Please WATCH this 6 minute VIDEO FIRST on The Lesser of Two Evils
YOU, are a fertile land, YOU can manage your child in flood or drought. Hence there is no miscarriage of understanding or stillbirth of HOPE. Nothing will go without PERMISSIVE CONSENT in the delivery room ... fellow honorable SOVEREIGN HUMAN BEING OF AMERICA..... keep patience. PUSH on in the exodus from a body that has provided for your every need and BREATHE the fresh air of AUTONOMY trusting Providence.
ORIGINALLY, the nation of Israel was in Egypt, and OUR HEAVENLY FATHER DELIVERED THEM by miracles and signs at the time of the Exodus. Later HE brought them into THEIR LAND and fenced them about (HE protected them), but THEY WERE DISOBEDIENT.
Now Hosea prophesied that THEY WOULD BE RETURNED to Egypt; that is, while God once delivered the Israelites FROM Egypt, they would RETURN to an “Egypt” CONDITION.
Just as Moses broke the golden calf into powder and made the Israelites drink it, so the "Romney/Paul" calf of Samaria (Hosea 8:5), made by man and worshipped as a god, would be broken in pieces. Thus this play on words referred back to the beginning when Moses was alive. As CAPTIVES in Assyria AND IN THEIR "state" BEING SCATTERED into Gentile LANDS, the ten tribes WOULD return to the “Egypt condition"; that is, they were put back "as slaves under oppressive taskmasters" and unpleasant experiences like those they had formerly endured in Egypt. ...and so WE go....
In a people with AMBITION GONE, WE stop "STRIVING FOR" and when that stops...WE LOSE HOPE in "ourselves". THEN, WE look to "someone else" to BE "The Hope"..."The Remedy"..."The Cure". Being in the "state of fame"---isn't NATURAL, Being in the "state of hopelessness"---ISN'T NATURAL, being in the "state of LUXURY" isn't NATURAL. We weren't meant to have EXCESS, but rather ABUNDANCE, and to put our TRUST in "it's THERE" for God provides according to our needs. The OPPOSITE of "Poverty" ISN'T "Wealth".....ITS JUSTICE.
It’s NOT what The Government does,( or the PUPPET Prez or GQ VP Does)...AT THE END OF THE DAY in the refining FIRE WE GO…and it all BOILS DOWN to WHAT THE PEOPLE DO!
This whole election is a FARSE and JUSTICE wasn’t served AT ALL by silencing Ron Paul…but one thing for sure is I AM VERY PROUD to stand in the gap alongside Ron Paul YELLING THE BRITISH ARE HERE THE BRISTISH ARE HERE.
But the sheeple have now looked to ANOTHER man as god and given consent to be governed and have ABORTED the twins Liberty and Justice. Yet in another body is the child of Determination conceived in Virtue. This child Determination truly virtuous is rare in that she presupposes a battery of other Virtuous conceptions. Determination without patience is impetuosity; without Hope, she is blindness. If it is not wedded to Discernment, she is merely fanaticism; and if she is not united with Courage, she will grow to be nothing more than stubborn teen. Finally, in the absence of fidelity, she is no more virtuous than compulsive behavior.
To be a beacon this child must be patient, hopeful, discerning, courageous, and faithful to HER purpose. Patience will provide the resources to remain committed over the coming Captivity. Hope will allow HER to keep sight of her ultimate objective. Discernment will grant wisdom to know whether she is being foolish or wise, as well as those she befriends in her journey through this strange land. Courage will enable HER to face danger without cowering. Fidelity will bind HER to the GOOD SHE IS STRIVING to achieve. Faith will be her guide.
This child Determination, nourished and protected by all HER attendant virtues, MUST NOT be confused with fanaticism “the false fire of an overheated brain”. She must grow to be enlightened and thus unlikely to burn herself out being resourceful. Being resourceful this child shall reflect upon HER ancestry and the strong women who came before on the COLLECTIVE LEVEL.
In her ancestral homeland far far away from the new land she was to be born, in the 18th century, A FAMILY caught sheltering or housing a schoolteacher was severely punished. The family’s house would be burned and the crops destroyed rendering the family homeless and hopeless. The British GOVERNMENT at that time was HELL BENT ON PREVENTING The Irish from being educated. In the VIEW of the GOVERNMENT, if The Irish were kept IGNORANT, they would be INCAPABLE of RISING UP to CLAIM their INDEPENDENCE.
NOT acquiescence to TYRANNY, however but a DETERMINATION to EDUCATE was the Irish RESPONSE. So that The People would not lose THEIR PROPERTY or CROPS THEY HAD FARMED, The Irish “hedge schools” were born. USING COVERT ACTIVITY, the “hedge- school Teacher” too HER students out of doors. The teacher selected a very REMOTE CORNER “in the wilderness”, on the HIDDEN side of a hedge or mossy bank that PROTECTED the PULPILS from being spotted by PASSING STRANGERS. A different student was SET AS A WATCHMAN chosen each day to be on the look-out and would give THE SIGNAL if a stranger was EYE-WITNESSED approaching. When TROUBLE CAME, teacher and students quickly HID the few books and notepaper they had and SCATTERED across the land UNTIL IT WAS SAFE to “reassemble”. The itinerant HEDGE-school teachers are credited with PRESERVING the legends of Irish language and much of the poetry and legends of Ireland.
From this clandestine and loosely organized background, the brightest or most determined students eventually found their way into the army, the Church, foreign service, legal and medical fields by way of European Universities. In PEACEFUL “guerilla war-fare”, the WELFARE of a COLLECTIVE PEOPLE was “served” as the British GOVERNMENTS “attempt” to keep The Irish sheeple UNEDUCATED, became THE BATTLE the determined Irish have WON. Today, Ireland has one of the highest literacy rates in the world at 99% a TRIBUTE to the lasting LEGACY of the OUTLAW Hedge Schools and good old Irish DETERMINATION.
It is NOT what THE GOVERNMENT does, but what THE PEOPLE do that counts! It is The People of God who go into Captivity. Perhaps drawing upon words I have always held dear to my heart which I often have reached for to pull up my boots straps and get back in the saddle are these of Churchill and I QUOTE “When great causes are on the move in the world, stirring all men’s souls, drawing them from their firesides, CASTING ASIDE “comfort, wealth, and the pursuit of happiness” in the RESPONSE to impulses at once awe-striking and irresistible, we LEARN that we are SPIRITS, not animals, and THAT SOMETHING is going on in space and time, WHICH WHETHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT…..spells D U T Y.
As I look upon this election, I am reminded that we just as easily can attach ourselves to VAIN HOPES, casting about VAIN DETERMINATION that are mounted on the slippery slope of pride. And just as Pride precedes a FALL, vain hopes PREPARE the same unhappy fate. We NEED difficulties to enliven OUR HOPE, patience to TEST it, a COMMUNITY to support it, and God to DIRECT it bring to the BIRTH the child DETERMINATION conceived in VIRTUE! We PURIFY our HOPE, as we SEPARATE what is SUPERFICIAL from what is ESSENTIAL, what is fleeting from what is lasting. It is the struggle of the Spiritual Man indwelling, breaking loose from what is perishable, and attesting to that which is eternal.
As I am finishing my last cup of coffee this morning I am reminded once again of the WISE PROVIDENCE of God. The cup of LIFE is sweetness at the brim, warm to the heart---the flavor of it IMPAIRED as we drink deeper, and the dregs are made BITTER that we may not struggle when it is taken from our lips. Ahhh, now the Sermon on the Mount comes FULLY to the fore-front of my mind…
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
In Christianity we are regarded as PILGRIMS and WAYFARERS. To “become” HOPELESS is to “lose sight” of THE ETERNAL. In GOD we TRUST. The loss of the EARTHLY cannot BE “THE CAUSE” of DISPAIR. Those THINGS which are within EASY reach, identified collectively as “immediacy” and MICRO-WAVE MENTALITY “state” of mind, are ABLE to “distract” a person and RENDER HE OR SHE “unaware” of the Eternal… or “breached” from the Covenant with The Eternal God.
THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE this morning…a revelation, a powerful VISION I NEED TO CONVEY!!!!! When a person FAILS TO GAIN that is VERY IMPORTANT to him, he may THINK he has “CAUSE” for despair. HOWEVER…The Truth IS “that person” has already resided in a “state of despair”, specifically, at the TIME he lost SIGHT of his relationship WITH THE ETERNAL.
God’s WORD (His Promise) says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
It is VERY IMPORTANT to understand the context of RELATIONSHIP here. It is as if One were to stand with ones back TOWARD The City Hall and the Court House, and, pointing straight before him, were to say, “THERE is City Hall, and the Court House.” The man would be RIGHT in what he is saying, yes right there it is …….IF…….IF He TURNS AROUND (repents). The LOSS of Hope is ultimately the REFUSAL to be oneself and to ACCEPT one’s DESTINY. It is a PREFERENCE for “immediacies and ILLUSIONS” over “AUTHENTICITY and ETERNITY”. To RENEW one’s fundamental HOPE, one must “TURN AROUND” and FACE what is most real and most important and embrace it with one’s WHOLE BEING!
In conclusive prayer: Heavenly Father, The secular world lionizes JUSTICE and speaks glowingly of the prospect of a “just society” but is strangely taciturn when it comes to MERCY. Yes, we humans say to err is human but in honesty it’s the forgiveness department we fall short. And since Mercy is available only to the contrite, we should not forget that while to err IS human, to ADMIT is superhuman. Father help us to swallow our pride in order that we may drink from the chalice of Mercy. To pardon the UNREPENTANT is not to offer Mercy but NEGATES JUSTICE. Seeing that Mercy “follows” justice and PERFECTS it, but does not REPLACE IT….I see now that Mercy can FLOURISH only when it is IN THE CONTEXT of Justice. It is THE LIGHT that hovers above The Judgment Seat. Mercy is the RAINBOW that rests upon the bosom of the cloud just after the storm has passed. Father I come before YOUR THRONE of Grace and CALL UPON Your Mercy today HEAR from Heaven YOUR DWELLING PLACE, and DO what is asked of You so that all the peoples of the Earth may KNOW Your Name and REVERE YOU as God. Your judgments are RIGHTEOUS and Your Plan JUST. Father in your Mercy will you JUDGE US QUICKLY….Bring us to The Captivity, that the unrepentant and evil will fear you as do you own people Israel, and may KNOW that This Land which you scattered YOUR children is a sanctuary that BEARS Your Name. As we come to the time of the Feast of Tabernacles, let the REPENTANT become a plae in which YOU DWELL….and as it is written:
2 Chronicles 6:37 and if they have a change of heart in the land where they are held captive, and repent and plead with you in the land of their captivity and say, 'We have sinned, we have done wrong and acted wickedly';