Tuesday, April 22, 2014

YOUR "THANKS-giving" will determine YOUR CHRIST-mas Celebration and whether YOU are in THE WILL of God..

YOUR "THANKS-giving" will determine YOUR CHRIST-mas Celebration and whether YOU are in THE WILL of God...

THINK "Globally" but ACT "Locally" (NWO versus Mainstreet)...(CITY-building vs. COMMUNITY-building), (DISPAIR vs. HOPE) (FEAR vs. LOVE)We all PROCLAIM that it is our desire to BE "in THE WILL of God",

When I was a college student, I was certain that whatever I would be doing in the world, it would be something big -- involving nationwide policies, or (this was my real dream) influencing and ultimately bringing peace and justice to the whole entire world. As a youth, I had witnessed poverty, abuse, and injustice on every scale imaginable. My determination for a better life gave me DRIVE and HOPE. My determination to rid the world of the evil I had seen propelled me to not only survive my childhood, but to thrive for "others" sake...who I knew in this GREAT NATION America other children were "caught" also.

I don't remember an awful lot about my childhood, but there are moments that stand out for me which I held onto like a twig in a raging river to keep from drowning. I lived a double life. Monday through Friday at home with my mom, I went to school, and came "home" to a living Hell on Earth with Medusa at the Head of the Household. Then, on the weekends come Friday evening after school let out I was out of there. My mother eager to be rid of me permitted visitation with extended family. Thankfully my grandmother, Aunt Virginia and Uncle Ed would retrieve me where I was introduced to Heaven on Earth as they did the best they could to relieve me from the fiery furnace of trials and tribulations of my week. Calmness on Friday Night, Education on Saturdays and Church on Sundays. My grandmother was quite the spiritual woman, and to sit at her feet in her presense in His presense while she read the Bible to me was my "safe" refuge hidden in the wilderness. Then, when I was with My Uncle Ed and Aunt Virginia...wow. My Aunt was the best cook ever! Fresh food she had canned right from the garden Uncle Ed planted were flavorful luxeries fit for a Queen..

Then, Uncle Ed would let me into his sacred closet after Saturday mornings cutting grass, and working in the Garden-Weed'en and Harvesting. In that closet was years and years of National Geographics. I was amazed at the places I could travel to with the aid of pictures and stories and never have left that closet on Saturdays. Then Sunday would roll around and off we all went to Church...althought I was too young to really remember much of the "lesson" from the pulpit...the greatest lessons I learned were in the "safety" of the presense of The Lord and those in whom He obviously resided. I only remember how they represented the fulfillment of my highest possible aspiration that one day I would also return to stand behind that same podium as a person who had succeeded in making the world a much better place teaching of Love, and Christ in all those places I saw in the pages of The National Geographic Magazines in my youth.

To this end, I began my college studies setting out to major in English and Religion, and dreamed of working for the PEACE CORPS or a Foreign Service and climbing my way up into the upper echelons of international policy makers and shakers. I dreamed of introducing democracy and Christianity to to far away lands. I dreamed of sharing with others what FREEDOM was as I knew the bondage of Monday-Friday, and then FREEDOM on the weekends. I dreamed of making sure no child ever had to go hungry or abused. I dreamed that no child would have to endure the sexually crossed boundaries where innocence was preyed upon for adult pleasure. I dreamed of sharing Love with the world. I dreamed of bringing peace and understanding amongst people all over the world, and to make those people I saw in the National Geographics smile...cause they all looked so sad. I dreamed of teaching sustainable living and gardening where no one would ever have to live in poverty and go to bed hungry at night which no child or adult should ever have to endure. Mostly, I dreamed of representing HOPE for others that no matter how bad life seemed at the moment it will get better.

Despite my sincere desire to save the world, I never managed to move past rhetoric and idealism to meaningful action. In the end, as you might have suspected, my life has followed a very different path from the one I had envisioned for myself. I never finished college. I had to drop out right in the middle..go to work, then return to school, drop out, go to work...then HONOR THY MOTHER came calling. Some of you already know the story of my mom, and her dying, and my Heavenly Father using me to locate her "adopted out " child and leading mom to breaking the bondage the devil had her in all her life and the reason for the HELL I grew up in. So, I won't go there in this post except to say, when HONOR calls..please Answer. For what was the be the biggest challenge of my life, moving through forgiveness and healing through the pain of my mother, I in the end with the compassion and love of God healed her, and she died in my arms at peace, and in love with The Lord.

My own life experience has taught me the wisdom of "Think Globally, Act Locally" approach. Looking back, I now realize the MAGNITUDE of the "smallest" ACT from sitting at my grandmothers feet to my Uncle Ed's closet full of prized years of collecting National Georgraphics that he could have said "No" you can't mess with them. Instead, his one YES...opened up a WORLD of potential for me. The one yes, of the school friend who parents said YES, when you are ready to leave home, you can live with us and finish high school. Those tiny minute ACTS, caused a ripple in the continum of my life...and Christianity has taught me that all ACTS are either building UP people and granting LIBERTY, or they are tearing DOWN people and placing into BONDAGE. All other ACTS are either for providing an "enviroment" which fosters HOPE or threatens DISPAIR. Where LOVE is absent FEAR sets in.

These are the fine lines of living. No one can legislate morality. But what should happen in SOCIETY is just the things I had at times as a child...A SAFE HAVEN, A SAFE REFUGE from "tryanny", and a PLACE where I could grow into THE PERSON GOD intended me to be.

No, I never got to stand behind a pulpit sharing with a body of folks all about God and Christs Love. You see I grew up in a Baptist religion and was told there are no WOMEN preachers...so that dream got shot down very early. Being poor I never got alot of the "opportunities" afforded others. BUT there existed inside this "well-spring" lying dormant until just the right ingredients came long which brought it to the surface and in like manner of the twig of HOPE I held onto as a child, I held on that my VOICE MATTERS. Several years ago I decided to GIVE all my life to Christ to be used, and I began to share my heart and my voice with you gathered here ..one by one you listened. Lately I have decided to move more into the realm of taking Christs spirit and taking my voice and using it politically leading and sharing. For we are to provide a SAFE HAVEN from tyranny, and that is what America is to me, and its time to root out the "ELEMENTS" of EVIL which threaten that. We have a DUTY to VOTE, to get involved. Whether it is our calling to TAKE OFFICE, or not, we have a duty to GET CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLED people whose CALLING it is INTO OFFICE...and to CLEAN HOUSE.

I cannot live someone else's life for them nor can I fix them. I have been Johnny Appleseed many times in my life, mainly to those in emotional pain who truly need assistance to help them try to make some sense out of this world . I have had many wonderful teachers including the man sitting along the side of the street with dirty clothes on. Everyone has a story, talking to them is like opening a book. I have shared a part me with you today.

So these lessons and teachers are handing the baton to you now. All you have to do is pick it up and run with it!

Whatever you want to be, to have, to "become"---be it a harmonious family life, a courageous mindset, more energy to get the job done, passion FOR life, a joyous and carefree existence, loving relationship---whatever! But there are only 2 ways to go---learn on your own, from your own mistakes or learn from others and shorten the learning curve...that has always been my best teacher.

Great men and women rest one hand on the shoulder of the other for SUPPORT with the other stretched out behind "to help" a straggler. Small men and women put all their weight upon the backs of others with both hands out in "entitlement" indifferent to the sufferings and plights of others~concerned ONLY for self...and the relief of their pain.

At any given time, I have one hand resting on the shoulder of another by Grace, and I AM reaching out my hand to you. Take it and I'll do my best to lead you on a journey of self-discovery and growth taking you over or around obstacles and stumbling blocks in the path. Ready? Great! Then...let' begin with the journey and always remember our pact---TRUST IN THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE...the cues and clues are there for your journey...but KNOW it is YOUR journey YOU must take.UNITED "tightly knit" WE can do all things through Christ who strengthens (in those bit difficult times). Yes, TO DO "righteousness" is a definite determinant of Character and of The Greatest of Virtues next to Love...which is COURAGE in my humble opinion. As I look back over my own life, I can single out the important role that courage played in ALL my struggles, wrestling right and wrong to arrive to a place of righteousness.

The punishment and VENGENCE belongs to Father....yes, get our People OUT of there, and back home in The HOUSE of Israel... Satan soon approaches to set us his "office" in Jerusalem AS The Anti-Christ...and into the fullness of the Captivity we go. BUT...let no your hearts be troubled BE COMFORTED, and KNOW that not one hair on OUR heads shall be harmed, the "1" will become ""232" VERY ELECT, and then when the 7000 hear the TRUTH and say YES, THAT is Truth...."they" COME OUT OF BABYLON, and "become" the VERY ELECT...and then "become" the 144,000 who upon hearing the TRUTH COME OUT. Stay FOCUS Children WE have "a mission" to accomplish. I love each and every one of you whom TRULY Love our LORD, The House Of Israel "ultimately" IS The Fathers, yet HEAD of The HOUSEHOLD, and the Children MUST accomplish what we have been sent to DO "those" ACTS. God SEES!

We look BACK in “Thanksgiving”, we look FORWARD in “Faith” that “Mercy” will bring us into “the promised land” to POSSESS IT.

Be “Thankful” FOR the “good” AND THE BAD.

In Genesis, Joseph “felt” alone when everyone had left him; he said all things have come against me for my Bad. BUT, Paul said In Romans 8:28 “We KNOW that all things work for good for those who love The Lord, who are called according to his purpose

29 For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

30And those he predestined he also called; and those he called he also justified; and those he justified he also glorified.

31 What then shall we say to this? If God is FOR us, who can be against us?

In verse 28, “WE KNOW” (the EMPHASIS is on “The Confidence”) that the GOOD WORK “He” has begun in us WILL “turn out” Justly! BE CONFIDENT! “I am persuaded” (subject) that NO-ONE can separate us. But verse 29 EXPLAINS verse 28. Speaks to “fore-ordination” or “pre-ordination”. I know “some” people have problem with this calling it a “contradiction”. It’s a “mystery” NOT a “contradiction”. It MOLDS us and SHAPES us into WHAT and WHO “He” desires us to be “for His Purpose” in these endtimes.

We must be FOCUSED (mindful) of what IS GOING FOR US… Remind Father of THIS….it’s HIS “promise” instead of (anti) belly-aching and moaning. If we “claim” to be a saint, “of THE ELECT”…then ACT like it!

Father says “I KNOW the plans I have for you”….truth is do we REALLY TRUST that? We all “claim” we want to be in the WILL of God. 1 Thess 5:18 In EVERY thing (subject) GIVE “thanks” (emphasis IS Thanks-giving): for this is THE WILL OF GOD in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Hear me “Saints”- We don’t NEED a “GREAT” faith (and “faith” being the “subject”….We NEED Faith in a GREAT “God”.

We are “faced” DAILY with FREE-WILL “choices” with what we DO with the “trash”(sufferings) in our Life. We can “bag it up” and sit it at the curb “for SOMEONE ELSE” to “deal with it”, we can “recycle” it, “transforming” IT into “something else” manifested “elsewhere”. OR we can DEAL WITH IT and get on our KNEES and repent of our “OWN trespasses” and ASK for “healing” turning it ALL over to Him, and allow the Christ Spirit to “transform” us by the RE-newing of our MINDS (the WAY we “think” becomes ACTION).

The WORD instructs us and Christ IN US “becomes” behavior modification.

In 1 Thess 5, The Saints will know the season of the Second Coming of Christ—Live the way Saints should live—Rejoice evermore—Do NOT despise prophesyings.1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.2 For yourselves know perfectly that the aday of the Lord so cometh as a bthief in the night.3 For when they shall say, Peace and asafety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not bescape.4 But ye, brethren, are not in adarkness, that that bday should overtake you as a thief.5 Ye are all the achildren of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.6 Therefore let us not asleep, as do others; but let us bwatch and be csober.7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.8 But let us, who are of the day, be asober, putting on thebbreastplate of cfaith and love; and for an helmet, the dhope of salvation.9 For God hath not appointed us to awrath, but to obtainbsalvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we shouldalive together with him.11 Wherefore acomfort yourselves together, and bedify one another, even as also ye do.12 And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which alabouramong you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;13 And to aesteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake.And be at bpeace among yourselves.14 Now we exhort you, brethren, awarn them that are bunruly,ccomfort the dfeebleminded, esupport the fweak, be patient toward all men.15 See that none arender bevil for evil unto any cman; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.16 aRejoice evermore.17 aPray without ceasing.18 In every thing give athanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.19 aQuench not the bSpirit.20 Despise not prophesyings.21 aProve all things; hold fast that which is good.22 aAbstain from all bappearance of cevil.23 And the very God of peace asanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.25 Brethren, pray for us.26 Greet all the brethren with an holy akiss.27 I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren.28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Judge not, that ye be not judged, MAT 7:1. LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

Let's begin by directing our attention to Psalms 2:1-3, "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us." Watch what the Judge of heaven and earth says in V:4, "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision." He is saying they have exceeded their jurisdiction. That is the subject I want to deal with in this message. And as we look out into the chaos ensueing at this very writing wars and rumors of war this is not far-fetched to imagine.

The first area of judging begins with passing judgment upon God and the authority of His Word. Why do the heathen rage and imagine a vain thing? Why do they pass judgment upon the Lord? The kings and rulers take counsel together against WHOM? Against the Lord and His anointed. WHO is His Anointed? The Lord Jesus Christ is His Anointed; the name Christ means Anointed, and taking counsel implies passing judgment.

It's the calm before the storm, troubles ahead, keep your head above water and stay focused. God will be with us and for us, not against us. Come on CHURCH…Its GO TIME! TIME to HIT THE TRAIL like one BIG HAPPY FAMILY (Ekklesia) 2John2


UNDERSTANDING TRUTH and SPEAKING IT is not BEING Anti-Semitic nor Racist as these are only "blockades" of guerilla Deception

April 16, 2014 at 12:12pm
It’s NOT anti-Semite nor am I. ITS CHRISTIAN  versus  anti-Christ. PERIOD. It’s TRUTH versus DECEPTION. It's not "left" versus "right".  It's CHRIST versus SATAN.  It's LIBERTY versus BONDAGE.  It's SOVEREIGNTY versus TYRANNY.  It's FREE versus SLAVE.  It's FREEDOM versus OPRESSION.

It's WE THE PEOPLE of YHVH "united" in TRUTH against all the LIES and DECEPTION of The Enemies of Christ. SO TIRED of the” blame game”, SO OVER the “name-game” which use to "divide and conquer" WE THE PEOPLE in the "assimilation into the BORG-like state of THEIR New World Order. All other “derivatives” only serve to DIVIDE. You can repeat the words that separation of church and state is in the constitution over and over, You can make up any lie and repeat it over and over, but no matter how many times you repeat a lie, it does not make it a FACT!!!!! NOW TO THE POINT of the “labeling” ERRONEOUSLY “anti-Semitic”.

Writing, criticizing, and questioning Israel and JEWS can never be anti-Semitic. Criticizing a state and people is an important check on corruption and abuse. 

There are so many double standards, so much hypocrisy, over-sensitivity, and politicism in the varying definitions and labeling of anti-Semitism. Most accusations of “modern anti-Semitism” are fraudulent and abusive, used for political purposes to silence and defame opponents. These false allegations have actually led to a dramatic increase in faked anti-Semitic hate crimes.

Society’s infatuation with political correctness (PC) has spun out of control. Driven by the mainstream media OWNED BY THESE SAME ONES, champions the pseudo censorship of “PC” for political reasons, Americans have been led to believe that almost all speech, writings, and academic studies which might offend a certain race are racist. The determination of a racist statement relies on its validity and the reasonable expectation of validity by the person making the statement, not necessarily on the palatability of the audience.

If one is making a knowingly false statement to denigrate a race, then that person is making a racist statement. If however, one is making a statement that is true, but negative towards a race, then that person is not making a racist statement because the truth can never be racist nor anti-semitic..

Stereotypes are not necessarily racist either, as long as they aren’t applied to all uniformly or used unlawfully for discriminatory practices. People use stereotypes all the time to go about their lives because stereotypes are usually true. If a stereotype stopped being true, it would not longer be a stereotype. For example, men are stronger than women. Of course, not all men are stronger, but the vast majority are. It is not sexist to say this fact, nor to want to hire more men than women for a job that requires heavy lifting. To prevent women from applying however would be sexist, because some women may be strong enough to qualify. These principles also apply to anti-Semitism as well. To say that Jews are wealthier than gentiles, for example, is a factual statement, which is easily proven. It is also an age-old stereotype, but it is not anti-Semitic. Ever heard the "term" Don't Jew me out of it?  Not ALL Jews are wealthier than gentiles, just as not ALL men are stronger than women, but on "average" Jews are far wealthier than gentiles.

Many may ask why anti-Semitism is so important to a gentile, who cares? As National Review columnist Joseph Sobran wrote:

The full story of [Pat Buchanan's 1996 presidential] campaign is impossible to tell as long as it’s taboo to discuss Jewish interests as freely as we discuss those of the Christian Right. Talking about American politics without mentioning the Jews is a little like talking about the NBA without mentioning the Chicago Bulls [A time when the Bulls were the most important NBA team]. Not that the Jews are all-powerful, let alone all bad. But they are successful, and therefore powerful enough: and their power is unique in being off-limits to normal criticism even when it’s highly visible. They themselves behave as if their success were a guilty secret, and they panic, and resort to accusations, as soon as the subject is raised. Jewish control of the major media in the media age makes the enforced silence both paradoxical and paralyzing. Survival in public life requires that you know all about it, but never refer to it. A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you. It’s a phenomenal display not of wickedness, really, but of fierce ethnocentrism, a sort of furtive racial superpatriotism.

“At the core of the tragedy lies the refusal to accept that in both America and Israel, we live in an age not of Jewish weakness, but of Jewish power, and that without moral vigilance, Jews will abuse power just as hideously as anyone else. American Jewish organizations do not deny that Jews wield power; privately, they exult in it. Emotionally, power is what groups like AIPAC sell: the power to be a modern-day Esther, whispering in the ear of the king…”

It is dangerous when a powerful group will not admit its power, and therefore has no culpability. And, as Beinart professed, Jewish Americans have certainly become powerful. Although Jews comprise only 2% of the population, 10.25% of all of America’s millionaires, 36% of its billionaires, and 45% of the top 40 richest Americans are Jewish. Jews hold the two top Federal Reserve positions—Chairmen Ben Shalom Bernanke and Vice Chairwoman Janet Yellen. The majority of the Federal Reserve District Bank Presidents are also Jews, and so was the previous Chairmen of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan. The Securities and Exchange Commission Chairwoman Mary Shapiro is Jewish, as well as the Commissioner of IRS, Douglas Schulman. In addition, 33% of the Supreme Court Justices—Elena Kagan, Stephen Breyer, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg— are Jewish. The majority of the media is also either owned or operated by Jewish Americans. And 80% of the Ivy League top administrative positions are held by Jews or spouses of Jews.

In 2003, the Washington Post estimated that Jewish Americans contributed 60% of the Democratic Party’s funding. It is widely estimated that Jewish Americans contribute 50% of the total campaign contributions in America. Not a shocking statistic considering that just one Jewish special interest donor, Sheldon Adelson, contributed almost $100 million during the 2012 election cycle. In addition, the main Jewish lobby, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), is the only foreign lobby in America that is allowed to go unregistered, despite getting caught spying on America for Israel in 2005. AIPAC has had almost every major politician over the last three decades attend its annual conference on more than one occasion. As a result of AIPAC’s efforts, most major presidential candidates now visit Israel before running for the Presidency. When AIPAC asks Congress to sign a position letter, most do. No other lobby in American history has had even a shred of that kind of power.

There is significant evidence that this power has been used for discriminatory hiring, inequitable college admissions, biased media coverage, and tribalistic government appointments. And to make matters worse, false allegations of anti-Semitism have been leveled to cover up this  discrimination. Often, innocent civil rights activists, academics, and honest journalists are destroyed in the process.

Jewish leaders claim that singling out Israel for criticism is anti-Semitic. But what a foolish argument to make. … For one, trillions of dollars of American tax dollars have gone to Israel over the last half-century. Americans are funding Israel and providing the nation with military equipment, which is used to kill Palestinians. Therefore, Americans are complicit in any war crimes … Israel has stolen American technology and equipment, spied on America, and even attacked the nation in the past (Lavon Affair and USS Liberty). America’s relationship with Israel damages America’s world standing, and this fact should concern every American.

Jewish Involvement In The African Slave Trade

Claiming that Jews engaged in, or even dominated the African slave trade is not anti-Semitic. Droves of Jewish historians have written on the subject. Compiling quotes from these Jewish historians and re-publishing them in one consolidated book, as Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan did in the book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, is certainly not anti-Semitic. Prior to Farrakhan’s book, most Jews maintained that they had almost no role in the African slave trade. When the publication of Farrakhan’s book made this position untenable, these same Jewish leaders claimed that the Jewish role was negligible. Now, they claim that the Jewish role was not disproportionate to white Europeans, and all who claim otherwise are anti-Semitic. Just the fact that these Jewish leaders have changed their position so many times is evidence of uncertainty and historical/academic dishonesty. Therefore, other historical opinions should be welcomed.

In Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History, prominent Jewish Historian Marc Raphael wrote,

“Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French, British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the triangular slave trade that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses….”

Jewish historical records show that Jewish involvement in the North American slave trade was so dominant that slave posts were frequently closed on Jewish holidays. Arnold Wiznitzer, a Jewish historian, wrote, “the buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of their lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices. If it happened that the date of such an auction fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to be postponed.” In The United States Jewry 1776-1985 Jacob Marcus wrote, “all through the eighteenth century, into the early nineteenth century, Jews in the North were to own black servants. In 1820 over 75% of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves. Almost 40% of all Jewish householders in the United States owned one slave or more.” In the South, which had a much higher ratio of slave ownership than the North, only 5% of white people owned slaves.

White Europeans may have ended the morally corrupt practice of slavery in North America much sooner if it weren’t for powerful Jewish businessmen lobbying to keep their profitable industry alive. As Rabbi and historian, Bertram Korn said, “many Southern Jews believed slavery to be indispensable to their happiness and security. The road to social and economic advancement and acceptance [for the Jews] was made easier by the institution of slavery.  And I emphatically add here through the "institution" of slavery was abolished. SLAVERY through USURY and the 14th ammendment to OUR CONSTITUTION only served to MAKE SLAVES OF EVERY person on this land...The Great American ZIONIST Plantation!

Jews Are Not Semitic

Writing that Jews are not Semitic is not anti-Semitism. Many Jews have written on the subject, and quite convincingly. A Jewish historian, Arthur Koestler, researched the history of the Ashkenazi Jews and published a book titled The Thirteenth Tribe, which concluded that most modern day Jews’ origins were just north of Turkey. KEEP READING THIS and get an in depth explanation.

The Israel Lobby Controls US Foreign Policy

Making a statement such as “the Israel lobby controls US foreign policy” is not anti-Semitic. These sentiments have been articulated by many Jews in the past and have credible evidence to support them, including admissions by the chief Israel lobby in America, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The former President of AIPAC, David Steiner, was actually caught on tape admitting as much. When AIPAC sends a letter demanding that Congressmen support a particular position, most immediately sign it. Almost every major US politician over the last 3 decades has attended the annual AIPAC conference on more than one occasion, and AIPAC’s own website even used to boast about how many pieces of legislation it was responsible for.

In 1997, Fortune magazine called AIPAC the second most powerful lobby in America. Since that time AIPAC’s star has risen steadily, and is now widely regarded as the most powerful lobby in the world. Newt Gingrich said, “AIPAC is the most effective general interest group….. across the entire planet.” Jeffrey Goldberg said, “AIPAC is a leviathan among lobbies.” According to Senator Fritz Hollings,”You can’t have an Israel policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here [Capitol Hill].

Sources of United States Oil in 2009

America’s heavy involvement in the Middle East alone should provide enough credence to make the statement: “The Israel lobby controls US foreign policy.” Most Americans believe that America intervenes in the Middle East because of oil, but that is completely untrue. The US gets a minor amount of its oil from the Middle East. About half of America’s oil is produced in the US, and the vast majority of the rest comes from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, and Nigeria.

In reality, the US could guarantee its oil reserves by simply investing in a Canadian pipeline and securing long-term oil contracts with Canadian producers. The cost would have been about a thousandth of the expenditure of America’s Middle Eastern adventurism and foreign aid over the last decade. America is involved in the Middle East for only one reason, and it isn’t oil. Wonder why there is no Keystone Pipeline??????????????

At worst, claiming that the Israel lobby control American foreign policy is simply a matter of perspective. Given the evidence, there is no way the claim could be considered anti-Semitic. If anything, claiming that gentiles control America’s foreign policy is anti-gentile because it lodges full responsibility for America’s catastrophic foreign policy, and the murder of a million Iraqis and Afghans on the shoulders of gentiles, when all evidence suggests otherwise.

Jews Control The Media, Finance, Etc…

Claiming that one particular racial or religious group controls an industry is not racist. Take the media for example, Joel Stein and many other Jews have written about how Hollywood is a “Jewish town” and even that “Jews totally run Hollywood.” The fact is that most major media executives are in fact Jewish. This is a provable fact. Suggesting that Jews do not control the media is anti-gentile because it is a de facto claim that gentiles control the media, which is clearly false. Calling people anti-Semitic for claiming that Jews control the media crushes discourse on potential anti-gentile racism in the media.

This anti-gentile racism is prevalent in many other fields of Jewish overrepresentation, such as professional sports management and the Ivy League. Jews or those married to Jews hold 80% of the top spots in the Ivy League, and they are admitting Jewish students at a 7-15 times disproportionate rate to their proportion of the population, which according to professor Kevin McDonald, can only be explained by racist admissions policies.

In finance, as mentioned above, Jews hold the most important jobs in the land, which control the printing of America’s money, the collecting of the taxes, and the regulation and oversight of the most important financial matters in the nation. They also account for a large percentage of wealthy Americans, even though they only comprise 2% of the entire population. This could very reasonably lead a person to conclude that Jews control American finance. To say that WASP’s or gentiles control American finance, as many claim, is certainly anti-gentile racism.

Discussing the Jewish Lobby

While many find it distasteful to discuss the “Jewish lobby,” it is by no means anti-Semitic. The fact is that Jews are the most cohesive and powerful political group in America, and they often find themselves lobbying for the same policy objectives. For example, the vast majority of politically active American Jews have supported/lobbied for Israel, gun control, and Obamacare. In the case of Obamacare, 13 of 13 Jewish Senators, 25 of 26 Jewish Representatives, and 3 of 3 US Supreme Court Justices voted for the unconstitutional legislation. These Jewish politicians and justices carried the day for Obamacare in the Senate, House, and Supreme Court. As for gun control, almost every single piece of gun legislation in the last 5 decades has been sponsored or co-sponsored by Jewish Congressmen.

The Jewish Israel lobby is widely regarded as the most powerful lobby in America, as discussed above. Even the Jewish Journal writes, ”[confusing] AIPAC with the Jewish lobby… is a distinction with barely a difference….dinners at AIPAC are Kosher…. kippot are worn by many in the audience….there are many rabbis in the room. Many synagogues send delegations of members, as does mine, led by our rabbi and synagogue president. Participation in AIPAC is considered normative Jewish behavior, but still we want to maintain that AIPAC is not a Jewish lobby.”

The Jewish author goes on to claim that there are in fact exclusively Jewish organizations lobbying US politicians for Jewish interests,

“How then to deal with the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which is a registered lobby and not a tax exempt organization? This surely cannot be regarded solely as a pro-Israel lobby. Its agenda is larger than Israel and it conceives of itself as representing Jewish interest world-wide. When I served three decades ago as Executive Director of the Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington, we had a monthly meeting of representatives of national Jewish organizations who had offices in Washington, to share information and coordinate strategies for defending common Jewish interests on Capitol Hill and at the White House. We were not ashamed to see ourselves as part of a Jewish lobby, as part of an expression of Jewish power in a complex political system.”

If Jewish lobbyists openly admit that there is in fact a Jewish lobby, and it is quite powerful, then how can it be anti-Semitic for a gentile to claim as much?

Fraudulent Estimations of Modern Anti-Semitism

The anti-Defamation League often takes surveys to determine a population’s anti-Semitism. These surveys are ridden with tainted questions that are in many cases true, or matters of opinion. When a respondent answers the ADL questions in the affirmative, they are labeled anti-Semitic. For example, asking a person if Jews are more loyal to Israel than America is a matter of perspective. There are more than a few prominent Jews who have openly admitted that their loyalty to Israel is far greater than their loyalty to America. In addition, more than 100,000 Americans belong to a foreign lobby (AIPAC), which has been caught spying on America for Israel, and actively campaigns to give American tax dollars to Israel. This is just one of many Israel lobbies in America. Are most Jews more loyal to Israel? Probably not, but since some Jews readily admit that they are, and when the lobbying gets taken into consideration, then it no longer becomes anti-Semitic to answer this question in the affirmative.

Other questions include: “Do Jews have too much power in the US” and “Do Jews have too much influence on Wall Street?” Well, just as Jewish activists would rail against discriminatory and inequitable practices if 2% of the white gentile population held the most important financial positions in the land, so too can gentile activists discuss Jewish overrepresentation. In fact, many Jews were prominent in the civil rights movement, which openly challenged white overrepresentation.

Jewish leaders have proven that they can no longer be trusted to unilaterally determine nor define anti-Semitism. As the Jewish publication Daily Beast wrote,

“I think it is time to acknowledge, bluntly, that certain major Jewish organizations, indeed, the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations—also, the ADL, AIPAC, the American Jewish Committee, political groups like the Republican Jewish Coalition, along with their various columnists, pundits, and list-serves—are among the most consistent purveyors of McCarthyite-style outrages in America today. Are there greater serial defamers of public officials in fake campaigns against defamation?”

Common sense needs to be brought into the discussion before more Americans are falsely accused and destroyed for their free speech. When matters of prospective or truthful statements can be seen as anti-Semitic, and punished severely, then citizens have no free speech.

When one considers that Jewish Americans are statistically the most significant and powerful force in American politics and foreign policy, not being able to discuss their role is tantamount to not being able to discuss politics at all.Now WHAT EXACTLY IS A SEMITE?????? GET SCHOOLED BEFORE CALLING TRUTH anti-Semitic!!!!!! 

Semites are the descendants of Shem and the only way you can make it mean something else is by concocting your own biases and trying to make it so by repeating them over and over and drinking the proverbial Kool-Aid.By calling this post and me “anti-Semitic” YOU show your own “biases and ignorance”. If you say JEWS are descendants of Shem, then PROVE they are “descendants” of SHEM.

The word Semite comes from Noah's son Shem. Those who call themselves "Jews" assert that THEY are descendants of Shem. The Jews  only “become” descendants when CHRISTIANS toss around verbiage of anti-Semitism when they are EXPOSED for being NOT OF ISRAEL and having landed in our BRANCHES of Government and all the HIGH SEATS today in like manner as they did IN JESUS’S TIME in the seats of The Sadducees, and The Pharisees THEN. Did Christ NOT say PUBLICALLY “YOU are OF your father the Devil and the DEEDS of your father you do? John 8:44. THESE SAME ILK have been EXPULSED from country after country for THEIR TRYING TO CONTROL . Look at OUR NATION TODAY.

Not all of Shem's descendants became Israelites, in fact the over whelming percent of Shem's descendants are NOT Israelites. Furthermore most of the descendants of Shem became the enemies who fought against the Israelites. Only a tiny fraction of Abraham's descendants became Israelites. Abraham had 10 sons with 3 wives (Sarah, Hagar and Keturah). Abraham has about 30 grandsons (all descendants of Shem and Eber) and only 1/30th was the father of the Israelites. All the rest of the Hebrew / Semitic grandchildren produced non Israelite descendants.

Anti-Semitism'—that's a 'dirty' word today. Anyone who indulges in it is a terrible person! It's a word to stop all criticism of a certain group. One must never be 'Anti-Semitic.' One can talk about a variety of subjects, in fact all subjects, but one must never talk against the 'Semites,' whoever they are! But here is a strange thing—no one really knows what 'Anti-Semitism' is. Do you know? Well, let us look at the word.
There is not much doubt about the word 'Anti.' It means "opposed to" or "against." One could be 'Anti-pornography,' which means that one is against pornography, and one could be 'Anti-abortion,' which means that one is against abortion. 'Anti-America' means to be against the country of America. Thus we can all agree that 'Anti' means 'against' but 'Semitism' is a different matter so let us examine it.

The word 'Semitism' comes from the name of a character in the Bible, whose name was Shem. If you will remember, Noah had three sons who were named Ham, Shem and Japheth. Those that came from Ham were called 'Hamites,' those that came from Shem were called 'Shemites,' or 'Semites,' and those descended from Japheth were called 'Japhethites.' Therefore anyone who is against the descendants of Shem, would be 'Anti-Semite.' Is that so? Well, let us follow it out a little further.

A great-grandson of Shem was named Eber or Heber, (see Genesis 11:14). Heber had descendants who were called 'Hebrews,' and his most notable descendant was a man named Abram, who was called a 'Hebrew' (see Genesis 14:13). The descendants of Abram (or Abraham, as he was later renamed) were called Hebrews, especially when the Children of Israel were in Egypt, and the Egyptians called them by that name, 'Hebrews.' Remember, all the descendants of Abraham were, and are, Hebrews.

Abraham had two sons (not counting those of Keturah). The firstborn son was named Ishmael, his mother was Hagar, an Egyptian. Because Ishmael was the son of Abraham's concubine, he was not given the blessings which were promised to Abraham, but was to head up a different race of people, namely the Arabs of today. Thus the Arabs are also a Semitic people because they came from Shem, the Son of Noah. As the Arabs are Semitic, then it follows that anyone who is against the Arabs would seem to be 'Anti-Semitic.'

So from this deduction and definition, if the Jews today are fighting the Arabs, the Jews are 'Anti-Semitic,' because the Arabs are Semites. Abraham's other son was Isaac, which meant Isaac was also a Hebrew, because Abraham was a Hebrew as well as a Semite, because he was descended from Shem. Therefore all the descendants of Isaac would be Hebrews and Semites.

Isaac had twin sons, one was named Esau, and the other Jacob. Like their father, they were both Hebrews and Semites, as would be all of their descendants. Later Esau's name was changed to Edom (means "Red"). Isaac's other son was named Jacob, which means a "supplanter," because when the twins were born, Jacob grabbed his brother's heel and tried to be born first. When Jacob grew up and took wives, he had twelve sons. After an experience with the Lord, Jacob's name was changed to Israel, and the descendants of his twelve sons were called, the "Children of Israel." Because Jacob was their father, these twelve sons were Israelites as well as Semites. Thus today, wherever the descendants of these twelve sons are, they are Hebrew, Semites and Israelites.

It happened that the twelve sons of Jacob-Israel developed into a strong kingdom, which at one time was ruled over by King Solomon. However, after his death the kingdom was divided into the ten-tribed, "House of Israel," and the two-tribed (Judah and Benjamin) "House of Judah." In 721 B.C., the House of Israel with many (around 250,000) from the House of Judah were carried into Assyrian captivity. In 586 B.C. the balance of Judah, with Benjamin, were taken into Babylonian captivity by King Nebuchadnezzer. After a period of 70 years, certain of the House of Judah returned to the "Land" under Ezra and Nehemiah and were from then on known as 'Jews' (the more correct term should be 'Judeans' as the noun 'Jew' did not exist at that time in history. Etymology of the word Jew: Middle English, from Old French gyu, from Latin Judaeus, from Greek Ioudaios, from Hebrew Yehudhi, fromYehudhah—Judah.—Merriam Webster Dictionary). At this point in time, in disobedience to the commandments of God, who forbade mixed marriages, they intermarried with the 'people of the land,' who were Edomites, Hittites, Canaanites, and so on. This caused Ezra great distress, and he called upon them to repent (see Ezra 9:1-2).

These 'Jews' that came back from Babylon not only had intermixed with the 'people of the land,' but also brought back the religion of Babylon with them, which is contained in the "Babylonian Talmud." These were called the 'traditions' and were the accumulated writings of the rabbis and other Jewish leaders. It was these 'Jews' that were in the land when Jesus came, and they disputed with Him on spiritual and moral questions. Ethnically they were part "Israel" and partly "Esau" because of their intermarriages. In Jesus' time, the ruler was Herod and he was an Edomite, being descended from Esau. Esau had intermarried with the Canaanites, and so these "Jews" were in reality a 'mixed race.' Also, in the time of Esther, "Many people of the land [Persia] became Jews, for fear of the Jews"! (See Esther 8:17).

Those of the Tribe of Benjamin that accompanied Judah, settled in Galilee, and became known as the Galileans. They were both Israelites and Hebrews, as well as being Semites. At a later date when Jerusalem was besieged, they escaped, wandered across Europe, and some became known as the "Normans," who finally entered into the British Isles in A.D. 1066 at the Battle of Hastings. The Normans, therefore, are Semitic, Hebrews, and are lost Israelites!

The Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah or Christ (a transliteration—an adjective, not a noun), and were scattered after the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, wandering from one country to another, many times being driven out of countries due to their way of life, and their attempts to control the countries. As the Arabs have opposed the Jews, the Arabs could not be classed as 'Anti-Semitic' because the Jews are Semites; instead they could be called "Anti-Jewish," because they are against the Jews. They are not against all of the other descendants of Shem!

The Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred people that are the descendants of the 'lost Tribes of Israel,' could not be called 'Anti-Semitic,' because they are Semites, through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob-Israel and their descendants. Remember, the Arabs and kindred people are Semitic; the people of Northern Europe who are Celtic, Anglo-Saxons or kindred people are Semites; the founding fathers of the United states, and the Caucasian people of that nation are Semitic, and therefore cannot be accused of being 'Anti-Semitic.'

Those opposed to the 'Jews' should be called 'Anti-Jewish,' not 'Anti-Semitic.'

After being driven out of Asia, the Khazars, a Turko-Mongolian people settled north of the Caspian Sea. Having a spoken language, but not a written one and no religion, in A.D. 740, the Khazars adopted the Jewish religion. These Khazars were the descendants of Japheth, the son of Noah, from their ancestor Ashkenaz, who was a grandson of Japheth (see Genesis 10:1-3). The Khazars were later to be known as 'Ashkenazim Jews,' and subsequently settled in places such as Poland and Western Russia. They adopted the Hebrew characters for their language which is known today as 'Yiddish.' (Arthur) Koestler, a Jewish historian, tells in his book The Thirteenth Tribe, about the Khazars becoming Jews. Nowhere does he state that the Ashkenazim Jews are descendants of Israel. The Jews today, who protest the loudest about 'Anti-Semitism,' are not even Semites themselves, but are Japhethites. Today, about 90 per cent of the Jews are in reality 'Ashkenazim (Khazar) Jews,' and many of the people who make up the nation of 'Israel(i)' are really the Ashkenazim-Khazar Jews! The people who are being accused of 'Anti-Semitism,' like the Arabs, and some of the Celto-Anglo-Saxon-Israel people are the real 'Semites.'

Very few of the present day Jews follow the Old Testament teachings, but rather, follow the Babylonian Talmud instead. 'Anti-Semitism' is the cry that Jews raise today in order to stop people from investigating the Jewish incursion into the affairs of nations.  Let us be clear about the meaning of the words we use. Truth helps to bring understanding and reconciliation between honest people and people of good faith.


(since facebook dcided to make my note dissappear from my NOTES section I am reposting this IMPORTANT documnetation here). MAY THOSE WITH EYES TO SEE ~STAND!
Barack Obama’s extreme subservience to Israel and Jewish supremacists led a prominent Jewish-Zionist bigwig named Abner Mikva to declare Obama America’s first “Jewish President.” (James Petras, “America’s First Jewish President,” Voltaire N
et, Dec. 12, 2008.) Obama’s Vice President Joseph Biden told an Israeli reporter: “I am a Zionist, you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.”(“Sen. Joe Biden on Shalom TV,” YouTube) Suffice to say, George W. Bush was not the ‘black sheep’ among this crooked camp of Zionist traitors.

In addition to their daunting lobbying apparatus and media monopoly, Jews are deeply entrenched inside the highest levels of the American government, directly pulling the strings of whichever puppet president happens to be sitting in the Oval Office. Jews openly brag about the members of their tribe who hold high political office in America. In November of 2008, the Jewish press was roaring with joy and glee after the new list of American Congressmen and Senators was released, showing that “[w]hen the new Congress debuts in January 2009, a record 45 Jews will take the oath of office: 32 in the House of Representatives and … 13 Jews in the Senate.” (“New Congress Has Record Number of Jews,” The Forward, Nov. 18 2008.) Real Jew Newseditor Brother Nathanael commented on the issue of Jewish infiltration of the U.S. Congress, stating:

“Jews now have capitol hill by the throat – both from the outside and from the inside. As if the powerful Jewish Lobbies from without are not enough for American Jewry to gain total control of the US Congress, Jews have infiltrated the halls of Capitol Hill with more seats than ever before in American history – in both the Senate and in the House. In fact, Jews chair many of the Senate and House committees which oversee every aspect of American affairs. [...] Making up less than 2% of the US population, Jews have insinuated themselves into the highest chairs of American government. How did they do this? … Money and media are the keys to Zionist political hegemony. In other words, America has the best Congress Jewish money can buy…”(“THE JEWS WHO RUN CONGRESS: ‘The Best Congress Jewish Money Can Buy’,” Real Jew News, July 07, 2010.)


April 13, 2014 at 9:57am

(reposted from Facebook)

Heavenly Father, I come before you in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. I ask today that YOU USE THIS NOTE and MAY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT "move across the waters" and TOUCH the minds of OUR PEOPLE so steeped in  "deception", by FORCES from on high. May you guide our hands and feet to DO THY WILL as we enter into the fullness of these end-times.  While hanging on the cross MURDERED you asked "forgive them they know not what they do". Yes, Their were YOUR CHILDREN gathered there but they were DECEIVED by the very high "NOMIAL JEW" muckedy ducks of POWER in those times and co-erced into choosing to have you crucifed. YOU and you alone PAID THE PRICE for "sin" and thusly became "The Adam". You paid the PRICE I can not; yet there is a price to be paid for TRUTH. Mother EVE was "deceived" yet THROUGH HER WOMB "came forth" the "soul" of The One to fulfill the "office" of THE MESSIAH generations later umbilical cord to umbilical cord. I can not thank you enough for now Being under a STATE of GRACE...I earn unmerited favor as do all your Elect. Call us forth from the four corners to do your bidding. The TIME IS NOW. Take YOUR VENGENCE Lord upon these people. You prayed that IF there was "another way" that THIS CUP OF WRATH be not poured out. But there is no other way. Forgive those "caught" in deception My Lord, and USE ME as YOU USED DEBORAH and cause ME to be a  "help meet"  
FOR YOUR KINGDOM and YOUR NAMES SAKE standing FOR TRUTH!I ask these things in Jesus Name and YOUR WILL be done.  My LORD said, "But there are some of you who do not believe." For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him. 65And He was saying, "For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father. And so shall it be unto THE DAUGHTER none shall truly come unless saved By Christ drawn by the Father."  Father, as it was in the days of  Joshua going into  OCCUPY The Land, the time has come for WE to "go in" . There are no Giants...only powers and principalities from on hight. Pour out POUR OUT YOUR SPIRIT and grant courage, wisdom, and power that YOU MAY BE GLORIFIED. Vengence is YOURS, Comfort is MINE. Amen.
Luke 21:22For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.Isaiah 61:2To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD (2000 years AGO fulfilled) , and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;My daughter in Zion, a revelation I give unto you, concerning my will:

Behold thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou art an elect lady, whom I have called. Murmur not because of the things which thou hast not seen, for they are withheld form thee, and from the world, which is wisdom in me in a time to come. And the office of thy calling shall be for a comfort unto my people.2 John 1 King James Version (KJV)

1 The elder (John) unto The Elect Lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth;

2 For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever.

Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

4 I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.

5 And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another.

6 And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

12 Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.  God's Promise and Warning…

2 Chronicles 13"If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, 14and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.…Message to the Church in Smyrna (Smyrna are God's Elect whose eyes ARE OPEN)8"And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life, says this: 9'I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10'Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.…'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death.'

John 8:44

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Jewish Occupation: Zionism Rules America

Since its founding in 1948, the Zionist entity known as ‘Israel’ has operated as a rogue terrorist state, truly a global pariah having violated over 65 United Nations resolutions from 1955 to 1992. (“UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians,” If Americans Knew Website) Founded upon terrorist atrocities and ethnic cleansing, Israel has consistently waged wars of aggression and conquest against its neighbors, such as the Six Day War (1967), the Yom Kippur War (1973), the invasion and occupation of Lebanon in 1978, 1982 and 2006, and so on. The terrorist state of Israel threatens the entire world with its large nuclear weapons arsenal that is, unlike most other states, not subject to any international inspections or regulations. Despite Israel’s murderous policies against innocent and defenseless people, American politicians are forced to express approval of its atrocious behavior and acquiesce to every Israeli demand, genuflecting at the altar of this entity like servile slaves.

The reason for this should be obvious: Jews completely control the United States. Using their media, economic and political clout, Jews force the American government to support and defend Israel no matter what the cost is to America. In the words of the former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon: “We, the Jewish people, control America!” It is a fact that the U.S. panders to Israel — a state which offers no geostrategic or economic benefits to America — and this essentially validates Sharon’s boastful statement. Pat Buchanan, a well-known author, political commentator, influential staff member in the Nixon and Reagan administrations and former presidential candidate, once said that,“Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory.” Former U.S. Congressman Paul Findley documented the reality of Buchanan’s words in a book called, “They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby”. On page 161 of Findley’s book, he quotes the former Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer, who said:

“I’ve never seen a President — I don’t care who he is — stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn’t writing any­thing down. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don’t have any idea what goes on.”

In an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, British MP Tom Dalyell echoed these sentiments, stating that “a Jewish cabal have taken over the government in the United States and formed an unholy alliance with fundamentalist Christians.” (“Anger over Dalyell’s ‘Jewish cabal’ slur,” The Scotsman, May 5, 2003.) Israeli columnist Ari Shavit, in an essay reprinted in the May 27, 1996, issue of the New York Times, reflected on the Israeli massacre of hundreds of Lebanese civilians the month before, stating: “[w]e killed them out of a certain naive hubris. Believing with absolute certitude that now, with the White House, the Senate, and much of the American media in our hands, the lives of others do not count as much as our own.” (Joe Sobran, “‘In Our Hands’,” The Wanderer, June 13, 1996.)

The poisonous effects of this control have been felt by numerous U.S. politicians who refused to bow to Zionist demands when it comes to the Middle East. Cynthia McKinney, a former U.S. Congresswoman from the state of Georgia, was railroaded out of office by the Zionist lobby due to her sympathies for the oppressed Palestinians. In 1992, when McKinney’s political career was taking off, she received a fax from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) which she says turned out to be “a pledge stating that as a candidate I would commit my tenure, should I win, to the military superiority of Israel, to Jerusalem as the capital city, to continued aid at the level requested by Israel.” (Dr. Hanan Chehata, “Cynthia McKinney, Former US Presidential candidate, blames the pro-Israel Lobby for ruining her political career,” Memo Middle East Monitor, Dec. 08, 2011.) Standing by her principles, McKinney refused to sign this treasonous ‘pledge’ which is essentially required of every candidate running for Congress if they wish to receive any significant amount of campaign contributions. Because of this, McKinney says, “war was declared” on her by the Jewish lobby, who eventually ousted her from Congress by funding and supporting her political opponents. (Ibid.) In 2009, McKinney told an interviewer that “more than 99% of Congress work for Pro-Zionist Israeli interests.” (TiU Radio, April 30, 2009.) Other American politicians driven from office for taking stances that Israel and its supporters in America didn’t like include Paul Findley, Pete McCloskey, Charles H. Percy, Roger Jepson, Earl Hilliard, Lincoln Chafee and William Fulbright(Juan Cole, “Only a “For America” PAC Can Stop the Madness,” Jan 12, 2009.)

The righteous former U.S. Congressman James Traficant was also targeted by the Jewish lobby for his patriotic stances and policies. Because of his strong opposition to the war in Iraq and criticism of unilateral American support for Israel, in addition to his efforts to help out an innocent man named John Demjanjuk who was being wrongly pursued as a ‘Nazi war criminal,’ Jewish zealots saw to it that Trafficant was taken out of the picture. (See:Collins, Michael Piper. Target Traficant. American Free Press, 2005.) The Jewish lobby engineered Trafficant’s demise, having him thrown in jail for seven years on trumped-up corruption charges. (Ibid.) After being released from prison in 2009, Traficant hit back in a televised interview with Greta van Susteren of Fox News, in which he forcefully articulated the view that:

“… Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government. They [Zionist Jews] control both members of the House, and the Senate. They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest. Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars. And if you open your mouth, you get targeted. And if they don’t beat you at the poll, they’ll put you in prison. [...] They’re controlling much of our foreign policy. They’re influencing much of our domestic policy. Wolfowitz as undersecretary of defense manipulated President Bush number two back into Iraq. They’ve pushed definitely, definitely to try to get Bush before he left to move into Iran. We’re conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it. They control much of the media, they control much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of the Congress. They own the Congress.”(“James Traficant on the Jewish lobby’s power in the U.S.,” Radio Islam /“Greta Van Susteren – James Traficant,” YouTube)

It is because of this overwhelming Jewish influence that the U.S. government officially gives Israel $3 billion per year in foreign aid and military assistance. James Traficant pointed out that this is a deliberately understated figure, alleging that Israel gets closer to $15 billion per year of American taxpayers’ money. He told Greta Van Susteren:

“I did a live interview satellite with Bryant Gumbel, and I said, “When they put this innocent man [John Demjanjuk] to death, they’re going to lose $15 billion to $20 billion every year they get from the American taxpayers. And Bryant Gumbel says, “What are you talking about? They only get $3 billion.” And I said, “Bryant, that’s only the foreign aid bill. Look at all of the other trade compacts, economic assistance, military assistance.” I am saying this to you right now — Israel gets approximately $15 billion a year from the American taxpayers. That $15 billion is $30,000 for every man, woman and child. And people in my district are losing their pension benefits.” (Ibid.)

Conservative estimates put the total amount of aid that the United States has given to Israel since its founding at over 120 billion dollars. (Shirl McArthur, “A Conservative Estimate of Total U.S. Aid To Israel: More Than $123 Billion,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Nov. 2011.) Taking Traficant’s revelations about U.S. aid to Israel into account, the real amount of U.S. taxpayer dollars that have gone to Israel since it was founded could actually be two or three times as high. This still goes on even at a time when millions of Americans cannot find work and are losing their homes due to foreclosure. As the U.S. economy spirals downward into collapse, Israel still gets its fat paycheck every year, signed by the U.S. government. As millions of American citizens starve on the streets while the government does nothing to help them, Israel receives millions each week to fund its war machine.

In 2010, Helen Thomas, a White House correspondent and fifty year veteran of the White House press corps, was pressured to resign from her position after she was recorded on video making statements against Israel. (“US reporter Helen Thomas quits over Israel comments,” BBC News, June 7 2010.) A rabbi approached her on the street with a video camera and asked her to comment on Israel, to which she remarked: “Tell them [the Jews] to get the hell out of Palestine! Remember, these people [the Palestinians] are occupied, and it’s their land.” (Ibid.) Shortly after the video surfaced, Organized Jewry unleashed a frenzied witch-hunt to demonize Helen Thomas and drive her from her profession, even calling on journalism schools and groups to revoke any honors given to her in previous years. Thomas told an interviewer that the Anti-Defamation League was trying to intimidate her, stating: “I’m going to tell the Anti-Defamation League to back off. They think they have the right of intimidation. They already got my job. They want to get my honorary degrees.” (“Helen Thomas says Anti-Defamation League is intimidating her,” Wake Up From Your Slumber, Dec. 09, 2010.) Reflecting on the debacle, Thomas told another interviewer, “You can’t criticize Israel in this country and survive.” (“Helen Thomas on being anti-Semitic: ‘Baloney!’,” Associated Press, Oct. 12, 2010.) In a public speech Thomas hit back against the Jewish attacks, revealing the true nature of Zionist power over America, stating:

“We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that. Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question in my opinion. They put their money where their mouth is…We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.” (“Wayne State ends Helen Thomas Award,” United Press International, Dec. 4, 2010.)

In a 2011 interview with Playboy Magazine, Thomas elaborated:

“[The Jews are] using their power, and they have power in every direction. Power over the White House, power over Congress … Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood. Same thing with the financial markets. There’s total control … It isn’t the 2 percent. It’s real power when you own the White House, when you own these other places in terms of your political persuasion. Of course they have power. [To the interviewer] You don’t deny that. You’re Jewish, aren’t you?” (“Helen Thomas to Playboy: Jews ‘own the White House’,” Politico, Mar. 18, 2011.)

University of Chicago Professor, John Mersheimer, and Harvard academic Stephen Walt, co-authored the text “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” exposing the death-grip Israel has over American politics through pro-Israeli pressure groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The Jewish lobby, in conjunction with the Jewish-owned press, launched a vicious smear campaign against these two erudite scholars, labeling them ‘anti-Semitic’ simply for exposing truths about Jewish power in America. In an interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, the former Israeli minister Shulamit Aloni admitted that the defamation tactic of labeling all critics of Israel, Zionism and Judaism ‘anti-Semitic’ is “a trick, we always use it!” (“‘It’s a Trick, We Always Use It.’ (calling people “anti-Semitic”),” YouTube) The vast network of Jewish-Zionist lobby groups in the U.S. represents a giant octopus whose poisonous tentacles have stretched over the entire nation. The combined power of these criminal organizations over American political life, in congruence with Jewish media and financial control, is the death-knell of America. The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations(CoP) describes itself as “a central address for key American, Israeli and other world leaders to consult on issues of critical concern to the Jewish community.” The official CoP website lists fifty-one of its members, America’s most powerful Jewish lobby groups who collaborate and work in tandem with one another to subvert the U.S. government to favor Israeli interests, operating as emissaries of the criminal Zionist regime occupying Palestine. These groups include:

- Ameinu- American Friends of Likud-American Gathering/Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors– America-Israel Friendship League– American Israel Public Affairs Committee– American Jewish Committee– American Jewish Congress– American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee– American Sephardi Federation– American Zionist Movement– Americans for Peace Now– AMIT– Anti-Defamation League-Association of Reform Zionists of America-B’nai B’rith International– Bnai Zion– Central Conference of American Rabbis– Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America– Development Corporation for Israel / State of Israel Bonds– Emunah of America– Friends of Israel Defense Forces– Hadassah, Women’s Zionist Organization of America– Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society– Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life– Jewish Community Centers Association– Jewish Council for Public Affairs– The Jewish Federations of North America– Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs– Jewish Labor Committee– Jewish National Fund– Jewish Reconstructionist Federation– Jewish Women International– MERCAZ USA– Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement– NA’AMAT USA– NCSJ: Advocates on behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia– National Council of Jewish Women– National Council of Young Israel– ORT America– Rabbinical Assembly– Rabbinical Council of America– Religious Zionists of America– Union for Reform Judaism– Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America– United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism– WIZO– Women’s League for Conservative Judaism– Women of Reform Judaism– Workmen’s Circle– World ORT– World Zionist Executive, US– Zionist Organization of America

The combined might of this prodigious Jewish crime network is truly breathtaking. According to James Petras’ informative book, The Power of Israel in the United States, AIPAC alone has 60,000 wealthy members with an annual budget of $60,000,000. The foundation of Jewish power is money, which affords them unchallenged political influence. Petras pointed out the extreme concentration of wealth in Jewish hands, stating that,“The basis of the (Jewish) Lobby’s PAC power is rooted in the high proportion of Jewish families among the wealthiest families in the United States. According to Forbes, 25 to 30 percent of U.S. multimillionaires and billionaires are Jewish.” Stephen Steinlight, former Director of National Affairs of the American Jewish Committee, conceded the “disproportionate political power” of Jews which he gloated is “pound for pound the greatest of any ethnic/cultural group in America.” He went on to explain that “Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry.” (S. Steinlight, “The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography: Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy,” Center for Immigration Studies, Nov. 2001.)

The Jewish author J.J. Goldberg, in his book “Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment” (pp. 38-39), revealed that there are approximately 300 national Jewish organizations in the United States with a combined budget estimated in the range of $6 billion — a sum greater than the gross national product of half the members of the United Nations! And that doesn’t even take into account the influence of wealthy Jewish families or individuals, and Jewish-controlled Wall Street banking houses like Goldman Sachs who hand out millions of dollars in campaign contributions to both the Democratic and Republican parties every election year. (See: Collins, Michael Piper. The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme. American Free Press, 2009.) The Jewish author Henry L. Feingold, writing on page 4 of his book “Jewish Power in America: Myth and Reality,” noted that, “Over 60 percent of campaign funds collected by the Democratic party and a respectable percentage of Republican campaign funds stem from Jewish sources.” The Jewish-American scholar Alfred M. Lilienthal, in his 1978 work “The Zionist Connection,” acknowledged the towering dominance of Jews in American society, writing:

“How has the Zionist will been imposed on the American people?… It is the Jewish connection, the tribal solidarity among themselves and the amazing pull on non-Jews, that has molded this unprecedented power … The Jewish connection covers all areas and reaches every level. Most Americans may not even sense this gigantic effort, but there is scarcely a Jew who is not touched by its tentacles… The extent and depth to which organized Jewry reached – and reaches – in the U.S. is indeed awesome … The most effective component of the Jewish connection is probably that of media control … Jews, toughened by centuries of persecution, have risen to places of prime importance in the business and financial world… Jewish wealth and acumen wields unprecedented power in the area of finance and investment banking, playing an important role in influencing U.S. policy toward the Middle East … In the larger metropolitan areas, the Jewish-Zionist connection thoroughly pervades affluent financial, commercial, social, entertainment, and art circles.” (A. Lilienthal, The Zionist Connection, New York: Dodd, Mead, (1978), pp. 206, 209, 212, 218, 228, 229.)

Manipulating the U.S. political system is something that Jewish supremacists take great pride in. The single biggest donor to American politicians is the billionaire Israeli tycoon and media mogul Haim Saban. In January of 2007, it was revealed that he had donated approximately $13 million to various American political candidates. (“Israeli Billionaire Saban is Biggest Donor to US Politicians,” Ynet News, Jan. 23, 2007.) The New York Times has noted Saban’s ardent devotion to the Jewish state: “He has since emerged as perhaps the most politically connected mogul in Hollywood, throwing his weight and money around Washington, and increasingly, the world, trying to influence all things Israeli. ‘I’m a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel,’ he said.” (“Schlepping to Moguldom,” New York Times, Sept. 05, 2004.) The New Yorkerreported that Saban’s “greatest concern… is to protect Israel, by strengthening the United States-Israel relationship.” (Connie Bruck, “The Influencer: An entertainment mogul sets his sights on foreign policy,” The New Yorker, May 10, 2010.) At a conference in Israel in 2009, Saban described his influence-peddling formula, his “three ways to be influential in American politics”: make donations to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media outlets. (Ibid.)

Saban and his kinsmen have been very hard at work trying to brainwash the American public with fallacious Zionist propaganda. Russia Today conducted a very informative interview with Grant F. Smith of the Institute for Research on Middle Eastern Policy about recently declassified documents pertaining to Israeli lobbying and propaganda efforts in the U.S. (“Inquiry exposes massive Israeli media manipulation campaign in US,” Russia Today, Aug. 20, 2010.) Here is the transcript of the interview:

RT Anchorwoman: Files declassified in America have revealed covert public relations and lobbying activities of Israel in the U.S. The National Archive made the documents public following a Senate investigation. They suggest Israel has been trying to shape media coverage of issues it regards as important. You can download the files from the web-site of the Institute for Research on Middle Eastern policy. And we can cross to Washington now and talk to Grant F. Smith who is a director at that Institute. I’d like to begin by asking you what exactly do these files reveal?

Grant F. Smith: These files are from a sealed Senate investigation which was the result of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the US Department of Justice looking into groups that brought $36 million into the

US to plant stories in the US media and promote Israeli foreign policy objectives in the US. They’re extremely relevant because they revealed, for example, a vast effort to divert US attention from the Israeli Dimona nuclear weapons facility by saying it was merely a research center…

RT Anchorwoman: What about the media? How susceptible are they to Israeli lobbying?

Grant F. Smith: Well this reveals essentially that major US publications that were on the receiving end of the 36 million dollars really fell into line for a whole host of initiatives. Now, the Senate investigation was a failure, and they essentially heavily censored the Senate transcript and then put all of these extremely damning files into sealed records for years and years so that nobody could really see what was going on. And unfortunately the groups that were involved in this, that were ultimately forced to register as foreign agents and disclose their activities, they simply transferred all of these activities into a group called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). So, it’s extremely enlightening for Americans to see how media influence functions by looking at internal documents from this investigation.

RT Anchorwoman: Well it also makes you ask how much will Americans really see if the US media is so affected by these lobbyists, no?

Grant F. Smith: That’s exactly the case because once again we’re replaying history. Now, instead of trying to divert attention away from nuclear weapons in the Middle East, a magazine — again The Atlantic — is on the forefront of an AIPAC drive to get the United States to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, again now under the pretext that they’re nuclear weapons sites. So, for the United States it’s extremely important for people to see this media influence and the mechanics of it because over the passage of time it has only gotten worse.

RT Anchorwoman: What does this suggest about US policy in the Middle East? Is it being shaped around the interests of Israel as you see it?

Grant F. Smith: Well, we’ve done a lot of work over the years obtaining documents about Israeli policy initiatives in the United States. And the documentary record suggests a heavy influence on the parts of Israeli politicians and various para-statal groups that work tightly with Israel without disclosing those relationships. They have successfully built a campaign financing system in the United States that’s extremely effective at pushing Israeli objectives by withholding or dispersing campaign funding to US politicians. So there is a high degree of control that’s in place, but for your average American it’s almost completely hidden.

On numerous television interviews, the former CIA agent Michael Scheuer has lambasted the Israeli lobby, identifying them as an extremely malignant domestic enemy that owns and controls the U.S. Congress, guiding American presidents to do the bidding of the Israeli regime. In an interview with Lou Dobbs, the following exchange took place:

Lou Dobbs: Michael, both the British and the United States have reportedly made it very clear to Israel that they would prefer that there be no military action taken. What are your thoughts?

Michael Scheuer: Well, at least in the United States we’re pretty helpless. If the Israelis attacked Iran, the power of AIPAC and the lobby here, they own the Congress, will lead to our support to whatever the Israelis do I think. (“Michael Scheuer: Israel owns the Congress,” YouTube)

In another interview with Judge Napolitano of “Freedom Watch,” Scheuer accurately expressed the view that,

“the Israelis are an immensely malign influence in the United States. They steal our technology, they suborn government employees to spy for them and transfer documents, and certainly their influence through U.S. citizen groups like AIPAC on the Congress is politically corrupting.” (“Retired CIA Chief: Israelis immensely malign influence in United States,” YouTube)

These sentiments were even reflected by U.S. President Richard Nixon himself. In declassified White House tapes that were recently released to the public, the former President was recorded expressing disdain for Jews and speaking ominously about the Jewish grip over the American mass media and government. In White House tapes from February and March 1973, Nixon is heard saying that “the Jews are just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personality… [they are] born spies.”(“Nixon’s Jewish Problem,” Slate Magazine, Dec. 13, 2010.) In a candid conversation, Richard Nixon and the Rev. Billy Graham had the following exchange regarding the Jewish stranglehold over the mass media:

Nixon: “… Newsweek is totally [Jewish]. It’s all run by Jews and dominated by them in their editorial pages. The New York Times, The Washington Post, totally Jewish too.”

Graham: “This [Jewish] stranglehold [over the media] has got to be broken or this country is going to go down the drain.”

Nixon: “Do you believe that?”

Graham: “Yes sir.”

Nixon: “I can’t ever say it, but I believe it.”

In addition to their daunting lobbying apparatus and media monopoly, Jews are deeply entrenched inside the highest levels of the American government, directly pulling the strings of whichever puppet president happens to be sitting in the Oval Office. Jews openly brag about the members of their tribe who hold high political office in America. In November of 2008, the Jewish press was roaring with joy and glee after the new list of American Congressmen and Senators was released, showing that “[w]hen the new Congress debuts in January 2009, a record 45 Jews will take the oath of office: 32 in the House of Representatives and … 13 Jews in the Senate.” (“New Congress Has Record Number of Jews,” The Forward, Nov. 18 2008.) Real Jew Newseditor Brother Nathanael commented on the issue of Jewish infiltration of the U.S. Congress, stating:

“Jews now have capitol hill by the throat – both from the outside and from the inside. As if the powerful Jewish Lobbies from without are not enough for American Jewry to gain total control of the US Congress, Jews have infiltrated the halls of Capitol Hill with more seats than ever before in American history – in both the Senate and in the House. In fact, Jews chair many of the Senate and House committees which oversee every aspect of American affairs. [...] Making up less than 2% of the US population, Jews have insinuated themselves into the highest chairs of American government. How did they do this? … Money and media are the keys to Zionist political hegemony. In other words, America has the best Congress Jewish money can buy…”(“THE JEWS WHO RUN CONGRESS: ‘The Best Congress Jewish Money Can Buy’,” Real Jew News, July 07, 2010.)

The Zionist website Jewish Virtual Libraryroutinely produces lists of Jews who serve in the American government. The websitenames thirty-four Jews who have served in the U.S. Senate since 1845. In his comprehensive book “The Jews of Capitol Hill: A Compendium of Jewish Congressional Members” rabbi Kurt F. Stone documented that there have been two hundred Jewish men and women who have served in the United States Congress since 1841. President Bill Clinton brought sixty-four (64) Jews into his two administrations from 1993 to 2001, fifty-three (53) Jews infested the administration of George W. Bush during his two terms in office, and thirty- seven (37) Jews have, at one time, held top positions in the current Obama regime. (“The JEWS who Run Clinton and the USA,” Bible Believers Website / “The JEWS who Run Bush and the USA,” Bible Believers Website / “The JEWS who Run Obama and the USA,” Bible Believers Website) Bill Clinton — a Vietnam War draft dodger — was so enamored by Jewish intrigue that he reputedly told a Jewish audience in Canada that if Iraq or Iran were to ever attack Israel he would personally “grab a rifle, get in the trench and fight and die” to defend the Jewish state. (“Bubba: I’d fight and die for Israel,” The New York Post, Aug. 2, 2002.) Barack Obama’s extreme subservience to Israel and Jewish supremacists led a prominent Jewish-Zionist bigwig named Abner Mikva to declare Obama America’s first “Jewish President.” (James Petras, “America’s First Jewish President,” Voltaire Net, Dec. 12, 2008.) Obama’s Vice President Joseph Biden told an Israeli reporter: “I am a Zionist, you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.”(“Sen. Joe Biden on Shalom TV,” YouTube) Suffice to say, George W. Bush was not the ‘black sheep’ among this crooked camp of Zionist traitors.

With Jews representing only between two and three percent of the American population, these numbers illustrate the massively disproportionate influence of Jews in the American government. There can be no doubt that Jewish supremacists have essentially achieved dictatorial power in the United States, ordering Presidents, Congressmen and Senators around at a whim, often defaming them in the press if they are not compliant with Jewish aims. Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the U.S. who was himself a dedicated Jewish servant, came to regret his treasonous actions against the American people. In 1913, Wilson published a book in which he warned that the U.S. government was controlled by a sinister force that was hidden from public view, stating:

“…we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world — no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.” (Wilson, Woodrow, and William Bayard Hale. The New Freedom; a Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People. New York: Doubleday, 1913. p. 201)

The famous French philosopher Voltaire wisely said, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” The tremendous power of Israel and the Jews in America is perfectly illustrated by the fact that criticism of either the nation of Israel or the Jews as a group is staunchly opposed, suppressed and censored from mainstream discourse. In America and the broader Western world, publicly criticizing Israel, Jews or Zionism is considered taboo – it is socially, as well as politically, dangerous. Any prominent individual who criticizes Jews quickly find themselves in hot water. Who could forget the infamous debacle involving actor Mel Gibson and his ‘drunken rant’ against the Jews, where he was pulled over by a police officer, who just happened to be Jewish, and reportedly blurted out: “the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world!” Organized Jewry had their sights set on Gibson long before that episode. After he produced and directed the popular film “Passion of the Christ” in which he depicts Jews as the instigators of the alleged crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Organized Jewry and the Jewish-run press labeled him an ‘anti-Semite’ and a ‘racist’. After his run-ins with Organized Jewry, and the subsequent media campaign to crucify him for his “anti-Semitic rant,” Gibson’s career has never fully recovered. To save himself from being completely black-listed in Hollywood, he was forced to issue a groveling public apology to the Jews for his ‘eternal sin’ of offending them.

The ‘unspoken rule’ of never criticizing Jews or pointing out their pernicious influence even trickles down to the working class of America. In 2010, the former CNN television host Rick Sanchez mentioned the heavy Jewish presence in the media on a radio interview and was predictably fired from his position at CNN the following day. (“Rick Sanchez: Jon Stewart A ‘Bigot,’ Jews Run CNN & All Media,” Huffington Post, Oct. 01 2010.) In 2011, at an ‘Occupy LA’ protest, a substitute school teacher named Patricia McAllister was recorded in a video interview saying: “I think that the Zionist Jews who are running these big banks and the Federal Reserve… they need to be run out of this country.” Because of her honest remarks, Patricia found herself relieved of her teaching duties the following week. (“Patricia McAllister, LAUSD Teacher, Fired After Airing Anti-Semitic Views,” Huffington Post, Oct. 19 2011.) Anyone brave enough to utter even slight criticism of Israel or Jews is publicly targeted by relentless media attacks and defamation. There are many more examples of people being sacked for commenting on Jewish influence, but they are too numerous to mention them all. This extensive Jewish power, opined conservative writer Joe Sobran, is highly visible but completely off-limits to discuss openly. Sobran explained the paradoxical nature of Jewish power in this way:

“Talking about American politics without mentioning the Jews is a little like talking about the NBA without mentioning the Chicago Bulls. Not that the Jews are all-powerful, let alone all bad. But they are successful, and therefore powerful enough: and their power is unique in being off-limits to normal criticism even when it’s highly visible. They themselves behave as if their success were a guilty secret, and they panic, and resort to accusations, as soon as the subject is raised. Jewish control of the major media in the media age makes the enforced silence both paradoxical and paralyzing. Survival in public life requires that you know all about it, but never refer to it. A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you. It’s a phenomenal display not of wickedness, really, but of fierce ethnocentrism, a sort of furtive racial superpatriotism.” (Quoted in K. MacDonald. Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998.)

In their standard tradition of subverting public opinion and pushing for tyrannical laws that prohibit free speech and free thought — such as the notorious ‘Holocaust Denial’ and ‘Hate Speech’ laws that plague dozens of nations in Europe — Jews have actually pressured the U.S. government to take on the task of “combating anti-Semitism” in America and around the globe! In 2004, the U.S. government passed the “Global Anti-Semitism Review Act” which orders the U.S. State Department to “monitor global antisemitism, reporting annually to the United States Congress.” (“Global Anti-Semitism Review Act (October 8, 2004),” Jewish Virtual Library) Not only does this villainous piece of legislation speak of “monitoring anti-Semitism” but specifically orders the U.S. government to“continue to strongly support efforts to combat anti-Semitism worldwidethrough bilateral relationships and interaction with international organizations such as the OSCE, the European Union, and the United Nations.” (Ibid.) This treasonous act created a political body within the State Department called the “Office To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism” which “advocates U.S. policy on anti-Semitism both in the United States and internationally, develops and implements policies and projects to support efforts to combat anti-Semitism.” Included in the U.S. government’s ridiculous definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ is the “vilification of Zionism, the Jewish national movement, and incitement against Israel.” (Ibid.) In 2010, the Zionist Organization of America pressured members of the U.S. Congress to request a crackdown on criticism of Jews and Israel on college campuses across the United States. (“U.S. lawmakers seek action against campus anti-Semitism,” Jewish Telegraphic Agency, July 13, 2010.) In August of 2012, California’s state assembly passed a resolution equating criticism of Israel with generic ‘anti-Semitism’ in a delusional effort to delegitimize and silence all criticism of the rogue Zionist regime on college campuses. (“California State Assembly passes resolution equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism,” Mondoweiss, Aug. 29, 2012.) The Associated Press reported:

“An Assembly resolution urging California colleges and universities to squelch nascent anti-Semitism also encouraged educators to crack down on demonstrations against Israel, angering advocates for Muslim students. With no debate, lawmakers on Tuesday approved a resolution that encourages university leaders to combat a wide array of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel actions.”

If these Stalinist bureaucrats got their way, all criticism of Jews, Judaism, Israel and Zionism — no matter how mild or soft — would be strictly forbidden by law, globally! The same people behind this brutal suppression of free speech today perfected their heinous tactics of muzzling political opponents under the savage system of Bolshevism in Russia and Eastern Europe. It is no wonder that the communist mass murderers Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky (Bronstein), and Molotov all made public pronouncements condemning ‘anti-Semitism’ as a capital crime against the state. Considering that the Soviet ‘state’ was entirely run by Jewish communist criminals, resistance to Jewish power was ruthlessly crushed with a vengeance. Many of the leading Soviet-Communist leaders are on record stating that anti-Semitism (opposition to Jewish domination) would be punished with death! In 1918, Lenin ordered all Soviet Deputies to“take uncompromising measures to tear the anti-Semitic movement out by the roots. Pogromists and pogrom-agitators are to be placed outside the law.” (Baron, Salo Wittmayer. The Russian Jew Under Tsars and Soviets. Macmillan, (1976), p. 180.) Leon Trotsky-Bronstein, the genocidal Jewish-Bolshevik kingpin who founded the “Red Army” of the Soviet Union, issued the same murderous directive, announcing that under his leadership all “pogromists,” a Bolshevik catchphrase for Russian freedom fighters resisting the Jewish takeover of their country, “shall be shot down on the spot without trial.” (The Ogden Examiner, Aug. 11, 1918, p. 24.) In 1934, Stalin reiterated Lenin’s and Trotsky’s barbaric decrees, writing: “In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.” (Josef Stalin, Works Vol. 13) The top Soviet-Communist functionary Vyacheslav Molotov proudly acknowledged the fact that “in the Soviet Union actual anti-Semities are shot.” (Hunterberg, Max. Tragedy of the Ages: Anti-Semitism, the Root, Cause, and Cure. New York: Associated Press, 1937, p.144.)

Taking all of these facts together, it becomes a transparent reality that America is ruled by Jewish supremacists, not Jesuits, Luciferians, the Illuminati, WASP’s, Reptilians, Nazis, or a “Germanic Death Cult,” as some deceivers would have us believe. Criticizing other religious, ethnic, racial or political groups – such as Christians, Muslims, Mormons, Scientologists, Whites, the CIA , the FBI, the U.S. President or the U.S. government as a whole – is permissible to a great extent in America. The repercussions of criticizing or bad-mouthing any of those groups is certainly nowhere near as great as the consequences that are incurred when an individual publicly excoriates Jews or Israel – an observation which in and of itself illuminates the true power behind the throne of America, so to speak. Benjamin Freedman, a former Jew and great opponent of the Zionist conspiracy in his own right, said it best when he exclaimed: “Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government… The Zionists and their co-religionists rule these United States as though they were the absolute monarchs of this country.” (1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C.) The foregoing proofs that I have furnished are strong enough to convince any logical person of the truth of that statement.NOW HIT YOUR KNEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!