Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I have walked a quiet path today. I have done no great good, no great harm. I might have wished for some dramatic occurrence in order to create something more memorable. But there was no more. This day was given, and I have tried to meet it with a humble heart.

I have far too often sought perfection in my days, always wanting more for myself and my life, and striving for goals often unattainable. I live between the vast infinities of past and future in the thin shaft of light called "today". Yet, today is never enough.

Where does it come from, this strange unquenchable human urge for "more" that is both my blessing and sometimes my curse? It has caused me to lift my eyes to the heavens and thread together pieces of the universe until I can glimpse a shadow of the divine creation. Yet, to gain this knowledge, I have sometimes lost the mystery of a cloud, a rainbow, the joy of a single step in that journey of a 1000.

I must learn to value the "small" as well as the "great". In the book Micah, the prophet says," And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God ?"

Confucius told his followers, "Bring peace to the old, have trust in your friends and love ones, cherish the young."

Do I really need much more than this? To honor a dawn. To visit my family. To talk to a friend. To contemplate a rainbow. To cherish a meal. To live as if it was my last day on earth. To bow my head before the mystery of the day.

Are these not enough ?

The world I will shape is the world I will touch-with my words, my actions, my dreams. If I should be so lucky as to touch the lives of many, so be it. But, if my lot is no more than the setting of a table, or the tending of a garden, or showing a child a path in the woods, my life is "no less worthy".

At the end of my day I crawl into my bed, feel the growing warmth of the covers, hear the quiet sounds of the night. Outside the wind blows softly. It is coming on summer now. The birds are chirping, and the night sounds majestic. But soon the leaves will rustle with the sound of an oncoming fall as everything begins to lose it's covering to stand barren during the winter. That is life, seasons.

To do justice. To love mercy. To walk humbly with our God. To bring peace to the old. To have trust in our friends and family. To cherish the young. Sometimes , it seems,I may have ask TOO much. Sometimes, I have forgotten that the SMALL GRACES are enough.

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