Friday, March 26, 2010

Uncle Eds Euology I delivered

My Uncle Ed was my Hero. I was so blessed to have his fatherly guidance in my early life. For to me, he was the Father I never had but always wanted. He was always there for me when I needed him. He taught me so many things like the value of hard work and that all you really have in this world is Your Word…so keep it, protect it and remember that a handshake means more than signing on the dotted line. These precious”gifts” he gave to me were far better than any Nintendo or X-box for he taught me the “game of life” and how to win at “it”.

I was always so struck by how easy Uncle Ed was in his own skin; the way spiritual people often are. He conveyed loyalty, trust; confidence and the quiet assurance that came from a lifetime of simply doing the right thing by people… both the 2- legged kind and the 4- legged ones like Prissy, Lady, and Pepe and so many others along the way.He had this enormous heart and a curiosity about people which permitted him to listen TO you, and then ask just the right questions honed to find out how you got to be “whoever” it is you are…better yet---who is it you want to BECOME and what were you going to do to change things to chart your course in that direction.

I can remember one special day that over the years proved to be that “tipping point” in my life…those scales which determine the direction your life will take. The precise negative incident in my life isn’t important but his response is….Uncle Ed said so warmly “In this life negative critical things will be said about you, and you will not be thrilled, people will be mean and yes it will hurt. Bottom-line, there are way more important things in life than what is written or said “about you” (whether that is GOOD things or BAD things) like your FAMILY and how “authentically” are you living your life.

Uncle Ed was never confused about HIS “inner” world and this tired ole worn out world. Although as a teenager I had to get out the Webster’s dictionary to truly know what authentically meant, I got it!He continued to “inject” HIS KIND SPIRIT into each of us along the way almost like a “special inoculation” to ward off the darkness that threatens daily to snuff out the light.

Uncle Ed was always seemingly on this special mission and never waited for things to happen …he was “pro-active”, needing to feel as if he was getting on with “his journey”. I listened when he said “there are some things in this life that you are going to experience pain from, and when it happens you just HAVE to dust yourself off and move-on.He did this his entire life with a smile on his face and love in his heart. He lived an “authentic” life. In so doing, he made each of us gathered here today feel “less alone” and “more courageous..

Even though my dearest Uncle Ed has left this earth, he will never leave my heart, my memory or my life! As I have shared with some, there is a rocking chair in the midst of my mind where he sits and his memory will endure as a blessing forever. His death will definitely serve as a reminder of a life well spent. Over the years his example of authentic living taught me that the great use of life is to “spend it” for something that will outlast it, make daily “deposits” of genuine care, compassion and love into the lives of those around you, and when “withdrawals” are needing from the hearts of others…receive it with a grateful attitude for no-one has to be kind.

As each of us looks back on the time and energy He gave to us...we will truly know just how rich we have been. I love you Uncle Ed, you have forever deposited a legacy into my of hard work, the value of character, and giving of ones self to the greater good! What a legacy: I salute you.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


down the worn path to the lake
their faces grew solemn and sad
Each pulled up a weathered
white Adirondack chair to face her

sipping the southern sweetened ice tea
awaiting them in tall, crystal glasses
With each sip the ice tinkled sounding
like the river tumbling rocks

the old Lady passed them a tray
of her fresh homemade molasses cookies
they noticed her hands were wrinkled
and rough with grass stains from pulling weeds

They said "We must go now"
as their smart phones vibrated and chimed
reminding them of the next appointment
with those "potential clients" back in the city

she followed them slowly to the worn path
waving them goodbye as they scurried along
"She must be so very lonely" they said
as they each listened to their voice-mails

She watched them get into their car
and drive away back to their busyness
Then she crumbled the cookies
on the deck and patiently waited

She saw her wood folk family coming
The squirrels, chipmunks and the colorful birds
"Don't worry little ones they'll be back"
"They must be so very lonely" she said

A Buried Love


memories fade
and roses die...
like old photographs
of days gone by.

We made each other laugh.
We made each other cry.
While Love's epitaph reads
"Keep it Precious" as we lie...
side by side - our coffins closed.
Sealing tight within a Truth no one knows.

Shared only between us
No one else
Quietly I loved
while someone put on a shelf
their heart
to die a lonely death.
Teresa D. Smith

" When you love someone,
the BEST THING you can offer
is your PRESENCE.

To be loved means
as existing"
Thich Nhat Hanh