Friday, June 18, 2010

Blessing our Circumstances in The Garden of Weedin

Bless a thing and it will bless you. Curse it and it will curse YOU... If you bless a situation, it has no power to hurt you, and even if it is troublesome for at a time, it will gradually fade out, if you SINCERELY BLESS IT!

After "accepting " present circumstances, no matter that they are, we MUST learn to "bless them". Right. Are you Kidding me? Bless Misery? Bless Gossip?

Yes, through your gritted teeth if necessary. Usually we don't know why something has occurred and we won't until there is enough distance to take a backward glance. However, blessing whatever vexes us IS THE SPIRITUAL SURRENDER that can "change" even troublesome situations for the better.

Recall Romans 8:28? We know ALL (not "some") things work together for GOOD to them that love God, to them that are called ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE.

Blessing the circumstances in our lives also teaches us to trust. Over the years my easiest and most joyous lessons have been learned through blessing. If your sick and tired of life's lessons through pain and struggle, blessing your difficulties will show you there is a better way.

A powerful set of blessing learned from the teachings of Stella Terrill Mann, a minister who wrote during the 1940"s, encourages us to greet the morning with AFFIRMATION "blessed be the morn for me and mine". At noon DECLARE, "Blessed be the day for me and mine," and in the evening INVOKE the prayer: "Blessed be the night for me and mine." As you go about your work cleaning house at home, or in the office, AFFIRM, "My work is a prayer for GOOD for me and mine." These AFFIRMATIONS of GOOD WILL bring many blessings into your daily life, as they have in mine.

Now don't misunderstand me and think this will ward off "troubles". No way...for it is life. But it will bring about the "attitude" of accepting the present circumstance "as is" but possessing the HOPE which will allow you to look beyond it into a better set of circumstances. Blessing a thing keeps you "centered" and still LIVING "in the present moment." Anything else takes us "from the moment" into some other future time. This circumvents the sacredness of now, and we end up "hurrying through the present onward to something else". LIVING (fully aware and on purpose) requires staying "present" with what is.

As I shared with you my readers and my friends yesterday: Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which,more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.There are no hopeless situations; there are only people who have grown hopeless about them.

So start to count your blessings. Start today. No, stop right now at this moment and make a "spiritual inventory" of all your blessings. See if you can get to 10, then see if you can get to 25, no...50! If you dig deep enough, I bet you could find 100 tasty morsels of blessings hiding right there in the acres of your spirit which have become buried under all those "difficult circumstances" you have been more focused on and in effect "watering" by giving them more of your attention.

Today, I pray that each you reading this may let go of the struggle. SHIFT YOUR FOCUS OFF THE TROUBLES. ALLOW the healing process of change to begin. Set "the environment" you live in, as well as your MINDSET to "water" the blessings and pluck the weeds out of your life.

Life is full of choices. As I look out over my flower garden, I am reminded of the saying "As is the Garden so is The Gardener". UM-MM: If I neglect the Garden, the flowers will no longer bloom in all their beauty. By not "SETTING MY INTENTION" in the Garden and "giving attention" to taking care of the Flowers, then WEEDS just find their way in. No, I may not have planted the weeds...but I 'ALLOWED" WHATEVER "winds of adversity" to deposit seeds there. By my OWN neglect of tending to the garden and my flowers, the weeds took root and overtook the Garden.

The same goes with our minds, spirits, and attitudes. The flowers above are merely a representation of blessings, and the weeds are the cursings, trials and troublesome circumstances. The Garden is our minds, our daily living.

God has given each Free-will to chose what they allow to take root in each life. sometimes, by no fault of our take on a life of its own. We become so busy we don't MAKE THE TIME for our own spirits, and souls. I urge you today...count your blessings. Put them on your refrigerator as a reminder. AFFIRM them daily. Before long they seem to vanish. We are no longer living in the Garden of Eden my friends. We now Live in the Garden of Weedin.

The winds of adversity will blow on everyone's BOAT...its how you adjust your SAILS that makes all the difference.

Blessed BE!

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