Saturday, December 8, 2012

Self-talk, Meditation and Our Self-Image. Who you worship is EVIDENCED from the SOURCE of your "self-talk".

“Relentless, repetitive self talk is what changes our self-image.” - Denis Waitley 

ACTUALLY that "self-talk" is in TRUTH called "meditation". Its NOT the "thumb and fore-finger curled touching" while hummmming a Zen "HUUUUUUM". Rather, its a "soft verbal" language of "agreement" with SOURCE. "THAT source" is really where this gets right down to where the rubber meets the road. 

Satan is the SOURCE of darkness and confusion. Christ is the SOURCE of Light and Truth. YOUR MIND is the "seat" upon which each "reigns" and when you meditate THINKING ON A THING...such as when someone comes along and bumps into you and then yells at you "What are you? STUPID? WATCH where you are going!!!!!!". Now lets elaborate on this a moment and seize CHOICE. This is OBVIOUS a "negative" DARK, "tearing DOWN" statement rendered from the mouth of a ILL soul. 

Now YOU are faced with "that still small voice" running around in your head all day that is saying "I can't do anything right". I am so stupid, why did I not watch where I was going cause he yelled at me and now I am embarrassed. Mother was right, I don't have a ounce of sense in me. etc and on and on the voice goes until we find ourselves actually SPEAKING these things OUT. Or, with that SAME statement, I could just SMILE and say "Excuse Me"...and then the rest of the day CONTINUE "meditating" ON THE WORD & Truth "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength". The Word says "ALL things work to the good for those who love The Lord". etc.....I pray my point is made. 

With all the PROPAGANDA and mind-control from the media, threatening to MOVE US OUT OF FAITH and into the "realm" of FEAR...We truly must be on guard...not necessarily "guarded" where love can't FLOW THROUGH US...but "guard" our MINDS.

Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)

The mind is everything. What we think we become. Our happiness, sorrow, victory, defeat, riches, poverty, and everything in the world depends on a single word called mind.

George Bernard Shaw once pointed out that people are always blaming circumstances for what they are. He said, “I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up, look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, they make them.”

YOUR joy or sorrow depends on YOUR mind. YOUR love or hatred on any being also depends on YOUR mind. If your little self is filled with happiness that day, the world seems to be good to you. If the same self is equipped with sorrow or hatred, the whole world seems to be one of sorrow and you tend to hate everyone you come across.

Be cautious of your dangerous mind and control it in order not to cause any disaster. Try to be cool and pleasant in the morning which will make your whole day pleasant. Let your negativity be immersed in love- selfless love for the world. Then everything seems to be perfect in your living world. Everything depends on your MIND. Why do we Christians understand "put on the MIND of Christ" but so many can't. They "intellectually" GET IT, but not quite spiritually DO it.

Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is "CHANGE YOUR MIND". Imagine that to simply "REPENT". So often when we hear the word "Repent" immediately visions of hell fire and brimstone preachers yelling from the pulpits REPENT or Your are going TO HELL "type". I'll Leave the JUDGEMENT of "those types" to The Good LORD above, but do want to say that when make a decision to CHANGE OUR MIND about the way we are doing something...that ACT is a ACT of REPENTANCE. Its admitting to ourselves that WHAT WE ARE DOING ISN"T WORKING. Now, IF we TRULY want things to work and are tired of running in circles chasing our tails...then a WISE PERSON would go to SOURCE with that "changing of the mind"...and ASK Christ to "intercede" (help) guide and make things WORK.  Also, that takes a tad bit of humility and its usually the PRIDEFUL who can't do that "asking",  and all the while don't even realize that ANTI-(instead of) Christ  is whom they are "serving" and holding the very hand of walking out this life.

If you want to achieve something which you feel is impossible, then meditate on that good thought for few minutes. Imagine achieving it and determine to achieve success. Once you set your mind in such a manner, you will succeed. Some times, your mind tends to be upset the moment it hasn’t experienced the results it aspired. At such times, think and realize thus - What is yours will be with you; what is others will be with them. If you haven’t received something it only means it is not meant for you but for some one else.

In "Meditation"... talk to your mind and tame it. Observe the behaviour of your mind in times of happiness and sorrow and then act and react accordingly. As it is well said, mind is like the sand in your palm. The more you try to control or catch hold of it, the more it slips off. So do not force it to follow something. Instead, tame your mind and divert it towards something else that is good so that gradually meditating on something noble becomes a habit to you as well as your mind. Then you will no longer need to tame or divert it. It is then you will realize the power of the mind. It is awesome and inexplicable.

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

Now go out and practice today....PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT LOVE.....Little Children The Devil YOUR adversary runs about LIKE a roaring Lion seeking whom he can devour...kill him softly with LOVE...and he will flee from you!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

CHRIST-mas is ALL in the HEART...LOVE is Bigger than RETAIL

Dear United States of America,

It has come to my attention that there is a serious lack of LEADERSHIP in
Washington D.C.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

HAPPY THANKS-giving is THE WILL of God

THINK "Globally" but ACT "Locally"

When I was a college student, I was certain that whatever I would be doing in the world, it would be something big -- involving nationwide policies, or (this was my real dream) influencing and ultimately bringing peace and justice to the whole entire world. As a youth, I had witnessed poverty, abuse, and injustice on every scale imaginable. My determination for 
a better life gave me DRIVE and HOPE. My determination to rid the world of the evil I had seen propelled me to not only survive my childhood, but to thrive for "others" sake...who I knew in this GREAT NATION America other children were "caught" also.

I don't remember an awful lot about my childhood, but there are moments that stand out for me which I held onto like a twig in a raging river to keep from drowning. I lived a double life. Monday through Friday at home with my mom, I went to school, and came "home" to a living Hell on Earth with Medusa at the Head of the Household. Then, on the weekends come Friday evening after school let out I was out of there. My mother eager to be rid of me permitted visitation with extended family. Thankfully my grandmother, Aunt Virginia and Uncle Ed would retrieve me where I was introduced to Heaven on Earth as they did the best they could to relieve me from the fiery furnace of trials and tribulations of my week. Calmness on Friday Night, Education on Saturdays and Church on Sundays. My grandmother was quite the spiritual woman, and to sit at her feet in her presense in His presense while she read the Bible to me was my "safe" refuge hidden in the wilderness. Then, when I was with My Uncle Ed and Aunt My Aunt was the best cook ever! Fresh food she had canned right from the garden Uncle Ed planted were flavorful luxeries fit for a Queen..

Then, Uncle Ed would let me into his sacred closet after Saturday mornings cutting grass, and working in the Garden-Weed'en and Harvesting. In that closet was years and years of National Geographics. I was amazed at the places I could travel to with the aid of pictures and stories and never have left that closet on Saturdays. Then Sunday would roll around and off we all went to Church...althought I was too young to really remember much of the "lesson" from the pulpit...the greatest lessons I learned were in the "safety" of the presense of The Lord and those in whom He obviously resided. I only remember how they represented the fulfillment of my highest possible aspiration that one day I would also return to stand behind that same podium as a person who had succeeded in making the world a much better place teaching of Love, and Christ in all those places I saw in the pages of The National Geographic Magazines in my youth.

To this end, I began my college studies setting out to major in English and Religion, and dreamed of working for the PEACE CORPS or a Foreign Service and climbing my way up into the upper echelons of international policy makers and shakers. I dreamed of introducing democracy and Christianity to to far away lands. I dreamed of sharing with others what FREEDOM was as I knew the bondage of Monday-Friday, and then FREEDOM on the weekends. I dreamed of making sure no child ever had to go hungry or abused. I dreamed that no child would have to endure the sexually crossed boundaries where innocence was preyed upon for adult pleasure. I dreamed of sharing Love with the world. I dreamed of bringing peace and understanding amongst people all over the world, and to make those people I saw in the National Geographics smile...cause they all looked so sad. I dreamed of teaching sustainable living and gardening where no one would ever have to live in poverty and go to bed hungry at night which no child or adult should ever have to endure. Mostly, I dreamed of representing HOPE for others that no matter how bad life seemed at the moment it will get better.

Despite my sincere desire to save the world, I never managed to move past rhetoric and idealism to meaningful action. In the end, as you might have suspected, my life has followed a very different path from the one I had envisioned for myself. I never finished college. I had to drop out right in the middle..go to work, then return to school, drop out, go to work...then HONOR THY MOTHER came calling. Some of you already know the story of my mom, and her dying, and my Heavenly Father using me to locate her "adopted out " child and leading mom to breaking the bondage the devil had her in all her life and the reason for the HELL I grew up in. So, I won't go there in this post except to say, when HONOR calls..please Answer. For what was the be the biggest challenge of my life, moving through forgiveness and healing through the pain of my mother, I in the end with the compassion and love of God healed her, and she died in my arms at peace, and in love with The Lord.

My own life experience has taught me the wisdom of "Think Globally, Act Locally" approach. Looking back, I now realize the MAGNITUDE of the "smallest" ACT from sitting at my grandmothers feet to my Uncle Ed's closet full of prized years of collecting National Georgraphics that he could have said "No" you can't mess with them. Instead, his one YES...opened up a WORLD of potential for me. The one yes, of the school friend who parents said YES, when you are ready to leave home, you can live with us and finish high school. Those tiny minute ACTS, caused a ripple in the continum of my life...and Christianity has taught me that all ACTS are either building UP people and granting LIBERTY, or they are tearing DOWN people and placing into BONDAGE. All other ACTS are either for providing an "enviroment" which fosters HOPE or threatens DISPAIR. Where LOVE is absent FEAR sets in.

These are the fine lines of living. No one can legislate morality. But what should happen in SOCIETY is just the things I had at times as a child...A SAFE HAVEN, A SAFE REFUGE from "tryanny", and a PLACE where I could grow into THE PERSON GOD intended me to be.

No, I never got to stand behind a pulpit sharing with a body of folks all about God and Christs Love. You see I grew up in a Baptist religion and was told there are no WOMEN that dream got shot down very early. Being poor I never got alot of the "opportunities" afforded others. BUT there existed inside this "well-spring" lying dormant until just the right ingredients came long which brought it to the surface and in like manner of the twig of HOPE I held onto as a child, I held on that my VOICE MATTERS. Several years ago I decided to GIVE all my life to Christ to be used, and I began to share my heart and my voice with you gathered here by one you listened. Lately I have decided to move more into the realm of taking Christs spirit and taking my voice and using it politically leading and sharing. For we are to provide a SAFE HAVEN from tyranny, and that is what America is to me, and its time to root out the "ELEMENTS" of EVIL which threaten that. We have a DUTY to VOTE, to get involved. Whether it is our calling to TAKE OFFICE, or not, we have a duty to GET CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLED people whose CALLING it is INTO OFFICE...and to CLEAN HOUSE.

I cannot live someone else's life for them nor can I fix them. I have been Johnny Appleseed many times in my life, mainly to those in emotional pain who truly need assistance to help them try to make some sense out of this world . I have had many wonderful teachers including the man sitting along the side of the street with dirty clothes on. Everyone has a story, talking to them is like opening a book. I have shared a part me with you today.

So these lessons and teachers are handing the baton to you now. All you have to do is pick it up and run with it!

Whatever you want to be, to have, to "become"---be it a harmonious family life, a courageous mindset, more energy to get the job done, passion FOR life, a joyous and carefree existence, loving relationship---whatever! But there are only 2 ways to go---learn on your own, from your own mistakes or learn from others and shorten the learning curve...that has always been my best teacher.

Great men and women rest one hand on the shoulder of the other for SUPPORT with the other stretched out behind "to help" a straggler. Small men and women put all their weight upon the backs of others with both hands out in "entitlement" indifferent to the sufferings and plights of others~concerned ONLY for self...and the relief of their pain.

At any given time, I have one hand resting on the shoulder of another by Grace, and I AM reaching out my hand to you. Take it and I'll do my best to lead you on a journey of self-discovery and growth taking you over or around obstacles and stumbling blocks in the path. Ready? Great! Then...let' begin with the journey and always remember our pact---TRUST IN THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE...the cues and clues are there for your journey...but KNOW it is YOUR journey YOU must take.
UNITED "tightly knit" WE can do all things through Christ who strengthens (in those bit difficult times). Yes, TO DO "righteousness" is a definite determinant of Character and of The Greatest of Virtues next to Love...which is COURAGE in my humble opinion. As I look back over my own life, I can single out the important role that courage played in ALL my struggles, wrestling right and wrong to arrive to a place of righteousness.

The punishment and VENGENCE belongs to Father....yes, get our People OUT of there, and back home in The HOUSE of Israel... Satan soon approaches to set us his "office" in Jerusalem AS The Anti-Christ...and into the fullness of the Captivity we go. BUT...let no your hearts be troubled BE COMFORTED, and KNOW that not one hair on OUR heads shall be harmed, the "1" will become ""232" VERY ELECT, and then when the 7000 hear the TRUTH and say YES, THAT is Truth...."they" COME OUT OF BABYLON, and "become" the VERY ELECT...and then "become" the 144,000 who upon hearing the TRUTH COME OUT. Stay FOCUS Children WE have "a mission" to accomplish. I love each and every one of you whom TRULY Love our LORD, The House Of Israel "ultimately" IS The Fathers, yet HEAD of The HOUSEHOLD, and the Children MUST accomplish what we have been sent to DO "those" ACTS. God SEES!

We look BACK in “Thanksgiving”, we look FORWARD in “Faith” that “Mercy” will bring us into “the promised land” to POSSESS IT.

Be “Thankful” FOR the “good” AND THE BAD.

In Genesis, Joseph “felt” alone when everyone had left him; he said all things have come against me for my Bad. BUT, Paul said In Romans 8:28 “We KNOW that all things work for good for those who love The Lord, who are called according to his purpose

29 For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

30And those he predestined he also called; and those he called he also justified; and those he justified he also glorified.

31 What then shall we say to this? If God is FOR us, who can be against us?

In verse 28, “WE KNOW” (the EMPHASIS is on “The Confidence”) that the GOOD WORK “He” has begun in us WILL “turn out” Justly! BE CONFIDENT! “I am persuaded” (subject) that NO-ONE can separate us. But verse 29 EXPLAINS verse 28. Speaks to “fore-ordination” or “pre-ordination”. I know “some” people have problem with this calling it a “contradiction”. It’s a “mystery” NOT a “contradiction”. It MOLDS us and SHAPES us into WHAT and WHO “He” desires us to be “for His Purpose” in these endtimes.

We must be FOCUSED (mindful) of what IS GOING FOR US… Remind Father of THIS….it’s HIS “promise” instead of (anti) belly-aching and moaning. If we “claim” to be a saint, “of THE ELECT”…then ACT like it!

Father says “I KNOW the plans I have for you”….truth is do we REALLY TRUST that? We all “claim” we want to be in the WILL of God. 1 Thess 5:18 In EVERY thing (subject) GIVE “thanks” (emphasis IS Thanks-giving): for this is THE WILL OF GOD in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Hear me “Saints”- We don’t NEED a “GREAT” faith (and “faith” being the “subject”….We NEED Faith in a GREAT “God”.

We are “faced” DAILY with FREE-WILL “choices” with what we DO with the “trash”(sufferings) in our Life. We can “bag it up” and sit it at the curb “for SOMEONE ELSE” to “deal with it”, we can “recycle” it, “transforming” IT into “something else” manifested “elsewhere”. OR we can DEAL WITH IT and get on our KNEES and repent of our “OWN trespasses” and ASK for “healing” turning it ALL over to Him, and allow the Christ Spirit to “transform” us by the RE-newing of our MINDS (the WAY we “think” becomes ACTION).

The WORD instructs us and Christ IN US “becomes” behavior modification.

In 1 Thess 5, The Saints will know the season of the Second Coming of Christ—Live the way Saints should live—Rejoice evermore—Do NOT despise prophesyings.

1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not asleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
8 But let us, who are of the day, BE SOBER, putting on the BREASTPLATE of faith and love; and for an HELMET, the HOPE of salvation.
9 For God hath NOT appointed US "to wrath", but to obtain SALVATION by our Lord Jesus Christ,
10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should LIVE together with him.
11 Wherefore COMFORT yourselves together, and EDIFY one another, even as also ye do.
12 And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which LABOUR among you, and are OVER you "in the Lord", and admonish you;
13 And to ESTEEM them very highly in love for their work’s sake.And be at PEACE among yourselves.
14 Now we exhort you, brethren, WARN them that are UNRULY,COMFORT the FEEBLE-MINDED, SUPPORT the WEAK, be patient toward ALL men.
15 See that NONE RENDER EVIL for evil unto any man; but ever FOLLOW that which is GOOD, BOTH among "yourselves", AND to "ALL" men.
16 REJOICE evermore.
17 PRAY without ceasing.
18 In EVERY THING give THANKS: for this is "The Will of God" IN Christ Jesus concerning you.
19 QUENCH NOT The Spirit.
20 Despise not prophesyings.
21 PROVE ALL things; hold fast that which is GOOD.
23 And the very God of peace SANCTIFY you WHOLLY (unlike Eve was was WHOLLY seduced); and I pray God your whole "spirit and soul and body" be preserved BLAMELESS unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
25 Brethren, PRAY for us.
26 Greet all the brethren with an holy KISS.
27 I CHARGE you by the Lord that this epistle be READ unto all the holy brethren.
28 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Judge not, that ye be not judged, MAT 7:1. LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

Let me conclude this teaching by directing our attention to Psalms 2:1-3, "Why do the HEATHEN RAGE, and The People IMAGINE a VAIN thing? The "kings of the earth" SET THEMSELVES, and THE RULERS take counsel together, AGAINST THE LORD, AND  AGAINST HIS ANOINTED  saying, Let US break THEIR bands asunder, and cast away THEIR cords from US."  THIS IS VERY important in maintaining that which is good and not murmuring for THE EVIL-DOERS are setting themselves NOT against We The People BUT AGAINST THE LORD and The Vengence BELONGS TO PRAY without ceasing. LOVE ONE ANOTHER! STOP the one upmanship and UNDERSTAND that TOGETHER we are all ONE In HIM....No takes US WORKING TOGETHER IN HIM to accomplish His Will that HE may "take that vengeance" upon our enemy.

Watch what the Judge of heaven and earth says in Verse 4, "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: THE Lord shall have them in derision." He is saying they have EXCEEDED THEIR JURISDICTION. That is the SUBJECT I want to deal with in the CLOSE this message. And as we look OUT "into the chaos" ensuing at this very writing wars and rumors of war this is not far-fetched to imagine.

The FIRST AREA OF JUDGING begins with "passing judgment upon God" and "The Authority of His Word". Why do the heathen rage and imagine a vain thing? Why do they pass judgment upon the Lord? The kings and rulers take counsel together against WHOM? Against the Lord and His anointed. WHO is His Anointed? The Lord Jesus Christ is His Anointed; the name Christ means Anointed, and taking counsel implies passing judgment. THEY DEVISE their vain imagings of New World Order and GLOBALIZATION CONTROL and placing themselves As God, Ruler of ALL.

It's the calm before the storm, troubles ahead, keep your head above water and stay focused. God will be with us and for us, not against us. Come on CHURCH…Its GO TIME! TIME to HIT THE TRAIL like one BIG HAPPY FAMILY (Ekklesia) 2John2

Thursday, October 11, 2012

REMIND ME...The Promises of GOD in Prophecy

Remind Me is a popular country song with Brad Paisley "singing I don't want to settle for good not great" a dialog about how things USED to be...and Carrie Underwood saying "REMIND ME" of how it used to be. I was listening to the song, and thinking about past loves, and then thinking about The LORD in His RELATIONSHIP to Israel. Having once been so in love with her, but being disobedient He DIVORCED her. As I look back on times in the Word, I began to think of Carrie talking to Brad saying...if you still LOVE ME...Don't ASSUME I JUST KNOW...REMIND ME. The TIME is NOW to Remind The Lord and plead TOGETHER...not be divisive in this POLITICAL Arena which only SERVES to PIT us against them, me against you...Let us COME TOGETHER in PRAYER.

Isaiah 43:26 KJV - Put me in remembrance [2142] : let us plead [8199] together [3162]: declare [5608] thouthat thou mayest be justified [6663] .GATHER yourselves together; that I will tell you that which shall befall you in the last days... 

Genesis 49:1 God's faithfulness in TIME...… can be clearly seen by anybody willing to take a look at GOD's PROMISES to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (later named Israel when he was about 100 years old) and to their descendents forever... whether or not their descendants deserved GOD's loving kindness and mercy to them this is an ETERNAL Covenant.

This study - "THE PROMISES" is about commitments GOD made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to their generations of children "forever" and WHERE are these "people" of The Promise. These promises do not exhaust all the promises GOD has made but a telescopic presentation.

So let's gather around; and start with several points we learn from history:

*Genesis 12 - at LUZ (Bethel) Abram; Genesis 25:11-22 The Place is called Bethel and the Stone where Jacob rested his head is called Bethel, Genesis 35:6; Psalm 114 *Priogeniture = first born. Inheritor of birthright promises beginning with Abraham, passed on to Isaac, to Jacob and then...

*Genesis 48-49 Joseph's two sons (1/2 Egyptian) were MANASSEH (promised to become a great nation ie America) and EPHRAIM (promised to become a commonwealth of nations ie Great Britain) Little known is the history of two Egyptian Obelisks dating back to 1500bc when Joseph ruled in Egypt... in recent times gifted to London and New York City - relocated in the heart of the two most populous cities in the world of the 1800's.

Visit: Cleopatra's Needles *1 Chronicles 5:1-2 (written in the Southern Kingdom of JUDAH) states Ruben was the firstborn of Jacob, but... the birthright went to Joseph's two sons (and THIS fact is stated twice)

*Exodus(es) from Egypt
 - (Actually, there were two departures according to Dioderus Siculus):

* "THE FIRST(and least understood) exodus "by sea" - when the wealthy descendants of Zarah escaped lower Egypt crossing the Mediterranean Sea to form the Grecian City-States; after to become the Militians of Spain remembered in the name Zaragoza on the Iberian ("Eber" = "Hbr" the same as Hebrew -- "ian" = "land") peninsula - Iber-ain. Later, the Iberians colonized: New Iberain (New Ireland). Even coming to America LONG BEFORE Christopher Columbus and much evidence is written in STONE.

*THE SECOND (and most familiar) Exodus was by land when the descendants of Pharez -were led by Moses through the Wilderness to the Promised Land). Zarah and Pharez were the twin sons of JUDAH and Tamar (his daughter-in-law) - Genesis 39 Now, does GOD know how to intentionally muddy the water, or what?  

HISTORY records "TWO exoduses" - alluded to when comparing Solomon to the Ethan, Heman, Chalcol, Darda and the sons of Mahol - we know from history, Darda (Dardanus) was one who founded the Greek "City States" 
1Kings 4:31

For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about. ;

1 Chronicles 2:6

The sons of Zerah were Zimri, Ethan, Heman, Calcol, and Dara—five of them in all. 
but that's another story...

THE BIBLE records in Ezekiel 23 - 2 "Nations" exodused out of Egy
pt. Aholah- Samaria, the 10 "Lost Tribes" of the Northern "Kingdom" (ISRAEL); and Aholibah-Jerusalem, the 2 Tribes of the Southern "Kingdom" (JUDAH).

Exodus 17:1-9 - The ROCK: Moses was told to smite the
 From the wilderness of Sin the whole congregation of the Israelites journeyed by stages
, as the Lord commanded. They camped at Rephidim, but there was no water for the people to drink. 
The people quarreled with Moses, and said, "Give us water to drink." Moses said to them, "Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the Lord?" 

 But the people thirsted there for water; and the people complained against Moses and said, "Why did you bring us out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and livestock with thirst?" 

 So Moses cried out to the Lord, "What shall I do with this people? They are almost ready to stone me." 

 The Lord said to Moses, "Go on ahead of the people, and take some of the elders of Israel with you; take in your hand the staff with which you struck the Nile, and go. 

 I will be standing there in front of you on the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it, so that the people may drink." Moses did so, in the sight of the elders of Israel. 

 He called the place Massah and Meribah, because the Israelites quarreled and tested the Lord, saying, "Is the Lord among us or not?" 

 Then Amalek came and fought with Israel at Rephidim. 

 Moses said to Joshua, "Choose some men for us and go out, fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand."
Numbers 20:1-13
Moses was told to speak to the "sale" - NOT to strike it a second time;

1 Corinthians 10:4 - talks about a Stone that followed them through the wilderness Where did that Stone go? To the swap meet?

The Coronation Stone of Scone is called by other names - most prominently Jacob's Pillar and is placed underneath the St. Edward's Chair for every Coronation. @@@ Ask yourself… WHERE on earth are God's promises to Abraham and his generations fulfilled? And what Nation or Nations will protect and defend Jerusalem in the Last Days? Are you ready to find out?...

HISTORY records "TWO exoduses"
 - alluded to when comparing Solomon to the Ethan, Heman, Chalcol, Darda and the sons of Mahol - we know from history, Darda (Dardanus) was one who founded the Greek City States (1 Kings 4:31; 1 Chronicles 2:6), but that's another story... THE BIBLE records in Ezekiel 23 - 2 nations exodused out of Egypt. Aholah - Samaria, the 10 "Lost Tribes" of the Northern Kingdom (ISRAEL); and Aholibah - Jerusalem, the 2 Tribes of the Southern Kingdom (JUDAH) Exodus 17:1-9 - The ROCK: Moses was told to smite the "tsuni"; Numbers 20:1-13 Moses was told to speak to the "sale" - NOT to strike it a second time; 1 Corinthians 10:4 - talks about a Stone that followed them through the wilderness Where did that Stone go? To the swap meet?! 

The Coronation Stone of Scone is called by other names - most prominently Jacob's Pillar and is placed underneath the St. Edward's Chair for every Coronation.

Ask yourself… WHERE on earth are God's promises to Abraham and his generations fulfilled? And what Nation or Nations will protect and defend Jerusalem in the Last Days?

GOD gave many promises. Some were conditional; others were not. Not all the promises GOD gave are fulfilled in the generations of JUDAH ("father" of the Jewish people-NOT to be confused with the ZIONISTS), in the Church, and in Jesus Christ. 

Promises to JUDAH  - Remember: Jacob, who wrestled with the Angel; the LORD changed Jacob's name to ISRAEL after this event. JACOB/ISRAEL had 12 sons. In Genesis 49 we read, each son was given specific promises of blessing - but NOT the birthright promises.

JUDAH was given very specific promises of blessing by his father such as:
1. he will be as a lion,
2. his brothers would bow down before him; and
3. the scepter to rule and a law giver would never depart from him until Shiloh comes to reign.

But JUDAH did not receive God's cumulative Birthright promises of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You can be read about GOD's promises in Genesis 49:8-12. Additionally, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (and Jacob's 12 sons - Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Judah, Joseph, and Benjamin) were all Hebrews.

Promises to the Church can be best understood in 2 Corinthians 2:20 Paul wrote: All the promises of God through [Jesus Christ] are YES and AMEN... to the glory of God the Father. GOD is not uncertain about HIS temporal or eternal plans. When HE says something, it becomes FACT - everything from Light... be (and it was)... to WE make adam in Our image, after Our likeness (and HE is still working on that one - obviously - because I'm still here typing this... you're still there reading it... and heaven and earth haven't passed away... yet!)

Promises to Jesus Christ Who will return as KING of Kings and LORD of Lords, who said, "MY Kingdom is not of this world." If it was - HE could call LEGIONS to come fight for Him. Other promises to Jesus include: one day, every knee shall bow... to Him.... Now, don't worry about asking, "When will all GOD's promises be fulfilled?" We'd all love to know. But unlike us, GOD is not a slave to TIME... any more than HE's a slave to HIS own creation. Whenever HE wants whatever to happen, it does. We quickly learn that GOD is not like us. With all the power available to HIM, HE isn't into a lot of special effects and showing off. As to when GOD decides to make all things new, as we read in Esdras: none of us is more concerned about creation than The CREATOR Himself.

In the meantime, these promises - the ones GOD gave Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to be fulfilled in their children's children - a major population group continually growing and prospering till the end of time. And yet there is a curious reality to GOD's word. In spite of not locating certain details such as thumb prints or street addresses, we might want to heed the aged-father ISRAEL's advice to his sons when he says to them, "Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days" - Genesis 49.

In other words, father ISRAEL established a "starting point" to understanding GOD's faithfulness to His Word... worked out in his children's children on the stage of history... adequate enough for anybody to figure out, if they choose to look.

Come with me as we "gather together" and take a journey toward AMERICA.
What does it really mean to be an American! God has always know about America! What does the word “America” mean?

Gen 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
11 And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of n
ations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins.

In verse 11 above “a nation” is the same nation spoken of in Gen 48 when Jacob told Joseph that Manasseh would be a great nation. Gen 48:19 …..he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great…….

That same nation is mentioned in Genesis 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing.

Is there any doubt that the nation being spoken of above is America?

What’s in a name? Have you ever broken down a word or name to find the meaning behind the word or name? Let’s take an easy one, British, and find the etymology of the name. Brit and ish. Bryth in Hebrew means covenant. iysh in Hebrew means man. So British in Hebrew literally means "Covenant man".

Where did the name America come from? In the 1961 edition of the Encyclopedia Americana in the article on “America”, the origins of the word, America, are given. The German map maker, Martin Waldseemuller, had read about Italian Amerigo Vespucci’s travels to the new world. Waldseemuller named the new world America on his map, in honor of Amerigo, and the name stuck. (Note: The only country called “America” from either North America or South America is the "United States of America".)

The Italian name, Amerigo, actually comes from the old Saxon Gothic name Amelrich or Amelric. The “L” was dropped in the Italian version because it was difficult for the Italians to pronounce the word with the L and the R together. So America = Amerigo = Amelric.

Let’s do an etymology of Amelric: Am - el - ric. In Hebrew “am”, Strong’s OT: 5971, means people or nation. In Hebrew “el”, Strong’s OT: 410, means God. “Ric”, in the old Sachsen Gothic means “powerful” or “mighty”. So America then would mean “the People of God Almighty”.

The people of God Almighty, or the people of the lost tribes of Israel, have been lost to the world and to themselves for a very long time. God has always known where they were and God kept his promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and He made them numerous and made them many nations and a “company of nations” (Britain) and made them a “great nation” (America).

Basically the 12 tribes settled in northern Europe and then later to America, etc.

The countries would be: America (Manasseh), Britain (Ephraim), France (Reuben), Germany (Judah), Ireland & Denmark (Dan), Norway & Iceland (Benjamin).

Also Belgium (Asher), Netherlands (Zebulon), Sweden (Naphtali), Finland (Issachar), Luxembourg or Switzerland? (Gad).

Simeon and Levi were to be scattered throughout Israel. No country of their own.

Other nations of Saxons (True Israelites) would include Austria, Canada, South Africa, Australia, a few in Spain, etc. Wherever you find Saxon, Celtic, Gothic people that's where Israel is today.America was prophesied about all the way back in Genesis.

God promised that Abraham’s seed would be a blessing to the entire world.

Gen 12:2-3

2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. KJV

I am all too aware of the liberal progressive socialists who have worked their way into all levels of our government, our educational system, our economic system and our religious denominations. They have harmed our country in so many ways. 

Isaiah 3:4 And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them. KJV

However, the United States of America is still the greatest nation the world has ever known. Where would the rest of the world be now if it weren’t for the United States. If the Nazis, Imperial Japan and the Italians had won World War 2, then the whole world would have been under the control of brutal dictatorships. If America had not stood against the spread of communism, the Russians and the Chinese would have dominated the entire world with brutal Marxist regimes.

Speaking of Israel God said through Jeremiah:

Jer 51:20 Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms; 

This verse in Jeremiah was prophesy for the future as Israel had not performed this duty as “God’s battle axe” before the captivities and migrations. Certainly America has fulfilled this role since the late 1800’s. America is the “great nation” mentioned in Gen 12:2.

So even in the face of many short comings, never lose sight of the fact that it is our great nation, America, that offers the most freedom and the best standard of living in the world. And never forget that many people in the world live free today only because of a great nation called, America, God’s “battle axe”.

    THE TWO GREAT PROPHECIES OF THE END OF THE AGE (Luke 21 and Matt. 24. Mark 13.)

The great prophecy recorded in Luke 21 is different both in time, place and subject from that recorded in Matt 24 and Mark 13.

The one recorded in Luke was spoken "on one of those days, as He taught the people in the Temple" (Luke 20:1). For one note of time is in 21:1, "and He looked up and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the Treasury." So that He was still "in the Temple" when He uttered the prophecy recorded in Luke 21, for the whole conversation with the disciples follows without a break the Lord's commendation of the widow.

But with regard to the prophecy recorded in Matt 24, we distinctly read (v. 1) "and Jesus went out and departed from the Temple ... and as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately" (v. 30). So in Mark 13:1, "He went out of the Temple ... and as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, over against the Temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked Him privately" (v. 3).

So that we have two great prophecies. One (Luke) spoken in the Temple, the other (Matthew and Mark) spoken later upon the Mount of Olives. As parts of the first are repeated on the second occasion, we will give the leading points of the three in parallel columns, so that the object of each, and the difference between them, may be clearly seen.

They both open with a summary of events which might have taken place in the lifetime and experience of those who heard the words :--


LUKE 21:8-9. MATT. 24:4-6 MARK 13:5-7

"Take heed that ye be not deceived "Take heed that no man deceive you. "Take heed lest any man deceive you.for may shall come in My name, For many shall come in My name, For many shall come in My name saying, I am Christ; and the time saying I am Christ; and shall deceive saying, I am Christ; and shall draw near: go ye not therefore many. And ye shall hear of wars and deceive many. And when ye after them. But when ye shall hear rumors of war see that ye be not shall hear of wars and rumors of wars and commotions, be not troubled: for all these things must of war, be ye not troubled: terrified: for these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." for such things must needs be; first come to pass; but the end is but the end shall not be yet."
not immediately."

John refers to this first sign in his First Epistle (2:18); but had the nation repented at the proclamation by Peter in Acts 3:18-26, by the Twelve in the Land, by "them that heard Him" (Heb. 2:3), and by Paul in the Synagogues of the Dispersion, "all that the prophets had written" would have been fulfilled.

LUKE 21:10, 11. MATT. 24:7, 8. MARK 13:8

"Nation shall rise against nation "Nation shall rise against nation, "Nation shall rise against nation,and kingdom against kingdom: and kingdom against kingdom; and kingdom against kingdom; and great earthquakes shall be in and there shall be famines, and and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places, and there shall pestilences, and fearful sights divers places. All these are be famines and troubles: and great signs shall there be the beginning of sorrows." these are the beginnings of sorrows."
from heaven."

Now, it will be observed in the Lord's discourse as recorded in Luke, that, instead of saying "these are the beginnings of sorrows", and going on with the account of them, He stops short; He goes back; He introduces a parenthesis detailing and describing events that would take place "BEFORE ALL THESE" beginnings of sorrows. He describes in v. 12,


12. But before all these That is to say "BEFORE" the great tribulation, all that is recorded concerning Jerusalem in vv. 12-24 would take place. These are the closing words :--

24. "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

Now, in the discourse recorded in Matt. 24, instead of going back to speak of the condition of Jerusalem before and until the beginning of the great Tribulation; having said "All these are the beginning of sorrows", He goes on to describe the sorrows, or birth-pangs of the Tribulation (Matt. 24:9-28. Mark 13:9-23), and He continues the prophecy concerning these sorrows up to the moment of His appearing in the clouds of heaven.

While, in the discourse recorded in Luke 21, having gone back, and described what should take place "before all these" beginnings of sorrows, the Lord does not speak further of the great Tribulation, but takes it up at the end, and, as in Matthew and Mark, speaks concerning


(of course, in Luke the words are slightly different from those in Matthew and Mark) :--

LUKE 21:25-27. MATT. 24:29, 30 MARK 13:24-26.

"And there shall be signs in "Immediately after the tribulation "But in those days, after that
the sun, and in the moon, and of those days (*1) shall the sun tribulation, the sun shall be
in the stars; and upon the be darkened, and the moon shall darkened, and the moon shall not earth distress of nations, not give her light, and the stars give her light, and the stars of
with perplexity; the sea and shall fall from heaven, and the heaven shall fall, and the powers
the waves roaring; men's hearts powers of the heavens shall be that are in heaven shall be shaken, failing them for fear, and for shaken: and then shall appear the and then shall they see the Son looking after those things sign of the Son of man in heaven: of man coming in the clouds which are coming on the earth; and then shall all the tribes of the with great power and glory."for the powers of the heavens earth mourn, and they shall see the
shall be shaken. And then shall Son of man coming in the clouds of they see the Son of man coming heaven with power and great glory."in a cloud with power and
great glory."

The first prophecy, in the Temple (Luke 21), was uttered in answer to two questions : (1) "When shall these things be?" and (2) "What sign shall there be when these things shall come to pass?" The answer to (1) is given in vv. 8-24, and the answer to (2) in vv. 25-28.

The second prophecy, on the Mount of Olives (Matt. 24 and Mark 13), was uttered in answer to three distinct questions : (1) "When shall these things be?" (2) "What shall be the sign of Thy coming?" and (3) "And [what shall be the sign] of the end of the age?" The answer to (1) was given in Matt. 24:4-14. Mark 13:5-13. The answer to (2) was given in Matt. 24:15-27. Mark 13:14-23; and to (3) in Matt. 24:29-31 and Mark 13:24-27 (and in Luke 21:25-28). And then both prophecies conclude with the Parable of the Fig tree, and the final solemn assurance :--

"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall by no means (See Ap. 105. III) pass, till all these things may be fulfilled" (*2) (Matt. 24:34. Mark 13:30. Luke 21:32.)

This latter is the last of four equally impressive statements : Matt. 10:23; 16:28; 23:39; 24:34.

Each of these consists of two clauses, the former of which contains the strongest negative that could possibly have been used (see Ap. 105. III); and should be rendered "by no means", or "in no wise", as it is often rendered elsewhere; while in the latter clause the verb is in the subjunctive mood with or without the Greek Particle "an", which (though it cannot be represented in translation) makes the clause hypothetical and dependent on some condition expressed or implied. This condition was, in each of these four passages, the repentance of the nation, in response to the appeal of "the other servants" of Matt. 22:4, as recorded in Acts 3:18-26 and elsewhere, culminating in Acts 28:17-29.

The conclusion of both prophecies thus consists of an assured certainty, with a definite contingency, or uncertainty which was not fulfilled.

Had the nation repented, then Jesus Christ would have been "sent", and "the restoration of all things which God had spoken by all His holy prophets since the world began" would have taken place, in accordance with God's Divine assurance given by Peter in Acts 3:18-26; but the condition of national repentance (Lev. 26:40-42; Hos. 14:1-4, &c.) was not fulfilled; hence that generation passed away; and both prophecies (with all the others) are now postponed. The first sign of all did (and will again) take place - the rising of the "many Antichrists", whereby John could say they knew that it was "the last hour" before "the end of that age" (1John 2:18).

(*1) Leaving no space, therefore, for a millennium of peace between the great Tribulation and the appearance of the Lord in glory; proving that the second coming must be pre-millennial.

(*2) In all three passages the verb is genetai = may arise, or may have come to pass: not pleroo = be entirely fulfilled or finished, as in Luke 21:24. This was so in both cases.

13:1-14:25. RETURN TO BETHANY.

S6 J1 13:1-27. On leaving the Temple. The 2nd great Prophecy on the Mont of Olives.
J2 14:1-25. On arrival at Bethany. The 2nd Supper and 2nd Anointing.


J1 K 1. The Disciples' remark.
L 2. The Lord's reply. Prediction.
K 3,4. The Disciples' 2 Questions.
L 5-37. The Lord's reply. Prophecy.

29 A.D.

Mark 13)

1 And as He went out of the temple (as in Matt. 24:1, marking this as the latter 2 prophecies; the former [Luke 21:1,27] being spoken "in the temple"), one of His disciples said to Him, "Teacher, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here!" (There are stones measuring 20 to 40 feet long, and weighing over 100 tons)

2 And Jesus answering said to him, "See you these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall by no means be thrown down." (Denoting absolute certainty. When would that be? Naturally, at the events that would consummate the end of this age)


K M1 3,4-. "When shall these things be?"
M2 -4. "What shall be the sign?"

3 And as He sat upon the mount of Olives (the former prophecy being in the Temple) over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked Him privately,
4 "Tell us, when shall these things be? (The 1st question)

and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?" (The 2nd question. In other words, tell us when the end of the world will be; the question many men have asked)


L N1 5-7. Answer to the 1st Question.
N1 8-37. Answer to the 2nd Question.


N1 e 5. Warning. "Be not deceived."
f 6. Reason. Things seen.
e 7-. Warning. "Be you not troubled."
f -7. Reason. Things heard.

5 And Jesus answering them began to say, "Take heed lest any man deceive you: (They twist Scripture)

(1st Seal)
6 Because many shall come upon My name (= trading upon, as their basis of their claims), saying, 'That I am [He] Christ;' and shall deceive many. (These taken by Satan by the so called "rapture". Again, the warning concerns religionists. There are many preachers that come in the name of Jesus Christ, in other words claiming to be a Christian, and they deceive many. Anyone that claims to be teaching Christ and does not teach His word is not of Christ. He didn’t say a few, but a lot that would claim to a teach God’s word but never quite get around to doing it. And then He tells of the coming of antichrist and how God’s elect would stand against that spurious messiah rather than the trot of being blasted off into the atmosphere with their fly away doctrine for it is NOT written. And the ignorance of needing to properly translate from the Greek is what causes many to follow the fallacy. He did not say maybe the false christ will come before we gather back to Him.)

(2nd Seal)
7 And when you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be you not troubled:

for such things are necessary to come to pass; but the end shall not be yet. (What is the opposite of wars? Peace. When they cry, Peace! Peace! Peace!)


N2 O1 8-27. Prophecy. Instruction.
O1 28-37. Parables. Warnings.


O1 P 8-13. Time. Beginning.
Q 14-20. Sign. The Abomination of desolation.
Q 21-23. Sign. False Christs. Disbelief.
P 24-27. Time. The end.


P g 8. The beginning.
h 9-. Persecution.
i -9,10. Testimony and Reason.
h 11-13-. Persecution.
g -13. The end.

3rd Seal
8 For nation shall rise upon nation, and kingdom against kingdom: (quoted from Isa. 19:2) and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines (for truth. See Amos 8:11) and troubles: these are a beginning of birth-pangs. (See Luke 21)

(4th & 5th Seal)
9 But take heed to yourselves: because they shall deliver you up to councils; and to synagogues [of Satan] (the Sanhedrin.) you shall be beaten (brow-beaten. What synagogue are we talking about? Do you remember Revelation chapter 3 verse 9? It is stated there, for you that have the key of David, that there are those that claim to be of our brother Judah but in fact are the Kenites of the synagogue of Satan and even they will come and worship. And it says that I will let you escape the hour of temptation, as it was written there in Revelation chapter 3. So here’s another account of that being delivered up before the son of perdition in his synagogue, his gathering place, his church so to speak. Now that’s not to be confused of any synagogue of today, but the synagogue of antichrist when he is on this earth. Any one that refuses to accept the son of perdition as the true messiah, naturally will be delivered up for what, punishment? No conversion.

The great apostasy would have taken place. So we continue. And this is part of that hour of temptation. It may be tempting for some to say, “Oh well, why fight it?” but to the rest it will be an abomination. And to be beaten is only to be beaten spiritually if you allow it. In as much as the spurious messiah is playing Savior or Jesus, it’s brow-beating in a sense, to try to beat you spiritually and to reason with you.): and you shall be brought before rulers and kings for My sake, (Would you be willing to do that for the Son of God? Would you be willing to do that for Jesus who died for us on the cross? I think so!)with a view to a testimony against them. (Pentecost. The act of a true Christian. See Acts 2. In other words, the purpose is to give testimony against the Kenites and the son of perdition. What an opportunity! Talk about a champion of the people! And people say that God’s word is boring? This will come to pass. It is written. And true Christians will stay true and remain a virgin, spiritually, all the way to the end, to the true Christ.)
10 And the glad tidings [of the kingdom] (as in Matt. 24:14) must first be proclaimed unto all the nations. (And this is the reason you are delivered up. Not to be harmed but to proclaim the gospel. “Well it is published today”. Oh, come on. You call that the gospel? Think about it. How many people have the eyes to see and ears to hear? So everyone is warned. When God’s elect are delivered up that is when the gospel will be published, those that are delivered up being given a trial at this great conversion in the synagogues before the spurious messiah of God’s elect that will not accept him.)

(5th seal. See Rev. 2:10)
11 But whenever they may be leading you, and deliver you up, be not full of care beforehand what you shall speak (see Matt. 6:25. Luke 12:22), neither do you premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour (the hour of temptation. This is the only time that God’s elect could commit the unpardonable sin and that’s why it is an hour of temptation. I do not think that one living soul will commit that sin because we find him an abomination. Well what will you do and what will you say?), that speak you: for it is not you that speak, but the Holy Spirit. (The Pentecost tongue. In other words this is that which was spoken of on Pentecost day when Peter would say, “This is what was spoken of by Joel the prophet (see Joel 2:28) when both the sons and the daughters are delivered up and the Holy Spirit speaks through them.” (see Acts 2:17) It’s coming. And that hour of temptation will be upon the whole world but God’s elect will not fall short. In this entire chapter Christ is making it very clear that the false messiah will come to this earth and establish this false church and government, as it is written even in Revelation 13, and we will stand against it for a very special reason. It is so that the truth spoken by the Holy Spirit, the very two-edged sword or word of God coming from the very mouth of those champions that are not deceived. Back in verse 5 of this 13th chapter that would be Christ’s first warning to take heed that no man deceive you. Why? Don’t listen to man’s traditions; rather, listen to the word of God for this is how it shall come to pass in that hour of temptation.)
12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the child; and children shall rise up against their parents, (quoted from Mic. 7:6) and shall put them before death. (Which is Satan. Heb. 2:14. Fellow Christians, fathers, &c. They think this is the real Jesus. They are fooled by the "rapture" theory. See Luke 12:3-12)
13 And you shall be hated by all men on account of My name:

but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.


Q j 14-17. Flight.
k 18. Commiseration.
j 19. Flight.
k 20. Commiseration.

6th Trump
14 But when you shall see the abomination of desolation, (= Satan, the Desolator. see Matt. 24:22. Quoted from Dan. 9:27; cp. 12:11) spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where he ought not, (let him that reads understand (and comments on these words in the assembly. Cp. 1 Tim. 4:13),) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:
15 And let him (watchman) that is upon the housetop (cp. Matt. 24:17) not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house: (Need no clothing or food because the end of age is near)
16 And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment.
17 But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! (As Paul stated in 2 Cor. 11:2, he wants to present you as a chaste virgin when Satan and his angels are cast out on this earth as it is written in Rev. 12:7. We are not talking about a mother carrying a natural child, we are talking about someone who has been impregnated in their mind or their forehead with this mark and they believe that the false Christ is actually Jesus. In other words, Christ is returning for a wedding with us and He does not want to find you in bed with the devil; not only with child (the mark) but giving suck which means helping Satan against God’s elect.)

18 And pray you that your flight be not in the winter. (Harvest out of season. Harvest time is in the summer. If you were harvested too early in the winter, you would have been taken by antichrist [instead of waiting for the true Messiah])

19 For in those days shall be tribulation (1st tribulation. False Christ, Satan appears. It was not Titus.), such as has not been the like from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, (notice the emphasis of this peculiar amplification, giving the Divine condemnation of "Evolution". Cp. in v.20, "the chosen whom He chose". See John 8:14) nor by any means shall come to pass. (Quoted from Dan. 1)

20 And except that the Lord had shortened those days (see Matt. 24:22.), not any flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom He has chosen, He has shortened the days. (To 5 months. See Rev. 9:5. Satan will perform miracles that will be difficult for some to imagine. You had better be mentally prepared.)


Q l 21-. False Christs.
m -21. Warning. Believe not.
l 22. False Christs.
m 23. Warning. Take you heed.

21 And then if any man shall say to you (the condition of probable contingency), 'Lo, here is the Messiah;' or, 'lo, He is there;'

believe him not: (Antichrist will be forgiving all debts, claiming to have brought peace to the world, and healing people. Remember, it isn't Christ if your still in the flesh.)

22 Because false Christs and false prophets shall rise (some of these say "rapture". The problem is, are you going to listen to them? Some might ask, “Well how do I know?” Well He just told you. You listen to one that produces the vine or the tree of God’s word and teaches you how to deal with it whereby you can understand.), and shall shew signs and wonders, (miracles) to seduce (spiritually), if it were possible, even the elect. (That's how good at it they are. Satan's tricks will make the tricks of Jannes and Jambres seem as child's play. You had better be ready. Don't be deceived. Don't be seduced. Make certain they don't seduce you into a one-way trip to hell. How do you do that? By focusing on the one body, the one faith and the one Lord. There is only One! The elect won't be seduced. We don't find Satan to be tempting. We find him to be an abomination!)

23 But take you heed: behold, I have foretold you all things. (Have you read it? Jesus Christ told us through the Word all we need to know to conquer Satan. He told us to beware of the seducing spirits. There are no excuses. Understand the simplicity of Christ's teachings. Keep God's Word simple, and you will be wise above all people in this generation. The religionist don't have a chance to deceive you. Do your homework and be a "can-do" type person. When you are a doer of His Word, the blessings will flow. He will always give us what we need to accomplish His will. We have the victory over Satan and his seducing spirits.)

13:24-27. TIME. THE END.

P n 24,25. Signs in heaven.
o 26. The coming of the Son of man.
o 27-. The sending of His angels.
n -27. Signs on earth.

6th seal
24 But in those days, after that tribulation (i.e. the 1st), the sun shall be darkened (deception this great), and the moon shall not give her light, (It will be shadowed at times, as it is written in Revelation 8, but here it is speaking of totally being blocked out by the brightness of the true Christ’s coming.)
25 And the stars of the heaven shall be falling out (implying continuousness, quoted from Isa. 13:10) and the powers that are in the heaven shall be shaken. (Quoted from Isa. 34:4. Satan and his angels cast out)

26 And then (after 6th Seal, 7th and last Trump) shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with much power and glory. (Quoted from Dan. 7:13. Cp. Joel 2:31)

27 And then shall He send His angels,

and shall gather together His elect (Isa. 10:20-22; 11:11-16; 27:6; 65; 9,15,22. Jer. 31:36-40; 33:17-26. Ezek. 36:8-15,24; 37:21-28; 39:25-26. Amos 9:11-15. Obed. 21,17. Zeph. 3:20) from the four winds, out of the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.


O2 R p 28. Parable. The fig-tree.
q 29-. Application.
r -29. Nearness.
S 30-33. Watch.
R p 34. Parable. The Householder.
q 35. Application.
r 36. Suddenness.
S 37. Watch!

28 Now learn (not maybe, learn it!) the parable (see Matt. 24:32) from the fig tree; When her branch shall already have become tender (a shoot, see 11:8), and puts forth its leaves, (Did it say fruit? No.) you get to know that summer [harvest] is near: (Some might asked, “Well what’s summer?” It’s harvest time, end of the world. [God often speaks in agricultural terms and any farmer knows that you harvest crops in the summer] Now the question at the beginning of this chapter was, when was the end of the world coming and when is Christ returning. He then gives us the seven trumpets which are the seven events that consummate the end of this world age. Are you familiar with them? I pray you are. We just covered the Book of Revelation so that means you should be. You see, you learn a great deal when you listen to the teachings of God and get the real fruit right from the source, the living tree, rather than a bunch of traditions and bed-die bye stories. All you have to do is get the fruit from the right tree. There’s only one tree that you get that from and that’s the word of God regardless of the reader or whatever. The only fruit comes from the true Tree of Life, which is to say Christ, the living word, this word.)

29 So you also, when you shall see these things taking place, (“These things” are the seven events that consummate the end of this age, and they are consuming rapidly.)

know that it is near, even at the doors. (In other words you’re right at the door of the end of the age. That’s how you tell. What do I mean, how do you tell? By knowing the parable of the fig tree.)

30 Truly I say to you, that this generation (final generation began in 1948 when Israel became a nation again. See Matt.11:16) shall not pass, till all these things may have taken place. (See Matt. 24:34. Marks it be conditional on the repentance of the nation [Acts 3:18-26. Do you see how important it is? When you know the parable of the fig tree and you know when that fig tree is established, you will then know which particular generation will be the final generation. No body knows the instant of Christ’s return, that is to say the year, month, date, and so-forth, but God’s elect will know the season, which is to say the final generation. The parable of the fig tree reveals that final generation. The final generation is not found by some man’s figuring of dates, it is determined from observing signs from Almighty God and from a promise that is true and shall come to pass exactly as it is written during which time the final seven steps, which are the seven seals, the seven plagues, and the seven trumps come to pass. You find each of these things spoken of and documented in this 13th chapter and they consummate the end of this age. The parable of the fig tree basically sets the parameters of that generation.)

31 The heaven and earth (age) shall pass away: but My words shall not pass away. (Know this beloved, that the generation of the parable of the fig tree, that fig tree was planted in the year of our Lord 1948, when both the good and the bad fig returned to Jerusalem. That has never happened since the time that Christ has walked the earth. Israel set up as a nation both good and bad figs as it is written in Jeremiah 24. See that you are not deceived of that time. Have you known since you where a child that there was more to God’s word than had been explained to you? Now let’s sum this a moment. Christ has told you what it will be like and what you will do at that time so you will be perfectly well protected. Now when Jesus spoke of this abominable thing, He made the book of Daniel a part of the New Testament. That means it was yet to come to pass. He was speaking of course of Dan 9:27:

Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,

This is the false Christ that causes this. This is what we call today Holy Communion.

...and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate…

Now properly translated in the Hebrew it says on the wings of the desolator he shall come with abomination.

...even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

This should be translated desolator. There you have it, the desolator; he that will be poured upon that cup of God’s wrath.

...translated in Mark 13:14, when "he"stands where "he" ought not. Why? Because the Greek is determined by the word that is used for IT or HE or SHE and is determined by the subject. Knowing this, you can see very well that this 27th verse of Daniel is not talking about a condition, but an entity, the desolator. See Dan. 11:31)
32 But concerning that day and that hour knows no one, not even the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son (i.e. as the "Son of Man"), but the Father.
33 Take you heed, lie sleepless and pray: for you know not when the season is.

34 For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey (see Matt. 21:35), leaving his house, and gave authority to his bond-servants, and to every man his work, commanded the porter withal to keep awake.

35 Watch you therefore: for you know not when the lord of the house comes, at evening, or at midnight, or at the cock-crowing, or in the morning: (Nobody knows the instant.)

36 Lest coming suddenly he find you composing yourself for sleep. (Voluntarily. He doesn't like that.)

37 And what I say to you I say to all, "Watch." (By discerning the seasons from His Word)
