Tuesday, November 27, 2012

CHRIST-mas is ALL in the HEART...LOVE is Bigger than RETAIL

Dear United States of America,

It has come to my attention that there is a serious lack of LEADERSHIP in
Washington D.C.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

HAPPY THANKS-giving is THE WILL of God

THINK "Globally" but ACT "Locally"

When I was a college student, I was certain that whatever I would be doing in the world, it would be something big -- involving nationwide policies, or (this was my real dream) influencing and ultimately bringing peace and justice to the whole entire world. As a youth, I had witnessed poverty, abuse, and injustice on every scale imaginable. My determination for 
a better life gave me DRIVE and HOPE. My determination to rid the world of the evil I had seen propelled me to not only survive my childhood, but to thrive for "others" sake...who I knew in this GREAT NATION America other children were "caught" also.

I don't remember an awful lot about my childhood, but there are moments that stand out for me which I held onto like a twig in a raging river to keep from drowning. I lived a double life. Monday through Friday at home with my mom, I went to school, and came "home" to a living Hell on Earth with Medusa at the Head of the Household. Then, on the weekends come Friday evening after school let out I was out of there. My mother eager to be rid of me permitted visitation with extended family. Thankfully my grandmother, Aunt Virginia and Uncle Ed would retrieve me where I was introduced to Heaven on Earth as they did the best they could to relieve me from the fiery furnace of trials and tribulations of my week. Calmness on Friday Night, Education on Saturdays and Church on Sundays. My grandmother was quite the spiritual woman, and to sit at her feet in her presense in His presense while she read the Bible to me was my "safe" refuge hidden in the wilderness. Then, when I was with My Uncle Ed and Aunt Virginia...wow. My Aunt was the best cook ever! Fresh food she had canned right from the garden Uncle Ed planted were flavorful luxeries fit for a Queen..

Then, Uncle Ed would let me into his sacred closet after Saturday mornings cutting grass, and working in the Garden-Weed'en and Harvesting. In that closet was years and years of National Geographics. I was amazed at the places I could travel to with the aid of pictures and stories and never have left that closet on Saturdays. Then Sunday would roll around and off we all went to Church...althought I was too young to really remember much of the "lesson" from the pulpit...the greatest lessons I learned were in the "safety" of the presense of The Lord and those in whom He obviously resided. I only remember how they represented the fulfillment of my highest possible aspiration that one day I would also return to stand behind that same podium as a person who had succeeded in making the world a much better place teaching of Love, and Christ in all those places I saw in the pages of The National Geographic Magazines in my youth.

To this end, I began my college studies setting out to major in English and Religion, and dreamed of working for the PEACE CORPS or a Foreign Service and climbing my way up into the upper echelons of international policy makers and shakers. I dreamed of introducing democracy and Christianity to to far away lands. I dreamed of sharing with others what FREEDOM was as I knew the bondage of Monday-Friday, and then FREEDOM on the weekends. I dreamed of making sure no child ever had to go hungry or abused. I dreamed that no child would have to endure the sexually crossed boundaries where innocence was preyed upon for adult pleasure. I dreamed of sharing Love with the world. I dreamed of bringing peace and understanding amongst people all over the world, and to make those people I saw in the National Geographics smile...cause they all looked so sad. I dreamed of teaching sustainable living and gardening where no one would ever have to live in poverty and go to bed hungry at night which no child or adult should ever have to endure. Mostly, I dreamed of representing HOPE for others that no matter how bad life seemed at the moment it will get better.

Despite my sincere desire to save the world, I never managed to move past rhetoric and idealism to meaningful action. In the end, as you might have suspected, my life has followed a very different path from the one I had envisioned for myself. I never finished college. I had to drop out right in the middle..go to work, then return to school, drop out, go to work...then HONOR THY MOTHER came calling. Some of you already know the story of my mom, and her dying, and my Heavenly Father using me to locate her "adopted out " child and leading mom to breaking the bondage the devil had her in all her life and the reason for the HELL I grew up in. So, I won't go there in this post except to say, when HONOR calls..please Answer. For what was the be the biggest challenge of my life, moving through forgiveness and healing through the pain of my mother, I in the end with the compassion and love of God healed her, and she died in my arms at peace, and in love with The Lord.

My own life experience has taught me the wisdom of "Think Globally, Act Locally" approach. Looking back, I now realize the MAGNITUDE of the "smallest" ACT from sitting at my grandmothers feet to my Uncle Ed's closet full of prized years of collecting National Georgraphics that he could have said "No" you can't mess with them. Instead, his one YES...opened up a WORLD of potential for me. The one yes, of the school friend who parents said YES, when you are ready to leave home, you can live with us and finish high school. Those tiny minute ACTS, caused a ripple in the continum of my life...and Christianity has taught me that all ACTS are either building UP people and granting LIBERTY, or they are tearing DOWN people and placing into BONDAGE. All other ACTS are either for providing an "enviroment" which fosters HOPE or threatens DISPAIR. Where LOVE is absent FEAR sets in.

These are the fine lines of living. No one can legislate morality. But what should happen in SOCIETY is just the things I had at times as a child...A SAFE HAVEN, A SAFE REFUGE from "tryanny", and a PLACE where I could grow into THE PERSON GOD intended me to be.

No, I never got to stand behind a pulpit sharing with a body of folks all about God and Christs Love. You see I grew up in a Baptist religion and was told there are no WOMEN preachers...so that dream got shot down very early. Being poor I never got alot of the "opportunities" afforded others. BUT there existed inside this "well-spring" lying dormant until just the right ingredients came long which brought it to the surface and in like manner of the twig of HOPE I held onto as a child, I held on that my VOICE MATTERS. Several years ago I decided to GIVE all my life to Christ to be used, and I began to share my heart and my voice with you gathered here ..one by one you listened. Lately I have decided to move more into the realm of taking Christs spirit and taking my voice and using it politically leading and sharing. For we are to provide a SAFE HAVEN from tyranny, and that is what America is to me, and its time to root out the "ELEMENTS" of EVIL which threaten that. We have a DUTY to VOTE, to get involved. Whether it is our calling to TAKE OFFICE, or not, we have a duty to GET CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLED people whose CALLING it is INTO OFFICE...and to CLEAN HOUSE.

I cannot live someone else's life for them nor can I fix them. I have been Johnny Appleseed many times in my life, mainly to those in emotional pain who truly need assistance to help them try to make some sense out of this world . I have had many wonderful teachers including the man sitting along the side of the street with dirty clothes on. Everyone has a story, talking to them is like opening a book. I have shared a part me with you today.

So these lessons and teachers are handing the baton to you now. All you have to do is pick it up and run with it!

Whatever you want to be, to have, to "become"---be it a harmonious family life, a courageous mindset, more energy to get the job done, passion FOR life, a joyous and carefree existence, loving relationship---whatever! But there are only 2 ways to go---learn on your own, from your own mistakes or learn from others and shorten the learning curve...that has always been my best teacher.

Great men and women rest one hand on the shoulder of the other for SUPPORT with the other stretched out behind "to help" a straggler. Small men and women put all their weight upon the backs of others with both hands out in "entitlement" indifferent to the sufferings and plights of others~concerned ONLY for self...and the relief of their pain.

At any given time, I have one hand resting on the shoulder of another by Grace, and I AM reaching out my hand to you. Take it and I'll do my best to lead you on a journey of self-discovery and growth taking you over or around obstacles and stumbling blocks in the path. Ready? Great! Then...let' begin with the journey and always remember our pact---TRUST IN THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE...the cues and clues are there for your journey...but KNOW it is YOUR journey YOU must take.
UNITED "tightly knit" WE can do all things through Christ who strengthens (in those bit difficult times). Yes, TO DO "righteousness" is a definite determinant of Character and of The Greatest of Virtues next to Love...which is COURAGE in my humble opinion. As I look back over my own life, I can single out the important role that courage played in ALL my struggles, wrestling right and wrong to arrive to a place of righteousness.

The punishment and VENGENCE belongs to Father....yes, get our People OUT of there, and back home in The HOUSE of Israel... Satan soon approaches to set us his "office" in Jerusalem AS The Anti-Christ...and into the fullness of the Captivity we go. BUT...let no your hearts be troubled BE COMFORTED, and KNOW that not one hair on OUR heads shall be harmed, the "1" will become ""232" VERY ELECT, and then when the 7000 hear the TRUTH and say YES, THAT is Truth...."they" COME OUT OF BABYLON, and "become" the VERY ELECT...and then "become" the 144,000 who upon hearing the TRUTH COME OUT. Stay FOCUS Children WE have "a mission" to accomplish. I love each and every one of you whom TRULY Love our LORD, The House Of Israel "ultimately" IS The Fathers, yet HEAD of The HOUSEHOLD, and the Children MUST accomplish what we have been sent to DO "those" ACTS. God SEES!

We look BACK in “Thanksgiving”, we look FORWARD in “Faith” that “Mercy” will bring us into “the promised land” to POSSESS IT.

Be “Thankful” FOR the “good” AND THE BAD.

In Genesis, Joseph “felt” alone when everyone had left him; he said all things have come against me for my Bad. BUT, Paul said In Romans 8:28 “We KNOW that all things work for good for those who love The Lord, who are called according to his purpose

29 For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

30And those he predestined he also called; and those he called he also justified; and those he justified he also glorified.

31 What then shall we say to this? If God is FOR us, who can be against us?

In verse 28, “WE KNOW” (the EMPHASIS is on “The Confidence”) that the GOOD WORK “He” has begun in us WILL “turn out” Justly! BE CONFIDENT! “I am persuaded” (subject) that NO-ONE can separate us. But verse 29 EXPLAINS verse 28. Speaks to “fore-ordination” or “pre-ordination”. I know “some” people have problem with this calling it a “contradiction”. It’s a “mystery” NOT a “contradiction”. It MOLDS us and SHAPES us into WHAT and WHO “He” desires us to be “for His Purpose” in these endtimes.

We must be FOCUSED (mindful) of what IS GOING FOR US… Remind Father of THIS….it’s HIS “promise” instead of (anti) belly-aching and moaning. If we “claim” to be a saint, “of THE ELECT”…then ACT like it!

Father says “I KNOW the plans I have for you”….truth is do we REALLY TRUST that? We all “claim” we want to be in the WILL of God. 1 Thess 5:18 In EVERY thing (subject) GIVE “thanks” (emphasis IS Thanks-giving): for this is THE WILL OF GOD in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Hear me “Saints”- We don’t NEED a “GREAT” faith (and “faith” being the “subject”….We NEED Faith in a GREAT “God”.

We are “faced” DAILY with FREE-WILL “choices” with what we DO with the “trash”(sufferings) in our Life. We can “bag it up” and sit it at the curb “for SOMEONE ELSE” to “deal with it”, we can “recycle” it, “transforming” IT into “something else” manifested “elsewhere”. OR we can DEAL WITH IT and get on our KNEES and repent of our “OWN trespasses” and ASK for “healing” turning it ALL over to Him, and allow the Christ Spirit to “transform” us by the RE-newing of our MINDS (the WAY we “think” becomes ACTION).

The WORD instructs us and Christ IN US “becomes” behavior modification.

In 1 Thess 5, The Saints will know the season of the Second Coming of Christ—Live the way Saints should live—Rejoice evermore—Do NOT despise prophesyings.

1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not asleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
8 But let us, who are of the day, BE SOBER, putting on the BREASTPLATE of faith and love; and for an HELMET, the HOPE of salvation.
9 For God hath NOT appointed US "to wrath", but to obtain SALVATION by our Lord Jesus Christ,
10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should LIVE together with him.
11 Wherefore COMFORT yourselves together, and EDIFY one another, even as also ye do.
12 And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which LABOUR among you, and are OVER you "in the Lord", and admonish you;
13 And to ESTEEM them very highly in love for their work’s sake.And be at PEACE among yourselves.
14 Now we exhort you, brethren, WARN them that are UNRULY,COMFORT the FEEBLE-MINDED, SUPPORT the WEAK, be patient toward ALL men.
15 See that NONE RENDER EVIL for evil unto any man; but ever FOLLOW that which is GOOD, BOTH among "yourselves", AND to "ALL" men.
16 REJOICE evermore.
17 PRAY without ceasing.
18 In EVERY THING give THANKS: for this is "The Will of God" IN Christ Jesus concerning you.
19 QUENCH NOT The Spirit.
20 Despise not prophesyings.
21 PROVE ALL things; hold fast that which is GOOD.
23 And the very God of peace SANCTIFY you WHOLLY (unlike Eve was was WHOLLY seduced); and I pray God your whole "spirit and soul and body" be preserved BLAMELESS unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
25 Brethren, PRAY for us.
26 Greet all the brethren with an holy KISS.
27 I CHARGE you by the Lord that this epistle be READ unto all the holy brethren.
28 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Judge not, that ye be not judged, MAT 7:1. LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

Let me conclude this teaching by directing our attention to Psalms 2:1-3, "Why do the HEATHEN RAGE, and The People IMAGINE a VAIN thing? The "kings of the earth" SET THEMSELVES, and THE RULERS take counsel together, AGAINST THE LORD, AND  AGAINST HIS ANOINTED  saying, Let US break THEIR bands asunder, and cast away THEIR cords from US."  THIS IS VERY important in maintaining that which is good and not murmuring for THE EVIL-DOERS are setting themselves NOT against We The People BUT AGAINST THE LORD and The Vengence BELONGS TO HIM...so PRAY without ceasing. LOVE ONE ANOTHER! STOP the one upmanship and UNDERSTAND that TOGETHER we are all ONE In HIM....No SUPERIORITY...it takes US WORKING TOGETHER IN HIM to accomplish His Will that HE may "take that vengeance" upon our enemy.

Watch what the Judge of heaven and earth says in Verse 4, "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: THE Lord shall have them in derision." He is saying they have EXCEEDED THEIR JURISDICTION. That is the SUBJECT I want to deal with in the CLOSE this message. And as we look OUT "into the chaos" ensuing at this very writing wars and rumors of war this is not far-fetched to imagine.

The FIRST AREA OF JUDGING begins with "passing judgment upon God" and "The Authority of His Word". Why do the heathen rage and imagine a vain thing? Why do they pass judgment upon the Lord? The kings and rulers take counsel together against WHOM? Against the Lord and His anointed. WHO is His Anointed? The Lord Jesus Christ is His Anointed; the name Christ means Anointed, and taking counsel implies passing judgment. THEY DEVISE their vain imagings of New World Order and GLOBALIZATION CONTROL and placing themselves As God, Ruler of ALL.

It's the calm before the storm, troubles ahead, keep your head above water and stay focused. God will be with us and for us, not against us. Come on CHURCH…Its GO TIME! TIME to HIT THE TRAIL like one BIG HAPPY FAMILY (Ekklesia) 2John2