Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What, exactly, is The American Dream and to be a Christian Nation

For decades, the United States has been moving away from freedom and free markets and, at an increasingly accelerating pace, toward socialism With Washington DC growing bigger and bigger by the day and distancing itself further and further from our precious Constitution and founding principles. Finally, in 2008, the decades-long dream of arrogant, power-hungry progressives came true: control of the House, Senate, and executive branches of the federal government.

Progressives have perverted the meaning of the term American Dream in an effort to transform the America of our Founding Fathers. They would have you believe that the American Dream is about increased government benefits and government-created rights.

But the American Dream that our grandparents knew was about people, not government. It was about people declaring they were above government - that politicians are the employees of those who vote them into office, not the other way around. The survival of a democratic republic is possible only through a strong people and a weak government - a government so weak that the average person would rarely even think about its existence.

Simply put, the American Dream meant that each individual possessed the God-given right to his life, his liberty, and the pursuit of his own happiness - without interference from others, especially those in government.

Unfortunately, government's number-one function today is redistribution of wealth. Through generations of brainwashing, those who have become addicted to government benefits do not understand that no cause, no matter how worthy some people may believe it to be, justifies the violation of any individual's right to his own life and property.

The time has come to reject the progressives serpent-like notion that the American Dream is about receiving benefits and cradle-to-grave security from politicians. The American Dream is about liberty, and the keystone of the American Dream is that liberty must be given a higher priority than all other objectives.

The government's job is to protect the natural rights that all human beings inherit at birth. Never did the Founding Fathers suggest that the government had the authority to grant rights to anyone. Their only objective was to throw out the government. They wanted to be free. That is what gave birth to the American Dream and our Christian form of government.

All laws that legalize the taking of property from people without their consent, no matter in what terms such laws may be couched and no matter what the purported justifications of such laws may be, are anti-constitutional and immoral (in "spiritual effect": Anti-Christian)

The American Revolutionists were well aware of this, which is why there were no provisions in the Constitution providing for government to fulfill the needs and desires of individual citizens.

What makes America a Christian nation? Many Christians erroneously believe it depends on whether our not our Founders were Christians. Others believe it depends on if a vast majority of Americans are Christians. The problems with these "criteria" is when one or more of our Founders are found not to be Christians; does that negate the rest?

Who determines the arbitrary percentage of a population that must be Christian to qualify? 100%? 51%? What about when even our Christian Founding Fathers came short of the glory of God and sinned against the Indians (incidentally 1/2 of my heritage Creek Indian ~ the other 1/2 is Irish) or in other ways against the blacks.

Does the fallibility of Christians in a Christian nation negate the claim? OF COURSE NOT!!!!! Even as an individual Christian fails morally now and then, he or she still can claim the name of Christ without reservation.

A Christian nation is determined by its form of government, not who formed it. If the form of a nation's government is shaped by Biblical ideas of man and government, in contrast to pagan or man centered ideas, the the nation is a Christian nation. Thusly, the American government and Constitution is the ...political expression of Christian ideas.

The Preamble to the Constitution provides evidence that it is the product of Christianity and its ideas of man and government. In the Preamble is found a summary of the purpose of civil government. These five basic functions are revealed in Scripture as legitimate.

The first is "to establish justice." This is the first purpose of civil government. The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:14 that civil rulers exist "for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right." Even back in Genesis 9:6, God told Noah that "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed." This is justice!

The second purpose of civil government is "to insure domestic tranquility." This is found in Scripture in 1 Timothy 2:1,2 where Paul urges Christians to pray for civil rulers "in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." Let US Pray as we never have before to heal our land!

The third is government is "to provide for the common defense." The protection of innocent human life is at the base of not only capital punishment, and domestic police force, but also in this third provision of army for protection from external threats. In Romans 13:4, it is affirmed that civil government "does not bear the sword for nothing."The "sword" in Scripture is equivalent to any military weapon used today, even nuclear weapons. The only thing that would make any weapons "immoral" is if there is not a sufficient amount to bring "wrath upon one who practices evil."

In an Christian nation if "external threats" have a huge arsenal, there must be at least equal amounts to deter aggression upon innocent human beings. Even Jesus Christ taught his disciples the legitimacy of being armed militarily, saying in Luke 22:36, "Now...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one." This is protective provision.

The fourth is government should "promote the general welfare." Romans 13:4 says civil rulers are servants "to you for good." The common good of all classes of citizens must be promoted by government passage of laws guaranteeing equal opportunity. Notice, our Framers choice of words here: promote, not provide. Scripture makes it clear that God is the provider, not the state or federal government, and that needy individuals are to be cared for by private acts of charity. A Biblical "free-enterprise system" must promote compassionate use of wealth, but socialism or communism is contrary to Biblical definitions of civil government.

Lastly, civil government exists to "secure blessings of liberty." "Blessings" are a gift of one's Creator, not a privilege granted by government. The most basic of these Creator-endowed blessings were defined in the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution which mentions, "life, liberty, pursuit of happiness...and private property." Scripture shows God as the source of life in Genesis 1:27, "And God created man in His own image." He is the author of liberty as well--2 Corinthians 3:17 says, "Where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is liberty;" and Leviticus 25:10 says, "Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants." Scripture also defines God as the source of private property and "the pursuit of happiness" as expresses in the Declaration of Independence. Ecclesiastes 5:19 states, "For every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, He has also empowered him to eat from them...and rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of God."

When our Founders declared independence from England, they were well aware that great oppression was possible, not only when power is concentrated in a "monarchy", but also in the hands of "an elite"(such as The Federal Reserve Board who banks are owned by Rothschild and Rockerfeller etc.). Parliament was a national legislature with supreme authority. When our Founders drafted the Articles of Confederation in 1777, a National Congress was established but with very little power. The confederation placed supreme authority in the 13 state legislatures. The Continental Congress was mere a "committee of the 13 SOVEREIGN STATES" and its "President" was simply a "chairman" elected annually. Our Founders wanted to keep power decentralized.

In contrast to today these who want to centralize the authority in our nation, Our Founders, after they had apportioned most of the powers of government to the states, went even further, due to their mistrust of sinful men, and separated the few and limited powers of the NATIONAL government into three branches that would check each other. James Madison wrote: "The accumulation of all powers, legislature, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands whether of one, a few, or many...may justly be pronounced the very definition of TYRANNY." Thusly, the government was broken into these three divisions because that is how the Bible defined God's government of the universe in Isiah 33:22--"For The Lord is our judge (Chief Justice), the Lord is our lawgiver (Legislature), the Lord is our King (Chief Executive); He will save us". Since God is perfect and infallible, He can possess all three powers and still be just and fair, but not sinful man.

Our government therefore---specifically the first three Articles of The Constitution--- is reflection of The Church's government. God providentially shaped the colonization of America in such a way that democracy, aristocracy and monarchy would be blended together in a balanced Christian Republic---the first in history!

Besides bringing internal liberty to man, the introductions of Christianity in a nation will also manifest itself externally in political freedom. Also a government acting on Biblical principles is needed for a Christian economy. Government is the House in which the economy lives." It's policies must promote and protect economic freedom of that nation.

Economic freedom will then flow from personal and governmental freedom. This freedom includes a peoples freedom to own their own property...to choose their own occupation...to keep the fruits of there labors...to buy and sell in a free market, where wages and prices are determined not by government mandate or some Federal Reserve Board Chairman jerking the interest rates around, but by voluntary exchanges of FREE men and women with the "price" thereof being determined by need and supply and demand..

In a Christian society, men and women will be inspired by God to work. In addition, in a nation of economic freedom, men and women will be able to partake of the fruit of their labors which will encourage them to exert more energy. As men and women exert more energy and works harder, their material welfare and that of its nation) will increase.

A secular society will lack faith in God's Providence and consequently they will find fewer natural resources. The secular or socialist society has a limited resource mentality and views the world as a pie (there is only so much) that needs to be cut up so that everyone can get a piece. In contrast, the Christian knows the potential in God is unlimited and that there is no shortage of resources in God's earth. The resources are waiting to be tapped.

A far cry from todays standards. While application of Christian principles have caused the material welfare to increase greatly, this came at the expense of a greater life and liberty in other areas.The pressure to succeed is so great today, that many literally "sold-out" to their jobs and work so much that have no time for anything else. In a Christian economy people will earn more with less work which means: People will have more free-time for worship of God, Home Schooling and instruction, recreation, and service to others. People will have more money to give to Churches, charities, and foreign missionary efforts.

While America has in recent years abandoned some of the principles that produced our prosperity, we are still the most prosperous nation in the world. The best way to compare the real wealth of the people of one country with the wealth of the people of another is how many hours of work it takes a factory worker to earn the money needed to buy the same basic commodities in retail stores in that particular country. To purchase a loaf of bread, a "factory worker' must work 18 minutes in Moscow, 12 minutes in London, and 7 minutes in Washington DC. Lets look at an average car like a Ford, that work time is 35 months in Moscow, 8.5 months in London, and 4.1 months in Washington DC.

On the contrary, the primary reason that nations are in poverty is lack of spiritual resources and truth and a secular world-view. No offense intended here, but India is a good example of how a people's religion DIRECTLY AFFECTS its economic prosperity. Today, India has widespread hunger problems, yet those are not due to lack of food, but are a result of the peoples religious beliefs. The majority of India's people are Hindus.

The Hindu religion teaches that people who die are reincarnated as animals; therefore, their laws and religions prohibit the people from killing rats, mice, cows or other animals. There are 200 million "sacred cows" in India. Each cow eats enough to feed seven people. The feed from these cows alone would feed 1.4 billion people which incidentally is over 1/4 the world's population. The rice and rats, which they will not kill, eat much of their grains well. This grain, not to mention the meat from the cows, would supply plenty of food for all the starving people of India. The economic state of a Nation depends upon its religion!!!

So, my point is material welfare increases in a Christian Society because Christian "faith and character" help enlarge production. But the "profit motive" (aka our Capitalist American Society) or the economic incentives of "freedom" are also important. The profit motive provides individuals the NEEDED INCENTIVE in a Christian free economy based on individual enterprise." History shows that in a Christian free economy...men and women tend to invent more and better tools, invest more in producing those tools more efficiently than in a secular society with limited economic freedom.

For example, in recent years many nations that have operated on communistic economic principles, which eliminate the "profit motive", have been allowing more individual enterprise because it CAUSES people to be more productive. Two such nations are Russian and China (Rous and Gog & Magog).

Russia has allowed "each farming family 2-3 acres of ground to operate privately and sell its produce in the local market. These tiny private farm plots produce more meat, vegetables, and fruit than all of the huge government farms combined."

Communal farming with no individual incentive does not even work with Christian who have common vision, goals, and purposes. The Pilgrims gave us this valuable lesson from history in their first 2 years in America. Compelled by the contract with their financial backers, the Pilgrims farmed the land communally. the lack of incentive to work resulted in such a poor crop that the Pilgrims almost starved to death during their first two winters.

To alleviate this problem, the leaders shifted to an individual enterprise system where every family farmed their own parcel of land, and ate the fruit of their own labor. This had very good success; for it made all hands very industrious...The women now went WILLINGLY into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn, which before would allege one had a weakness, and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression. They produced an abundant crop and never lacked for food again. Their example shows that the "taking away of property, and brining in community into a common wealth does not make people happy or CAUSE them to flourish as it would seem modern mankind, such as Marx, have espoused!

And finally, I wish to touch on Honest Money. A biblical Christian economy will have a honest money system. A honest citizen will not steal from another citizen whether in marketplace or as neighbor; and a honest civil government will not steal from its citizens by use of FIAT MONEY!!! Leviticus 19:35-37 states " You shall do no wrong in judgment, in measurement of weight,or capacity. You shall have just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin: I am the Lord Your God, who brought you out from the land of Egypt. You shall thus observe all MY statutes, and all MY ordinances, and DO them: I am the Lord."

Money is a commodity. It is something of GENUINE value in the marketplace, whether cattle, fur skins, spices, coconuts, shells, silver or gold-- all of which have in history been used as "money". Historically, "exchange" began with barter. Money simply makes "exchange" easier and more efficient as people can trade their "goods" for "money" and use the "money" to buy other things they want or need. In the Bible money was silver or gold, a precious metal. This is money based on principle.

Paper money initially is not money. It is a SUBSTITUTE for money, and is useful because it is difficult to fold coins into a wallet. But if paper money is"honest" it will always be BACKED by a specific amount of real, "hard" money, and is redeemable at any time.

America was on a gold standard through-out most of our history. In 1933, we shifted to a silver standard. In 1968, our silver certificates were "replaced" (my word here stolen) by Federal Reserve Notes thus eliminating HONEST MONEY from our nation. When we had HONEST MONEY there was never any prolonged inflation in this nation. Today paper money is not backed by anything except the government's promise that it is good. Compared to a 1932 dollar, the dollar today is worth about 5 cents...did you catch that.. a mere 5 pennies? It is interesting to note that an ounce of gold today will purchase about the same amount of goods that an ounce of gold bought 60 years ago.

Money with no precious metal backing, fiat money, allows the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT to spend more than it collects in taxes, because the FED (FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD) can print new "money" (increase the money supply) anytime there is a need. This is inflationary. Inflation is THEFT. Biblical law, thou shall not Steal!

One of the Biblical signs of a nation backsliding is the condition of its currency and the degree of honesty in its weights and measures. When nations began backsliding in history, dross (common-based metal) began to appear in their coinage. In rebuking Israel of old from turning from God, Isaiah points out how "your silver has become dross". (Isaiah 1:22).

To the average American today, inflation means an increase in prices. This, however, is simply the SYMPTOM of the National Government increasing the money supply to pay for their budget deficits. When the money supply is increased, either through printing more money or credit-expansion, the PURCHASING POWER of each dollar fails, and businesses must increase the prices they charge to keep up with their own higher costs. In effect, raising the "COST of living" and lowering the "STANDARD of Living". The only one to benefit from inflation is the first to spend money, (ie. the government). It is a HIDDEN form of tyrannical taxation because as the government spends more and more money created from thin air, the purchasing power of the citizens bank account goes down and down.

INFLATION IS OUTRIGHT THEFT! As I stated earlier remember the Bible declares, "thou shalt not steal" (Exodus 20:15). If a private citizen decides to set up a printing press and make some money, he is called a criminal (counterfeiting) and thrown into jail; if the government does the same thing it is called "monetizing the debt" or "stimulating the economy". What is the difference?

Inflation discourages savings by promoting a "spend now" attitude. It encourages "debt", DECEIVES PEOPLE about pay increases and future wealth accumulations, is a hidden theft tax, and decreases capital available for investment.

To get rid of inflation we should abolish the central bank (Federal Reserve), repeal all tender laws, and return to a gold warehouse receipt standard. In addition, we must also end fractional reserve banking...and do it now!

Banks were places for the safe keeping of money. People who used this service paid a fee for it. Gradually, banks began to act not only as warehouses to store money, but as intermediaries between savers who were willing to lend, and others who wanted to borrow. Banks could only loan out what they had in "reserve". If a bank was lending your money for you, you could not get it back until the borrower repaid it. You earned interest for your investment.

Today, American banks,International banks, and most banks in other nations have a fractional reserve banking system. Banks only need to keep a small percentage of "cash" in their vaults (around 10%), and can loan the rest. This is "inflationary" because "money" is created through the loaning process.

A persons property is what ever he has exclusive right to possess and control. Property is FIRST "internal" A persons conscience is his most precious aspect of property because it tells him what is right and wrong in his actions. Each person in a free government must be a good steward of his conscience and keep it clear. By doing so, he will know what is right and wrong from "within" and, therefore, he will be able to live his life in a right manner. How one takes care of his internal property will determine how he takes care of his external property. Governments exist to protect property of every sort, most importantly, liberty of conscience.

Before any property can be taken from us, we must give our consent. If our property can be taken without our consent, then we really have no property. This is why any taxes imposed by government on its citizens must be done by Elected Representatives of The People. We give our consent to taxes or laws affecting our property rights through our representatives. If they do not represent our views, we should work to replace them in a LAWFUL MANNER!

Congress refuses to balance its budget as a routine practice.. there has been only one balanced budget in the last 47 years. How do they get away with what every state government and private business and individual would be put in jail for? The answer is that they just print up more money. More FIAT Money. More DISHONEST money!!!!

The Constitution says in Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 5 that CONGRESS only has power "to coin money". In James Madison's notes of the Constitutional Convention he sys that originally the delegates considered allowing the Congress to "emit bills of credit" or (paper money), but Madison records that the phrase was struck out in order "to shut and bar the door against paper money." Later in Section 10, Paragraph 1, it states that only "gold and silver coin" would be legal "tender in the payment of debts." Andrew Jackson said: " It is apparent from the whole context of the Constitution as well as the history of the time which gave birth to it, that it was the purpose of the Convention to establish a currency consisting of the precious metals."

For about 80 years we had just that. But during the emergency of the Civil War, we began using paper money and never stopped. At least it was redeemable in gold or silver upon demand until 1933 when Franklin Delano Roosevelt used economic "emergency" powers to abolish the gold standard. Then, in 1968, the silver standard was suspended and our currency became completely unredeemable--merely "fiat" money. Now every time Congress wishes to pay off some of its excessive spending, instead of facing the public with higher taxes, it simply orders more money to be printed by the Federal Reserve and then it borrows it. When this happens everyone's money is automatically devalued in its purchasing power. It is a hidden tax; a "form" of theft.

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's."

"In the United States the Constitution is our Caesar. We are bound to pay what it stipulates is our due. BUT, neither citizens nor civil representatives must assume that Jesus gave rulers a blank check in the area of taxation...Paul informs citizens to pay taxes due to civil authorities (Romans 13:7). Notice that Paul does not say "WHAT THEY WANT." The state must limit taxing authority to those areas specified by God's Word. For the most part, our original Federal Constitution (prior to the 1913 passage of the 16th Amendment) has been faithful to the biblical mandate of limited taxation for a specific limited function....The tax limiting effects of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8), seemingly were nullified with the passage of the 16th Amendment in 1913 with the introduction of the Federal Reserve Banking System. This amendment effectively gave The Federal Government unlimited taxing power.

This amendment also gave us the progressive income tax, which is an NON-BIBLICAL means of taxation that destroys personal property rights. These oppressive "forms" of taxation have come upon our nation as we have refused to govern and provide for ourselves as God intended us to do. When Israel stopped wanting to be self-governed and asked for a king to rule over them, they got a king with greater centralization of power. One consequence of this was the confiscation of their property through taxes (see 1 Samuel 8).

In conclusion, in America there are 3 types of Tyranny Taxes:

1: Income Tax- Another word for taxes is tribute. If God requires only 10% (tithe), to give civil government more would indicate the giving of greater "allegiance". This is Idolatry!

2: Property Tax- "Civil government in the United States, in direct violation of biblical law, owns all the land in the country, and rents some it to its citizens. If you do not pay the property tax (rent) you will be evicted irregardless as to whether the bank loan or mortgage on your home and/ or land is paid on time or even paid off! THIS IS THEFT! The government has no right whatsoever to tax property, and the principle of eminent domain is a claim to deity. It is specifically forbidden in Scripture (1 Samuel 8:14; 1 Kings 21; Ezekiel 46:18).

3: Inheritance Tax - "Nowhere does the Bible allow the fruit of a man's labor to be taken from him after he dies and before his children receive it. This is one way that they kingdom is continued and built. Godly children should not have to start at the bottom when they begin. This increases the wealth in the Kingdom of God.

In a Christian economy the children will be wealthier than their parents because the estate will continue to grow and be built up with each generation.

In the America of our Founders and the Bible mentions two kinds of taxes:

1: HEAD TAX or POLL TAX (Ezekiel 30:11-16) -- This tax supported the state in it's duties. It was an uniform tax that each male over 20 paid. It was of necessity small so the poor would not be oppressed in paying it.

2: TITHE-- A tenth of each person's increase was given to the priest and Levites for them to meet the necessary ecclesiastical and societal functions of society. It supports the church and the aspects of welfare, education, and other Godly social needs. We could say the tithe is a "tax" on people income. If citizens would tithe, the amount of money the civil government would need to collect would be drastically less.

"Providence has given our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christian for their rulers".

A Cliff-Notes version of What The American Dream is and what a Christian Nation is:

* It is about having a strong people and a weak government.

* It is about the right of every citizen to keep the fruits of his labor.

* It is about the sanctity of each individual's natural right to maintain sole dominion over his own life.

* It is about true prosperity - not false prosperity generated through government schemes.

* It is about every individual's natural right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

* It is about self responsibility and self-reliance.

* It is about the opportunity to succeed or fail according to one's own abilities and efforts.

* It is about the freedom to openly criticize the government.

* It is about people being above government.

* ABOVE ALL, the foundational premise of the American Dream is that liberty MUST BE given a higher priority than all other objectives.