIZEN of The United States, one is "protected" under the Constitution. One Nation under God! For Liberty and Justice for ALL!
For those who wish to SEE for themselves the Court order and READ it for themselves:
: Docket Number: OSAH-SECSTATE-CEPlaintiffs,
: 1215136-60-MALIHI
Counsel for Plaintiffs: Orly Taitz
Counsel for Defendant: Michael Jablonski
Plaintiff, : Docket Number: OSAH-SECSTATE-CE-
: 1215137-60-MALIHI
Counsel for Plaintiff: Van R. Ilion
Counsel for Defendant: Michael Jablonski
: Docket Number: OSAH-SECSTATE-CE-
: 1216218-60-MALIHI
: Counsel for Plaintiff: J. Mark Hatfield
Counsel for Defendant: Michael Jablonski
Plaintiff, : Docket Number: OSAH-SECSTATE-CE-
: 1216823-60-MALIHI
Page 1 of 4
: Counsel for Plaintiff: J. Mark Hatfield
• Counsel for Defendant: Michael Jablonski
On December 15, 2011, Defendant, President Barack Obama, moved for dismissal of
Plaintiffs' challenge to his qualifications for office. The Court has jurisdiction to hear this
contested case pursuant to Chapter 13 of Title 50, the "Georgia Administrative Procedure Act."
For the reasons indicated below, Defendant's Motion to Dismiss is DENIED. 1
I. Discussion
The Georgia Election Code (the "Code") mandates that "[e]very candidate for federal
and state office who is certified by the state executive committee of a political party or who files
a notice of candidacy shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the
office being sought." O.C.G.A. § 21-2-5(a).
Both the Secretary of State and the electors of Georgia are granted the authority under the
Code to challenge the qualifications of a candidate. The challenge procedures are defined in
Code Section 21-2-5(b), which authorizes any elector who is eligible to vote for a candidate to
challenge the qualifications of the candidate by filing a written complaint with the Secretary of
State within two weeks after the deadline for qualifying. O.C.G.A. § 21-2-5(b).
The Georgia law governing presidential preference primaries mandates that "[o]n a date
set by the Secretary of State . . . the state executive committee of each party which is to conduct
a presidential preference primary shall submit to the Secretary of State a list of the names of the
candidates of such party to appear on the presidential preference primary ballot." O.C.G.A. § 21-
2-193. On October 6, 2011, Secretary Kemp issued a notice to the chairman of each political
1 Because Defendant's Motion to Dismiss is denied, in the interest of efficiency, the Court finds it unnecessary to
wait for the Plaintiffs' responses before denying the motion.
Page 2 of 4
party to notify them that the deadline for submitting the list of candidate names for the 2012
presidential preference primary was November 15, 2011. On November 1, 2011, the Executive
Committee of the Democratic Party submitted President Barack Obama's name as the sole
candidate for the Democratic Party. To be timely, complaints challenging a presidential
candidate's qualifications in the presidential preference primary had to be filed no later than
November 29, 2011. Plaintiffs, as electors eligible to vote for Defendant, timely filed challenges
with the Secretary of State before the deadline of November 29, 2011.
In the instant motion, Defendant contends that Georgia law does not give Plaintiffs
authority to challenge a political party's nominee for president in a presidential preference
primary because Code Section 21-2-5 does not apply to the presidential preference primary.
Statutory provisions must be read as they are written, and this Court finds that the cases
cited by Defendant are not controlling. When the Court construes a constitutional or statutory
provision, the "first step . . . is to examine the plain statutory language." Morrison v. Claborn,
294 Ga. App. 508, 512 (2008). "Where the language of a statute is plain and unambiguous,
judicial construction is not only unnecessary but forbidden. In the absence of words of
limitation, words in a statute should be given their ordinary and everyday meaning." Six Flags
Over Ga. v. Kull, 276 Ga. 210, 211 (2003) (citations and quotation marks omitted). Because
there is no other "natural and reasonable construction" of the statutory language, this Court is
"not authorized either to read into or to read out that which would add to or change its meaning."
Blum v. Schrader, 281 Ga. 238, 240 (2006) (quotation marks omitted).
Code Section 21-2-5(a) states that "every candidate for federal and state office" must
meet the qualifications for holding that particular office, and this Court has seen no case law
limiting this provision, nor found any language that contains an exception for the office of
president or stating that the provision does not apply to the presidential preference primary.
O.C.G.A. 21-2-5(a) (emphasis added). Although the word "candidate" is not explicitly defined
in the Code, Section 21-2-193 states that the political party for the presidential preference
Page 3 of 4
primary "shall submit to the Secretary of State a list of the names of the candidates of such party
to appear on the presidential preference primary ballot." O.C.G.A. 21-2-193 (emphasis added).
Accordingly, this Court finds that Defendant is a candidate for federal office.
Code Sections 21-2-190 to 21-2-200 set out the procedures of the presidential preference
primary and also provide no exception to the Section 21-2-5 qualification requirement. This
Court finds no basis under Georgia law why the qualification requirements in Section 21-2-5
would not apply to a candidate for the office of the president in the presidential preference
Accordingly, this Court finds that Defendant is a candidate for federal office who has
been certified by the state executive committee of a political party, and therefore must, under
Code Section 21-2-5, meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office
being sought.
II. Decision
Based on the foregoing, the motion to dismiss is DENIED.
SO ORDERED, this the 3 rd day of January, 2012.
Page 4 of 4
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Politics and Cats: The "Welfare" State of The Union Addressed In Truth
Now I know that the title is one for pause. Yet, sitting here with my morning cup of coffee I pondered my morning asseying on the micro level and thought how simple to apply it to the macro, if only politicians understood cats and getting to a better "state".
As is my normal routine upon awakening I brush my teeth and proceed immediately to the coffee pot, and while it is brewing I tend the cats. First, a cup of food goes to the cat bowl INSIDE and I freshen their water bowl for the day. Then, I open the front door and there awaits the two OUTSIDE at the front door steps. One is the Beautiful, gray and white long-haired momma cat who showed up with kittens one day back 2 summers ago. The other a recent addition of about two months now, a handsome long haired orange cat with this cute white face and big green eyes gentle and loving, but obviously was left behind and was starving. Over the course of this week, another cat has shown up, initially timid when I was around, but I noticed the difference in the way the other cats behaved and would "interact" and "relate" to him. This smaller cat would appear and all the others would dart in various directions. Yet, my own cats didn't mind the 4th orange and white male which had shown up two months ago.
As I proceeded to put down food for the OUTSIDE cats, the 5th one ran over and "chased" the two off. Yesterday, I recalled the 5th cat had basically taken over Mommas throne in the front yard a chair she sat in basically overseeing the property at times getting down to play chase with the others. But ironically the 4 always interacted and related to one another in kindness sharing the food. That was until this morning. The dynamics had somehow changed, and the 5th cat was sitting in Mommas chair and Momma had jumped off the top of the trash can when I opened the front foor to do the morning feeding. I suppose the 5th cat having hung around this week "observing" the routine knew feeding time...but had TAKEN OVER the "territory". He had not come as the others to live in safety, seeking refuge here on the property, graciously accepting to "assimulate" into the group as ONE within the boundaries of my yard. No, he had come from the very beginning on a mission to TAKE OVER the Source. With the backyard fenced in, this was their sanctuary and I enjoyed watching them chase one another frolicking in freedom and safety. But this morning the atmosphere had changed.
So, as Keeper of the Flame of "Come one, Come all and SHARE", I had to take "ACTION" The Trumpet had sounded. A TAKER had "moved" in and had a different idea of HOW this yard was gonna be Governed. I am willing in my own Charity to buy food and take care of the less fortunate animals who through whatever "cause" had found themselves hungry, abandoned, homeless, "caught in the vicious cycle of fertility"...I in love aided and nurtured. Each of the cats I took personal "responsiblity" for getting them "spayed and nurtured" and shots for their protection. As a wise person knows I can't "just" FEED them...there are health "causes" to tend to or else Momma and her Feral Baby girl would only continue to have "more babies" and OVER BURDEN my home "system" for the WELFARE of this property, I took ACTION. I "arrested" that behaviour and prevented FUTURE burdens by preventative measures. All has been well until the recent two additions. The first Male from two months ago, had already been fixed and no "stinking spraying"... yet "assimulated" himself into the property in humility and grace! BUT this one from this week is a DIFFERENT BEAST all together. He Wants to spray "and mark HIS territory"...and is TAKING OVER the food bowl and "property". He has no thoughts for what "constitutes" living in harmony and SHARING THE Wealth on this property, nope He is TAKING OVER and becoming a little feline dictator at the expense of the ones already here living quietly and peacefully in harmony. Suddenly, now everyone is ON GUARD and taking "cover".
So this morning, I chased him out of the yard. Initially, it made me FEEL bad, as I am willing to SHARE the property with the animals in need. But I had a DUTY and OBLIGATION as the Head of This Household first to not CREATE a AREA meant as a refuge FROM THE WORLD "in the beginning" to "become" LIKE THE WORLD and no longer safe. Within "the bounds of my property", THAT IS MY RESPONSIBILTY, and the "citizens" (be they furry or human) COME FIRST. I can not permit someone to "come here" taking up "residence" and CHANGE the dynamics of the freedom and security of this US PROPERTY. That is my RIGHT as an individual to protect that "land". The "opportunity" existed to come "assimulate" into the area and BE AS ONE..but that was not "the case".
As I poured my second cup of coffee, I was thinking of my property AS "AMERICA" (the land of the FREE) and then the neighborhood as "the World" and "each house" an individual Nation in it. For in like manner it is so with This Earth we Big Neighborhood. I can go over up and down the streets catching all the cats now to PREVENT any "mean TAKERS" to come here. No, that is not FAIR. It merely serves only to take my FOCUS off my property and onto "anothers". My rights exists with My Property. My Duty is with ITS "citizens". As long as nothing "out there" is threatening to move in and TAKE OVER then my FOCUS is here on this land for the neighborhood is peaceful and the neighbors "friendly". We all co-exist.
Yet, if something "another entity" on the corner is doing "threatens" my own property, and threatens my "peaceful living", threatens "my freedom" and THREATENS "my household" and THREATENS "my pocketbook", and THREATENS "my safety or the CITIZENS within the boundaries of this property"....IT IS MY RIGHT AND DUTY to take ACTION, or else the TAKERS "takeover". And if there is a Bully who has "moved INTO" the neighborhood, and decides to set up a shack at the corner, and take up bullying me "charging ME" an entry FEE into my OWN neighborhood. I am faced with "choices". I can "surrender" to it, or I can "call the Authorities" and "present my case of grievances". TAKE ACTION, or BE BULLIED!
That is the "way" of the MICRO from my rocking chair having morning coffee under the pecan tree in my front yard. Now, lets move to the MACRO. Come WITH ME...I know you can follow this line of reasoning.
The model of the European-style welfare state simply does not work. The NEIGHBORHOOD is in turmoil. Unfortunately, when the percentage of those receiving government aid exceeds 50% in Europe, it is difficult to cut benefits. The threat of cutbacks in Greece has brought chaos to that country. The sight of thousands of left-wing thugs, marching in close ranks and armed with large batons and Molotov cocktails, is now a common one in central Athens. The TAKERS are now upset. Government's response to civil unrest has been to appease the protesters. From all appearances, it looks like the Greeks are angling for debt forgiveness with no substantive change in the Greek welfare state. If all this sounds a lot like what's happening in the U.S., it is!!!! Like the socialists who govern Greece, Obama's left-wing administration depends on the support of left-wing activists, unionized government workers, radicalized students, and welfare recipients. All of these groups "rights"have been pressing for more government spending, and Obama has not disappointed them.(Pay attention here: Don't surrender YOUR VOICE or POWER.")The single-minded focus of this administration has been the expansion of government benefit programs (CAUSE) designed to foster dependency (EFFECT). From the beginning, Obama's political strategy has centered on the restoration of "welfare as we know it." inn this "spiritual" WAR The clients of welfare are always reliable supporters of the Democratic Party. If Democrats can expand the percentage of the population dependent on benefits above 50% of the population, they will have achieved a permanent grasp on power.
Oh my Lovely CITIZENS of America who take up REFUGE much like our early "citizens" seeking REFUGE from "the tyranny of OPPRESSION"....We must now awake! Oh House of Israel "scattered" for we worshipped everything else and wanted NO GOD to rule over us, but a man to be our King. Hail King Obama! America stands at a crossroads in 2012, for this is the year when the American people will decide irrevocably whether they wish to see their country transformed into a European-style welfare state.
Like my morning facing what EXACTLY was I "creating" in my choice to allow this "new-comer" to my yard, TOUGH CHOICES need to be made taking into consideration CAUSE AND EFFECT, and THE FUTURE we are "creating" for ourselves. It is WITHIN OUR CONTROL. But We The People must send the MESSAGE that WE will no longer put up with POLICIES which attrack TAKERS, BULLY'S, and Complacency! There is a SOLUTION and a means to transition from that "state" to a better state of mind. It would have been a "great" transaction for the President to have signed the Keystone Pipeline into existence...imagine how many JOBS for American CITIZENS that would have opened, cutting welfare and moving them to a JOB. Now that is SOUND finance to me! Oh, and we are also doing business with Our FRIENDS in Canada, not only FRIENDS but whose God is Our God, and stop doing business with the enemy who in that "state of DEPENDENCY" threaten us and bully us.
I say its PAST TIME TO SEVER TIES with enemies and financial bonds of social intercourse giving birth to more and more kittens of tyranny and oppression. America has "bought our FRIENDS" for a long time. It is interesting the NATURE of people, as long as YOU are "paying" friends are there, but the minute YOU are out of work, and CANT FOOT THE BILL for dinner, ironically no-one is calling YOU for dinner anymore. Thats the difference in THE TAKERS and THE GIVERS.
Only in wising up, and waking up, and getting heads out of the sand, will America realize that we are at WAR, but its not with the Taliban. ITS WITHIN OUR OWN SHORES sitting in the Chief SEATS in HIgh Places DICTATING to us How this Property America is gonna be RUN irregardless of the Economic Melt-down. They want us to become "dependant" and WEAK and ironically we are almost half-way there with the ominously 49% of TAKERS who collect benefits and pay no Federal Income Tax. IF the Obama Administration can get just a few more VOTES from "a few more TAKERS" this Country is Lost FOREVER!
Not sure who was paying attention to what was actually SAID when Obama went down his issue with the congress, the house, and how If they would just GIVE HIM CONTROL He would "get things done". Yes, BUT WHAT THINGS and "for Whom" I beg the differ. Yes, Obama did another great "speech" got some applause and standing ovations last night. The only true thing He did say (In my humble opinion) was GIVE HIM CONTROL SO HE COULD GET THINGS DONE (his SOCIALIST NWO "agenda"). See, Obama's 2012 budget, which was rejected by every member of the Senate, called for continued spending at 2011 levels, even as his own budget supercommittee struggled to come up with $1.5 trillion in cuts. Good JOB Senate!
At the caution light, in the middle of nowhere and somewhere we pause at this crossroad in Americas Future and OUR decision AFFECTS our allies also. The Welfare state PROMISES "lifetime benefits" for the entire population with a safety net of food like the Federal Reserve PROMISED our Grandparents generation 100 years ago when the Titanic Sank and Congress "bought" those lies. A reliance UPON "another" instead of Good ole Fashioned SWEAT EQUITY! No one once made "dependant" upon welfare ever wants to give that up! IN that ACT, they have surrendered, tossed in the white that exists "in between" the Red and The Blue, and given up "The PURSUIT" in exchange for "a welfare check of HOPELESSNESS".
Socialism is in EFFECT an economic system in which NO ONE IS ALLOWED the PURSUIT "to succeed" or "to fail". It eliminates the MOTIVE all together of competition and reduces a country's CITIZENRY and "labor force" to nothing, and "oppression and tyrranny REIGNS"...and a once harmonious and prosperous LAND becomes a "breeding ground" for laziness and bullying.
As I think back to the TAKER cat this morning on the MICRO home front, ones "individual right" to eat at the expense of the "whole body of citizen-critters" living here is IRRESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT of assets and property. And by my "supporting THAT BEHAVIOUR" continuing to FEED it, then I am TEACHING the "means of obtaining" SOURCE is by FORCE and not "assimulating" into the melting pot and WORKING for it (capitalism at best). Now admittedly in my little micro yard, the work of making me smile, keeping the rats and moles away isn't much labor for a bowl of porridge. In my willingness to SHARE, do not attempt to come and TAKE OVER.
In American POLITICS today, there exists a misguided sympathy on not allowing anyone to go without.The USA has already hit the tipping point, especially in large metro areas such as
Chicago, Madison, NYC, LA, San Franciscco, Atlanta, Birmingham, Seattle, and other large metro cities that are run by the mob, organized crime, corrupt unions and DEMOCRATS. It is time for Red States that are fiscally and socially conservative to Take Our Country Back one State At A Time, and stop sending our tax dollars to Washington DC to be dispersed by the Socialist Politicians and Bureaucrats to the bankrupt and corrupt large cities. If NYC, Atlanta, LA and other BULLY Run Democrat Cities want to continue to support their welfare populations and unions, then let them fund themselves and stop fleecing the rest of Americans who actually work for a living and who run small businesses. The multi-national bankers and corporations benefit greatly from the Democrats in congress and in the White House while officially the Democrats Trash Them Publicly while these same corrupt bankers fund all Democrat Elections. Let the Corporate Elitists who fund Obama and the Democrats supply the Cash to Fund these Corrupt Government Programs and the rest of us just keep our cash at home and support legitimate governments in our home states.
Don't think YOUR VOTE isn't important this YEAR. ITS MORE IMPORTANT than ever...but more importantly is paying attention to the EFFECTS of what these monetary MOB RULE Dictatorship Policies are doing to the CITIZENS of America.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Behold Your MOTHER where are her "sons and daughters"?
“While Jesus Christ The Messiah was still talking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and brothers stood outside, seeking to speak with Him. Then one said to Him, ‘Look, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with You.’ But He answered and said to the one who told Him, ‘Who is My mother and who are My brothers?’ And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, ‘Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and Mother’” (Matthew 12:46-50 KJV).
“One of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Jesus as is written and recorded in,Luke 11:27-28
27And it came to pass, as He spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto Him, Blessed is the womb (birth rite of passage) that bare thee, and the paps (milk of nourishment)which thou hast sucked.
28 But He said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. (KJV)
Also entailed within this reply of Jesus in HIS ministry is brought forth FAMILY in that those who DO (execute) "The Will" of His Father in Heaven are Blessed- and "those" BLESSED are His Mother, Brother and Sister
As we look at "being born again INTO the state of Confusion" (Babylon) then (sequence) The Lord HIMSELF raises UP (aka: The First Resssurection) and OUT OF confusion and then "translated" becoming FAMILY (in effect getting to a better "state of MIND" putting on the mind of CHRIST.)
But still it behooves us to look deeper (and more "spiritually") into this. Jesus said those whom DO THE WILL of His Father "become" that FAMILY.
As I look back over a recent encounter of one representing those still debating about the organization of “church” and especially THE WOMANS PLACE have not yet seen the Ekklesia as a FAMILY...the Qahal, an "organisational structure" mentioned in the masoretic text of the Bible, which the Septuagint refers to as the Ekklesia. And so their emphasis is on the proper government of “church”: is it a single pastor, or a plurality of elders? What are the relationships between pastors, deacons and elders? What about the relationships between apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers? What about prophetesses? Or are they for today? What about the women – can they hold "a position" or not? Where are the lines of Authority? Who are we supposed to submit to? Who is our covering? Do we need a covering? Better Yet, What IS This Covering? And so on.
Many disputes arise as to how “church” should be organized and who should submit to whom. Millions of people have been killed over these disputes, and millions more have been abused – spiritually and emotionally, if not physically. These disputes have been with us for two millennia and have never been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.
The only way to resolve a dispute along the lines of organization is to let go of the "earthly" altogether and embrace the spiritual reality. But for many (particularly those in leadership and forgive me but Men especially who have been reared in traditional dogmatic church denominationism) this is simply too much to give up. Some will say, “But there IS organization in the Bible.” And I, Teresa D. Smith, would respond that there IS a "Spirit-and-Truth" order in the Bible, but NOT "organization along the lines" of a corporate hierarchy, bureaucracy, or benevolent dictatorship. Those are all carnal expressions of carnal men. They are not for "the Ekklesia" as described in the Septuagint.
If we really truly, TRULY SAW "the Ekklesia" we would no longer debate these issues at all. In fact, if we could really SEE "the Ekklesia" for what it IS – A FAMILY – then we will immediately know Who the Head of The Family is, who the elders are, what they are supposed to DO, who has "authority", and who does not (better yet from whom and where THAT AUTHORITY proceeds.) We would no longer be concerned with a "corporate structure" in Ekklesia Church or the BUSINESS thereof, but we would simply relate to one another as members of the same family. Relating to the "Business" in terms of The Family in the distribution thereof.
The Ekklesia that Jesus is building is a spiritual house of living stones. This Ekklesia is a Family, and “of Jesus the whole family in heaven and earth is named” (Ephesians 3:15). Which family? The family of "believers"!!! Some of The Family is in heaven, while some of The Family is on earth. Some of The Family in Heaven do physical battle while some of The Family on earth do the spiritual battle.
In 2 John 1, it is written in this Light of the Ekklesia thusly:
The elder,
To the lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in the truth—and not I only, but also all who know the truth— 2 because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever:
3 Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.
4 It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. 5 And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 6 And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.
In this Family, God is Father (GodHead), and Jesus Christ (The Messiah) is the Firstborn among many brothers and sisters (Romans 8:29). When we become a disciple of Jesus Christ we "become" members of a "family", not members of an "organization". This is one of the key differences between a living FAMILY (Ekklesia) and a dead “church” (organization) often DIVIDED against itself into denominations.
That is what Jesus Christ in HIS mission conveys to the people in the two instances illustrated from the Gospels. In the first case His mother and brothers were prevented from approaching Him because of the crowd. The Scriptures say that Jesus was still speaking to the multitudes when someone interrupted HIS teaching to tell Him that His Mother and brothers had arrived and wanted to speak to Him. An ordinary person may have become angry over the interruption, or would have excused themselves from the crowd to go to say hello to his relatives.
But Jesus is no ordinary person; He is the Son of the Most High God. The Learned understand that He was Truly Father (Godhead) in Son (Messiah) TO PAY A PRICE for "sin" in order to Redeem The Body of Christ (Family not "church" as in "organizational structure" but FAMILIAL structure). What He demonstrates to them (in word and in deed) is that everyone who does the will of God is His brother, sister, and Mother (the make-up of a Family); that is to say, all the members of His family are on equal ground before Him. In this family He plays no favorites, He gives no preferential treatment. He does not have special brothers and special sisters; all are equally precious, all are equally valuable in His sight.
Others may argue over who will be the greatest and seek the recognition and praise from man with their title, degree, position, or gifting, but Jesus said, “It must not be so among you” (Matthew 20:26). If He makes no distinction among brothers and sisters then we dare not do so. And I dare might add if He paid the awesome price on the Cross in HIS shed blood who are we to see a family members ERASED SIN, and shame one and KEEP THEM IN BONDAGE instead of proudly standing as One Of The Family? I am sick to death of the self-righteous who shame and condemn one because of their sexual orientation or an abortion or selling her body for money to feed her child... instead of sharing with them WHO they are NOW in Christ. LIFT UP AND EDUCATE, correct in love..GROW THEM. I immediately think of a song by 10th Avenue North YOU ARE MORE (than the sum of your past mistakes or the problems you've created).
In the second case, as in the first, Jesus is teaching when someone interrupts Him. A woman calls out from the crowd and blesses Mary, the mother of Jesus. Again, an ordinary person may have been disturbed over this interruption, or might have started talking about how much they loved their mother. But once again, we see the uniqueness of the Lord Jesus, and we touch upon the depth of His wisdom and character.
Certainly Jesus loved His earthly mother. At the same time, with His keen discernment, Jesus perceived that this outburst of emotion was mere sentimentality. Though it was intended as a compliment, it came from the flesh, added nothing to His teaching, and only served to distract the people from Himself. With the benefit of 2,000 years of "church" history behind us, we can see how this kind of fleshly adulation over the Mother of Jesus is, in and of itself, a tremendous distraction from Jesus Himself.
And so, for the benefit of the crowd (as well as for our benefit), Jesus speaks a gentle word of correction, one that honors His mother without idolizing her: “Yea rather…” the King James Version says; that is to say, “True enough, but get your eyes off of the earthly and onto the heavenly. There is a greater blessing to be had, and this blessing is not restricted to one person, but this blessing is open and available to all who will have it.” But in the hierachy of FAMILY though it is revealed a sweet morsal of "future" truth in the singular and the plural. A word to the wise is sufficient.
How is this blessing obtained? According to Jesus, those who hear the Word of God and obey it are blessed. And this is not surprising, since everything Jesus ever taught makes a plain distinction between people who merely listen to His teaching and those who actually put His teachings into practice. Blessed are they who hear it and keep it; while those who hear it, and do not practice it, are building on a sandy foundation that will collapse the moment they are challenged.
The principle thing in both cases is: what constitutes someone as a true brother or sister? And in both cases the answer is the same: doing the will of the Father; hearing the Word of God and keeping it. Doing the will of the Father is the same thing as hearing and keeping the Word of God. Simple obedience. Doing what the Father wants. Not hearing only, but hearing and doing.
Now the “church” is full of hearers. If we could qualify someone as a brother or sister merely on the basis of hearing, or a cross worn around the neck, or a Christian Bumper Sticker then just about everyone would be included. It is common in many circles to address others as “Brother So-and-So” or “Sister So-and-So.” and honestly I never "got that". For as I looked into my own earthly family I never addressed them as brother or sister but it was understood as such is the way with Family. Presumably this means that we are all in the same family and we have the same Father. Yet these same “brothers” and “sisters” will never fellowship with anyone outside their little group. Their criteria is narrow – attend the same group as we do, or join the same denomination, and we will be "brothers and sisters". This is a good example of hearing what Jesus says, even preaching what Jesus says, and then failing to put into practice the very truth they have just claimed to believe.
Bear in mind that what makes someone a part of this Family is not hearing, or accepting, or believing, or teaching the will of God – it is doing the will of God. Jesus did not call every religious person, “Brother” or “Sister”. This was a term of endearment for his true disciples. True disciples take it to heart and put it into practice. “IF you continue in My Word, then are you My disciples indeed” (John 8:31). IF, IF, IF. What if you do not continue in His Word? Then you are not My disciples, and you are not My brother, or sister, or My Mother. To be in My Family you have to do the Will of My Father.
What about the others? Jesus would not acknowledge them as brothers and sisters. Why not? Because they did not have the same father. “You are of YOUR father the devil, and the desires of YOUR father you want to do” (John 8:44). They heard the Word of God. They listened to the law and the prophets every Sabbath day. But they did not do the will of God. In fact, they did not desire the will of God at all; they lusted after the same things their father The Devil lusted after, and that will did the devil’s bidding, not the Father’s in Heaven.
On top of all the other trials and tribulations Paul endured, he mentioned being “in perils among false brethren” (II Corinthians 11:26b), and blamed part of his troubles on “false brethren secretly brought in, who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage” (Galatians 2:4). False brothers! It is a strong word. But this is how false Christs, false apostles, false prophets, and false teachers make their beginning – as false brothers and sisters. As is with all things we KNOW them by their fruit. Have you been "gossiped about by one of your false brothers and sisters". The TIME IS NOW to cull out from amongst yourselves my Children those who have a false sense of allegiance. Know when the battle cry is sounded, and the battle begins...who is in the FOXHOLE with you? Will they shoot you in the back, or will they charge out with you on the front line taking back the land which The Devil and his children have "stealthily" STOLEN it from us?
So the question that Jesus asked bears repeating today: Who is my brother? Who is my sister? Who is my Mother? Certainly not everyone who says, “Lord! Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In similar manner, not everyone who says, “Brother! Brother!” is really a brother or "Sister! Sister!" is really a sister. Yet learning how to be a good brother or a good sister is the first thing Jesus wants to teach us. When we are born into this Family that is all we are – a brother or a sister. Every apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral, or teaching ministry must have, as its foundation, the spiritual depth and maturity of knowing how to “just” be a brother or sister. We skip this necessary preparation at our own peril, and the Family of God in the Kingdom of God suffers as a result.
Jesus says, “I will declare Your Name to My brothers, in the midst of the Ekklesia (Family) will I sing praise to You!” (Hebrews 2:12). Nothing brings more pleasure to the Father’s heart, and gives our Lord Jesus more reason to rejoice, than to be with His brothers and sisters in the midst of the Ekklesia that He is building. If He is in the midst of the Ekklesia then that is where I want to be. May the Lord confirm this word to our heart. May His Will be done. And I will end in repeating the Title of this message today Behold Your MOTHER yet whom is said to be her "sons and daughters"? KNOW IN YOUR HEART YOU ARE SOMEONE WORTH DYING FOR, and I LIVE for you! Amen.
“One of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Jesus as is written and recorded in,Luke 11:27-28
27And it came to pass, as He spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto Him, Blessed is the womb (birth rite of passage) that bare thee, and the paps (milk of nourishment)which thou hast sucked.
28 But He said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. (KJV)
Also entailed within this reply of Jesus in HIS ministry is brought forth FAMILY in that those who DO (execute) "The Will" of His Father in Heaven are Blessed- and "those" BLESSED are His Mother, Brother and Sister
As we look at "being born again INTO the state of Confusion" (Babylon) then (sequence) The Lord HIMSELF raises UP (aka: The First Resssurection) and OUT OF confusion and then "translated" becoming FAMILY (in effect getting to a better "state of MIND" putting on the mind of CHRIST.)
But still it behooves us to look deeper (and more "spiritually") into this. Jesus said those whom DO THE WILL of His Father "become" that FAMILY.
As I look back over a recent encounter of one representing those still debating about the organization of “church” and especially THE WOMANS PLACE have not yet seen the Ekklesia as a FAMILY...the Qahal, an "organisational structure" mentioned in the masoretic text of the Bible, which the Septuagint refers to as the Ekklesia. And so their emphasis is on the proper government of “church”: is it a single pastor, or a plurality of elders? What are the relationships between pastors, deacons and elders? What about the relationships between apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers? What about prophetesses? Or are they for today? What about the women – can they hold "a position" or not? Where are the lines of Authority? Who are we supposed to submit to? Who is our covering? Do we need a covering? Better Yet, What IS This Covering? And so on.
Many disputes arise as to how “church” should be organized and who should submit to whom. Millions of people have been killed over these disputes, and millions more have been abused – spiritually and emotionally, if not physically. These disputes have been with us for two millennia and have never been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.
The only way to resolve a dispute along the lines of organization is to let go of the "earthly" altogether and embrace the spiritual reality. But for many (particularly those in leadership and forgive me but Men especially who have been reared in traditional dogmatic church denominationism) this is simply too much to give up. Some will say, “But there IS organization in the Bible.” And I, Teresa D. Smith, would respond that there IS a "Spirit-and-Truth" order in the Bible, but NOT "organization along the lines" of a corporate hierarchy, bureaucracy, or benevolent dictatorship. Those are all carnal expressions of carnal men. They are not for "the Ekklesia" as described in the Septuagint.
If we really truly, TRULY SAW "the Ekklesia" we would no longer debate these issues at all. In fact, if we could really SEE "the Ekklesia" for what it IS – A FAMILY – then we will immediately know Who the Head of The Family is, who the elders are, what they are supposed to DO, who has "authority", and who does not (better yet from whom and where THAT AUTHORITY proceeds.) We would no longer be concerned with a "corporate structure" in Ekklesia Church or the BUSINESS thereof, but we would simply relate to one another as members of the same family. Relating to the "Business" in terms of The Family in the distribution thereof.
The Ekklesia that Jesus is building is a spiritual house of living stones. This Ekklesia is a Family, and “of Jesus the whole family in heaven and earth is named” (Ephesians 3:15). Which family? The family of "believers"!!! Some of The Family is in heaven, while some of The Family is on earth. Some of The Family in Heaven do physical battle while some of The Family on earth do the spiritual battle.
In 2 John 1, it is written in this Light of the Ekklesia thusly:
The elder,
To the lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in the truth—and not I only, but also all who know the truth— 2 because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever:
3 Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.
4 It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. 5 And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 6 And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.
In this Family, God is Father (GodHead), and Jesus Christ (The Messiah) is the Firstborn among many brothers and sisters (Romans 8:29). When we become a disciple of Jesus Christ we "become" members of a "family", not members of an "organization". This is one of the key differences between a living FAMILY (Ekklesia) and a dead “church” (organization) often DIVIDED against itself into denominations.
That is what Jesus Christ in HIS mission conveys to the people in the two instances illustrated from the Gospels. In the first case His mother and brothers were prevented from approaching Him because of the crowd. The Scriptures say that Jesus was still speaking to the multitudes when someone interrupted HIS teaching to tell Him that His Mother and brothers had arrived and wanted to speak to Him. An ordinary person may have become angry over the interruption, or would have excused themselves from the crowd to go to say hello to his relatives.
But Jesus is no ordinary person; He is the Son of the Most High God. The Learned understand that He was Truly Father (Godhead) in Son (Messiah) TO PAY A PRICE for "sin" in order to Redeem The Body of Christ (Family not "church" as in "organizational structure" but FAMILIAL structure). What He demonstrates to them (in word and in deed) is that everyone who does the will of God is His brother, sister, and Mother (the make-up of a Family); that is to say, all the members of His family are on equal ground before Him. In this family He plays no favorites, He gives no preferential treatment. He does not have special brothers and special sisters; all are equally precious, all are equally valuable in His sight.
Others may argue over who will be the greatest and seek the recognition and praise from man with their title, degree, position, or gifting, but Jesus said, “It must not be so among you” (Matthew 20:26). If He makes no distinction among brothers and sisters then we dare not do so. And I dare might add if He paid the awesome price on the Cross in HIS shed blood who are we to see a family members ERASED SIN, and shame one and KEEP THEM IN BONDAGE instead of proudly standing as One Of The Family? I am sick to death of the self-righteous who shame and condemn one because of their sexual orientation or an abortion or selling her body for money to feed her child... instead of sharing with them WHO they are NOW in Christ. LIFT UP AND EDUCATE, correct in love..GROW THEM. I immediately think of a song by 10th Avenue North YOU ARE MORE (than the sum of your past mistakes or the problems you've created).
In the second case, as in the first, Jesus is teaching when someone interrupts Him. A woman calls out from the crowd and blesses Mary, the mother of Jesus. Again, an ordinary person may have been disturbed over this interruption, or might have started talking about how much they loved their mother. But once again, we see the uniqueness of the Lord Jesus, and we touch upon the depth of His wisdom and character.
Certainly Jesus loved His earthly mother. At the same time, with His keen discernment, Jesus perceived that this outburst of emotion was mere sentimentality. Though it was intended as a compliment, it came from the flesh, added nothing to His teaching, and only served to distract the people from Himself. With the benefit of 2,000 years of "church" history behind us, we can see how this kind of fleshly adulation over the Mother of Jesus is, in and of itself, a tremendous distraction from Jesus Himself.
And so, for the benefit of the crowd (as well as for our benefit), Jesus speaks a gentle word of correction, one that honors His mother without idolizing her: “Yea rather…” the King James Version says; that is to say, “True enough, but get your eyes off of the earthly and onto the heavenly. There is a greater blessing to be had, and this blessing is not restricted to one person, but this blessing is open and available to all who will have it.” But in the hierachy of FAMILY though it is revealed a sweet morsal of "future" truth in the singular and the plural. A word to the wise is sufficient.
How is this blessing obtained? According to Jesus, those who hear the Word of God and obey it are blessed. And this is not surprising, since everything Jesus ever taught makes a plain distinction between people who merely listen to His teaching and those who actually put His teachings into practice. Blessed are they who hear it and keep it; while those who hear it, and do not practice it, are building on a sandy foundation that will collapse the moment they are challenged.
The principle thing in both cases is: what constitutes someone as a true brother or sister? And in both cases the answer is the same: doing the will of the Father; hearing the Word of God and keeping it. Doing the will of the Father is the same thing as hearing and keeping the Word of God. Simple obedience. Doing what the Father wants. Not hearing only, but hearing and doing.
Now the “church” is full of hearers. If we could qualify someone as a brother or sister merely on the basis of hearing, or a cross worn around the neck, or a Christian Bumper Sticker then just about everyone would be included. It is common in many circles to address others as “Brother So-and-So” or “Sister So-and-So.” and honestly I never "got that". For as I looked into my own earthly family I never addressed them as brother or sister but it was understood as such is the way with Family. Presumably this means that we are all in the same family and we have the same Father. Yet these same “brothers” and “sisters” will never fellowship with anyone outside their little group. Their criteria is narrow – attend the same group as we do, or join the same denomination, and we will be "brothers and sisters". This is a good example of hearing what Jesus says, even preaching what Jesus says, and then failing to put into practice the very truth they have just claimed to believe.
Bear in mind that what makes someone a part of this Family is not hearing, or accepting, or believing, or teaching the will of God – it is doing the will of God. Jesus did not call every religious person, “Brother” or “Sister”. This was a term of endearment for his true disciples. True disciples take it to heart and put it into practice. “IF you continue in My Word, then are you My disciples indeed” (John 8:31). IF, IF, IF. What if you do not continue in His Word? Then you are not My disciples, and you are not My brother, or sister, or My Mother. To be in My Family you have to do the Will of My Father.
What about the others? Jesus would not acknowledge them as brothers and sisters. Why not? Because they did not have the same father. “You are of YOUR father the devil, and the desires of YOUR father you want to do” (John 8:44). They heard the Word of God. They listened to the law and the prophets every Sabbath day. But they did not do the will of God. In fact, they did not desire the will of God at all; they lusted after the same things their father The Devil lusted after, and that will did the devil’s bidding, not the Father’s in Heaven.
On top of all the other trials and tribulations Paul endured, he mentioned being “in perils among false brethren” (II Corinthians 11:26b), and blamed part of his troubles on “false brethren secretly brought in, who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage” (Galatians 2:4). False brothers! It is a strong word. But this is how false Christs, false apostles, false prophets, and false teachers make their beginning – as false brothers and sisters. As is with all things we KNOW them by their fruit. Have you been "gossiped about by one of your false brothers and sisters". The TIME IS NOW to cull out from amongst yourselves my Children those who have a false sense of allegiance. Know when the battle cry is sounded, and the battle begins...who is in the FOXHOLE with you? Will they shoot you in the back, or will they charge out with you on the front line taking back the land which The Devil and his children have "stealthily" STOLEN it from us?
So the question that Jesus asked bears repeating today: Who is my brother? Who is my sister? Who is my Mother? Certainly not everyone who says, “Lord! Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In similar manner, not everyone who says, “Brother! Brother!” is really a brother or "Sister! Sister!" is really a sister. Yet learning how to be a good brother or a good sister is the first thing Jesus wants to teach us. When we are born into this Family that is all we are – a brother or a sister. Every apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral, or teaching ministry must have, as its foundation, the spiritual depth and maturity of knowing how to “just” be a brother or sister. We skip this necessary preparation at our own peril, and the Family of God in the Kingdom of God suffers as a result.
Jesus says, “I will declare Your Name to My brothers, in the midst of the Ekklesia (Family) will I sing praise to You!” (Hebrews 2:12). Nothing brings more pleasure to the Father’s heart, and gives our Lord Jesus more reason to rejoice, than to be with His brothers and sisters in the midst of the Ekklesia that He is building. If He is in the midst of the Ekklesia then that is where I want to be. May the Lord confirm this word to our heart. May His Will be done. And I will end in repeating the Title of this message today Behold Your MOTHER yet whom is said to be her "sons and daughters"? KNOW IN YOUR HEART YOU ARE SOMEONE WORTH DYING FOR, and I LIVE for you! Amen.
EVE:Woman "Deceived": MOTHER of Christ (umbilical cord to umbilical cord)
Eve - "Women of the Bible"
Eve = Life, Life-spring.
First a little about the story of Adam and Eve and them being in the Garden of Eden, then Scripture.
God creates Adam but sees that there is something lacking.
'So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.'
Eve is formed from the rib of Adam (believed by many to be the DNA curve). They are of the same flesh and the same bone. From the moment of creation neither man nor woman can be complete without the other. Working together, they form the basic unit of society, the family.
Verse 25 makes an observation: neither the man nor the woman are aware of their own nakedness, as animals are unaware of their nakedness.
Eve and Adam are given a perfect world, but they are also given the power of choosing, making decisions.
The serpent, Satan, in the Garden speaks to Eve, suggesting that God has duped her. If she eats the fruit that has been forbidden to her she will gain new understanding and wisdom -- so profound that it will rival God's.
Because she has no experience of deceit, Eve believes Satan and makes her choice, deciding to seek knowledge of good and evil rather than be obedient. As humans, we continually test boundaries and try new ideas. In the Genesis story woman as 'life-giver' is the one who initiates this process.
When Satan in the Garden of Eden spoke to her, suggesting she try something new, she was intrigued.
It is a dangerous choice, reminding us that the quest for knowledge should always be balanced by wisdom. Eve will soon realize her mistake.
Adam eats the fruit without thinking or arguing. Like Eve, he misuses his ability to make decisions, never pausing to consider the consequences. Again, the quest for knowledge should go hand in hand with careful judgment.
Why is the snake used as a symbol of evil?
It was an important image in ancient pagan religions. The goddess Astarte, who represented the fertility of nature, was often portrayed with snakes. People saw the dead skins shed by snakes, and assumed that the snake had in some way died but then come alive again.
They saw the seasons of the year following the same pattern: in winter all things died, but in spring Nature mysteriously sprang back to life. So the image of a snake was used in fertility rituals, especially those relating to the seasonal cycles.
Cain murders Abel, and this is the second sin. Now people have sinned against God, and against each other.
At the heart of the story is that lawlessness is contrary to the will of God.
As the story continues, the original harmony between humanity and nature is disrupted. In a fit of jealousy Cain murders his brother Abel.
In a perfect world, a world without sin, inequality, violence and injustice do not exist.
But the Garden of Eden has been lost.
In Genesis 3, Eve is the central human character in the story. She is the mover and shaker, the active person. She explores the Garden, she meets and interrogates the snake, Satan, she makes a decision then returns to Adam and makes suggestions for a course of action. People in ancient times saw women as active and inquiring, as shapers of society.
The Bible begins with the story of an independent and strong-minded woman who is, like all humans, both creative and destructive, clever but short-sighted.
Now Scripture:
Genesis 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
(Keep = keep safe, preserve. Same as in 3:14; 17:9,10; 18:19, &c.
Notice that God didn't take just any of His creation's, but "Ha-Adham", the man Adam, to take care of the garden of Eden.)
16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying,"Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
(Toned down by Eve in 3:2.
God supplied all the trees for the enjoyment and nourishment of Adam. There were no limits placed on Adam, except for one.)
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
(¹Tree. Note the 3 trees: "Knowledge" [2:9], man's Ruin; "the Cross" [Acts 10:39; 5:30. 1 Pet. 1:24], man's Redemption; "the Tree of Life" [2:9. Rev. 2:7; 22:2], man's Regeneration. ²Good and evil - See v.9. Obedience proving what was "good" [Deut. 6:24], disobedience revealing what was "evil" [Rom.3:20]. ³In the day = when. Cp. 2:4. 1 Kings 2:37. Ezek. 36:32, &c.; Thou shall surely die - See note on 26:28 for the emphasis of this Figure exhibited in other ways; and cp. esp. note on Num. 26:65. Here marked by the word "surely", as in v.16 by the word "freely". This certainly changed by Eve in 3:3 into contingency. No "apple tree" mentioned) 18 And the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
(Meet = as his counterpart)
19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
(Ground: giving the details of 1:24. Creature = soul. Heb. nephesh. See 1:20. Domestic animals.)
20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
(Meet - see v.18.
So though the races had their male and female counterparts, God has given only the domestic animals, and no wife to Adam.. Remember, God's order for His creation was "kind after kind". In the term; "..there was not found an help meet for him", indicates that God never intended for the mixing of the races. This is why "there was not found" a wife for Adam. There is no documentation which spells out the method of God's creation for the other races, and whatever is said is pure speculation; However, all the races are God's children, and God loves all his children.)
21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
(Ribs. Heb. = curve. DNA Helix? From the Hebrew prime tsala'.
What that surgery was, has as many answers as there is people guessing. However, we know that Eve was formed from Adam by the use of surgery.)
22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
(Woman. Heb. ishah = female.
We know the man in this verse is Adam, because verse twenty two is part of verse twenty one. God set this woman apart from all other women living then, that were formed through the sixth day creation. It will be through this woman that the Christ child would come [be born], and from her daughters.
The documentation connecting Eve [this woman] and the Christ child is given in Luke 3:23-38. The only way your soul will obtain eternal life is through that Christ child, and through His shed blood on the cross, and our repentance and acceptance of Him.)
23 And Adam said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
(Quoted Matt. 19:5, &c. 1 Cor. 6:16. Eph. 5:31. Marriage is union.
The greatest gift that God gave to man, was a woman to be his helpmate.)
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
(Why were they not ashamed? They had not met the snake yet. They had not partaken of the person known as "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil", and the world knows him as Satan.)
The Serpent of Genesis 3.
In Genesis Chapter 3 we have neither allegory, myth, legend, or fable, but literal historical fact set forth, and emphasized by the use of certain Figures of Speech.
All the confusion of thought and conflicting exegesis (Interpretation of Scripture) have risen from taking literally what is expressed by Figures, or from taking figuratively what is literal. A Figure of Speech is never used except for the purpose of calling attention to, emphasizing, and intensifying, the reality of the literal sense, and the truth of the historical facts; so that, while the words employed may not be so strictly true to the letter, they are all the more true to the truth conveyed by them, and to the historical events connected with them.
But for the figurative language of verses 14 and 15 no one would have thought of referring the third chapter of Genesis to a snake, no more than he does when reading the third chapter from the end of Revelation (20:2). Indeed, the explanation added there, that the "old serpent" is the Devil and Satan would immediately lead one to connect the word "old" with the earlier and former mention of the serpent in Gen. 3: and the fact that it was Satan himself who tempted "the second man", "The last Adam", would force the conclusion that no other than the personal Satan could have been the tempter of "the first man, Adam."
The Hebrew word rendered "serpent" in Gen. 3:1 is Nachash (from the root Nachash, to shine), and means a shinning one. Hence the Chaldee means brass or copper, because of its shinning. Hence also, the word Nehushtan, a piece of brass, in 2 Kings 18:4.
In the same way Saraph, in Isaiah.6:2,6, means a burning one, and, because the serpents mentioned in Num. 21 were burning, in the poison of their bite, they were called Saraphim, or Seraphs.
But when the Lord said to Moses, "Make you a fiery serpent" (Num. 21:8), He said, "Make you a Saraph," and, in obeying the command, we read in v.9, "Moses made a Nachash of brass," Nachash is thus used as being interchangeable with Saraph.
Now, if Saraph is used of a serpent because its bite was burning, and is also used of a celestial or spirit-being (a burning one), why should not Nachash be used of a serpent because its appearance was shinning, and be also used of a celestial or spirit-being (a shining one)?
Indeed, a reference to the structure of Gen.3 will show that the Cherubim (which are similar celestial or spirit-beings) of the last verse (Gen.3:24) require a similar spirit-being to correspond with them in the first verse (for the structure of the whole chapter is a great Introversion). The Nachash, or serpent, who beguiled Eve (2 Cor. 11:3) is spoken of as "an angel of light" in v.14. Have we not, in this, a clear intimation that it was not a snake, but a glorious shinning being, apparently an angel, to whom Eve paid such great deference, acknowledging him as one who seemed to possess superior knowledge, and whom was evidently a being of a superior (not inferior) order? Moreover, in the description of Satan as "the King of Tyre" it is distinctly implied that the latter being was of a super-natural order when he is called "a cherub" (Ezek. 28:14,16 read from v.11-19). His presence "in Eden, the garden of 'Elohim"(God) (v.13), is also clearly stated, as well as his being "perfect in beauty" (v.12), his being "perfect in his ways from the day he was created till iniquity was found in him" (v.15), and as being "lifted up because of his beauty" (v.17).
These all compel the belief that Satan was the shinning one (Nachash) in Gen.3, and especially because the following words could be addressed to him, "Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, you have corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness: I will cast you to the ground, I will lay you before kings, that they may behold you." (v.17).
Even supposing that these things were spoken to, and of, an exalted human being in the later days (Ezek.28), still "the King of Tyre" is not compared to a being who was non existent; and the facts and the circumstances which never happened are not introduced into the comparison.
There is more about "the King of Tyre" in Ezek. 28:11-19 then was literally true of "the prince of Tyre" (vv.1-10). The words can be understood only of the mightiest and most supernatural being God ever created; and this for the purpose of showing how great he would fall. The history must be true to make the prophecy of any weight.
Again, the word rendered "subtle" in Gen. 3:1 means wise, in a good sense as well as in a bad sense. In Ezek.28:12 we have the good sense, "You seal up the sum, full of wisdom"; and the bad sense in v.17, "You have corrupted your wisdom" (referring of course to his fall). So the word rendered "subtle" is rendered "prudent" in Prov. 1:14; 8:12; 12:23; 14:8; and in a bad sense in Job 15:5. 1 Sam. 23:22. Ps. 83:3.
The word "beast" also, in Gen.3:1, chay, denotes a living being, and it is as wrong to translate Zoa "beast" in Gen.3. Both mean living creature. Satan is thus spoken of as being "more wise than any living creature which Yahaveh Elohim had made". Even if the word "beast" be retained, it does not say that either a serpent or Satan was a "beast", but only that he was "more wise" than any other living being.
We cannot conceive Eve as holding a conversation with a snake, but we can understand her being fascinated by one, apparently "an angel of light" (i.e. a glorious angel) possessing superior and supernatural knowledge.
When Satan is spoken of as a "serpent", it is the Figure Hypocatastasis or Implication; it no more means a snake that it does when Dan is so called in Gen. 49:17; or an animal when Nero is called a "lion" (2 Tim. 4:17), or when Herod is called a "fox" (Luke 13:32); or when Judah is called a "lions whelp". It is the same figure when "doctrine" is called "leaven" (Matt. 16:6). It shows that something much more real and truer to truth is intended. If a Figure of Speech is thus employed, it is for the purpose of expressing the truth more impressively; and is intended to be a figure of something much more real than the letter of the word.
Other Figures of Speech are used in vv.14,15, but only for the same purpose of emphasizing the truth and the reality of what is said.
When it is said in v.15, "you shall bruise His heel", it cannot mean His literal heal of flesh and blood, but suffering, more temporary in character. When it is said (v.15) "He shall crush your head", it means something more than the skull of bone, and brain, and hair. It means Satan's plans and plots, policy and purpose, will one day be finally crushed and ended, never more to mar or to hinder the purpose of God. This will be effected when Satan shall be bruised under our feet (Rom. 16:20). This again, will not be our literal feet, but something much more real.
The bruising of Christ's heel is the most eloquent and impressive way of foretelling the most solemn events and to point out that the effort made by Satan to evade his doom, then threatened, would become the very means of insuring it's accomplishment; for it was through the death of Christ that he who had the power of death would be destroyed; and all Satan's power and policy brought to an end, and all his works destroyed (Heb. 2:14. 1 John 3:8. Rev. 20:1-3,10). What literal words could portray these literal facts so wonderfully as these expressive Figures of Speech?
It is the same with the other Figures used in v.14, "on your belly shall you go". This Figure means infinity more than the literal belly of flesh and blood; just as the words "heel" and "head" do in v.15. It paints for the eyes of our mind the picture of Satan's ultimate humiliation; for prostration was ever the most eloquent sign of subjection. When it is said "our belly cleaves to the ground" (Ps. 44:25), it denotes such a prolonged prostration and such depth of submission as could never be conveyed or expressed in literal words.
So with the other prophecy, "Dust shall you eat". This is not true to the letter, or to fact, but is all the more true to truth. It tells of constant, continues disappointment, failure, and mortification; as when deceitful ways are spoken of as feeding on deceitful food, which is "sweet to a man, but afterword his mouth shall be filled with gravel" (Prov. 20:17). This does not mean literal "gravel", but something far more disagreeable. It means disappointment so great that it would gladly be exchanged for the literal "gravel". So when Christians are rebuked for "biting and devouring one another" (Gal. 3:14,15), something more heart-breaking is meant than the literal words used in the Figure.
When "His enemies shall lick the dust" (Ps. 72:9) they will not do it on their knees with their literal tongues; but they will be so prostrated and so utterly defeated, that no words could literally depict their overthrow and subjugation.
If a serpent was afterward called a nachash, it was because it was more shinning than any other creature; and if it became known as "wise", it was not because of its own innate positive knowledge, but its wisdom in hiding from all observation; and because of its association with one of the names of Satan (that old serpent) who "beguiled Eve" (2 Cor. 11:3,14).
It is so wonderful how a snake could ever be supposed to speak without the organ of speech, or that Satan should supposed able to accomplish so great a miracle.
It only shows the power of tradition, which has, from the infancy of each one of us, put before our eyes and written on our minds the picture of a "snake" and an "apple"; the former based on wrong interpretation, and the latter being pure invention, about which there in not one word said in Holy Scripture.
Never was Satan's wisdom so craftily used as when he secured universal acceptance of the traditional belief; for it has succeeded in fixing the attention of mankind on the letter and the names, and thus blinding the eyes to the solemn fact that the Fall of man had to do solely with the Word of God, and is centered in the sin of believing Satan's lie instead of Yahaveh's truth.
The temptation of "the first man Adam" began with the question, "Has God said." The temptation of "the second man, the Lord from heaven" began with the similar question, "if you are the Son of God", when the voice of the Father had scarcely died away, which said, "This is My beloved Son."
All turned on the truth of what Yahaveh had said.
The Word of God being questioned, led Eve, in her reply, 1) to omit the word "freely" (3:2, cp. 2:16); then 2) to add the words "neither shall you touch it" (3:3, cp. 2:17); and finally 3) to alter a certainty into a contingency by changing "you shall surely die" (2:17) into "lest you all die" (3:3).
It is not without significance that the first Ministerial words of "the second Man" were "It is written", three times repeated; and that His last Ministerial words contained a similar threefold reference to the written Word of God (John 17:8,14,17).
The former temptation succeeded because the Word of God was three times misrepresented; the latter temptation was successfully defeated because the same Word was faithfully repeated.
The history of Gen. 3 is intended to teach us the fact that Satan's sphere of activities is in the religious sphere, and not the spheres of crime or immorality; that his battlefield is not the sins arising from human depravity, but the unbelief of the human heart. We are not to look for Satan's activities to-day in newspaper press, or the police courts; but in the pulpit, and in the professor's chair's.
Wherever the Word of God is called in question, there we see the trail of "that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan." This is why anything against the true interests of the Word of God (as being such) finds a ready admission into the newspapers of the world, and is treated as "general literature". This is why anything in favor of its inspiration and Divine origin and its spiritual truth is rigidly excluded as being "controversial".
This is why Satan is quite content that the letter of Scripture should be accepted in Gen. 3, as he himself could say "It is written" (Matt.4:6) so long as the letter of what is "written" could be instead of the truth that is conveyed by it; and so long as it is misquoted or misapplied.
This is his object in perpetuating the traditions of the "snake" and the "apple", because it ministers to the acceptance of his lie, the hiding of God's truth, the support of tradition, the jeers of the infidel, the opposition of the critics, and the stumbling of the weak in faith.
Appendix 19 of the Companion Bible
3:1-24. The Fall.
1-5. The Nachash: procuring man's death, in Adam.
6. The Tree of knowledge. Eating of it.
7-. Effect on both: Adam & Eve.
-7. Human provisions: man-made aprons.
8-12. God's inquiry of Adam.
13. God's inquiry of Eve.
14. Sentence of the Nachash.
15. Promise of the Seed.
16. God's sentence on Eve.
17-19. God's sentence on Adam.
20. Effect on both: Adam & Eve.
21. Divine provision: God-made coats.
22-24-. The Tree of Life. Expulsion from it.
-24. The Cherubim: preserving mankind's life, in Christ.
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent
(= the shinning one = Satan)
was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, "Yea, hath God said, 'Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?"
(Satan's first utterance. The serpent is called that old dragon, which is to say the devil in Revelation 20:2. The serpent started his twisting and confusing in asking the woman, "shall you not eat of every tree of the garden?”", as you know God had stated, "You shall not touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”". All of the other trees they could partake of. And this was the woman’s answer.)
2 And the woman said unto the serpent, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
(Misquoted from God. He had made an exception. She did not eat an apple. Heb. 'ets= tree-prime:= backbone-'atseh = closing of the eyes spiritually, and opening the eyes to the way of the world. See Isa. 61:3)
3 But of the fruit of the tree
(A specific tree)
which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, 'Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.' "
(Misquoted. Let's bring this back to the Hebrew for a moment if we may. The word "tree" as it is utilized in verse 1 states that it is "ates".
H6086- ates From H6095; a tree (from its firmness); hence wood (plural sticks): - + carpenter, gallows, helve, + pine, plank, staff, stalk, stick, stock, timber, tree, wood.
The base root of the word is 6095 in the Strong's Concordance and you should have one because you really need one to study God's Word. And in this dictionary you will find that the Hebrew word comes from the base root 6086 which is 6095 which is:
atsah. H6095 - Ì'tsaÌ'h aw-tsaw' - A primitive root; properly to fasten (or make firm), that is, to close (the eyes): - shut. Which is to say an opening and a closing of the eyes. And from this also comes 6096 which is the backbone; the backbone of the body.
H6096 aw-tseh' From H6095; the spine (as giving firmness to the body): - back bone.
Which is to say the trunk of the body; your arms are the limbs and it is a tree. A regular tree has only knowledge to shed its leaves, but the knowledge of good and evil, as the trunk of the body, has many feelings that pass through the central nervous system. Now let’s go a little further if we may, "Lest you die" was stated.)
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, "Ye shall not surely die:
(Satan's second utterance. Contradiction of Gods Word.)
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,
(the foundation of Satan's second lie: The immanence of God in man.)
knowing good and evil."
(Enlightenment, yes, and here you have the Hebrew word which is the base, "an opening or closing of the eyes". And we have something here that is not complete as we read from the English, but from the trunk of the brain, we have the knowledge of good and evil. This let's you know what is good and what is evil. That ties into what Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:3 would state concerning this very incident that took place in the garden.)
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
("Lust of the eyes". Remember what Christ told you about checking the fruit? To be a fruit inspector? You should know by the fruit. If you get an orange off of an apple tree, something’s wrong.)
and that it was pleasant to the eyes,
("Lust of the flesh")
and a tree to be desired to make one wise,
("Boastful of life")
she took of the fruit thereof,
(I.e. the fruit coming from Satan's mouth, = lies)
and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her;
(Therefore Adam present)
and he did eat.
(They both partook of the same fruit. Is this where homosexuality was learned? Now listen to that carefully. She took of the fruit… and by their fruits you shall know them. God’s commandment was in verse 3, was that you shall not TOUCH it. Do you know what that word touch is in the Hebrew tongue? It’s nâga‛. You know what it means? It means to lie with a woman. Touch - H5060
nâga- naw-gah'
A primitive root; properly to touch, that is, lay the hand upon (for any purpose; euphemistically, to lie with a woman); by implication to reach (figuratively to arrive, acquire); violently, to strike (punish, defeat, destroy, etc.): - beat, (X be able to) bring (down), cast, come (nigh), draw near (nigh), get up, happen, join, near, plague, reach (up), smite, strike, touch.
[what is a Euphemism? It’s is saying something in a way as to not offend tender ears.]
Definition of Euphemism: A euphemism is a substitution of an expression that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the receiver with an agreeable or less offensive expression.
Eve would say, "I was beguiled by the serpent". Paul would teach in 2 Corinthians 11, I’m jealous over you because I have espoused you to one husband and I don't want you to be beguiled as Eve was by the serpent, Satan.)
Genesis 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened,
(Do you know that this is the prime of the word âtsâh which is tree? The word tree is êts in the Hebrew but it comes from the prime atash which means the backbone. H6086
êts - ates
From H6095; a tree (from its firmness); hence wood (plural sticks): - + carpenter, gallows, helve, + pine, plank, staff, stalk, stick, stock, timber, tree, wood.
âtsâh - aw-tsaw'
A primitive root; properly to fasten (or make firm), close (the eyes): - shut.
âtseh - aw-tseh'
From H6095; the spine (as giving firmness to the body): - back bone.
So we're talking about the back bone of the body. So here we can pretty well begin to understand why Satan would lie when the prime from the word âtseh is to close the eyes, Satan says, "Surely they will be opened". What it means is it will close your spiritual eyes and open your eyes of the world and that which it demands and so-forth. But know and understand that it is not an unusual term for us to say this is the trunk of my body. Or, what about your family? Many of you are proud of them and some of us, we have maybe one or two that we would like to break a certain limb off. It's called a family tree. (holding up arms) These are our limbs. The backbone is the skeletal formation of the central nervous system that runs through the spine and that gives you knowledge when it ties into the brain. You are supposed to think with it. Surely your eyes will be opened or the opening and closing of them is a part of the word âtseh.)
and they knew that they were naked;
(They knew before, but their knowledge now received a new meaning. Adam became "naked" by losing something of God's glorious likeness.) and they sewed fig leaves together,
(Man-made covering. This is the root of the parable of the fig tree, see v.15. F-I-G. Fig. What kind of orchard were they in? Apple? No! Fig? Yes.)
and made themselves aprons.
(To girt themselves. Not napkins. Aprons - H2290 gôrâh - (1,2) khag-ore', (3,4) khag-o-raw'. From H2296; a belt (for the waist): - apron, armour, gird (-le).
Masks to hide where they had eaten of the apple? That’s not what God’s word says. Don’t lie to children in churches. They were aprons of fig leaves to cover their private parts.)
8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
(No "quest for God" in the fallen man.)
9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, "Where art thou?"
(Question not for information. God knew were they were at. The first question comes from God to the sinner in Old Testament. First question in the N.T. of the seeking sinner "Where is He?" Matt.2:2)
10 And he said, "I heard Thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself."
11 And He said, "Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?"
(He knew. This was not a question to get information.
God Himself walked and talked with this first man of the Garden of Eden. Adam had the glory, and mercy of contact with almighty God. God loved Adam so much that He formed this special garden just for him and his wife Eve. The law that existed at that time consisted of only one thing; "Don't eat of that one tree". Don't mess around with Satan.
Satan knew God's plan, that the Christ would come through the womb of Eve, and Satan was out to destroy that plan of God's. Satan wanted to destroy the seed of the woman, meaning "Christ". Satan tried to see to it that the lineage of Christ would become polluted, and that the promised Messiah would be unable to give Himself for the perfect sacrifice, so that men and women could be brought back to the Father, our God.)
12 And the man said, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me,
(Characteristic of fallen man, implying blame to the Lord God as well as to his wife. And man’s been doing it ever since. "It’s the woman’s fault!")
she gave me of the tree, and I did eat."
13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, "What is this that thou hast done?" And the woman said, "The serpent
(= the shining one, Satan.)
beguiled me, and I did eat."
(Again of 2 Corinthians 11:3 where the word "beguiled" is exapatao, stated by Paul, and means "wholly seduced". Open your minds, spiritually or physically? You live with it how ever you choose.)
14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent,
(= Satan)
"Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go,
(Figure of Speech = utmost humiliation)
and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
(Fig. = utter defeat. Statement of degradation)
Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;
Seed - H2233
zera - zeh'-rah
From H2232; seed; FIGURATIVELY fruit, plant, sowing time, posterity: - X carnally, child, fruitful, seed (-time), sowing-time.
zâra - zaw-rah'
A primitive root; to sow; figuratively to disseminate, plant, fructify: - bear, conceive seed, set with, sow (-er), yield. Satan has seed = children. See Matt.13:37,38. Still holds true to this day. This was a warning.)
(I.e. Christ)
shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel."
(Which were nailed to the cross. They denote the temporary suffering of the Seed, and the complete destruction of Satan and his works. Head = vital part, Heel = lower part. This is the first promise of prophecy.)
16 Unto the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;
(Eating apples does this? see 4:1)
and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."
(According to where you're at, work things out for yourself. If momma's happy, everybody is happy.)
17 And unto Adam he said, "Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, 'Thou shalt not eat of it:'
(Here is the sin. Man has had to grub out a living ever since. See 4:17)
cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;
(The sign of the curse. What else what was brought forth is not stated; but the word may include all kinds of noxious insects, &c., as well as poisonous weeds.)
and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
(This verse paints a bleak picture for mankind, and the destination of the body that our soul is housed in, is the dust of the earth that it is made of.)
20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve;
(= Life, Life-spring. Showing he did believe God)
because she was the mother of all living.
(Only because Christ the Living Word would come through her. If you are not in Christ you are dead. Remember Adam & Eve were not the first human beings. See 1:27)
21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
(Blood shed because of their sin.
This is the first blood sacrifice, given to cover them and protect them in the shame of their sin. Adam and Eve used fig leaves to hide their shame, however, here it is God that makes the sacrifice to cover the sin.
Our protection for living in this final generation is found in Ephesians 6:10-20. That protection is the armor of God that we must use to fight the spiritual battle of these end times. That battle is not of guns and bullets, but it is fought with words and concepts. It is a spiritual battle with demons and things not seen with the eye, for it will be fought with doctrines and ideas on the battlefield of your mind.
Christ was the blood sacrifice that God gave to all mankind, that we can see and accept to cover our sins. Though animal sacrifices were the acceptable covering temporarily for sin until Christ's death, the only true forgiveness for all sin is in the blood of Jesus Christ. That is the only acceptable way to God. [John 3:16])
22 And the LORD God said, "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"
(Clearly shows the nature of man. Salvation was not available at that time.
This is the documentation that the "Tree of Life" is Jesus Christ. The price that had to be paid first was Jesus Christ's death on the cross, then after the shedding of His blood, all mankind can take freely of Him and have eternal life. Only by the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His living as a man, then His sacrifice on the cross could eternal life be offered to man.)
23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
24 So he drove out the man;
(Notice the failure of man under every dispensation)
and He placed
(Heb. shakan = to place in a tabernacle, hence dwell.)
at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims,
(Celestial spirit-beings)
and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way
(= preserve, so that man should not "live for ever" in his fallen condition, but only in Christ.)
of the tree of life.
(Same as it is today, Christ.)
Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, "I have gotten a man from the LORD."
(It would seemingly be read by many that Adam was certainly Cain's father, but bear in mind and listen to verse 2)
2 And she again bare his brother Abel.
(What is this word “again” in the Hebrew?
H3254 - yaÌ’saph yaw-saf’ A primitive root; to add or augment [often adverbially to continue to do a thing].
If a woman continues in labor what does that mean? So we see in this, that to continue means she continued in labor and there were twins; twins, both in the womb. They were paternal twins. Cain being of Satan's seed, Abel of Adam's seed. Two separate bags of water, two separate conceptions. See 1 Chron. 2:55, the Kenites = the sons of Cain, came through the flood. The name Abel = breath, vapor, transitory, probably because of the shortness of his life.)
And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
Eve = Life, Life-spring.
First a little about the story of Adam and Eve and them being in the Garden of Eden, then Scripture.
God creates Adam but sees that there is something lacking.
'So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.'
Eve is formed from the rib of Adam (believed by many to be the DNA curve). They are of the same flesh and the same bone. From the moment of creation neither man nor woman can be complete without the other. Working together, they form the basic unit of society, the family.
Verse 25 makes an observation: neither the man nor the woman are aware of their own nakedness, as animals are unaware of their nakedness.
Eve and Adam are given a perfect world, but they are also given the power of choosing, making decisions.
The serpent, Satan, in the Garden speaks to Eve, suggesting that God has duped her. If she eats the fruit that has been forbidden to her she will gain new understanding and wisdom -- so profound that it will rival God's.
Because she has no experience of deceit, Eve believes Satan and makes her choice, deciding to seek knowledge of good and evil rather than be obedient. As humans, we continually test boundaries and try new ideas. In the Genesis story woman as 'life-giver' is the one who initiates this process.
When Satan in the Garden of Eden spoke to her, suggesting she try something new, she was intrigued.
It is a dangerous choice, reminding us that the quest for knowledge should always be balanced by wisdom. Eve will soon realize her mistake.
Adam eats the fruit without thinking or arguing. Like Eve, he misuses his ability to make decisions, never pausing to consider the consequences. Again, the quest for knowledge should go hand in hand with careful judgment.
Why is the snake used as a symbol of evil?
It was an important image in ancient pagan religions. The goddess Astarte, who represented the fertility of nature, was often portrayed with snakes. People saw the dead skins shed by snakes, and assumed that the snake had in some way died but then come alive again.
They saw the seasons of the year following the same pattern: in winter all things died, but in spring Nature mysteriously sprang back to life. So the image of a snake was used in fertility rituals, especially those relating to the seasonal cycles.
Cain murders Abel, and this is the second sin. Now people have sinned against God, and against each other.
At the heart of the story is that lawlessness is contrary to the will of God.
As the story continues, the original harmony between humanity and nature is disrupted. In a fit of jealousy Cain murders his brother Abel.
In a perfect world, a world without sin, inequality, violence and injustice do not exist.
But the Garden of Eden has been lost.
In Genesis 3, Eve is the central human character in the story. She is the mover and shaker, the active person. She explores the Garden, she meets and interrogates the snake, Satan, she makes a decision then returns to Adam and makes suggestions for a course of action. People in ancient times saw women as active and inquiring, as shapers of society.
The Bible begins with the story of an independent and strong-minded woman who is, like all humans, both creative and destructive, clever but short-sighted.
Now Scripture:
Genesis 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
(Keep = keep safe, preserve. Same as in 3:14; 17:9,10; 18:19, &c.
Notice that God didn't take just any of His creation's, but "Ha-Adham", the man Adam, to take care of the garden of Eden.)
16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying,"Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
(Toned down by Eve in 3:2.
God supplied all the trees for the enjoyment and nourishment of Adam. There were no limits placed on Adam, except for one.)
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
(¹Tree. Note the 3 trees: "Knowledge" [2:9], man's Ruin; "the Cross" [Acts 10:39; 5:30. 1 Pet. 1:24], man's Redemption; "the Tree of Life" [2:9. Rev. 2:7; 22:2], man's Regeneration. ²Good and evil - See v.9. Obedience proving what was "good" [Deut. 6:24], disobedience revealing what was "evil" [Rom.3:20]. ³In the day = when. Cp. 2:4. 1 Kings 2:37. Ezek. 36:32, &c.; Thou shall surely die - See note on 26:28 for the emphasis of this Figure exhibited in other ways; and cp. esp. note on Num. 26:65. Here marked by the word "surely", as in v.16 by the word "freely". This certainly changed by Eve in 3:3 into contingency. No "apple tree" mentioned) 18 And the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
(Meet = as his counterpart)
19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
(Ground: giving the details of 1:24. Creature = soul. Heb. nephesh. See 1:20. Domestic animals.)
20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
(Meet - see v.18.
So though the races had their male and female counterparts, God has given only the domestic animals, and no wife to Adam.. Remember, God's order for His creation was "kind after kind". In the term; "..there was not found an help meet for him", indicates that God never intended for the mixing of the races. This is why "there was not found" a wife for Adam. There is no documentation which spells out the method of God's creation for the other races, and whatever is said is pure speculation; However, all the races are God's children, and God loves all his children.)
21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
(Ribs. Heb. = curve. DNA Helix? From the Hebrew prime tsala'.
What that surgery was, has as many answers as there is people guessing. However, we know that Eve was formed from Adam by the use of surgery.)
22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
(Woman. Heb. ishah = female.
We know the man in this verse is Adam, because verse twenty two is part of verse twenty one. God set this woman apart from all other women living then, that were formed through the sixth day creation. It will be through this woman that the Christ child would come [be born], and from her daughters.
The documentation connecting Eve [this woman] and the Christ child is given in Luke 3:23-38. The only way your soul will obtain eternal life is through that Christ child, and through His shed blood on the cross, and our repentance and acceptance of Him.)
23 And Adam said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
(Quoted Matt. 19:5, &c. 1 Cor. 6:16. Eph. 5:31. Marriage is union.
The greatest gift that God gave to man, was a woman to be his helpmate.)
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
(Why were they not ashamed? They had not met the snake yet. They had not partaken of the person known as "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil", and the world knows him as Satan.)
The Serpent of Genesis 3.
In Genesis Chapter 3 we have neither allegory, myth, legend, or fable, but literal historical fact set forth, and emphasized by the use of certain Figures of Speech.
All the confusion of thought and conflicting exegesis (Interpretation of Scripture) have risen from taking literally what is expressed by Figures, or from taking figuratively what is literal. A Figure of Speech is never used except for the purpose of calling attention to, emphasizing, and intensifying, the reality of the literal sense, and the truth of the historical facts; so that, while the words employed may not be so strictly true to the letter, they are all the more true to the truth conveyed by them, and to the historical events connected with them.
But for the figurative language of verses 14 and 15 no one would have thought of referring the third chapter of Genesis to a snake, no more than he does when reading the third chapter from the end of Revelation (20:2). Indeed, the explanation added there, that the "old serpent" is the Devil and Satan would immediately lead one to connect the word "old" with the earlier and former mention of the serpent in Gen. 3: and the fact that it was Satan himself who tempted "the second man", "The last Adam", would force the conclusion that no other than the personal Satan could have been the tempter of "the first man, Adam."
The Hebrew word rendered "serpent" in Gen. 3:1 is Nachash (from the root Nachash, to shine), and means a shinning one. Hence the Chaldee means brass or copper, because of its shinning. Hence also, the word Nehushtan, a piece of brass, in 2 Kings 18:4.
In the same way Saraph, in Isaiah.6:2,6, means a burning one, and, because the serpents mentioned in Num. 21 were burning, in the poison of their bite, they were called Saraphim, or Seraphs.
But when the Lord said to Moses, "Make you a fiery serpent" (Num. 21:8), He said, "Make you a Saraph," and, in obeying the command, we read in v.9, "Moses made a Nachash of brass," Nachash is thus used as being interchangeable with Saraph.
Now, if Saraph is used of a serpent because its bite was burning, and is also used of a celestial or spirit-being (a burning one), why should not Nachash be used of a serpent because its appearance was shinning, and be also used of a celestial or spirit-being (a shining one)?
Indeed, a reference to the structure of Gen.3 will show that the Cherubim (which are similar celestial or spirit-beings) of the last verse (Gen.3:24) require a similar spirit-being to correspond with them in the first verse (for the structure of the whole chapter is a great Introversion). The Nachash, or serpent, who beguiled Eve (2 Cor. 11:3) is spoken of as "an angel of light" in v.14. Have we not, in this, a clear intimation that it was not a snake, but a glorious shinning being, apparently an angel, to whom Eve paid such great deference, acknowledging him as one who seemed to possess superior knowledge, and whom was evidently a being of a superior (not inferior) order? Moreover, in the description of Satan as "the King of Tyre" it is distinctly implied that the latter being was of a super-natural order when he is called "a cherub" (Ezek. 28:14,16 read from v.11-19). His presence "in Eden, the garden of 'Elohim"(God) (v.13), is also clearly stated, as well as his being "perfect in beauty" (v.12), his being "perfect in his ways from the day he was created till iniquity was found in him" (v.15), and as being "lifted up because of his beauty" (v.17).
These all compel the belief that Satan was the shinning one (Nachash) in Gen.3, and especially because the following words could be addressed to him, "Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, you have corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness: I will cast you to the ground, I will lay you before kings, that they may behold you." (v.17).
Even supposing that these things were spoken to, and of, an exalted human being in the later days (Ezek.28), still "the King of Tyre" is not compared to a being who was non existent; and the facts and the circumstances which never happened are not introduced into the comparison.
There is more about "the King of Tyre" in Ezek. 28:11-19 then was literally true of "the prince of Tyre" (vv.1-10). The words can be understood only of the mightiest and most supernatural being God ever created; and this for the purpose of showing how great he would fall. The history must be true to make the prophecy of any weight.
Again, the word rendered "subtle" in Gen. 3:1 means wise, in a good sense as well as in a bad sense. In Ezek.28:12 we have the good sense, "You seal up the sum, full of wisdom"; and the bad sense in v.17, "You have corrupted your wisdom" (referring of course to his fall). So the word rendered "subtle" is rendered "prudent" in Prov. 1:14; 8:12; 12:23; 14:8; and in a bad sense in Job 15:5. 1 Sam. 23:22. Ps. 83:3.
The word "beast" also, in Gen.3:1, chay, denotes a living being, and it is as wrong to translate Zoa "beast" in Gen.3. Both mean living creature. Satan is thus spoken of as being "more wise than any living creature which Yahaveh Elohim had made". Even if the word "beast" be retained, it does not say that either a serpent or Satan was a "beast", but only that he was "more wise" than any other living being.
We cannot conceive Eve as holding a conversation with a snake, but we can understand her being fascinated by one, apparently "an angel of light" (i.e. a glorious angel) possessing superior and supernatural knowledge.
When Satan is spoken of as a "serpent", it is the Figure Hypocatastasis or Implication; it no more means a snake that it does when Dan is so called in Gen. 49:17; or an animal when Nero is called a "lion" (2 Tim. 4:17), or when Herod is called a "fox" (Luke 13:32); or when Judah is called a "lions whelp". It is the same figure when "doctrine" is called "leaven" (Matt. 16:6). It shows that something much more real and truer to truth is intended. If a Figure of Speech is thus employed, it is for the purpose of expressing the truth more impressively; and is intended to be a figure of something much more real than the letter of the word.
Other Figures of Speech are used in vv.14,15, but only for the same purpose of emphasizing the truth and the reality of what is said.
When it is said in v.15, "you shall bruise His heel", it cannot mean His literal heal of flesh and blood, but suffering, more temporary in character. When it is said (v.15) "He shall crush your head", it means something more than the skull of bone, and brain, and hair. It means Satan's plans and plots, policy and purpose, will one day be finally crushed and ended, never more to mar or to hinder the purpose of God. This will be effected when Satan shall be bruised under our feet (Rom. 16:20). This again, will not be our literal feet, but something much more real.
The bruising of Christ's heel is the most eloquent and impressive way of foretelling the most solemn events and to point out that the effort made by Satan to evade his doom, then threatened, would become the very means of insuring it's accomplishment; for it was through the death of Christ that he who had the power of death would be destroyed; and all Satan's power and policy brought to an end, and all his works destroyed (Heb. 2:14. 1 John 3:8. Rev. 20:1-3,10). What literal words could portray these literal facts so wonderfully as these expressive Figures of Speech?
It is the same with the other Figures used in v.14, "on your belly shall you go". This Figure means infinity more than the literal belly of flesh and blood; just as the words "heel" and "head" do in v.15. It paints for the eyes of our mind the picture of Satan's ultimate humiliation; for prostration was ever the most eloquent sign of subjection. When it is said "our belly cleaves to the ground" (Ps. 44:25), it denotes such a prolonged prostration and such depth of submission as could never be conveyed or expressed in literal words.
So with the other prophecy, "Dust shall you eat". This is not true to the letter, or to fact, but is all the more true to truth. It tells of constant, continues disappointment, failure, and mortification; as when deceitful ways are spoken of as feeding on deceitful food, which is "sweet to a man, but afterword his mouth shall be filled with gravel" (Prov. 20:17). This does not mean literal "gravel", but something far more disagreeable. It means disappointment so great that it would gladly be exchanged for the literal "gravel". So when Christians are rebuked for "biting and devouring one another" (Gal. 3:14,15), something more heart-breaking is meant than the literal words used in the Figure.
When "His enemies shall lick the dust" (Ps. 72:9) they will not do it on their knees with their literal tongues; but they will be so prostrated and so utterly defeated, that no words could literally depict their overthrow and subjugation.
If a serpent was afterward called a nachash, it was because it was more shinning than any other creature; and if it became known as "wise", it was not because of its own innate positive knowledge, but its wisdom in hiding from all observation; and because of its association with one of the names of Satan (that old serpent) who "beguiled Eve" (2 Cor. 11:3,14).
It is so wonderful how a snake could ever be supposed to speak without the organ of speech, or that Satan should supposed able to accomplish so great a miracle.
It only shows the power of tradition, which has, from the infancy of each one of us, put before our eyes and written on our minds the picture of a "snake" and an "apple"; the former based on wrong interpretation, and the latter being pure invention, about which there in not one word said in Holy Scripture.
Never was Satan's wisdom so craftily used as when he secured universal acceptance of the traditional belief; for it has succeeded in fixing the attention of mankind on the letter and the names, and thus blinding the eyes to the solemn fact that the Fall of man had to do solely with the Word of God, and is centered in the sin of believing Satan's lie instead of Yahaveh's truth.
The temptation of "the first man Adam" began with the question, "Has God said." The temptation of "the second man, the Lord from heaven" began with the similar question, "if you are the Son of God", when the voice of the Father had scarcely died away, which said, "This is My beloved Son."
All turned on the truth of what Yahaveh had said.
The Word of God being questioned, led Eve, in her reply, 1) to omit the word "freely" (3:2, cp. 2:16); then 2) to add the words "neither shall you touch it" (3:3, cp. 2:17); and finally 3) to alter a certainty into a contingency by changing "you shall surely die" (2:17) into "lest you all die" (3:3).
It is not without significance that the first Ministerial words of "the second Man" were "It is written", three times repeated; and that His last Ministerial words contained a similar threefold reference to the written Word of God (John 17:8,14,17).
The former temptation succeeded because the Word of God was three times misrepresented; the latter temptation was successfully defeated because the same Word was faithfully repeated.
The history of Gen. 3 is intended to teach us the fact that Satan's sphere of activities is in the religious sphere, and not the spheres of crime or immorality; that his battlefield is not the sins arising from human depravity, but the unbelief of the human heart. We are not to look for Satan's activities to-day in newspaper press, or the police courts; but in the pulpit, and in the professor's chair's.
Wherever the Word of God is called in question, there we see the trail of "that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan." This is why anything against the true interests of the Word of God (as being such) finds a ready admission into the newspapers of the world, and is treated as "general literature". This is why anything in favor of its inspiration and Divine origin and its spiritual truth is rigidly excluded as being "controversial".
This is why Satan is quite content that the letter of Scripture should be accepted in Gen. 3, as he himself could say "It is written" (Matt.4:6) so long as the letter of what is "written" could be instead of the truth that is conveyed by it; and so long as it is misquoted or misapplied.
This is his object in perpetuating the traditions of the "snake" and the "apple", because it ministers to the acceptance of his lie, the hiding of God's truth, the support of tradition, the jeers of the infidel, the opposition of the critics, and the stumbling of the weak in faith.
Appendix 19 of the Companion Bible
3:1-24. The Fall.
1-5. The Nachash: procuring man's death, in Adam.
6. The Tree of knowledge. Eating of it.
7-. Effect on both: Adam & Eve.
-7. Human provisions: man-made aprons.
8-12. God's inquiry of Adam.
13. God's inquiry of Eve.
14. Sentence of the Nachash.
15. Promise of the Seed.
16. God's sentence on Eve.
17-19. God's sentence on Adam.
20. Effect on both: Adam & Eve.
21. Divine provision: God-made coats.
22-24-. The Tree of Life. Expulsion from it.
-24. The Cherubim: preserving mankind's life, in Christ.
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent
(= the shinning one = Satan)
was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, "Yea, hath God said, 'Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?"
(Satan's first utterance. The serpent is called that old dragon, which is to say the devil in Revelation 20:2. The serpent started his twisting and confusing in asking the woman, "shall you not eat of every tree of the garden?”", as you know God had stated, "You shall not touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”". All of the other trees they could partake of. And this was the woman’s answer.)
2 And the woman said unto the serpent, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
(Misquoted from God. He had made an exception. She did not eat an apple. Heb. 'ets= tree-prime:= backbone-'atseh = closing of the eyes spiritually, and opening the eyes to the way of the world. See Isa. 61:3)
3 But of the fruit of the tree
(A specific tree)
which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, 'Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.' "
(Misquoted. Let's bring this back to the Hebrew for a moment if we may. The word "tree" as it is utilized in verse 1 states that it is "ates".
H6086- ates From H6095; a tree (from its firmness); hence wood (plural sticks): - + carpenter, gallows, helve, + pine, plank, staff, stalk, stick, stock, timber, tree, wood.
The base root of the word is 6095 in the Strong's Concordance and you should have one because you really need one to study God's Word. And in this dictionary you will find that the Hebrew word comes from the base root 6086 which is 6095 which is:
atsah. H6095 - Ì'tsaÌ'h aw-tsaw' - A primitive root; properly to fasten (or make firm), that is, to close (the eyes): - shut. Which is to say an opening and a closing of the eyes. And from this also comes 6096 which is the backbone; the backbone of the body.
H6096 aw-tseh' From H6095; the spine (as giving firmness to the body): - back bone.
Which is to say the trunk of the body; your arms are the limbs and it is a tree. A regular tree has only knowledge to shed its leaves, but the knowledge of good and evil, as the trunk of the body, has many feelings that pass through the central nervous system. Now let’s go a little further if we may, "Lest you die" was stated.)
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, "Ye shall not surely die:
(Satan's second utterance. Contradiction of Gods Word.)
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,
(the foundation of Satan's second lie: The immanence of God in man.)
knowing good and evil."
(Enlightenment, yes, and here you have the Hebrew word which is the base, "an opening or closing of the eyes". And we have something here that is not complete as we read from the English, but from the trunk of the brain, we have the knowledge of good and evil. This let's you know what is good and what is evil. That ties into what Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:3 would state concerning this very incident that took place in the garden.)
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
("Lust of the eyes". Remember what Christ told you about checking the fruit? To be a fruit inspector? You should know by the fruit. If you get an orange off of an apple tree, something’s wrong.)
and that it was pleasant to the eyes,
("Lust of the flesh")
and a tree to be desired to make one wise,
("Boastful of life")
she took of the fruit thereof,
(I.e. the fruit coming from Satan's mouth, = lies)
and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her;
(Therefore Adam present)
and he did eat.
(They both partook of the same fruit. Is this where homosexuality was learned? Now listen to that carefully. She took of the fruit… and by their fruits you shall know them. God’s commandment was in verse 3, was that you shall not TOUCH it. Do you know what that word touch is in the Hebrew tongue? It’s nâga‛. You know what it means? It means to lie with a woman. Touch - H5060
nâga- naw-gah'
A primitive root; properly to touch, that is, lay the hand upon (for any purpose; euphemistically, to lie with a woman); by implication to reach (figuratively to arrive, acquire); violently, to strike (punish, defeat, destroy, etc.): - beat, (X be able to) bring (down), cast, come (nigh), draw near (nigh), get up, happen, join, near, plague, reach (up), smite, strike, touch.
[what is a Euphemism? It’s is saying something in a way as to not offend tender ears.]
Definition of Euphemism: A euphemism is a substitution of an expression that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the receiver with an agreeable or less offensive expression.
Eve would say, "I was beguiled by the serpent". Paul would teach in 2 Corinthians 11, I’m jealous over you because I have espoused you to one husband and I don't want you to be beguiled as Eve was by the serpent, Satan.)
Genesis 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened,
(Do you know that this is the prime of the word âtsâh which is tree? The word tree is êts in the Hebrew but it comes from the prime atash which means the backbone. H6086
êts - ates
From H6095; a tree (from its firmness); hence wood (plural sticks): - + carpenter, gallows, helve, + pine, plank, staff, stalk, stick, stock, timber, tree, wood.
âtsâh - aw-tsaw'
A primitive root; properly to fasten (or make firm), close (the eyes): - shut.
âtseh - aw-tseh'
From H6095; the spine (as giving firmness to the body): - back bone.
So we're talking about the back bone of the body. So here we can pretty well begin to understand why Satan would lie when the prime from the word âtseh is to close the eyes, Satan says, "Surely they will be opened". What it means is it will close your spiritual eyes and open your eyes of the world and that which it demands and so-forth. But know and understand that it is not an unusual term for us to say this is the trunk of my body. Or, what about your family? Many of you are proud of them and some of us, we have maybe one or two that we would like to break a certain limb off. It's called a family tree. (holding up arms) These are our limbs. The backbone is the skeletal formation of the central nervous system that runs through the spine and that gives you knowledge when it ties into the brain. You are supposed to think with it. Surely your eyes will be opened or the opening and closing of them is a part of the word âtseh.)
and they knew that they were naked;
(They knew before, but their knowledge now received a new meaning. Adam became "naked" by losing something of God's glorious likeness.) and they sewed fig leaves together,
(Man-made covering. This is the root of the parable of the fig tree, see v.15. F-I-G. Fig. What kind of orchard were they in? Apple? No! Fig? Yes.)
and made themselves aprons.
(To girt themselves. Not napkins. Aprons - H2290 gôrâh - (1,2) khag-ore', (3,4) khag-o-raw'. From H2296; a belt (for the waist): - apron, armour, gird (-le).
Masks to hide where they had eaten of the apple? That’s not what God’s word says. Don’t lie to children in churches. They were aprons of fig leaves to cover their private parts.)
8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
(No "quest for God" in the fallen man.)
9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, "Where art thou?"
(Question not for information. God knew were they were at. The first question comes from God to the sinner in Old Testament. First question in the N.T. of the seeking sinner "Where is He?" Matt.2:2)
10 And he said, "I heard Thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself."
11 And He said, "Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?"
(He knew. This was not a question to get information.
God Himself walked and talked with this first man of the Garden of Eden. Adam had the glory, and mercy of contact with almighty God. God loved Adam so much that He formed this special garden just for him and his wife Eve. The law that existed at that time consisted of only one thing; "Don't eat of that one tree". Don't mess around with Satan.
Satan knew God's plan, that the Christ would come through the womb of Eve, and Satan was out to destroy that plan of God's. Satan wanted to destroy the seed of the woman, meaning "Christ". Satan tried to see to it that the lineage of Christ would become polluted, and that the promised Messiah would be unable to give Himself for the perfect sacrifice, so that men and women could be brought back to the Father, our God.)
12 And the man said, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me,
(Characteristic of fallen man, implying blame to the Lord God as well as to his wife. And man’s been doing it ever since. "It’s the woman’s fault!")
she gave me of the tree, and I did eat."
13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, "What is this that thou hast done?" And the woman said, "The serpent
(= the shining one, Satan.)
beguiled me, and I did eat."
(Again of 2 Corinthians 11:3 where the word "beguiled" is exapatao, stated by Paul, and means "wholly seduced". Open your minds, spiritually or physically? You live with it how ever you choose.)
14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent,
(= Satan)
"Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go,
(Figure of Speech = utmost humiliation)
and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
(Fig. = utter defeat. Statement of degradation)
Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;
Seed - H2233
zera - zeh'-rah
From H2232; seed; FIGURATIVELY fruit, plant, sowing time, posterity: - X carnally, child, fruitful, seed (-time), sowing-time.
zâra - zaw-rah'
A primitive root; to sow; figuratively to disseminate, plant, fructify: - bear, conceive seed, set with, sow (-er), yield. Satan has seed = children. See Matt.13:37,38. Still holds true to this day. This was a warning.)
(I.e. Christ)
shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel."
(Which were nailed to the cross. They denote the temporary suffering of the Seed, and the complete destruction of Satan and his works. Head = vital part, Heel = lower part. This is the first promise of prophecy.)
16 Unto the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;
(Eating apples does this? see 4:1)
and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."
(According to where you're at, work things out for yourself. If momma's happy, everybody is happy.)
17 And unto Adam he said, "Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, 'Thou shalt not eat of it:'
(Here is the sin. Man has had to grub out a living ever since. See 4:17)
cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;
(The sign of the curse. What else what was brought forth is not stated; but the word may include all kinds of noxious insects, &c., as well as poisonous weeds.)
and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
(This verse paints a bleak picture for mankind, and the destination of the body that our soul is housed in, is the dust of the earth that it is made of.)
20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve;
(= Life, Life-spring. Showing he did believe God)
because she was the mother of all living.
(Only because Christ the Living Word would come through her. If you are not in Christ you are dead. Remember Adam & Eve were not the first human beings. See 1:27)
21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
(Blood shed because of their sin.
This is the first blood sacrifice, given to cover them and protect them in the shame of their sin. Adam and Eve used fig leaves to hide their shame, however, here it is God that makes the sacrifice to cover the sin.
Our protection for living in this final generation is found in Ephesians 6:10-20. That protection is the armor of God that we must use to fight the spiritual battle of these end times. That battle is not of guns and bullets, but it is fought with words and concepts. It is a spiritual battle with demons and things not seen with the eye, for it will be fought with doctrines and ideas on the battlefield of your mind.
Christ was the blood sacrifice that God gave to all mankind, that we can see and accept to cover our sins. Though animal sacrifices were the acceptable covering temporarily for sin until Christ's death, the only true forgiveness for all sin is in the blood of Jesus Christ. That is the only acceptable way to God. [John 3:16])
22 And the LORD God said, "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"
(Clearly shows the nature of man. Salvation was not available at that time.
This is the documentation that the "Tree of Life" is Jesus Christ. The price that had to be paid first was Jesus Christ's death on the cross, then after the shedding of His blood, all mankind can take freely of Him and have eternal life. Only by the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His living as a man, then His sacrifice on the cross could eternal life be offered to man.)
23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
24 So he drove out the man;
(Notice the failure of man under every dispensation)
and He placed
(Heb. shakan = to place in a tabernacle, hence dwell.)
at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims,
(Celestial spirit-beings)
and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way
(= preserve, so that man should not "live for ever" in his fallen condition, but only in Christ.)
of the tree of life.
(Same as it is today, Christ.)
Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, "I have gotten a man from the LORD."
(It would seemingly be read by many that Adam was certainly Cain's father, but bear in mind and listen to verse 2)
2 And she again bare his brother Abel.
(What is this word “again” in the Hebrew?
H3254 - yaÌ’saph yaw-saf’ A primitive root; to add or augment [often adverbially to continue to do a thing].
If a woman continues in labor what does that mean? So we see in this, that to continue means she continued in labor and there were twins; twins, both in the womb. They were paternal twins. Cain being of Satan's seed, Abel of Adam's seed. Two separate bags of water, two separate conceptions. See 1 Chron. 2:55, the Kenites = the sons of Cain, came through the flood. The name Abel = breath, vapor, transitory, probably because of the shortness of his life.)
And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
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